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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 128-134)








Prince Michael makes the point that England does not have a Constitution and therefore the monarchy is little more than a despotic feudal system. He emphasizes, however, that Scotland has a Constitution, in fact the very model used by the Founding Fathers of the United States. It seems General George Washington, a Freemason, knew the importance of a Monarchy with a hereditary Bloodline and even offered the "American Crown" to Charles III of the Stuart lineage.


The Bloodline of 43 American Presidents from George Washington to George W.

Bush go back to European Royal and aristocratic families who have interbred to keep the gene pool "pure". Their geneology, and that of today's key politicians, banking tycoons, business leaders, and media owners, continues back even further into the distant past through those European Royal and noble (Aryan) families to the ancient kings of Sumer and its empire, not least Egypt. Throughout history the right to rule has been decided by Bloodline. For thousands of years it was done openly, yet today it is achieved through covert manipulation and the secret society web called the Illuminati.

Children of the Matrix, David Icke

Many people are utterly enthralled by the concept of Bloodline families...although the enthusiasts tend to be divided between those who think the "Bloodliners" are our hidden saviors and those who regard them as the secret Satanic rulers of the world.

The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined.

The Sion Revleation p. 291; Benjamin Disraeli, First Prime Minister of England

There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of genetically-related individuals (at least at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite, as well as members of the so-called Black Nobility of Europe dominated by the British Crown whose goal is to create a One World (fascist) Government, stripped of nationalistic boundaries, that is obedient to their agenda.


Freemasonry takes time and costs money; most are content to be full [Mark]

members [of the third degree] and aren't interested in the extra time, money, and

considerable effort of going further. There are around 60,000 Mark Masons in

Britain. Unlike that of the [Third Degreed] Craft, membership of the Ancient and

Accepted Rite is by invitation only. Despite the restriction, the Rose Croix has around 35,000 members in some 860 Chapters mostly in England and Wales.

A Brief History of Secret Societies p. 139-140

On July 14 1889 [Albert] Pike issued these instructions 'Lucifer is God, and unfortunately, Adonay [Jehovah] is also god. The true and pure philosophical religion is the belief in Lucifer, the equal of Adonay; but Lucifer, God of Light and God of Good is struggling against Adonay, the god of Darkness and Evil.' If genuine, it indicates there is a Satanic - or Luciferian - strain in American Masonry. Various Occult symbols are often also sexual symbols, and in these Freemasonry abounds.

A Brief History of Secret Societies p.151-154

If you want to self-appoint yourselves as Satanist spokespeople, at least know what you are talking about. One of these two so-called leaders even said they called the FBI and turned us in as being a Satanic cult. This again is actually amusing. The [Satanic] Brotherhood has many connections in the Law Enforcement and Justice Systems and they have great secret respect for us as individual Satanists and as an organization. Many of our High clergy are Freemasons and other related Secret Society members.

Druwydion Pendragon, Master Councilor Brotherhood of Satan

In order to survive, these cults went "underground," meeting only in secret and creating strict laws to ensure nondiscovery. Witches took refuge in Masonic groups and other Secret Societies both to protect themselves and to continue the ancient practices with other Witches. Masonic influences in the Witches' Craft are readily recognized by by their own similar practices. Modern scholarship point to the inclusion of such things as a three-degree initiation system, similar beliefs, ancient pagan symbology, and the "five-fold kiss" as evidence. The First Degree of Initiation begins with a warning and the initiate's courage is testted at the point of a sword. He or she is given a password and is blindfolded. The Second and Third Degrees follow similar lines. In fact, in style, if not quite in content, the [Witchcraft] Initiation is entirely Masonic.

Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft p. 23-24, 169: Witchcraft Out of the Shadows p. 110-111

Do you really think all of this is coincidence? What are the odds? So what are we really looking at? We have President George Bush Jr. who is 13th cousin of Britain's Queen Mother, and of her daughter Queen Elizabeth and is a 13th cousin once removed of the heir to the throne, Prince Charles. Officially becoming the 43rd President on December 13th of a nation that originally had 13 colonies, who celebrates its Independence Day July 4, which is exactly 13 days after Summer Solstice on June 21. Anglo-Israel belief teaches that America is the 13th Tribe of Israel. Bush rules from the White House which the cornerstone was laid by a Masonic Ritual on Saturday, October 13, 1792, which is surrounded by 13

approximately straight lines of avenues which Freemason L'Enfant planned for the city to be symbolic of the 13 stripes of the national flag.

