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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 107-110)

The New Age Movement is not defined by any singular religion. It is by all definitions, a movement

, yet one that is having severe implications for both its followers and the rest of humanity. The force behind the New Age

Movement wants to define it as essentially the fusing together of religious-based eastern-influenced metaphysical ideologies with western Occult, and more recently, a much more overt Celtic and Wiccan-based theology. Celtic Druidism and

Witchcraft itself falls under its many divisions, as well as Satanism, Kaballah, and Demonology. The New Age Movement is bound together by notions of “universal tolerance” and the left-wing, liberal versions of Anti-Christianity and moral relativism.

The New Age Movement is the natural progression of humanism taken to its 'next step,' teaching that humans have evolved biologically, and must now evolve spiritually to survive what is coming. Its belief systems are many, synchretic, and believed to be widely diversed, however, they all serve their purpose in bringing in what is called

the Age of Aquarius.

According to them, we are currently moving away from the present Age of Pisces

which is defined and symbolized by Christ (upon which they've attached every evil of mankind by attaching to Christ all of Catholicism's wars, inquisitions, witch-hunts, cover-ups and murders) to an Age of peace, harmony, understanding and global/personal

enlightenment that they say will define the coming new Age of Aquarius, hence the term *New* Age. Varying in everything from what's called synergy and synergistic principals, to the concepts of personal Christ consciousness (without the acceptance of Christ's Divinity), energy, global unity, oneness, harmony, transformation, 11:11, "the one," spirit growth, human potential, awakening, networking, purification, cleansing, holistic medicines and other non-medical "miracle healing"

approaches. Truly the New Age as a movement has moved itself into every single area of modern life, and yet, where is it going next? What is the true agenda behind the New Age Movement?

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The Connection Between the New Age Movement And Satanism

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The 'Millennium Messiah' and World Change

The origins of the New Age Movement date back to at least 1875 with the Theosophical works of Olcott and Blavatsky

. The Theosophical Society, as it was called, espoused the abolishment of Christianity and Judaism while promoting the total unity of other world religions in their place, even as they claimed that their teachings were revealed by demons in the guise of so-called spirit or elemental guides. They emphasized heavily the evolution of a self-deified, master Aryan society, and a One World “New Age” religion and social order. In 1877, Blavatsky wrote the book 'Isis Unveiled' which sold out its very first day in print. In 1879, she launched 'The Theosophist' a monthly magazine started in India. By 1887, she launched 'Lucifer,' a monthly magazine started in London. The following year, in 1888, Blavatsky wrote 'The Secret Doctrine,' her master work. It was this book which put forth Blavatsky's Aryan (and anti-Semitic theories) on Atlantean and other 'Root Races' which later influenced Adolph Hitler and his own ideas about Luciferian Aryan supremacy. Pushing the New Age agenda further, British-born Alice Bailey founded the “Lucifer Publishing Company,” in 1922 which printed and distributed their own similar teachings which became increasingly singular in their intent and goal toward the concept of a Luciferian New World Order which was to be accomplished through various degrees and steps toward its ultimate realization in the 21st Century. Bailey’s teachings established the "Luciferic Initiation," a pledge of allegiance to the 'Christ' of the New Age and to the New World Order. As such, Alice Bailey discussed extensively the plans for a religious war between the forces of Good and Light (New Agers; "Lightworkers") and the forces of Evil and Darkness (Christianity), as well as forced redistribution of wealth and the world’s resources, mass planetary initiations into the Movement, world-wide disarmament, a new theology with Lucifer as its God, and the complete elimination of "obstinate religions" namely Christianity and Judaism. Bailey even discussed the sacredness of a future New World Leader’s number (666) as well as the Solar Symbol which would symbolize his reign.

Included in the metaphysical categorical subtext and soon after the work of Bailey came Margaret Murray of whom is believed by many experts and authors on the subject of Satanism and Witchcraft to have "made the single greatest impact on the idea of Witchcraft in the twentieth century." It wasn't until the 1950's however that her ideas found the audience she sought, she rightfully believed Witchcraft to be organized Devil Worship [Witchcraft Out of the Shadows p. 98-99]. Gerald Gardner and his own brand of Luciferian Witchcraft which he named Wicca in the 1950's which has rapidly evolved since if first came to public attention over a half century ago. Gardner was heir to ceremonial groups such as the Golden Dawn and the O.T.O as reformed by Crowley. In the 1960's, Wicca became commonly associated with the Goddess Diana and Rex Nemorensis (Satan in one of his many guises as World-King). At the time, Wicca very much appealed to the peace-loving bohemians dubbed hippies largely for its seemingly new approach at viewing the world as well as its seemingly strong ecological message. During the 1970's, Wicca moved toward a focus on Celtic religion in addition to the writings of Dion Fortune, Aleister Crowley, and the teachings of the Qabbalah which began to merge with Wiccan beliefs and practices. The 1980's brought Occult teaching into the mainstream under the newly-named category "New Age" while the 1990's witnessed a virtual explosion of new believers including the usual peacenik liberal leftovers from the bygone hippie era at the lower end of the metaphysical spectrum to the heads of major corporations worldwide in its increasingly organized cultish Craft.

