• Ei tuloksia

Treguenda: [Aradian Sabbat] Aradia's followers meet every month at the full moon Aradia Invoking: At Midnight during a full moon, Witches invoke the spirit of Aradia

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 122-128)

Conjuration of Cain: Cain is conjured as a lunar spirit and asked to foretell the future

Diana Conjuration: Diana is implored and constrained to perform the Witches wishes

Cain has always been at the center of true Satanism, or at the very least placed somewhere

within its offspring in Druidism, Witchcraft, or its Occult Magick. Adepts assert it was Cain

who first used the Craft to mock and debase the Triune Godhead which culminated in the

murderous sacrifice of Abel. Robert Graves in his seminal work titled 'The White Goddess'

which contains the traditional verse sung during the Witch's Sabbat known as 'The Coal

Black Smith,' clearly pays homage to Tubal-Cain as a "Kenite Goat-god" in a treatise of its

lyrics whereby the connection is made between Scottish Witchcraft, its Horned God, and

the art of smithing. Tubal-Cain thus became associated with the most ancient Horned God

who is still worshipped the world over. Being greatly influenced by Graves, the twentieth

century London Occultist Robert Cochrane known for his own contributions to modern

Witchcraft formed his magickal Coven "The Clan of Tubal Cain."

The Basic Steps to Becoming a Dianic [Satanic] Witch

*Be sponsored by a member or approched by the [a] Devil.

*Renounce all previous religious [namely Christian] vows.

*Swear to obey the Devil and sign a pact to this effort.

*Be rebaptised and take a new [non-Christian] Witch name.

*Be branded with the Devil's Mark and drink blood from a ritual sacrifice.

*A snakeskin Garter is optionally worn on left leg to denote the Witches rank.

The cult, although 'Dianic' after the famous description of night-riding with Diana in the [Vatican's] Canon Episcopi worshipped the Devil, the male horned god. The prospective Witch joined through several marked ceremonies of admission. Having been approved they would renounce all previous religious vows and take new ones to Satan, to obey him and make over to him both body and soul without reservation. This verbal contract would then be reinforced with a written pact or signed covenant. Covens comprise of thirteen.

From 'Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History' p. 67, 90, 100-101, 130-131, 136


On May 14, 1607, a Masonic group calling themselves “Virginia Company” landed a group of colonists in Jamestown, Virginia

, where the first Masonic secret society was set up. The fact that the London's Masonic Hall already had their hands in the creation of the United States by 1607 proves without any doubt, from the very onset, America

was created to be a Masonic nation that would be forever linked with the Masonic elements within England. The lofty ideals of this element of the Anglo-conspiracy created by English Freemasons surprisingly

came about in part by the literary

works of Sir Francis Bacon author of The New Atlantis in 1627

. Bacon is said to have "exerted a considerable and beneficial influence on the forming of America," the understanding being that the Freemasons were going to build for themselves,

a New Atlantis, a powerful utopian society which would be a Masonic light and leader of the world

. Almost immediately after the novel was published, Christoph Nicolai began claiming that a grand, Anglo-American,

cross-Atlantic conspiracy was underway between American Freemasons and prominent English Freemasonry and Rosicrucians in London to

conceal secret political efforts to restore the exiled Scottish House of Stuart, as well as rebuild the Temple of Solomon in America

(since there was no 'Kingdom of Israel' at that time), whereby ever since, the persistent rumors of a grand Masonic conspiracy of London and American societies have never wavered from that time to this. One thing is certain, after the formation of the new Druidic Grand Lodge built in London in the year 1717, the ranks of Freemasonry surged as increasingly more Freemasons were enamored of the Atlantis conspiracy, even if it meant

treason and war with the armies of the then British King. In time, as the plan took root across the Atlantic, what was once seen as a purely Puritan Christianized America obviously became something altogether much different

within 97 years of

its inception once its new "Founding Fathers" came to power

* bringing with them the ancient precepts and

secrets of the Egyptian and Mystery traditions thru the so-called 'Scottish Rite' handed down to them from the Knights Templar, the Merovingians, and that vanquished Celtic Order of Solar-worshipping priests before them. They wasted no time in establishing themselves as

architects of this New Atlantis weaving their Occult tenants into the fabric of the

new Anglo-American government


*Read Article

America's Arcane Origins: The Founding Fathers and Occult Freemasonry

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Ancient Knights Templar to Today's Freemasons

