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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 151-160)

The Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 at 11:11am over Tintagel, England was considered by many in the Occult to be the literal "seeding moment" for the spiritual [re]birth of the "New Aquarian Messiah,"

what us Christians more correctly call, the Antichrist

. According to one New Age author, this event "is the representative or rebirth of the Arthurian archetype, an old Avatar for a New Age." Fitting description, because according to

other 'neo-prophets,'

the rising of Arcturus represents the cosmic return of King Arthur

. Furthermore, many in their ranks agree that the most startling piece of evidence relating the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 to King Arthur is that his star of Arcturus rose precisely to its highest point during mid-eclipse. (Arcturus is also known as the Star(s) of Satan [


7th paragraph here

].) Revelation 9:11 makes very clear '...they had a King over them, which is the Angel of the Abyss, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon (the Destroyer),' and no wonder, for

September 11, 2001 was a Satanic calling card and portal

leading us down a short path towards a final countdown ending in Antichrist and Armageddon. To Occultists, the King to return is Thoth, the etheriel King of Atlantis, bringing with him the Emerald Tablets to change thru metaphysical alchemy, men into gods, heralding a new enlightenment for mankind. Important to modern Freemasons are

the rites and rituals of the star Sirius for it is represented in the symbol of the blazing star

who came from the heavens to enlighten mankind. This same 'star' was earlier depicted

as Horus, the 'Conquering Child King' or starchild who, according to Occult and Masonic belief, shall yet speak thru and embody

one man, one King, who will rule and reign and be seen as the great restorer of the nations

. Occult author and practicing New Agist Kathy Doore, stated "The August 1999 Cross in the heavens will form the Hebraic

Tau which is the emblem of the Initiate who has triumphed over death

. It also signifies the 22nd and last letter of the Hebrew alphabet denoting the end and perfection of the Kabbalistic Great Work, as well as the soon rebuilding of the

Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, and the return of a Grail King to oversee the world's ascension to Godhood.

Appearing exactly one week later on August 18 1999 in the skies over Britain within the astrological signs of the Lion, Eagle, Bull, and Aquarius/Man, the same four (1+1+1+1) Holy Beasts of Revelation (see Rev. 4:7), who are to be the pre-cursors to the four horseman of the Apocalypse, who pour out Hell on earth during the time of the Beast. The Cross shape itself formed

was an equal sided 'Celtic Cross,' the Solar Cross of Britain fashioned at the time of King Arthur and found everywhere throughout the ancient British isles. Many in the occult attribute this cross to not being a Christian symbol at all, yet a very ancient pagan rune of their Sun God. Others have likened Grand Cross Alignment to an imperfect 'crooked Cross' or Solar Swastika, therefore relating it to the Antichrist. Those among the British-Israel Movement believe the Grand Cross Alignment

corresponding directly with the Tribes of Israel, who supposedly are chiefly the British people themselves, "who have the Royal Blood of the Ancient Hebrew Kings." Therefore, taking all of these epic signs into account, the stunning celestial events of August 11, 1999 were many and clearly meant to be noticed by our generation and taken as a warning, leaving no

more question as to the meaning behind the now infamous Quatrain above about 'the Great King of Terror' whose planet is represented by Mars (Satan) who comes to bring back the spirit of "King Angolmois," other than who or what is the Angolmois? To the Occult mindset, Satan is the Sun God; Diana is the Moon Goddess, and their tantric union is represented

by the symbol of the Baphomet, yet also by the symbol of the Solar Eclipse which symbolizes the Antichrist Child, that Once and Future King who according to the prophet Nostradamus is to be born under the Astrological sign of Cancer, with Mars

active and Sagittarius rising, the exact astrological sign of Prince William.