Adding to the Luciferian idealology of such proponents has come a new generation of Occult metaphysical idealists in league with preparing the world for the Antichrist. As such, David Spangler, Levi Dowling, Norman Cousins, George Trevelyan, Carlos Castaneda, Abraham Maslow, Ruth Montgomery, Jeremy Rifkin, and Marilyn Ferguson all lay the blueprint for the Antichrist's false Utopia in 2015 that forcibly brings in the New Age on a global scale, which in turn sets the perfect

foundation from which enters the Antichrist himself on the world scene, modern Occult (New Age/metaphysical) authors are intent on warping the minds of as many people as possible in preparation for their Satanic Utopia. The authors now number in the thousands with some being more propagated than others on American talk shows such as Larry King and Oprah. They include

Eckhart Tolle

, Shakti Gawain,

Barbara Marx Hubbard

, J.Z. Knight, Deepak Chopra, and Elizabeth Clare Prophet to name a relative few. Some authors have even linked quantum mechanics to New Age thinking to form a new sub-genre known as Quantum Mysticism which has also received much popularity of late, along

with The Secret (Law of Attraction)

, and other offshoots related to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle which cites the physical world is only what one believes it to be, again, very dangerous things to believe in at a time when the world is entering that prophesied age of great falling away and global Satanic deception. With such media savvy among them, as well as the post-modern and increasingly globalized neo-culture itself being re-geared toward New Age thinking, the Movement has actually achieved nearly every single one of its intended goals beset by its founders, and now only awaits

the final completion of all their collective work culminating in the events that bring in the New Age


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The Global Initiation of Death into a New Age

In advance of this, the New Age Movement, through its many tentacles, via books, films, seminars, and personal growth retreats, teaches that one can have one or many so-called "Spirit Guides" to help them along their path toward ascension and enlightment, which is strinkingly familar in its spiritual intent to the 'ascension-by-degrees' method taught behind the

closed doors of Masonic lodges and other such Luciferian Societies the world over. Do not be deceived, the New Age Movement is a conspiracy toward bringing the entire world into the 'One Mind' concept, a New World Order under its secular

"God," Lucifer, with our world ultimately to be governed by "the One," which by this point, you know exactly where that is heading toward. With the followers of such a movement all preparing for this New Age timeframe, many of them not your average bohemian-type, but holding prominent positions in business and finance, there is no doubt you who read this have been infected by its many tentacles and tenants along the way, perhaps without you even knowing it. Somewhere in your life the New Age mindset has affected you, either by close personal contacts such as through friends or family, or even by the programs you watch, the films you see, or in the books you read. It is everywhere, literally, all around you, surging its way into the minds of billions globally. In fact, "Globalism" and the "Green Movement" themselves are only two more ways in which the New Age is attempting to ready this planet and this generation for the many changes to come by 2020.

Knowing that New Age Movement is already setting the Pagan foundation for the future One World Church

, its also becoming quite clear that the current New World Order itself with its Oil Wars, anti-christ policies, and rampant misjustice, is clearly playing out its purposed role of the global version of 'bad cop' that will after 2013, however, begin to assume its new role as global 'good cop' in order to deceive the world that the Old New World Order has fallen, like Babylon, while a new, seemingly uncorruptable New World and Order rises in its place, like a 21-century risen


. The youth of the world are perfectly primed and ready for such a change, as their far left-wing and liberal views have already tainted them to want to bring about that revolutionary change toward the New Age Order, built upon their own vision.

However, their ongoing problem now and increasingly in the near future is that they are too blind to see that their new and greater "universal vision" that seemingly upholds mankind and sets a stage toward 'world peace' has already been created, manipulated, and established by those same globally-controlling elites from the Old World Order! The ruling Elites have seen to it that the current Order must fall if their master's New World Order is to begin. As such, this has been prepared for

centuries ago and anything happening today is hardly newly devised. The elites still guard all the doors and hold all the keys, to quote one of their own films. It is they who've created the vacuum by which many in the anarchist world are rushing to fill in, seeing themselves as well-equipped avengers against "The World System," completely falling for the lie devised by those they only think they're against.