Robert Howard: George Bush Jr. and the Number 13


But you're not supposed to know about it, or about any of this for that matter. Before even delving into the real hidden Masters of Evil upon our planet, many of whom the ignorant falsely believe reside in modern Israel, you should

first acquaint yourself with the origins of Mankind, i.e., the original races created by God on the 6th Day

, as it

clearly states this in the Genesis account in the original Hebrew language. A careful and more detailed study into Genesis proves God created all the races of mankind on the 6th Day, then rested on the Seventh, only to have Genesis strangely seem to repeat the Creation of Mankind again, yet this is not so in the original Hebrew. In Hebrew, whereas God *created*

Mankind (plural) on the Sixth Day and placed them all in their ancient borders and called it good, God at a later time *formed*

a single Man named Adam from the dust of Eden itself, to till its soil, yet clearly God had more in mind for this special man who immediately was made to be serparated from all others, than to just till the soil in the Garden of God. God foreknowing how Adam and Eve would fail and fall knew a way must be made to have a future Man be born of Adam's Bloodline in order to redeem not only what would become His chosen, Israel, yet all the world itself. This is why the Jewish people regard the

8th day, even as it keeps appearing in regards to Israel and the Jewish people throughout their history, with eight representing the number of new beginnings, and the Jews themselves, and this is all to reflect God's creation of that unique

lineage by which He Himself, would create in order to save all of mankind. In the next paragraphs I've written here, you will come to learn just how important the Hebrew race is to God and even all of us in the world, and why God saw to it early on in

Israel's history that such stringent laws and oblations were strictly observedin order to maintain the purity of the Hebrew race by which God will work ultimately to bring Christ into the world, yet once Christ was born, this is also why you saw the immediate changes brought about in the Godly requirements of Israel, culminating in a "New Testament." Understand, Christ's birth was Christ not only became the very fulfillment of the old Laws and oblations, He was that very pinnacle by

which God worked hard toward in keeping the Hebraic lineage so pure in its Holy Bloodline in the first place. You must remember, Satan was always attempting to destroy the promise of Christ's birth, knowing God's Son would topple his evil


Satan used everything from Cain killing Abel, to a wave of Fallen Angels to beget children upon unsuspecting Adamic women, and more all in order to destroy any possibility of God/Christ being able to come thru that Holy lineage by

*physically* corrupting it with his own evil blood. Once Christ was born, an important goal was reached and as such, no longer were the Jews under the weight of the old Laws which were made to ensure the ancient Israelites remained as separate as possible from the rest of the world. In other words, the vast majority of the human races are not descended from

Adam, repeat NOT DESCENDED from Adam as we in the western hemisphere and anyone else in the Christian faith were taught. *Only* Jews (read: descendants of the Tribe of Judah) as well as the whole House of Israel, who both inhabit the modern State of Israel are the descendants of Adam and Eve, even as they were specially created to be closest to God from

the Beginning, at Eden, formed from its ruddy earth. Furthermore, to a large extent, what we call "Jews" today, are actually descendants of the entire House of ancient Israel and all its tribes (meaning there are no longer any so-called Lost Tribes of Israel even though there are still decreasing pockets of individual families of Jews among the still scattered nations, Russia, Siberia, Iran, and Ethiopia. In other words, you reading this, likely not being a Jew, are of God's 6th Day Creation, Mankind.

God created a full sprectrum of races, ranging from the darker-skinned races, to the then whiter races, all at once, likely in a small population of each within their own set land boundaries. Jews themselves are of God's 8th Day Creation, starting with a single man, Adam. What you've known your whole life about Adam being the "first human" is an absolute misunderstandng

of what it clearly states in the original Hebrew of Genesis. Knowing that mankind already existed for untold years on the earth, long before Adam answers many of the Bible's other mysteries which has eluded mankind until now, i.e., why Adam and Eve feared banishment from the Garden of Eden, how Cain found a wife in his own travels eastward, why the number 8

is itself a sacred number in Judaism meaning "New" (as in New Man or New Covenant). The number 8 has certainly taken on meaning, relating to Newness, and even the New people created on that 8th Day ever since. Ancient Jews even had the

tradition of circumcising a child on the 8th day after birth to reflect their 8th Day Creation, which was later reflected in their Maccabean Menora miraculously lit for 8 days from a single drop of oil.

This same tradition of newness and the number 8 pertaining to the Jews carried on even into the New Testament, with Jesus, the ultimate Jew and the literal fulfillment of the number 8 as

Christ's name in the Greek Gematria adds up

to 888

, which is the reason why early Christian Churches as well as medieval Christian cathedrals were all built having 8 sides. Now most scholars only know of the war between Good and Evil in the spiritual sense, yet know absolutely nothing

about the literal war on earth between Satan's evil Cainites and God's Chosen Holy people. Let this be a wake-up call therefore to all white supremists, neo-nazi's, anti-Semites, and other ignorant racists living among us who blame everything

on the Jews, when every evil in earth's history, its World Wars included, are caused by Cainites in their futile attempt to destroy God's Hebrew Children, the goal since their forefather Cain first murdered Abel. In addition, what you are about to

learn seems to have become a recent point of huge contention online and in other arenas in light of certain well-known 'conspiracy radio' and like-media personalities, as well as those calling themselves "9-11 Truthers" attempting to make sure

none of the following is ever brought to light, which becomes very interesting to me personally since while on the one hand they want to blame the "evil Jews" of the world for being the real culprit behind such terroristic acts as 9-11, on the other hand they want to absolutely prevent any counter-information that would cause their growing flock to question the validity their own racist, clearly anti-Semitic, anti-Christian beliefs or their seedy allegiences with neo-Satanists and Islamic radicals.