The very same ancient and Occult symbology carried over from Scotland and England

derived from the York/Scottish Rite and Bavarian Illuminati quickly took root in America, just as the Masonic Founding Fathers imposed their

own powerful influences onto every facet of the New Atlantic Kingdom. The earliest evidences of British-Israelism were dislayed through the Masonic secret

language of symbols even then, more clearly seen in the modern version

of the Great Seal today

. Just as the Biblical Kings and prophets were each given divine revelations often times thru the guidance of an Angel, America's first President, George Washington,

himself a Masonic Master, was reported to

have prophetic visions about America

already foreseeing the future greatness and power of the New Masonic Kingdom. Despite the efforts of the despised King George, there was no stopping it. A New England was to be created

across the Atlantic and become vastly more powerful than the original, however, what those who weren't privy to the Masonic

plan couldn't realize at that time is that the new Masonic nation was never going to cut its ties

with England completely

, quite the contrary, it only waited for a time when even the ruling powers in England would themselves become Masonic, and the two

governments would be as allies, thereby establishing the Masonic dream of raising up a New Atlantis, a united venture of Freemasonry

which changed the world. It is this same bizarre notion that even now unites the secret Masonic commonwealth governments of

America and Britain today, the

same nations who are behind every global Anglo-Masonic conspiracy during the last three centuries

. However, a perfect world for tomorrow cannot be built without the blood of countless innocents at the hands of Masonic executioners, then, and even moreso today, where there exists a Satanic hierarchy within Great Britain and America, to prop

up their so-called "Trans-Atlantic Alliance" [Atlantis] still working behind the veil, controlling world events thru the use of assassinations, sabotage, political intrigue, puppet governments, tyranny, and wars.

A sobering study of the signed treaties and charters between Britain and the United States exposes a shocking truth that the United States has always been and still is a British Colony. King James I was famous, not for just changing the Bible into the King James version, but for signing the First Charter of Virginia in 1606. That Charter granted America’s British forefathers a license to settle and colonize America. The Charter also guarantees that future Kings and Queens of England would have sovereign authority over all the citizens and colonized land in America stolen from the Indians. Although King George III of England gave up most of his claims over the American colonies, he kept his right to continue receiving payment for his business venture of colonizing America. One century later a corrupt US Congress committed the biggest theft in world history. They passed Paul Warburg’s Federal Reserve Act in 1913 handing over America’s gold and silver reserves, and total

control of America’s economy, to the Rothschild banksters. Most Americans still believe that their Federal Reserve, is owned and controlled by the American Government, however, it is not. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned banking system

whose majority Class A shareholders are many, including the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Kuhn and Loeb, J.P. Morgan, Rockefellers, Israel Seiff and the Lehman Brothers. This private banking cartel is also known as the Federal Reserve and is

never audited and never pays taxes. All of today’s think tanks originate from the Committee of 300 and include "the Round Table," the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), the United Nations, the Bilderbergs, the Club of Rome, RIIA Royal Institute

of International Affairs, and the Trilateral Commission founded by David Rockefeller. Like a Evil family tree all connected to London,

these examples of world controllers listed above all have their own connections to the Black Nobility

, founders of the Committee of 300, ultimately governed by whichever Templar-Chosen Monarchy rules in England;

which shall be Windsor's til the end.


