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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 67-70)

The Malachi Scripture seen above is in fact the final two verses of the Jewish Bible, our Old Testament, which ends quite dramatically

with God demanding that His people return to the religious roots of their ancestors

(where they accepted the the Holy One of Israel as the Angel of the Lord, the Son of the Living God), or He will send a cursing among them (see also Deuteronomy 30:19). We also see that this future time is

marked with a specific event in the return of Elijah, who in the Last Days precedes the coming of the Lord

at the end of the world from which it is commonly understood in both Judaism and Christianity that Elijah is to return in advance of the Lord's Day. Satan knowing this, and knowing that ancient Israel has already rejected their Messiah, Jesus Christ, as well as His forerunner, John the Baptist of whom the Scriptures cite as he who 'came in the spirit of Elijah' (see Matthew 11:13-15, 17:11-13) knows also that modern Israel is

still waiting for their Prophet Elijah (Moshiach Ben Joseph) and the Messiah (Moshiach Ben David) to appear

at some point shortly before the end of the world. Satan therefore will deceptively provide Israel exactly what they expect most. Enter the False Prophet Elijah, a demonic figure in the form of a man appearing as Israel's ancient prophet, having 'two horns like a lamb, yet speaking like a Dragon' being seemingly Holy yet speaking on behalf of the Dragon, Satan, and his Antichrist, preparing the way for his arrival. Thus, everything from the "Lost Books of.." to every "Lost Gospel" all the way up to the supposedly found Lost Ark of the Covenant itself, and/or other ancient relics from Jewry, has been manufactured over the centuries in order to prepare for that time when Satan and his Baphomet Son, would rule.

Of course, specifically targeted is that one nation on earth containing the modern people of God's ancient promises. Thus all

of this information being released today pertaining to the Knights Templar, Freemasonry, Euro-Semitic Bloodlines, even the Ark of the Covenant (which I believe has long since been removed from the earth and resides in Heaven) as well as the so-called Holy Grail, itself well-known to be part of Satan's attempt toward a global deception requiring belief in everything but Jesus Christ's own divinity. Later Satanic deceptions will be more wicked still, waged against those souls yet to be tested.

One can only surmise what manner of deceptive evils this Anti-Elijah figure will speak to Israel in advance of the Antichrist's arrival, yet

suffice to say, it must involve major influences from British-Israel doctrine

. British-Israelism at present, is one of the most dangerous, spiritually corrupt frauds ever perpetrated against mankind, yet is currently finding many new followers within the nation of Israel already, as well as

among Jews globally who have been besieged with spiritual attacks by the New Age Movement of late

. Just as in ancient times, religious Jews today still have the same many requirements for one to be considered their Messiah, yet those same requirements are becoming

increasingly more liberalized in their interpretations as the New Age movement has seemingly worked to target Jews and their "rigid belief system." The end result of this British-Israelism belief upon the minds of the Jewish people, therefore, serves to soften up the masses before the False Prophet arrives, who shall confirm every facet of its false teaching. While the world, including teachers of prophecy seem to overlook the False Prophet, especially naming his elusive identity, understanding the nature of this Second Beast is key to understanding how Satan plans to deceive Israel into accepting his Son, the Antichrist, as their Messiah.

Revelation 13 clearly describes two Beasts rising, one from the earth (interpreted as Israel) and one from the sea (a foreign or island nation), and since Israel did not accept the True Messiah Jesus Christ or His Prophet in John the Baptist, they are today still waiting for Moshiach Ben David (Antichrist) and Moshiach Ben Yossef (The False Prophet) to arrive, and despite the names given to the Beasts in Revelation, it will be the Second Beast 'Elijah' appearing to Israel first, with the First Beast Antichrist 'Messiah' appearing after. In other words, since Jews rejected the Son of God (the Son of David), Satan therefore will provide his False 'Son of David' to the

world with the ultimate goal of luring Israel into a trap, largely of their own devising and misunderstanding of their ancient Scriptures

. The Jewish misunderstanding of their own Messiah from a lack of wanting in their hearts to connect with Jeshua, their Messiah, is where they greatly err concerning the Scriptures, which in their case is the Tenach (Old Testament), the bulk of which points toward a dual manifestation of the Jewish Messiah as both a supernatural Destroyer of Israel's enemies, and a servant of God. They so misunderstand these dual (two) manifestations, which we know better are represented in Christ's dual advents, first coming as a lowly servant, and later, returning as a supernatural Destroyer of Israel's enemies at Armageddon, that they actually believe Moshiach Ben Josef and Moshiach Ben David are two separate people, which is exactly how Satan shall deceive them, by providing them the Antichrist and False Prophet in those same aforementioned, more familiar roles which they expect to see.

