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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 43-46)

In recent years, several prophecy writers and teachers have proposed that the Crown Prince of England, Prince Charles, is the Antichrist, in waiting. Monte Judah in his Yavoh newsletter, Businesswoman Joan Veon in her book Prince Charles: The Sustainable Prince, and a Jewish Messianic author named Tim Cohen have all recently produced research with this view.

Tim Cohen, the author of a book entitled The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea, has the most in-depth work on the subject,

perhaps to date. The strength of his premise is largely found in the genealogy, religious beliefs, and heraldic symbols

associated with Prince Charles of Wales. The flaws in his theory however are found in the genealogical evidence largely built upon the historical teachings that are found in the Merovingian history, i.e., the dynastic European Royal families descended from various secretive groups such as the Priory of Zion, and Knights Templar, which is true for the Merovingian lineage, the only issue is that Prince Charles is not descended from the Merovingians, his ex-wife was. While most scripturally sound Bible prophecy authors reject the veracity of connecting Jesus to this elaborate and dubious European genealogy supposedly going back to King David, some of the conspirators themselves believe it, so it becomes a valid source of

information for their own and others' deception. While some in the Royal Family believe it to be true, other outside of the Firm know it to be a grand deception which leads to the completion of the Great Work, the setting up of a false Messiah in Israel.

Born Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor on November 14, 1948 at Buckingham Palace in London, England as the eldest child of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Prince Charles is today current heir to the British Throne. Charles was made Prince of Wales in 1958 and served as a pilot and commander in the Royal Navy from 1971-76. After a string of women in his life, most notably Camilla Parker-Bowles, Prince Charles married Lady Diana Spencer in 1981 at one of the century's grandest Royal weddings. The match proved a bad one; the couple separated in 1992 and were divorced in 1996, the year before Diana's untimely death in a Paris auto crash. Their union produced Prince William Arthur in 1982, current heir to the Throne after Prince Charles. If Prince Charles ascends to the Throne of England after September 18, 2013 - the Prince, who would be nearly 66 years old would become the oldest successor to do so. Only King William IV at 64 years old at the time of his accession in 1830 was older than Charles is now when he became Monarch of the United Kingdom. Prince Charles is already the oldest man to hold the title Prince of Wales since it became the title granted to the heir apparent, and he is the oldest British heir apparent. He is both the third-longest serving heir apparent and third-longest serving Prince of Wales in British history and is well known for his extensive charity work, which includes The Prince's Trust, The Prince's Drawing School, The Prince's Regeneration Trust, The Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment, The Prince's Charities and The Prince's Charities Foundation. He also carries out a full schedule of royal duties and, increasingly, is taking on more duties from his elderly parents as official representative of the Queen and deputy for his father. Tom Gallagher, Encyclopedia Britannica editor and a British expert in Romanian politics and history has wrote that Charles was once offered the Romanian throne by Romanian Monarchists of the ancient Vampiric House of Count Vlad Tepes [Dracula], to which Charles was fast to decline, but not before it was quickly picked up by the press and reported around the world, although, more interesting, however, were the larger media outlets who seemingly pushed the story into obscurity and wouldn't report it at all.

As a type of False Messiah himself, clearly Prince William's father is unknowingly or knowingly

preparing the way for his eldest son

. The following are just a few of his own titles and accomplishments and what he has done to place himself in such global prominence leading many to believe that he, Prince Charles himself, is to become the person of whom the future world will adore and worship. However, those who believe Prince Charles is the Antichrist must ultimately admit that Prince William, who thru blood inheritance, and imminent line of succession to the Throne of England, shall certainly reap all of what his father has already sown. Prince Charles received his power and authority from the "Red Dragon" in his induction ceremony to become Prince of Wales. His Coat of Arms contains a great number of Biblical imagery connected with the Antichrist (the same of which is reflected in William's own current and future crests).

Given his extensive holdings, he could be one of the richest men in the world. His name adds up to 666 through various means.

Prince Charles has been instrumental in the toleration of all religions

, especially that of Islam. He also claims descent from King David, Jesus, and Mohammed. He also spearheads and prepares any and all new cutting edge, as well as 'earth friendly' technologies that will later be used by William in his time to better enact his control over a reduced albeit significant future global population. In his ongoing efforts of preparing for his son for the world, and vice-versa, Prince Charles has also partnered with the United Nations and World Bank, steers the environmental ethics and business agendas of over one hundred of the world's largest and most influential multinational corporations, is credited for the Rio Earth Summit and Kyoto Protocol, and other such "Green Movement" causes, enforced environmentalism, and is behind the funding of scientific research reducing the effects of 'global warming.' Prince Charles even appears to have been responsible for the initiation of the current Mideast peace process, which came about just before

the late Israeli Prime Minister Rabin was assassinated in 1995, an event foretold by the Bible Code


In 1994, Prince Charles stated that he would be known as "The Defender of [All] Faiths", rather than "Defender of the [Christian] Faith" which had been the former title for England's Kings as the titular head of the Church of England for hundreds of years up to his announcement. He initiated the Global Security Programme and its lecture series, for which Mikhail Gorbachev has since became a spokesperson.

