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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 47-51)

The number thirteen itself is intrinsically linked to the Knights Templar as they were known to be finally found guilty of Satanic worship on Friday the 13th, 1307, a day that has lived in infamy and superstition ever since, add to this the fact that the last full year of Templar reign was the year 1313, that the Templars were active in preparing the world for the coming of the Merovingian Antichrist, that the Antichrist first appears in the Book of Revelation in the 13th Chapter, and you have either the greatest coincidence ever, or the greatest conspiracy and cover-up. Princess Diana herself was indeed likely

exterminated for two reasons: 1) To cause a shocked world in the wake of her death to venerate her as a form of Goddess, much like Mary, mother of Christ is worshipped today, perfectly setting the stage for her progeny. 2) To cause a rather unique global adoration for her two sons, which her untimely death has certainly created for them on both counts.

To the Windsor's Diana had already served her purpose

as a Royal "breeding sow" and was therefore expendable. One book which detailed the connections the Occult had with Princess Diana very early on was aptly titled Diana: Queen of Heaven by Rayelan Allan explaining the many fascinating coincidences between

Diana and her connections with the Merovingian Kings and the Temple Knights

. '

The Hidden Evidence' by Jon King

speaks directly to the cabal of powerful men who help lead the Royal Family to arrange the doomed Royal marriage between her and Prince Charles in the Summer of 1981, and ever since, proceeded to stalk her every move which eventually led to her untimely death. There have been all kinds of conspiracy theories as to why Diana was killed, everything from her being pregnant with a Muslim child, to the fear of her writing a book against the Royals, even to her and her land mine campaign being scheduled to travel to Israel, in the latter part of 1997, to meet Yassir Arafat and other Palestinian leaders, in order to side with them, against Israel. According to that theory, the secret powers monitoring her couldn't have the mother of the future World King (and

"Messiah" to Israel), and/or the mother of a muslim child, especially, making such statements against the State of Israel. She was already very successful in tearing down Prince Charles in the eye of the world. In fact, many believed she was killed on order by Charles himself, because she said in interview that Charles would make for a terrible future King, and that only her son(s) could save the future of the Monarchy.

*Read Article

Hidden Meanings Behind Princess Diana’s Death and Memorial

The 13th Illuminati Bloodlines also known as the

Merovingian is the purest of the Satanic lineages from Cain to Antichrist

. The descendants of this most ancient of bloodlines has given birth to some of the most infamous world leaders as well as the oldest of Occult fraternities steeped in odd, if not deadly, secrecy. Not all are known by name yet most are known by the pagan religions and organizations developed: Celtic Druidry and Witchcraft certainly counted among them, as well as the ancient Mystery Schools of Europe, Egyptian sorcery, Black Magick Templarianism of the Knights Templar, and Satanism itself. As their own history states, they are direct descendants of Satan's first son, Cain, the first murderer and builder of ancient cities. When God banished Cain from the area of Eden's east, after killing Abel, He placed a unique mark upon him that no one should harm him or his offspring, allowing for them to carry out the ancient prophecy of a 6,000 year old endeavor which ends in the reign of Antichrist, first prophesied in Genesis 3:15-16. Some of the very earliest attempts to account for and trace this seed of Satan were books written which did extensive research and genealogy on the 13 Tribes of Cain. As children, we were told many stories about devilish creatures in high, and low places, and those same stories usually were connected to a Royalty in some way or another, but our parents never told us, neither did they themselves ever learn, that monsters do indeed still control this world. One has to wonder, at this point, if all of those same stories weren't each and everyone, somehow true. How many times am I actually referring to the power of demons, ancient curses, black arts, occult societies, hidden knowledge, legends, magic, vanquished civilizations, bloodlines, or Royalty in this website? What's really intriguing is that how many times has anyone of us come across one of these same people, who were born into such knowledge, or lineage, with their parents actually telling them they are descended from a long line of generational Satanists, with us never even contemplating such people could exist? Could we spot them out of any crowd, now, or are they so well hidden among us, that they would be the very last people we would ever expect? Moreover, how well do any of us know our own ancestry?