The pagan Moon Goddess Diana was known to wear the Amulet of Cancer

. Nostradamus' reference to Mars reigning supreme before and after the 1999

event alludes to the fact that in both 1988, 2003, and again in March 2012, Mars was closer to earth than it had been in many centuries. In the Occult, and equally within God's own end-time portents, the planet Mars being so near and easily

visible to earth's inhabitants clearly represents a sign of great change about to take place, catastrophe, upheaval, war, even as it did in the ancient world, albeit the ancient world also saw Mars as a symbol of the Devil himself.

In fact, Satan and Christ, and those nearest them have always been a part of God's larger story told in the stars, even the Zodiacial signs, i.e., Gemini = Sacred Twins/Dual Morning Stars, Virgo = Virgin Mary, Aries = Lamb/Christ as Man - "Lamb of

God", Aquarius = The Baptist, Leo = Lion of Judah/Christ Resurrected (Second Advent), Pisces = Christian Church, Scorpio

= Shedim, Cancer = Quinotaur/Satan Antichrist, Libra = Christ as Judge/The Judgment, etc. Therefore what is seen in

Revelation 12

could very well be speaking to us in Astronomical terms, therefore be especially aware of any given September when Mars, the Sun, and the Moon are all near the constellation of Virgo, as it relates directly to Christ and

Antichrist, and the Tribulation timeframe.

Mars being this close is said to signal the time of Satan and his Antichrist King being chosen

. Evidence is virtually everywhere, if you know where to look, and all signs point to centuries of British involvement being intertwined with the spirit world, hastening the end of the current age (Christ's Age of

Pisces), to be replaced supernaturally by a new age (Satan's Age of Aquarius), and more than any other place in all of Britain, is (Arthur's Avalon) Glastonbury constantly referenced as being that place from which the entire world is to be transformed. As a result, this esoteric knowledge is even seen built into the English countryside itself, a puzzle unlocked by

various methods of science, which extends even beyond Britain, beyond earth. Recent research into the

19.5 degree/Mars connection

relating to the

planet Mars and its area known as Cydonia

seems to reflect back to the

same areas of Britain where time and again, history meets the paranormal, as if some strange and otherworldly involvement

had its hand in all of this from the very beginning


The Illuminati foresaw through astrological charting that Saturn turns at 17 degrees Taurus to square Uranus on the 17th, 18th, and 19th of July 1999. This results in an intense and upsetting period because people who are seeing the changes occurring now are going to be challenging the plans the Illuminati are ready to play. The marriage is a ritual to attempt to thwart those who plan against them. It does this by performing a ritual (marriage) that is heavily publicized and therefore constitutes a kind of "open" ritual. This is an attempt to communicate directly with the subconscious of the millions who read

or hear about it, by means of a "twilight code" that does not require conscious understanding, but subliminal human processing. This ritual/marriage is part of a sequence of events that the Illuminati plan to use to imprint their design on the

subconscious of the public group mind. This does not require people's conscious understanding. By using the energies manifested during this time and putting their intent behind this ritual/marriage, the House of Windsor plans to clear out elements of their agenda which are not working and ensure the Illuminati rituals of August 11th-13th 1999 and December 31st/January 1st are successful. Then came the events of 9-11-01, a sure sign

that the Templars were still in control

and were leading the world toward the 11:11 Antichrist King

, with the Twin Towers symbology forming

a giant '11' against the backdrop of an otherwise perfect New York skyline

, on the 254th day of the year (2+5+4=11)

with precisely 111 days left until that year's end.

*Read Article

The Occult Connection: 11:11 and 666

As such the 11:11 synchronicity and the 1999 Total Solar Eclipse corresponding with it, as well as casting its first solar shadow upon King Arthur's ancient birthplace, connected to a celestial Celtic Cross, both above and below, and linked to the

Antichrist King of Revelation as well as a Nostradamian future Antichrist King enigmatically called Angolmois (and later Mabus), heralded by Mars (the Devil) must mean something, and it does. It means we are very close to that comet, war, and

resulting global collapse which ushers in the time of Revelation's Beast. In Masonic writings, the constellation Orion is also very important and sacred, representing the "Return of a Conquering Messiah," just as it was for the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptians believing that their great dying King Pharaoh 'being possessed of the Sun' (Lucifer) had 'ascended to the stars' to be reborn in the distant future.