Several American President's have common lineage that can be traced to the Royals of France, Scotland, and England

, and wherever else the Merovingian Bloodline has traveled, which then paints a picture that the United States of America is no more its own sovereign entity,

than a mere British Masonic proxy controlling global events for the usurped Cainite Windsor Crown of England

. America's former reigning President George W. Bush, the Skull and Bonesman who has obviously been seated in the White House by some extremely powerful people pulling the strings, has certainly carried out the Antichrist agenda during his two terms in Office, most recently to the point of wanting to

create that seven-year Peace Covenant with Israel, the same seven-year treay which the future British Antichrist later confirms. Clearly, certain Presidents in American history, therefore, have subjected themselves to, and fallen right in line with

the Anglo-American 'Atlantis' ideology, itself being the grand undertaking of certain families of the British, Scottish, and now American Merovingian families that are aligned squarely with the Stuart and Windsor branches. The very fact that such insolent men such as George W. Bush can even attain such heights of power all but proves the hidden connections going on

behind the scenes all the more. Conclusively, these Monarchial-connected Kings we call Presidents who are temporarily called the "most powerful man in the world" during their tenures in office, are to represent by lineage and archetype that coming and final most powerful man, the Merovingian Antichrist because just like the Antichrist, notable U.S. Presidents must have a European Bloodline that can be traced back to the ancient Merovingian Kings of the Satanic 'Holy Grail.' It should be no surprise therefore that both of the 2008

candidates John McCain and Barack Obama are each connected thru a branch leading back to the Merovingian Kings of Europe

. I believe it was David Icke who

said it best: "American Presidents are not elected by ballot, they are selected by Bloodline."

*Read Article


*Read Article

President Obama's Rise Due to Blue-Blood Ancestry or Power of American Dream

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FREEMASONRY: A Political Force

Throughout the centuries, these Blood families have played major roles in their involvement with the greatest conspiracy ever

perpetuated on mankind spurred on by the belief that theirs is a Royal Lineage going back to Jesus

Christ (actually Cain)

and that it is their Divine Right to rule the world, or so they are inherently deceived to believe, conjuring a global Manifest Destiny, as it were. Most recently, we see Mitt Romney has entered into his race against Obama, yet knowing how Mormons deem such great importance on "holy bloodlines" believed to be derived from British Ango-Saxon and ultimately Israel, how could even he not fall into this same agenda whereby the Illuminati have only given us "choices"

from among their own extended roster hinged on British-Israelism? Of course, ideas circulating about "Light" and "freedom"

which ultimately became the basis for the founding of America, had their more humble beginnings at Masonic meeting-houses, by which they conspired against God and nation. Tracing the lineage back to the 1719 London Hellfire Club founder,

Philip, Duke of Wharton, who set up his etablishment as a meeting place for “persons of quality” who wished to take part in

"immoral acts" dedicated to Satan, we find just how well rich, powerful elites and so-called "pillars of society" love to secretly engage in every evil that such secretive societies offer. In fact, most of the members of Philip's Hellfire Club comprised of

London politicians. The Club motto went with the philosophy of “Fais ce que tu voudras” (Do what thou wilt) a philosophy associated with François Rabelais’ "Abbey at Thélème" and later used by Aleister Crowley, renowned Satanist and founder

of the Church of Satan, in 1966. The Club's earliest "practices" were believed to be rigorously Pagan with Bacchus and Venus as the Deities of honor who were legendarily sacrificed to while nymphs and hogsheads were laid in against he festivals of the new church. The Irish Hellfire Club was founded in 1735 by Richard Parsons, the 1st Earl of Rosse. The president of the Club was Richard Chappell Whaley, a descendant of Oliver Cromwell and was known as “Burn Chapel”

Whaley since he had the thirst for setting fires to Catholic churches. Wharton's Hellfire Club came to an end in 1721 when George I, under the influence of Wharton's political enemies, put forward a Bill against 'horrid impieties' of the then notorious

Hellfire Club, which by that time even included several rumored rapes and murders. Wharton's political opposition used his membership as a way to pit him against his political allies, thus removing him from parliament. After his Club was disbanded,

Wharton became a Freemason, and in 1722 he became the Grandmaster of England.