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the Lord: And he shall turn the [religious] heart of the fathers toward the children, and the heart of the children back to their [fore]fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with cursing.

Malachi 4:5-6; The Holy Bible

And Elijah answered and said to the captain of fifty, If I be a man of God, then let fire come down from Heaven, and consume thee and thy fifty. And there came down fire from Heaven, and consumed him and his fifty.

I beheld another Beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, yet he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first Beast and causeth the earth to worship the Beast whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, even making fire come down from heaven.

2 Kings 1:10; Revelation 13:11-13; The Holy Bible

From the Scripture in Revelation above, which provides an important clue to unmasking the identity of the coming False Prophet that Jews would otherwise miss by not being familiar with the Christian New Testament, it is clear that this future Second Beast has the ability to 'draw down fire from heaven' exactly as the prophet Elijah did. Moreover, whilst appearing as a lamb, which is to convey he seemingly speaks under the authority of God as a prophet of Israel, he is in reality a demonic possessed being speaking under the authority of Satan, the Dragon, performing great and deceptive (Satanic) miracles while in the presence of the First Beast, the Antichrist. In other words, the False Prophet will completely deceive Israel into

believing that the Antichrist is their Messiah, just as they will believe he is Elijah returned. If this is the case, what is the actual meaning and fulfillment of the prophecy in Malachi about Elijah returning shortly before the Day of the Lord? The actual truth of its fulfillment is clearly told to us in Revelation Chapter 11 and connected to the Transfiguration event, for both

Moses and Elijah shall return to the people of Israel during the Tribulation period. As prophesied, these Two Witnesses are sent from Heaven immediately after the Antichrist confirms a seven year Peace Covenant with Israel,

after which, during the next 1,260 days the Two Witnesses shall preach the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to the Jews

during that time, telling the people of Israel they have just made a deal with the Devil, literally. Moses and Elijah will also display great supernatural power from God, counteracting the power from Satan that is given to both the Antichrist and his False Prophet. Naturally many Jews at that time having just accepted the seemingly God-sent and admirable Antichrist, will believe these Two Witnesses actually sent by God to be evil, ascribing the supernatural and Godly power they display to be of Satan (just as their forefathers accused Christ of having demons as the source of His power) to the point of perhaps accusing them of being the Antichrist and False Prophet themselves when in fact it is the other way around. Certainly it is because the Jews continually reject Christ that they have chosen Satan and his demon to fufill the roles of their Moshiach Ben David and his supposed forerunner in Moshiach Ben Yossef.

Revelation specifically informs us that the Two Witnesses have 1,260 days from the start of their testimony until it ends, until the

Antichrist breaks the Covenant of Peace with Israel at the midpoint of the Tribulation 1,260 days later from the day he confirms it

. It is this same 1,260th day that marks the end of the first 42 months of Antichrist's reign of global peace, to culminate with the start of the Great Tribulation that is marked by great global destructions and war in which 1,290 days are given mankind until the Return of Christ at Armageddon. At this midpoint of the seven year Tribulation, the once Godly and peaceful Messianic figure Israel has spiritually taken in, will suddenly turn Satanic and evil, commanding his European forces to invade Israel and conquer Jerusalem, killing anyone in their path as they make their way toward the Third Temple. Once Israel has been contained, the Antichrist enters Jerusalem and finds the Two Witnesses outside the entrance of the Temple. Supernatural as they are, the Scriptures declare that the Two Witnesses are no match for Satan himself, and are murdered where they stand after which, the Antichrist enters the Holy of Holies and declares himself to be God. As the rest of the world celebrates the Antichrist's victory, giving gifts to one another asking 'Who can make war with the Beast,' Revelation 11:11 tells us that as easily as those Two Towers of God fell, their destruction televised worldwide, the Holy Spirit shall enter their bodies and they shall rise up again three days later and ascend into Heaven in the sight of all. It is after this event that the 144,000 are marked with the Seal of God in their foreheads and God's great wrath is then poured out on the earth in the form of Angelic Seals, Trumps, and Vials for the remaining 1,290 days. Now, knowing this, the very fact the Jewish people could ever become deceived into believing that a (gentile) British King could ever become their Messiah in the first place proves that somewhere along the way, the Jewish people have become completely beguiled by notions coming out of the British-Israelism Movement. Given that certain ancient Hebrew relics of antiquity will be found in the near future that seemingly lend some credence to the Anglo-Israelist belief, there would also have to arise a near supernatural