In their own short-sightedness, as they can only see the obvious decoys of America and Israel dangling in their faces, while the true evil is protected in Europe to operate with impunity, even as they are always at the forefront for creating the next agenda for their 'truther' stooges to believe in, so that they may more perfectly establish the framework that best results in the piecemeal acceptance of "the Anti-Illuminati World Leader" coming, who will be none other than the Biblical Antichrist himself. Ironically, Prince William has already been touted in the alternative media as being completely "anti-Illuminati," thus, the stage is set. Any of you reading this shocking bit of perhaps breaking news, formerly believing you yourself were of those who want to see the complete abolition of traditional government in the form of a New World without Elitist Orders, are actually only helping in their greatest of efforts toward destroying this present Order in favor of their shinier one to be

established after their Great Collapse, with that future World established slated to believe that its own great ideals are in any way better than the current one. Do not both reject God and His Christ? Enter Satan. As the New Age Movement continues to infect the reprobate minds of those ignorant enough not to even see it, its rank and file numbers will only increase as the world is given "signs" which seem to declare that the New Age belief system is "right" as the planet experiences even more destructive natural disasters as we approach 2012, which will be increasingly touted by a new pack of loud voices from the New Age left, as being the by-product of a world lashing out against its host, mankind. These same loud voices will call out for global change, even a constitutional mandate for the entire world to shake off its current, dying, political and religious mandates, in order to save our One World and unlock its "Golden Age" possibilities. According to God's own text attributed to Him, such idelogical thinking was first reasoned by a Serpent in a Garden long ago, citing man could become as God via changing the established beliefs man held, about himself *as* God. How could today's man, with all his superior

advancements and great knowledge, be any less flattered, corruptible, or so easily beguiled?

In the modern New Age Luciferian belief system, the world is an existing living entity and one that is equal to us, or dominates us, depending on which New Age author you are reading. They all say they believe the earth is a living entity needing to be nurtured and cared for more than it has been since the Industrial revolution, something which is blatantly obvious, yet that single and obvious well-sounding belief and foundational tenant has done more to capture already liberal-minded people into accepting all the rest of the New Age agenda, therefore much of the New Age's own trappings of world peace, global healing, and everything else that is obvious we need in the world is acting as the well-manicured front, a cover to mask its real sinister intentions while bringing into its fold countless millions, just as it was originally designed to do. Now while the New Age Movement does espouse honesty, integrity, love, peace, etc, it also wants to assimilate all those same Godly ideals into the context of a very Anti-Godly belief system. A disproportionate amount of New Age Movement books, articles, and texts contain the word “self” or self-help, etc. This is because man, either in the singular sense, or the allegory of collective mankind, is always the central figure (as he is the one Satan is trying to deceive) for example, one must constantly ascend, achieve the next higher degree and improve one’s “self” to become one with nature and god (or Goddess). They deny God because the New Age 'god' is impersonal with no specific requirements as to morality, belief, and behavior, or judgment. This is why the eastern mysticism and now New Age incorporated idea of reincarnation appeals so much to them.

With it, there is no judgment, there is no eternal punishment. In so doing, they have fallen for Satan's oldest and most well known lie, that we can become our own God's if we simply deny God and instead accept Lucifer who alway seems to have man's own interests.

Only later does man discover it was all to promote Satan's own agenda of human destruction


In fact, the Bible predicted the attributes of today's New Age adherants with the following found in 2Timothy Chapter 3 "This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come, for men shall be lovers of their own selves, having a form of

Godliness (desiring peace, unity, and love for all) but denying the Power thereof. From such, turn away." In other words, in the Last Days, along with Antichrist there will arise those that have a form of Godliness and Godly attributes, yet deny God.

Does not the same Scriptures teach us that denying God, as the Father and Son, is the spirit of Antichrist? Therefore, what the Scriptures are actually telling us is that the New Age Movement today and all its current followers are, in effect, the very spirit of the Antichrist, as they will be the ones to formulate and work for his future globalized religion, even as they are already doing. From such we are to turn away from, yet what if someone were to effectively show them the Hell they are going to bring upon our children, and upon us all, what if we resisted this coming New Order? The Bible actually tell us that there will be an effective Resistance Movement countering the Antichrist Order at the time of his reign. This prophecy is found in the Book of Daniel 11:32-35 and details how it is mostly comprised of newly converted Israeli/Jewish Believers in Christ, who despite how the Antichrist openly mocks the God of the Bible during the latter half of his reign, shall then become acutely aware of and 'know their God,' performing great exploits in the Name of God. However, as the prophecy goes on to explain, many of them will be hunted down and killed by forces of the Antichrist, and die as Christian martyrs. These forces of the Antichrist will certainly comprise all facets of the global New Age Antichrist society, offering up Christians to be executed thinking they are doing their 'god' a service. This proves that while the New Age Movement and its followers might believe in the attributes of love, 'God-sanctioned homosexuality,' and seemingly Godly tolerance overall, it is all an empty sham and counterfeit of Satan to ensnare all deceived by such false good.