In 1746, the notorious profligate Sir Francis Dashwood, a member of parliament who was appointed Chancellor of the Exchequer, formed his own Hellfire Club which originally met in London at the George and Vulture Inn to revel in the freedom

now implicitly granted to Witches and pagans alike. Interestingly, taverns of the early eighteenth century were also the frequent meeting places for Masonic lodges, so it is also quite possible that the nascent Hell-Fire Club was initially a cabal

for Jacobite Freemasons, who favored the Scottish House of Stuart's claim to the British throne over that of the German House of Hanover. It is clear that Dashwood fully supported the Jacobite cause. He made the acquaintance of Prince Charles Edward Stuart, then holding court in Rome where they discussed plans to reinstate a future Stuart upon the Throne

of England. In 1762, Dashwood took over the original Hellfire Club and in an effort to ward off any potentially harmful [Christian] outsiders, modestly renamed it 'The Order of Saint Francis' although it was still better known as The Hellfire Club

to those in the know ever since. Dashwood rented Medmenham Abbey and began its restoration. The abbey's library was said to contain an enviable collection of extremely explicit pornography.

Satanists holding power still today, practice

every manner of perversion including child sacrifice

and ritual murder dedicated to evil towards their neighbor, which is worship toward their god, Satan. The Satanic sanctuary called the 'Chapter-room' is the key to understanding the Monks' activities. Its furnishings remain unknown, and consequently the use to which it was put largely remains a mystery, other that they made a great study out of the Hebrew Kaballah, as well as the Jewish Zohar. Also placed prominently in the room were various other, much more pagan books, rooted in the ancient Mystery Schools, as well as a statue of the Roman

fertility Goddess

Bona Dea

, who bears much similarity with the Roman/Italian Goddess, Aradia, as well as Hecate and Diana. Author Michael Howard has interpreted this mention of the Bona Dea, or "good goddess," to mean that Dashwood

practised ancient Druidic rites, having been a member of the 18th century Druidic revival group, 'An Ulieach Druidh Braithreachas.'

The Kabbalah contains such power and demonic teaching, it is more than enough to give the ideology and driving force needed to lead the world astray and to keep such an evil conspiracy alive through the centuries. The Kabbalah is a teaching source of the Freemasons.

John Torrell

The hidden heirs to the Knights Templar devised a method to pass on their sacred knowledge; a system that eventually developed into Freemasonry.

Rosslyn: Guardian of the Secrets of the Holy Grail p. 126

Masonic lore states that surviving Templars banded together in Scotland and eventually established the basic tenants of Freemasonry which was based on [Templar] secret teachings.

Essential Wicca p. 425

Masonic orders have contained the most influential men in many governments, and virtually every Occult order has Masonic roots.

Satanic Church Founder Anton Szandor LaVey, The Satanic Rituals, p. 78

One of these two so-called leaders even said they called the FBI and turned us in as being a Satanic cult. This again is amusing. The Brotherhood has many connections in the Law Enforcement and Justice Systems. Many of our High clergy are

Freemasons and other related Secret Society members.

Druwydion Pendragon, Brotherhood of Satan

The Masonic Movement is [a] custodian of law, holder of the Mysteries, and the seat of initiation, a far more Occult organization than can be realized, intended to be the training school for coming advanced Occultists.

Alice Bailey

In 1762, the British people were surprised to learn that their Prime Minister, The Marquis of Bute, along with The Chancellor of the Exchequer, were members of this same Satanic organisation. In 1770, Dashwood and his fellow

Mason Benjamin Franklin produced a plan of reconciliation for Britain and her increasingly rebellious colonies in North


. The plan was ignored, with well-known consequences. Benjamin Franklin officially joined The Hellfire Club in 1772. [In 1998, workmen restoring Franklin's London home dug up the remains of six children and four adults hidden below

the home. The London Times reported on February 11, 1998: Initial estimates are that the bones are about 200 years old and were buried at the time Franklin was living in the house, which was his home from 1757 to 1762, and from 1764 to 1775.

Most of the bones show signs of having been dissected, sawn or cut. One skull has been drilled with several holes. Upon interview, Paul Knapman, the Westminster Coroner, said "I cannot totally discount the possibility of a crime. There is still a possibility that I may have to hold an inquest."] On moonlit nights during the reign of England's King George III, immensely powerful members of His Majesty's Government, important intellectuals, and influential artists could sometimes be seen travelling up the Thames River by gondola to a ruined abbey near West Wycombe. There, to the sonorous tolling of the deconsecrated cloister's bell, they dressed in monkish robes and indulged in every manner of depravity, culminating in a Black Mass celebrated on the naked body of a debauched noblewoman and presided over by that notorious rake Sir Francis


Their diabolical devotions concluded, the inner circle would adjourn to plot the course of the Anglo-British Empire

. In 1781, Dashwood's nephew Joseph Alderson founded the Phoenix Society, established as a symbolic rising from the ashes of the Hellfire Club. The Phoenix Common Room's continuous history until the present day is

a matter of great pride to Brasenose College, Oxford.

