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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 70-73)

Prophet, the Anti-Elijah, for they already preach the same lie he will in order to deceive the State of Israel into accepting a future British King to become their Messiah. It is they who are doing the work for Satan and his Antichrist, even as they help complete the Occult education of the world.

*Read Article

There are No Lost Tribes of Israel


correctly calls: The Mark of the Beast.

Thus will the near future world that has been so greatly weakened by the Collapse, of course accept what they will think is their only option for survival in that future world plagued by lawlessness of mob rule, which the Antichrist shall quickly put

down early on. Anyone not accepting the lies of the Antichrist and False Prophet, will be labeled as common "terrorists"

against the Antichrist's New World Order and therefore be hunted down and eventually martyred for their seemingly insane belief in Jesus Christ, whom they shall know is yet to return to Israel, seven years (1,260 days +1,290 days) after the Antichrist's bloody reign. Interestingly, 2014 has started out to be a year 'besieged by frost' not only in Scotland, but all across Europe into even some areas of the Middle East. (Due to a great lack of the Sun's light in that time (perhaps before, but certainly after) the Collapse, there will come a brief, Ice Age in much of the world, so this reference to frost is interesting.)

Again, before the arrival of the Biblical Antichrist, there is coming closer to our time, a False Antichrist figure who first drags the world into a World War III (false apocalyptic) scenario that will result in the aforementioned Global Collapse, the same event which then brings about the true and Biblical Antichrist figure into greater power. This first to come False Antichrist will

be Islamic, hateful and destructive to the West, namely America, Britain, and Israel. He will be called "The Imam Mahdi" by Islam. Now, the Bible has seemingly left out this detail of a coming deceptive despot that the world is going to falsely believe

is 'the Beast of Revelation' (the world being ignorant that the same Bible does prove that the vast majority of Westernized global society will afterward, neither condemn nor fear, but greatly worship the Antichrist because of his great war prowess, etc., initially) befitting that greater deception Satan brings, written in Second Thessalonians. Where the Bible has seemingly left out this detail, it very much seems the French "seer" and "prophet" Nostradamus has prophesied of this Islamic Messiah figure, to the point of even providing his enigmatic name, "Mabus." It is believed by most that Nostradamus also referred to this same Mabus as the "Third Antichrist, the figure he seems to claim *is* the Biblical Antichrist, even though we know this cannot be. Thus, we must tread carefully into this knowledge, knowing it is not meant for mankind to collectively know, save

those whom this Truth is better destined to awaken them into such elect status.

To understand Nostradamus himself, as a so-called prophet, we must first look into the ways of how he obtained his apocalyptic visions, then consider from which source, good or evil, have they come to him. Nostradamus clearly was more of

an Occultist, than a Godly Christian, and we know this because he used very arcane and occult methods to obtain his visions, namely the use of a very gothic form of medieval scrying and prognostication using "the black mirror" or reflections

refracted from a dish filled with 'pagan waters.' The signs we are to measure and 'test the spirits' by from what God would have us know, weighed against what ungodly men would tell us, is how well they themselves can discern between Good and

Evil. The very fact Nostradamus portrays the coming False/Third Antichrist seemingly as his interpretation for the Biblical Antichrist, without making equal mention as to the actual coming, Anglo-Christ, as being the true Antichrist. In fact, his only

mentioned of the coming Biblical Antichrist sounds to be of a favorable mention stating that this same King (whom he enigmatically referred to as KING ANGOLMOIS) shall long keep peace in the earth." We know that cannot be true, however, this WIL be what will be believed about the Biblical Antichrist once he arrives in power on the world stage. He will seem to be the Great Peacemaker, the man the world has always waited for. Thus, because Nostradamus speaks favorably about the

coming Antichrist, in effect, helping Satan in deceiving the world, I believe it is thereby more than safe to assume Nostradamus could not have received his messages about the future from God. That said, one question remains: How could Nostradamus have been correct in so many of his previous Quatrains leading up to our current 21st century, only to seriously

err or purposely keep us in derision over someone as important as Satan's Antichrist? In other words, where are all of Satan's other false prophets throughout the ages getting their sometimes correct prophecies from, so that they can then mix

them with seemingly prophetic falsehoods and lies, in order to deceive?