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The Cross of Lorraine ‡


Divided by One

Egyptian symbology remains strong and reveals much about their expansive migrations while in the ancient world. Likewise, the Occult number thirteen (13) itself represents Cain and his lineage, from Cain's thirteen sons to the Knights Templar extermination carried out on Friday the 13th, right into modern times with the blood sacrifice of Princess Diana, killed hitting the 13th pillar in an ancient tunnel used for Templar's Satanic human sacrifices. Even more interesting while adding yet another element, there's even a connection made with the Mayan "end of the world" date of December 21, 2012 and with the number 13, as that specific date of

December 21, 2012 (or October 28, 2011?) in the Mayan Calendar is read


. Amazingly, the date of Diana's death is precisely 18 (6+6+6) days after August 13th, which according to author Charles Leland ['Aradia: Gospel of the Witches'] was the ancient "sacred" (Witchcraft) festival day of the Roman and

Celtic Moon Goddess Diana with the number 13 representing the Moon and Diana herself. Furthermore, according to the Italian branch of the Craft mentioned within 'Gospel of the Witches', Lucifer and his consort Diana was believed to have had a magickal Child, a daughter named Aradia on August 13, in the year 1313, and that Aradia served as a type of

Maiden/Messiah (or feminine version of the Antichrist) to those Witches who also worshipped her in addition to Lucifer and Diana. This same Italian sect of Witches who have ancient roots going back to the Roman Empire, numbered themselves in sets of 13, with 13 becoming the basis for Covens ever since. Much like their spiritual kin in ancient Briton, the Celtic Druids, they also held their worship in "sacred groves" near an ancient lake located east of Rome called Lake Nemi, where the ancient Temple of Diana once stood. The stream that flowed into Lake Nemi was said to contain a water nymph called Egeria, which is believed by some scholars to have been an early form or template for the 'Lady of the Lake,' which of itself has 13 letters, as does Princess Diana, as does Prince William. At its core of origin, the number 13, despite all its many historical incarnations and puzzled musings within the Occult, relates directly to Satan and his Son, with Eve, named Q'ayin, whom we more commonly refer to as Cain. Afterward, it was the original 13 Tribes of Cain that spawned throughout Europe (and early America) to secretly rule the world, from a Trans-Atlantic Alliance, they call their New Atlantis.

Preceding the August 11 through 13 ritual, which by the way ends with the day of Hecate (one of their key deities),the bringer of chaos and death, is the July 28th lunar eclipse. This eclipse is also extremely unusual and powerful in that it also involves a Grand Square and the House of Aquarius goes direct - its effect is at full strength. The Moon on this date is a New Moon - a time to plan and cast spells for the plan. During the solar eclipse, the next day and on the Day of Hecate (August 13th), there will be blood sacrifices and also literal sodomization of the intended sacrifices beforehand. This will signify opening the Eye of Horus, opening the passage for the lower fourth dimensional energy and the closing, the shutting down of the human 3rd eye - consciousness on the planet. They will remove the heart and consume it, signifying the taking away the vibrational chakra of love. They will also remove the liver (strength), the eyes (sight), and brain (knowledge, thought, action). They will consume the blood (life force for them). Their ritual acts all encompass and empower them for what they wish to spiritually do to us. What they do is to be given strength which is brought into actual physical being by the solar eclipse, the lunar eclipse, and the grand squares of their ruling planets with those particular energies accompanying the grand squares. The effect on the Earth if they succeed will be terrible. Ultimately, thirteen is the Master Number of Satan, with '13' being his '

Occult Signiture

' that is visibly seen everywhere in his handiwork. Diana died on the 31st of August, 31 in reverse is 13. Thus, 13 also belongs to the Cainite Antichrist himself, P-r-i-n-c-e-W-I-l-l-i-a-m (=13), the earthly completion of Satan's attempt to achieve all that is God's Trinity, whereby 3 are 1. The Venusian number 13 also denoted the stages on the alchemical process leading to death and rebirth. Legends has it that 13 stages were inscribed by Thoth-Hermes as 13 concepts on a tablet called the Emerald Tablet that was made of solid emerald; thus the three stages leading to the creation of

the Philosophers Stone


*Read Chapter Names

LIBER FALXIFER II: The 13th Pointed Star of Qayin's Bloodline

*Read Articles

13 Connected to 666


Sacred 13


Fear of 13


George W. Bush's connection to 13

, and

Revelation Chapter 13


The festival of Diana celebrated by ancient Witches on August 13th, was always marked by a torch that reflected their light off the waters of Lake Nemi, which must have only added to the overall gothic mystique and magickal aura of the ceremony.

The Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft states on page 176 that Diana, as the Moon Goddess, belonged to the "torch-bearing class of deities who themselves were always connected in some manner with the Underworld." Today, while anyone can stand upon the Satanic memorial of Diana in Paris that overlooks the tunnel and site of the pillar where she was killed in 1997 to reflect upon her great

humanitarian spirit and mortality, even as it's marked by the pagan-mythic Torch of Lucifer

, only a select number can even view the actual [supposed] gravesite of Princess Diana at her families estate in Althorp, in northern England. The gravesite itself is reminiscent of Avalon, a small island surrounded by mystical waters (i.e. making Diana the Lady of the Lake from Arthurian lore) with a white-pillared Greco-Roman-like Temple nearby that stands in her honor and is altogether very much like the original ancient Temple that once served ancient paganism and its Diana-serving patrons of original Witchcraft. For more startling information,

view David Icke's Diana Assassination seen here

. It should be no surprise to anyone why the recent decision was made by British Channel 4 to air the graphic pictures and video of Princess Diana's impending death. The 13th anniversary of her demise is still an open wound in the hearts of many the world over, to blatantly rip at that wound again by those in the Occult-run media only plays to their deeper agenda at wanting people to have a renewed mourning for her and feel the need to love and adore her still young sons. It's a psychological attack that strikes right to the heart of society in general, and an effective one at that, especially in this post-DaVinci Code world where people are now enthralled about anything related to Grail lineage and research, perhaps the world is now ready for those pulling the strings behind the media to make known Diana's Merovingian connection, perhaps we are finally ready to hear that Prince William is the Order's new King Arthur, an idea to be finalized sometime after the year 2015.

Just before Princess Diana was killed

certain unsubstantiated rumors did arise which hinted at her being

pregnant with child

. We can only wonder what plan was already in place in just such an event. The Templars who have men placed deep within UK Intelligence were not about

to have even the possibility of a half-Muslim hybrid

Merovingian heir being born

as it would have caused a future conflict of interest with the coming Antichrist, as he will make a stand against Islam, and Arab nations, in the future on behalf of Israel (in order to gain more of Israel's trust so that they'll eventually accept him as their Messiah King.) Having a sibling and a living mother with Islamic ties would have certainly been, at the very least, complicated, especially if Diana herself at some future point was convinced to convert on

any level, to Islam. Furthermore, British Intelligence knew if she had lived long enough within the Fayed family, who were well known to have set themselves against the Windsor Royal Family many times before in regards to business, certain complications could and would inevitably result with a future 'Mrs. Diana Fayed.' In any event,

Diana eventually became a liability and thus a direct threat to the Great Work

which is by this time, nearly complete and certainly when the secret cabal of men who control even the Royal Family realized that Diana was a direct threat to everything according to their ancient plan. Her fate was sealed. Anyone so marked for death as to efficiently pave the way for the Prince's road to power, will be killed, and given over as a sacrifice for him, from members of his own family, his significant other, to even his own future child(ren). All belong to Satan, in their minds, and blood sacrifice is key for the continued power of the Monarchy;

a sure, albeit dire warning unto Catherine Middleton. The ongoing evil perpetrated by the true power behind the Royals, and their security services, proves there will be no stopping them in their murdering Satanic blood-lust at placing their Future King upon the Throne of the World. Perhaps more than anyone else at this time, it is Princess Kate who needs to be reminded that among the security services that were actively following Diana's every move were

the American Secret Service, NSA, CIA, SAS, and British MI6

, right up until the night she and her potential child were killed at a medieval Templar site known for Satanic human sacrifice.

The increasingly public and publicized Diana, post-divorce, and her many tell-all interviews (and potential book deals) certainly troubled not only the Royals, but those "Watchers" who are guiding events for William, as well as the persona of the Monarchy itself, from behind the scenes. Her infamous letter to her butler containing the foreknowledge of how she would be killed in a car accident, on orders of Charles, sanctioned by Prince Phillip and The Queen herself, tell us a great deal about Diana's own substantiated fears in those latter years of just how far her Royal ex-husband and elderly in-laws were willing to go in order so that she be forever silenced. Interestingly, the very first Hollywood film that portrayed the Biblical Antichrist, was a film more about his mother. In 1968, the Roman Polanski film "Rosemary's Baby" (based on the Ira Levin book of the same title) was released to moderate critical acclaim. In it, the very naive mother of the Antichrist, Rosemary Woodhouse, played by Mia Farrow, is beset with great feelings of paranoia, distraught, and mistrust against an elderly couple who lived next door, and ultimately, against her own husband, whom she believed were all involved with an established Occult Secret Society of Satanic worshippers who were attempting to bring about the birth of Satan's Son, the Antichrist, into the world.