In 2002, the Prince of Wales launched the 'Respect campaign' which calls for greater tolerance

and understanding between all global faiths and religions.

Also in 2002, Prince Charles joined a Druid Council called the Gorsedd of Bards

, adding to his already long list of other such secret societies and Knightly orders such as the Order of the Garter, the Grand Druid Council, the Club of Rome, Bilderbergers, Thule Society, Knights of Malta, White Brotherhood, the Temple of Light, Rosae Crucis, OTO, and several other quasi-political magickal groups. In 1995, Prince Charles had his son William "marked" in his right hand by an electronic chip which was touted in the media as being merely a homing device that would interact with a UK satellite in the event Prince William were ever kidnapped and/or missing. This same technology is thought by many to be a tool by which enslaves a future world under the banner of Global Unity, where no one could buy or sell, or even participate in that society unless they are similarly marked.' The book

"Antichrist and a Cup of Tea" which sets out to prove that in fact, Prince Charles is the future Antichrist himself

, details the British Monarchy's centuries-long conspiracy for a New World Order notably using its unique standing within the Order of the Garter, an Order of Knighthood originating in medieval

England and most recently bestowed on Prince William, its 1,000th member since the Order was founded in 1348. The Order is the pinnacle of the honours system in the United Kingdom as its membership is limited to the the

reigning Sovereign,

the Prince of Wales, and no more than twenty-four member Knights

as his Companions around the British Throne (counterfeiting Revelation 4:4 as well as the Knights of the Round Table itself). Thus the Order of the Garter is rightly believed to comprise the core leadership of all modern Secret Societies, and includes the top members of the British Royal Family.

After the coming Collapse, as the world moves closer toward a totalitarian state, with Europe/Britain leading, and while the earth is still rising out of a time of great global civil unrest and lawlessness, the coming Antichrist will early on exhibit a leaning toward martial law against any and all who cause instability in what is to become his New World Order that is being forged in small ways even now, by our politicians and elected (or selected) leaders. As with all despotic tyrannical leaders, this will begin slow at first and likely begin in secret yet as more power is gained by his hand, and the world falls under his complete control, then will he begin to show the iron fist which always appears once all the power given, turns into the power that is all-corrupting. Much like that which was recently seen in the way

a campaigning Barack Obama of 2008 seemingly held all the answers for a hurting, war-weary America

, with its people, in their utterly blind naivety, having been so perfectly primed and prepared for one like him to arrive, all-out worshipped him and could do nothing but hypnotically sing his praises, so too it will be with all the people who worship the Antichrist Beast (and the Red Dragon that empowers him). They to, in their blind ignorance, shall have been so perfectly primed and prepared for one like him to arrive on the scene, even as they shall literally cry out to sing his praises, saying amongst themselves "Who is like unto the Beast, who is able to make war with him?" and in so doing, shall they all fulfill the ancient prophecy written of them of their blind adoration for Satan. The very question they ask in their praise of him conjures up a picture of a man with near supernatural ability, even as it depicts one whom no one else could even hope to compete with, on any level, therefore it is from that generation who lives to see the Antichrist that shows us in the present what this Beast will be seen, and seem to be.

In a world that just witnessed every kind of horror that proceeded after a world war and comet strike, as well as the resulting complete collapse of society, already vetted but once empowered, the Antichrist King will be quick to crush every kind of lawlessness remaining across the planet by first seemingly defeating "the great evil" that will have been conveniently placed for him to remove. He shall then establish an order of new laws and times, based upon his desire at establishing a New Order for the Ages. As such, he will be seen as the only one having all the answers to the world's many "post-apocalyptic"

issues. Back to this notion that some still have that makes them think Prince Charles *must* and could only be the Antichrist, would be wise to remember how transfer of power works in Monarchies, especially in British history, which is sorted at best.

There have been numerous examples of how British heirs took power, by force, via strange events, circumstances, missing persons, murders, deaths, or just by the sheer will of their shadowy backers. Of course, none of that need be if a King-to-be has a father who simply passes on the power of the Crown, to him. Many today increasingly believe Prince Charles might simply abstain his Kingly place in line, and role, to instead pass it on to William, which is exactly what the majority of British people want him to do. Thus the son inherits all that was of his father, by Monarchial right, a right still seen by some in England, as well as in Europe, as Divine. ⚜ Thus, without the balance that was his Merovingian mother to guide him in his life, like she desperately wanted to, William is now left to his earthly father, a man who has already been linked as having a direct descent from the "Son of the Dragon," Vlad the Impaler, of whom Bram Stoker hinged his most infamous book upon:


. Amazingly,

the Bible Code matrix referencing Princess Diana's death

includes "They killed me" and

"They took my blood."

I am sitting here at my desk today in October, longing for someone to help me &

encourage me to keep strong & hold my head high. This particular phase in my

life is the most dangerous. My Husband is planning 'an accident' in my car. brake

failure & serious head injury in order to make the path...

-Princess Diana, Oct. 1996

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 43-46)