spokesman, claiming to be from God, that

taints traditional Judaism just enough to incorporate the British-Israel infection deception


Another point of interest can be made with the original Elijah account found in 1 and 2 Kings within the Old Covenant

Scriptures in that he being a Prophet of God, came up against the prophets of the demon-god Baal, whom the Jewish people of the time were heavily being persuaded by, so much so Elijah had to ask them: “How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal is your God, then follow him.” The Biblical account goes on to say that the people said nothing, being undecided. Now since the future great Tribulation has been already prophesied in the ancient Old Testament, it does also stand to reason that as it was supernaturally in the ancient world, with overt displays of supernatural power, so shall it be in the near future, at the time of the False Prophet and Antichrist, within the Tribulation. I would even venture to say, knowing the many Biblical ironies and ironic fulfillments approaching full circle to come, that even as the true Prophet Elijah came up against Baal and his "False Prophets," that it should be Baal, the Arch-Demon himself, who will likely play the role of that future False Prophet "Elijah," in order to deceive the people, again. In addition to this Anti-Elijah/False Prophet being preaching the tenants of a British-Israel/Lost Tribes migration into the British Isles, he is also certainly to present the British Antichrist King as fulfilling certain key ancient Scriptures outlined only for that of Israel's true Messiah [see 1Kings 11:33-39, Ezekiel 44:1-3, Jeremiah 17:25, Isaiah 60:1-11]. All the supposed great miracles attributed to both the False Prophet and the Antichrist will completely stun the world and especially the relatively young Jewish State who still struggles to find its national identity in an evil world that increasingly is coming against its own right to exist. Many Jews today see their present historical identity, or lack thereof, being intrinsically linked to three events which have yet to be fulfilled: The Battle of Gog and Magog,

the Temple being rebuilt in Jerusalem, and the arrival of (the False) Elijah who shows them their (false) Messiah.


Therefore the spiritually corrupt, Antichrist "Moshiach" Movement is but one arm of the many-armed Satanic push toward softening up Jews worldwide, but especially Jews residing in Israel, and educating them to what has always been taught within inner-Masonic circles and other secret societies, that the white race, namely the Celts, as well as the Anglo-Saxon British, ironically enough, are remnants of Israel's ancient "lost tribes." Nothing could be further from the truth, because lost tribes of Israel they are not, they are however are of Cain's migrating tribes of Satan. This is what Christ referenced to when He spoke of those who claim they are Jews, but are not, and are the Synogogue/Cabal of Satan. Freemasonry therefore, ultimately, is nothing more than a global organization of mainly white men, only a relatively few of which know of their true heritage, past and present, and know what they are to do for their Father at the end of time. In fact, Freemasons within Israel itself, foster, promote, finance, and even sponsor such men such as Brit-Am's late author Yair Davidy and Rabbi Avraham Feld at one end of the Anglo-Israelist spectrum (to deceive other Jews) and such right-wing, neo-Nazi, radical organizations like

the Keltic Knights of the KKK on the other end of the same British-Israel belief system

. Even Latter Day Saint

Mormonism, touted as the 'fastest growing global religion' is entirely based around the concept of

the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel'

teaching. Thus, anyone speaking of such morally bankrupt Anti-Christian notions such as the Satanic Templar doctrines of Anglo-Israelism have in all reality placed themselves to be precursors to the coming False

Prophet, the Anti-Elijah, for they already preach the same lie he will in order to deceive the State of Israel into accepting a future British King to become their Messiah. It is they who are doing the work for Satan and his Antichrist, even as they help complete the Occult education of the world.

*Read Article

There are No Lost Tribes of Israel


In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 67-70)