Prince William has been connected to the Demon Star Algol

, which the ancient Hebrews called "Rosh ha Satan," or Satan's Head, not to mention Algol might also be what/who Nostradamus had in mind when coming up with his anagram "Angolmois, the Great King [Antichrist]." The now obvious Omen that occurred on August

11th 1999, took place on the 222nd day of the year and exactly 144 days before the year 2000. Nine months after this 11th day of August 1999 came May 5, 2000 when nearly all the planets of our solar system were perfectly aligned all in a row behind the Sun. This portent combined with the 11:11 symbology and its own connections to the Eclipse was ultimately to

send a powerful message to Satanists telling them the next Satanic Stargate had been opened, relating to their ancient British Dark Ages God-King born in Tintagel. Two Stargates remain. Eleven months after the August 11, 1999 Arthurian Solar Eclipse came the eclipse of July 1 2000, on what should have been the 39th birthday of Princess Diana. Incidentally, as I have also been putting forward in this website for many years, it was believed by ancient Europeans in times past that the sudden appearance of a comet in their skies meant the death of a Royal. Amazingly enough, just five months prior to Diana's killing, in March of 1997, there appeared in the night skies a comet named "Hale-Bop" which crossed right thru the

constellation of Cassiopeia, the Queen, as if to foretell that a present or future Queen was about to be 'crossed out.' Precisely one year and one month after the alignment of the planets on May 5th 2000, came the Summer Solstice of June 21

2001 (Prince William's 19th birthday) on which appeared

a rather unique Solar Eclipse over Africa with a unusually bright corona

. Oddly enough, Prince William was in Africa at the time, completing a three-month 'gap year' that began in Patagonia Chile, the site of a lunar eclipse of its own, in January of that same year. Exactly one year later, on

June 21, 2002 (Prince William's 20th Birthday) came a day that was very much like the former 1999 "King Arthur Solar Eclipse," this time with Mars [the 'Red Dragon'] being closer to earth than it had been in thousands of years, shining from the

constellation of the Sword. June 21 2002 went down in history for yet another reason however,

an unexpected 'killer

asteroid' had just missed our planet

, coming within 1/3 of the distance between earth and the moon! Again, all these

strange events happen directly on or around the Summer Solstice, Prince William's day of birth, not to mention that his birthday has always been one of the most important and celebrated holidays in the

Satanic calendar

. Clearly, such events

occurring in the skies above seem to be speaking to us about dire events on earth yet to come, some of which being connected in some way to Prince William directly. For example, going back thru the years of William's life, both lunar and

solar eclipses seem to be marking such major events as: His parent's marriage in July 1981, the day of his birth in June 1982, the day his parents publically announced their divorce in December 1992, the death of his mother in August 1997, the

"King Arthur Solar Eclipse" of August 1999, his visits to Chile and Africa in 2001, as well as more recently, the day of his own son's birth in July 2013, and most recently, his new family's first trip outside of England in April 2014, to NZ and Australia,

which coincided with a rare "Blood-Moon' eclipse, the first of six Omens to occur within the 2014-2015 Tetrad timeframe.

Meanwhile, back in the Ukrainian crisis with Putin's Russia, Jews in Donetsk (on "Artur street" no less), were being told to register themselves or face expulsion from the country. This is just the first of five more greater signs yet to come, all

resulting in trouble for the Jewish people.

Amazingly, in the heavens above, there is currently underway a key celestial occurrence called the Star of David alignment.