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Marianne Williamson, California's New Age Contender for Congress

In time, Satan's Antichrist will have so twisted the minds of that future "Utopian society," many of its New Age citizens that once expoused tolerance and peace will eventually outright hate, hunt down, and murder anyone professing Christ as their King, as well as being staunch pro-life and anti-gay, believing these true Christians to be the greatest hinderance to world peace. Christ Himself prophesied of this, that they shall hate us who bear His name, as Christians, delivering us up to the magistrates, for bascially NOT going according to where the world is going, which is to Hell, with their increasing acceptance of everything of Satan, in their false sense of what they perceive to be good. Thus shall they attempt to round up all

Christians who live outside of the global Beast system, a system which shall of course cater to the world, and its

homosexuality, perverse teachings, and worship of demons via false religions, which is to become a unified global religion under Satan anyway. Reader, don't be deceive by what this world is even now promoting as "good" and "Godly." In this, we are to remain steadfast in the Faith, just as evil and its increasing willingness to serve the Devil, seeing nothing wrong with it, is EXACTLY how the Antichrist shall deceive the entire world, just as the Scriptures foretold, until his world followers commit every evil act against Christians is accomplished. Because they rejected God's Word, especially the Scriptures dealing with God's strong commandments against murdering babies or children, as well as taking part in the adverse lifestyles which He has not put into motion, but is entirely of man's own devising, is precisely why the Antichrist shall find an end-time generation so easy to deceive in the first place! Reader, this has all been prophesied, do not be deceived by the world, and those of the world, for they shall all be destroyed in their ignorance and vainity. Warn them, show them Christ and His Word, and pray for them to wake up. This is what we are called to do, battle against that same evil spirit which has deceived them so. The choices they make after that are entirely their own.

Because a great many people of the world at that time will have been used as spiritual conduits, meaning, the majority of the global Antichrist Kingdom will experience rampant invasion into their bodies by "spirit guides," "alien hosts," or "ancient gods"

(all Demons), what then becomes truly frightening is knowing just how the New Age Movement is even right now, at present, preparing for an all-out assault on the unsaved. They do this via the notions of allowing "walk-ins," dead loved ones,

ancestral beings, ghosts, "light-beings," ascended spirits, aliens, or "benign angels" to enter their bodies. Of course, this is nothing more than demonic possession, whereby a greater gateway is created allowing increasingly more wicked spirits to come thru, and wreak greater havoc. The Bible clearly tells us, we are to remove ourselves from such people, for in their own ignorance have they given themselves over to the same curse as the Devil they unknowingly worship. Thus, in their own insolence have they chosen their fate, and punishment, not heeding the many warnings given by God in His word not to tamper with demonology, black magick, and the Occult. Jesus also said of this: "As the days of Noah were (when demons began to infect man) so shall the same be at the Return of Christ. Therefore from the most radical New Age believer to those caught somewhere in between, in time everyone will see what this New Age Movement is bringing upon the world - Final Armageddon at the hands of the Antichrist, period. There is no amount of space given to which I cannot stress that one single point enough. Satan and his seed upon this planet are quickly rounding up and infecting an entire army of people in order to stand with him both at the time Antichrist appears, as well as when Christ returns to judge the world at Armageddon, seven years later. Of course, being that the adherents of this New Age generation have unwittedly followed Lucifer himself, God is ready, even certain, to judge accordingly every one that has chosen the Fallen Angel Lucifer over the Risen Lord Christ. Our Creator has set before us Life (Christ) and Death (Satan/Anti-Christ), telling us to choose Life (Deut. 30:19), yet just as it was for the Angels before us at the time of Lucifer's War against Heaven, it is still, as then, ultimately our choice alone. Satan can only counterfeit what God has in store for the world, global peace, unity, and eternal life prosperity, therefore his attempt at counterfeiting that true New Age in Heaven with his false "New Age" on earth is merely the counterfeit all that God has prepared for us.

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 107-110)