Along the way, as she slowly put the pieces together of why she is being monitored, drugged, and ultimately made pregnant, she undergoes a deep psychological breakdown upon learning that her own child will be used by the Devil to bring about the prophecies of Revelation. One wonders, as the only woman in the world who underwent such a similar depression and psychological breakdown, after being closely monitored by British Security agents at the behest of Queen Elizabeth, Prince Phillip, and Prince Charles, if Princess Diana herself ever saw the film, or The Omen, or both. In the irony of life, as well as God's own sense of ironic art imitating life played out on the world stage, it would have made perfect sense. Adding to this, Diana's son now has a wife, Kate, ironically, the same name given to the mother of Damien Thorn from the recent Omen film, starring Mia Farrow. In the film, Kate is conspired against and finally murdered, thus paving Damien's path to power.

*Read Article

Masonic Ritual Murderers Attached to Royal Security

Adding more fuel to the intrigue, it was reported recently that “Princess Diana will go down in history as the woman who restored Stuart blood to the Royal Family.”

According to Laurence Gardner, the Stuart branch are the inheritors of the Holy Grail. As the Grail Queen (Queen of Cups) it seems that Diana’s son, William, may be the Grail Prince (Knight of Cups). The last time the mystical Grail made such an appearance was in the time of King Arthur of Britain.


Like the Phoenix, Diana was the Holy Grail who came to carry the sword Excalibur for the distance of one lifetime. When her spirit passed, she pulled on the handle of Excalibur. In the end, she was taken to a lake [as] the Lady of the Lake. Is this a sad ending to a legend, or was something else at work in the heavens?


The Queen Mother expired on 3/30/2002: [Since 15 in numerology means 6, 1+5 = 6] She died on the 15th month of the new millennium, at 15 minutes past the 15th hour, which totals 6-6-6. It was also Saturday (Saturn's Day - Satan), the 6th day.

Diana died in a Mercedes 600 in a 660 foot long tunnel, again 666.

Ellis C. Taylor

If there ever were going to be an “Anti-Christ”, a King who unites the globe in a universal religion and government, declaring himself to be the embodiment of God, it stands to reason that he would probably come from the Grail bloodline. He would be descended from Satan, which would explain his predestined predilection for evil, but he would also be a descendant of Christ, King David, Abraham, Jacob, Noah and Adam. He could use all of these lineages as credentials to convince members of all the world’s religions that he is not only their divine right king, but the final avatar, or messiah, which their prophets have been predicting. So yes, I think that our

generation may yet see the rise of a Merovingian Anti-Christ.

Tracy R. Twyman, Occult Author and Expert

It is also here in England where those that continue to reject their Messiah are based, and why the powerful Judean minority of England always backs their Judean

brothers in the Mideast, and why their offshoot America always follows their lead and vice versa. For although England is called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, its Kings and Queens are not the true lineage of David. For only in the Last Days will our King David, step forward, via his ancestral blood and fulfill his prophetic appearance via the Stone of Destiny...and a new King Arthur shall reappear to establish a new Round Table of Equality.

David Jay Jordan

Whenever you have need of anything once a month and when the Moon is full, ye shall assemble in some secret place, or in a forest all together join to adore the potent spirit of your Queen, my Mother, Great Diana.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 175

So that not only this our Craft is in danger to be set at nought; but also that the Temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised, and her magnificence destroyed, whom all the world worshippeth. And when they heard these things they were full of wrath and cried out saying, Great [is] Diana of the Ephesians!

Acts 19:27-28; The Holy Bible

The whole spectacle was yet another example of what the Bible condemns as an abomination. Perhaps it was the figure of Diana that John has in mind when he conjures up the Mother of Harlots [in Revelation]. Diana was an ancient Moon Goddess known earlier in Greece as Artemis. Witches had been publicly linked with the worship of Diana in Rome as early as 30 BC.

A History of the End of the World p. 67; Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 23, 453

And I saw a Woman sit upon a scarlet coloured Beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. And the Woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a Golden Cup [Satanic Grail lineage] in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her

fornication: And upon her forehead was a name written, Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots and of Abominations of the Earth.

Revelation 17:3-5; The Holy Bible

By the oath of Belial and Saturn, the awakening of hidden light. I call upon thee,

Asmodeus, devil-lord. I invoke thee within my very essence, Pass beyond the veil

little known by most, for I AM a Child of this flesh! I offer now my own WILL to

the powers of night, and of the Great Work itself! That through my dedication to the

path of Witch Blood, I shall know the secrets not so hidden!

Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft


DEATHWALKING WITH DIANA -by Dr. Maureen B. Roberts PhD -a must read PRINCESS DIANA: THE MATRIX OF THE MONARCHY -authors unknown



In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 47-51)