Starting from August 8 1990 to July 22 2013, these peculiar planetary alignments all fall on ancient Jewish Feast Days, which were days set aside and given by God to foretell of supernatural events involving ancient Israel, the only nation on

earth who observed such days, and the only people God worked thru [See my writings on the 8th Day Creation of the Adamic/Sethite lineage in the Cainite section.] These signs above, known as "Tetrad moons" have not ended with the demist of ancient Israel however, they have continued right up into the modern day. On one of the more astounding examples, there

was seen in the skies over Israel on June 6th 1967 (6-6-67), a "blood red moon" upon the night that the Israeli army recaptured the city of Jerusalem, an definite prophetic occurrence where once again Jerusalem was under control of the Jewish people, an event that ended in 66 AD, when the ancient Romans destroyed both the Temple and the city and began

to scatter the Jewish population into every corner of the globe [God was punishing the Jews for their involvement in killing His Son, their Messiah]. As such, we as Christians knew for a fact we were living in "the end-times" after 6-6-67 because the

prophecies in Daniel, Zechariah, and Revelation speak of a future Israel giving in to the Antichrist, and seven years later, Christ Himself returns to rescue the Jews from what would be a complete genocide by Satan's hand. As I said, we are already seeing some amazing alignments, comets, and other signs in the sky today, all of which point to Antichrist coming, and Christ returning. In fact, since 1990, there have been a total of 13 'Star of David configurations' with the 13th being the

‘last one’ leading up to the Tetrad of 2014-2015. The Star of David alignments appears to follow a ‘countdown’ sequence to both the appearance of Antichrist and Christ. It very much appears to be like the three Total Solar Eclipses that occurred

consecutively on the 1st of Av in 2008, 2009 & 2010 which appeared to signal the ‘countdown’ to the start of the 7-Year Solar-Lunar pattern. It appears that this same principle is at work here with the Star of David alignment pattern and symmetry. The pattern likewise suggests a sort of a ‘cosmic countdown’ highlighting the Tetrad of 2014-15. However, the coming "Four Blood-Moons" are not the only stellar events we shall witness in the skies, as we advance toward that "


of Jacob's Trouble


In early 2013 came a great sign from the Lord above in the form of an expected asteroid passing very near to our planet, and on the same day, an even greater, much more destructive event in the form of a meteor streaking over Russia, causing a giant explosion and sonic wave over a factory and other buildings that rained down millions of glass shards and debris over

an unsuspecting Russian public.

Later in this year, we are to witness the effects of the 8th War Star Cycle

beginning on

July 29th, 2013

, an interesting date that may connect itself with an Israeli peace accord and/or breakthrough that is currently being pushed by the Obama administration. The date of July 29th 2013 is intriguing for another reason. Six years later, we arrive at the most curious date of July 28, 2019, (or 24 Tammuz, 5779 in the Jewish calendar), a date which Grail researcher and author Tim Wallace-Murphy cites as relating to a coming Apocalypse. The date he arrived at comes from his research into Scotland's Rosslyn Chapel, or more precisely, the Masonic builders' placement of seven round stones

prominently placed within. The seven rounded stones are believed to correspond to the seven major planets known by the ancients (the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Earth, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn), as well as seven local cathedrals (at Amiens, Paris, Chartres, Orleans, Toulouse in France and Compostela in Spain) depicted by the stones that oddly enough,

will be exactly matched by the astronomical sky pattern of the seven planets, on one key date, July 28th in the year 2019.

Pursuant to the Book of Revelations, this moment could be, as Wallace-Murphy believes, "an Apocalyptic creation...not a destruction of the world, but a transformation toward a New Age on earth." Such New Age authors speak of just such a time when the current world system is to soon be replaced with the establishment of an "New Age" by which mankind shall finally unite under one Occult hero of legend, exactly as Lucifer and his 'illuminated' men have long planned. The emerging science

that I have for years referred to as "Astrologos," the Prophetic Word of God among the stars, regarding the time frame between 1990 unto September 23, 2017, and beyond, is continuing to prove their own dire revelation(s).