To answer this, we must come to the source of all Truth, for even Satan knows the Scriptures, goes the adage. Thus, I've come to believe that what are called "The Bible Codes" not only exist in God's Word, God has placed them there for us, meaning our computer generation. For only by the use of a computer can we quickly be able to see what's beneath God's original Hebrew text (using equal-skip distancing), and there is much there in the so-called Gematria regarding man's entire

history, and moreover, of his last generations. Since Satan knows the Scriptures better than any man, as well as being one of the most intelligent of the Angels, he has since the Scriptures were passed from God to man, been able to read not only what is there on the surface, yet also what's beneath. This is how Satan or even his demons can then pass some of this information regarding the future events of their own time, in the form of "prophecies" and then be able to make "prophets" out

of persons steeped in the Occult, and other such unsaved. Even as the Scripture openly tells us: Satan's Kingdom is not divided against itself meaning that just as God's Kingdom exists united in its own goals, Hell also has been preparing and knows a great deal of what is to come. Therefore, Nostradamus' "Third Antichrist," so-called, is titled as such to fit into that Satanic-devised deception whereby this future Mabus [Mahdi] is to be seen as The Biblical Antichrist himself, when he is not

the Antichrist. Clearly, Satan and his Angels since the time of Nostradamus have been using secular prognosticators and

"seers" to promote such things that while they actually may occur, they are taking those same events to come and twisting them in order to deceive. In other words, Nostradamus was actually (knowingly or unknowingly) fostering Satan's own deception in causing his readers to accept the premise behind Satan's scheme of an Islamic Antichrist figure, as the Biblical

Antichrist, so that the coming of his actual Antichrist Son, would more easily appear as a benign Messianic figure. Most startling to me today, therefore, is how some otherwise good Christians have actually bought into the idea of an Islamic Antichrist figure to come, entirely without the help of Nostradamus, but from their own simplistic interpretations into Daniel

itself. Many of them today are also spreading the notion that Daniel 11 is somehow referring to a "Syrian" or "Assyrian"

Antichrist as the Biblical Antichrist, despite the fact that the actual Antichrist must be of European (Roman Empiric) descent, and from his own kingdom and nation, has to travel south and east to arrive in Israel, of which Daniel clearly makes known in

Chapter 8:9. Thus, northwest of Israel, are only European nations, from Greece to Britain.

*Read Article

Iran Supreme Leader says: The Islamic Messiah Is Coming Soon To Kill All Infidels

Since some of today's Christians are actually expecting to see an "Islamic Antichrist," namely a Syrian, as they've falsely determined from their more ignorant reading of Daniel's prophecy, even as Satan will always present to the ignorant world exactly what they are EXPECTING to see, no doubt some will place Syrian leader

Bashar al-Assad as their choice of


, while most others already have determined Mahmoud Ahmaddinejad to be Antichrist. In this, are they only helping Satan deceive the rest of the world in his presentation of an obviously evil Antichrist figure who brings about a false Armageddon, just so his actual Antichrist [who is literally protected and figuratively kept hidden in the wings by every single Satanic Anglo-Masonic Occult Secret Society who have been preparing for Satan's European, Anglo-Beast for centuries] can

later rise to power and appear as a world leader and seemingly the exact opposite as the former, False Antichrist. Instead of bringing global despair, death, and war, like the False Antichrist will bring, the actual Antichrist will bring only peace, harmony, and hope, at first. Now you see just how wickedly intelligent Satan truly is. His hatred for mankind is so great, he'll present man everything he desires most, such as peace, freedom, security, and prosperity, with a trap already planted in that

seemingly wonderful gift, to outright destroy man in his sins. Satan knowing that by doing so he has just brought another potentially saved soul down into Hell eventually with him, and far removed from God. In his own wicked mind, nothing pleases Satan more, than man's death, the more tempted, sinful, and gruesome, in great numbers, the better. At the end of

this world, he will be given his chance to deceive utilizing his grandest schemes. Do not be deceived, for in the beginning Satan was able to deceive one person, and through that one person, a couple. At the end, Satan shall be allowed to tempt the world, and through it, an entirely wicked generation that has since Adam and Eve, walked far away from God's intended

path, and then even far away from their only way out through Christ. Satan knowing this, sees mankind as a wholly stupid and ignorant creature easily fooled. The fact that so many millions have been murdered by Satan's men through history has

shown him his Antichrist can prevail, given the right kind of ignorant latter day generation.

From history, what can we say of those given such power, who also happen to be ego-driven megalomaniacs? Before you answer,

add in the fact he is radical Islamic and believes that the Islamic Doomsday is coming very soon

and that he himself will have something to with revealing the Islamic Mahdi to the world, who as he explains in not so many words is a kind of death Messiah that shall force the world to convert into Islam or else face a nuclear holocaust and certain death. That is precisely who is running Iran today, not to mention he actually wants to start a regional war with Israel, and then the "Zionist" United States and he literally needs to have nuclear weapons in order to carry his dreams out into reality.