*Read Article

The Masonic Round Table of Illuminist Cecil Rhodes

*Read Article

The Astor Bloodline

America was and still is fulfilling her role as the New Atlantis

, following an occult timeline which seemingly ends in the year 2010. From very early on in the government's formation, the idea was formulated that Washington DC would become the capitol city for this New Atlantis and so that no one could ever make any mistake as to the real architects and

master builders of this new nation, the Masonic Square and Compass was built right into the Washington layout, as an Occult signiture. To further mark it as such, other

ancient symbols of the many past heritages of Freemasonry

would be built right into the DC landscape

. Deriving their Cainite heritage from the ancient Templars, Greco-Romans, Egyptians, and Druids, certain government centers and historical monuments were built in methodical ways, each perfectly aligned to certain constellations in the stars, imbuing the city with mystical power. The Freemasons wanting to mark their historical fathers into this layout of Atlantis, the four influences of Templar, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, and Druidic can still be seen today.

For the Knights Templar, their Maltese Cross was built near the US Capitol itself

. To show their connection with Egypt,

the Washington monument was built using the solar scale of 666 inches created

in the shape of a white obelisk

, the Egyptian Solar/phallus Sun-God symbol whose own bloodline fathered such a kingdom. The ancient Greek and Roman influences (who patterned their ancient pillared buildings after Atlantis) is also built

right into the most important of DC buildings, such as the Capital building, Lincoln Memorial, and White House. Lastly, to show their connection to Druidism and its witchcraft, the layout

denotes several Druidic symbols such as the Three



Triple Tau


Solar Circle





. Perhaps as a fifth connection the Freemasons wanted to make is that with ancient Israel itself, as the Square and Compass symbol itself was adopted knowing two

more lines would also form a Star of David

, a

symbol clearly seen in the form of 13 stars and placed on the U.S. Dollar Bill

. As their collective name hints at, the Freemason's, being the Master Occult builders of our age, carry on the work of Occult builders going back to the Knights Templars, who using the mysterious art called Sacred Geometry, built Occult-inspired Cathedrals on certain nodes of power in Europe which when seen from above, form perfectly drawn pentagrams and Occult geometrical alignments denoting the area's Satanic purposes of that time while also being linked to the larger Antichrist plan. Before the Knights Templar were the

Celtic Druids themselves, who placed large standing stones

on very ancient and sacred sites of telluric power aligned with ley lines


The Atlantic nations who follow these Masonic principals now control the world, dictating a global policy

that favors their will alone, despite the will of the other nations which their Anglo-Zionist and prejudiced policy negatively affects, and it is this which incites, infuriates, and makes increasingly hateful enemies of nations who do not subscribe to the

Anglo-Masonic tenants and beliefs, namely the Antichrist-serving element within global Masonic Zionism. At times such as these they are quick to forget their own history, when Atlantis itself was cast into the sea as a sign unto any future nations which would be foolish enough to follow her lead. Moroever, one should also remember, Satan will use whatever "Atlantis" or

Roman Empire which happens to exist at any point in history, during any given generation, to ultimately achieve his own aim of world dominance until that nation is used, destroyed, and another arises in its place. It is his very ancient plan toward a global version of false Utopia which has been under way since Eden, that seeks to recreate,

albeit counterfeitly, a One

World-Eden to dominate all nations with its marked children of Cain in complete control

, while giving all worship to the Forgotten Father. Presidents of this current New Atlantis therefore are themselves only mere front men to the

Great Work, putting forth its policies, citing its globalist agenda, carrying us and the rest of the world along in its epic quest toward global unity under the Masonic God of light. For just as there are inner and outer-caste societies within globalized

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 122-128)