The shill Alex Jones himself, for example, has most recently prevented his YouTube account from ever being accessed by mine in obvious attempt at getting me not to comment on his very public and widely read Channel and therefore ultimately show his audience what his "truther" work is actually helping to bring about. I have even been accused of being a "dirty Jew"

and "Zionist psy-op agent" myself by many of his online readers, as well as hastily threatened by his and others of this increasingly hive-minded New World Order gang who are already beginning a familiar use of gestapo tactics to acheive their


Clearly we are already at the point where battle lines are being drawn, with people being herded into either one of two camps; with the "9-11 Truthers" all getting roped in by the very people they think they're against (into hating Israel and every

Jew that has ever lived or will ever live), while we Christians completely break off from them and support the God of Israel, our Judeo-Christian heritage, and of course Israel itself, especially now. All of this then therefore shows just how easily the

Antichrist can soon rise on the scene and easily gather in all his newly formed NWO Army of Jew haters and Israel-destroyers, and thanks for that must go out to the American and European Cabal of Anglo-Zionists (with their 9-11 attack that

was ultimately devised to create such a social rift and rise of a new Nazi pretext/order of people who'd rather die than live on the same planet with a Jew) and who would love to see nothing better than Satan finally destroy the Jewish people once and for all, which has always been his goal. Remember this, just before the war, Hitler too used evil anti-Semitic propaganda,

"Zeitgeist movies," books, and many speeches to bolster his later mind control techniques to bring his own "11-truther"

audience into full compliance, and so all the powers in Brussels and Washington DC had to do was utilize a known rallying/recruitment technique that has worked well once before in Germany. Knowing this, you have to ask yourself three important questions: Have I been deceived by the Anglo-European Zionists of the New Word Order and, exactly who are the

Anglo-European Zionists of the New World Order? What is their earthly goal?

Certainly we have been lied to about


as well as what that "fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was. In fact, the phrase Fruit of the Tree is Hebrew word # 6529 meaning a) fruit, produce (of the ground), or b) fruit, offspring, children, progeny (of the womb).

The phrase eat of it is Hebrew word #398; 'akal (aw-kal'); This word has many uses, among which, one use means to lay with a woman (as a sexual act). Touch is Hebrew word # 5060; naga` (naw-gah'): to lay the hand upon (euphemism for) to lay (have sex) with a woman. Therefore, God charging not to eat of the fruit, or even touch it, has a much different meaning in Hebrew, than in English. The word "Arcane" proves equally interesting, being derived from Latin to mean secretive and/or

having hidden knowledge, its verbal breakdown containing the name of 'ar'-Cain.'

All Witchcraft comes from carnal lust, which is in women insatiable.

Witchcraft Out of the Shadows: A Complete History p. 72

And God said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? What is this that thou hast done?

And the woman said, The Serpent beguiled me. And the Lord God said unto the Serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed. I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her Seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise His Heel. Unto the woman He said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception (BECAUSE) THY desire shall be ONLY to thine own husband.

Genesis 3:11-16

The day has come when Fellow Craftsman (Freemasons) must know and apply their Knowledge...Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. The seething energies of LUCIFER are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy, he must follow in the footsteps of his forefather Tubal-Cain.

Lost Key of Freemasonry, Manly Hall, 33°, p.48

Cain is said to have created civilizations across the globe, and to have shared with

certain chosen men a secret, forbidden wisdom: the Hermetic doctrine of the occult,

symbolized by the Lapsit Exillis, or the Holy Grail. These actions brought him into

conflict with other members of the divine hierarchy, an occasion immortalized in the

Biblical story of the War in Heaven, and in other myths from various cultures that

tell the same story. He is also said to have interbred with mortal females, creating

mankind’s first royal family, the Grail bloodline, which carried with it the seed of the

divine. Their descendants became the lords of the earth, resulting in many, if not in fact most of the world’s royal dynasties throughout history.


Nay, even while Adam was alive, it came to pass that the posterity [lineage] of Cain became exceedingly wicked, every one successively dying one after the other, more wicked than the former. They were intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies;

and if any one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his profligate behaviour, in acting unjustly, and doing injury for gain.

Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, A.D. 93

Once came a race of men, the posterity of Cain, who were, before the Flood, the masters of the Earth. Scripture reports them to have been a Titanic race, builders of great antediluvian cities and Cyclopean edifices, beside which the most ambitious architecture of the modern era shrinks to miniature scale. Indeed, the megalithic wonders of our ancient world are undoubtedly restorations of Cainite ruins.


To prevent their hunted extinction at the swords of men, the Reptilian inhabitants used some vestige of the magic that ages past had caused the waters of the earth to fountain upward into the cisterns to bring the city tumbling down. There is magic that can fissure and shake the earth. Their blood ran cold in their hearts like the

Serpent...the implacable malice of the Crocodile* [Messianic Serpent] is proverbial.

Atlantis and the Cycles of Time

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 128-134)