*Read Article

STAR OF DAVID: The Cosmic Countdown 1990-2016

*Read Article

Lu Vega: The End of Days Depicted in Custom Charts

NEW YEAR 2014 UPDATE: Having recently witnessed yet another startling fulfillment of the Bible Codes play out with

"Comet 2012 S1 (Ison)," which referenced that a comet would have potentially struck earth had God not intervened (remember, even astronomers were unclear what would have been the exact path Ison was going to take after the Sun radically changed its trajectory, only admitting the sun's pull on it would bring it close to the earth) the Code clearly read "Of

Comet 2012

I will tear it to pieces

," which did occur, on November 28th, 2013. Knowing that, it then becomes

exceptionally intriguing to now understand how Jews are reading the Codes, in reference to the signs of *their* "Messiah"

coming. As mentioned, the Bible Codes, seemingly, make certain indications for the Jewish year 5775 (2014), that relate to

"their Moshiach," (aka the Christian Antichrist) and a sign of his coming being "an end to (spiritual) darkness." Does this mean that 2015 will be the banner year in which Jews shall begin to deceive other Jews about the coming of Antichrist, namely that he shall be their King? Certainly we are today witnessing many signs in the media that we are very close to seeing his arrival, as a King, and later, desired world ruler. Listening to this Christ-denying Rabbi gearing up for what will only

turn out to be the coming of the Antichrist (he not understanding that every reference both overt and covert in Scriptures could only refer to the coming of their true King, God's Son, their Moshiach, Jesus Christ), it becomes quite clear that, at the

very least, Jews will be looking for a sign between September 2013 and September 2014, for the arrival of their (false) Messiah. As Christians, we need to be aware just how our Jewish brethren will become taken in by Satan's deceptive Man of

Sin, so that we may better witness to them, and in turn, attempt to save them from the initial deception that is to become an all-out assault for their worship in the coming years. This year of 2014 will of course set the stage for 2015, when there is

certain evidence that Prince William is to be crowned as Britain's next King. Therefore, all the pieces for the countdown toward William's ascendancy as Global King are seemingly in place. Clearly, the Jews are already deceiving themselves into

believing 'their Moshiach' (the Biblical Antichrist) will arrive after a time of darkness, and soon. Case in point, in the following video, Rabbi Glazerson reveals his finding that the Moshiach will end a time of darkness in the Jewish year 5775 (our September 2014 - September 2015). Interestingly, Prince William turns 33 (the same age Christ was crowned "King of the Jews" upon His death) on June 21, 2015. Thus, might William be crowned as King William V, or even as King Arthur (I or II), on the same date? Certainly, his coronation as Great Britain's King on

this Satanic Holy Day-his Birthday

would begin

his reign as Rex Mundi, and later as the Antichrist, once the Jews accept his covenant toward peace, with him as 'The Messiah.'


When rules a Son of the Dragon, the bones of a Future King are found A tomb beneath a Mysterious Stone ends the reign of a dreaded Queen.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 159

Between the years 2010 and 2012, we've crossed over into a new (pre-tribulation) age that couldn't be accurately described in any other way, other then "apocalyptic." With the exception of only a very few, every major Apocalyptic sign given by Christ and the rest of Scripture is now occurring, at the same time. Firstly, we are in that technological age prophesied in Daniel 12:4: "But thou, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of the end, when many shall move to and fro and knowledge shall be increased." Also as predicted, we are in the age of global transportation and automobiles, as

predicted in Nahum 2:4: "Their chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the highways. They shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings." The time of the end was also described as one where images of people and events can be carried "live," everywhere, for all to see, in Revelation 11:7-9: "When they finish their testimony, the Beast will make war against them, and kill them. Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations everywhere will see their dead bodies laying three-and-a-half days in the streets of Jerusalem." Between Matthew 24 and Luke 21, Christ

told us even more plainly about the age that ultimately sees the Antichrist, and His own return, describing a time of great wars and rumors of even greater wars, a great many earthquakes in "various places," deadly weather, "waves roaring,"

floods, droughts, rampant pestilences that have no cure (like the recent Ebola outbreak in Africa) as well as "the stars"

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 151-160)