Was this the man Nostradamus foresaw as "The Mabus?" We can only at best speculate, yet consider here is a man that is actually wanting to help bring about a great war so that his "Mahdi" can appear, which may after all, only turn out to be himself at long last. There is something else to consider with all this. In those Quatrains that Nostradamus wrote regarding this "Third Antichrist" figure, which many connect to his Quatrains regarding Islam and The Mahdi as its end-time Messiah,

he seems to be making the case that there is a way we'll know when and if any such character is his Mabus/end-time Antichrist, because there is also coming a great Comet, which appears at the time Mabus rises and is soon after killed. Such

a great destruction will immediately happen after Mabus is killed, that it affects the entire world. What is concerning there, is how in recent times we have had some very close calls with such orbiting space rocks, any one of which if they had struck the earth would have caused a destruction which even scientists have been quick to call "apocalyptic" in nature. Regardless

to whom and which side Nostradamus served, as well as where he obtained his prophecies for the future, he has done our generation a service in warning us all that it will be a great war and a comet that brings in the next 'cleansing cycle.' However, Nostradamus has also fallen into the belief that this "New King" coming (see C6 Q24) will be "supreme in rule and

goodness" (see C5 Q41), which would make Nostradamus to fall under the sway of believing the lie. Interestingly, again to his credit, he did also write in C5 Q41, this line: "...his Golden Age will become brass" which will, in the end, ultimately prove

to be true.

For Mabus shall come and soon die Of people and beasts a horrible ruin Suddenly one will see vengeance Thirst, hunger when the comet shall run.

-Nostradamus Century II Quatrain 62

Mars and the Sceptre Constellation will join There will be a calamitous war under Cancer Soon afterwards, a New King will be anointed

Bringing peace to the earth.

-Nostradamus Century VI Quatrain 24

In other words, to read Nostradamus and to take his writings at face value, as most do, then he, at the end, does serve

Satan's coming deception in regard to his so-called "Third Antichrist." Nostradamus would have you believe that a turban-wearing Islamic leader shall be the final Antichrist, dubbed "Mabus," as he called him. This is simply not true, or at least he cannot be referring to the Biblical Antichrist. For even while there might soon rise up an Islamic leader whom the Muslims will

announce is their "Islamic Messiah," and this same man will start a great war with the West, even he in no way could be the Biblical Antichrist. Thus, Nostradamus, has allowed a desired deception to be achieved on the part of Satan's coming plan whereby Satan presents the world with the very evil Antichrist, who arises out of the Middle East, that they all expect to see,

while hiding under his dark wings his true weapon against God and man, who comes after. Thus, to the world's blind eyes, the actual Antichrist arising out of Europe will never be thought to be [the] Antichrist, until it's much too late and he has already captured the world's adoration and conquered the coming cornerstone of world government. It's the perfect set-up

plan that Satan has established ages ago, perfect in its global deception, perfect in its lying execution, and it will work. In other words, just as I have been saying for many years in earlier versions of this website, there is to come a False Antichrist

figure who brings about a False Armageddon scenario, all to help in the world's deception from which the actual Biblical Antichrist can later rise in the 'apocalyptic' aftermath, speaking words of great world peace, unity, and global reconstruction,

which by then the world will entirely accept without question, falsely thinking that "the Islamic Antichrist" was Antichrist, and he was killed back in World War III, therefore this coming King who arises to world prominence afterward, is portrayed by Nostradamus as a good man who only wants to help rebuild the world along peaceful lines, which certainly isn't providing us

the full or factual account. You must give Satan credit however for such a perfect deception, whereby he will so easily deceive much of the non-Christian planet, because of their own Biblical ignorance and/or lack of knowledge/belief of the writings of God's true prophets, Nostradamus certainly not counted among them! Even more disturbing than Satan so easily

deceiving the world with such a plan, is how some Christians today are actually helping in the Satanic agenda of his true Antichrist, by spreading the rumor that the Biblical Antichrist must be Islamic. Who might this coming Mabus, Armilus, Mahdi,

Islamic and False Antichrist be? I believe he will be a terror leader, yet to arise, to lead what is today called ISIS.

New law to occupy the new land Towards Syria, Judea and Palestine The great barbarian empire to decay, Before the Moon completes its cycle.

Nostradamus Century III Quatrain 97

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 70-73)
