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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 160-164)

Take careful notice how militant in tone today's pagans, and now, the Obama administration are increasingly becoming against Republicans, and even Christianity itself. The same people sharpening up their teeth against Christians now, increasingly live in a society where such Christian bashing, as well as every sin the Bible labels as sin, is not only tolerated,

but actually promoted! No where is this seen more than in the liberal left vs. conservative right war raging now in America currently, where democrats seek to consistently erode the staunchly-held (Christian) religious beliefs of the right, to where every ungodly thought is upheld and seen as good, even superior, whilst every time-honored, Biblical, Christian belief is trampled underfoot, to be left behind in the garbage heap of history. These now-growing forces of the Antichrist will certainly

comprise all facets of the global New Age Antichrist society, offering up Christians to be executed thinking they are doing their 'god' a service. This proves that while the New Age Movement and its followers might believe in the attributes of love, 'God-sanctioned homosexuality,' and seemingly Godly tolerance overall, it is all an empty sham and counterfeit of Satan to ensnare all deceived by such false "good." Today's media and school brainwashing of the world's children toward being in lock-step with the American Democratic party, that is to say, being completely Anti-Christian, to the point where they without

question accept the mantra of the far left-wing, whilst seeing the Christian right as their mortal enemies, is one of the grandest schemes Satan and his men have perpetrated upon this last generation of Antichrist-era youth. Take again the abortion issue. Instead of informing young women in this generation about correctly drawing the line and "having the right to

choose" whether she wants a child or not at being while she is still laying there, naked and prostrate before the would-be father of her child, they instead draw their line and fill women's heads that their "rights" to terminate (kill) their own children should be at some American taxpayer-funded clinic one to nine months after the fact. The sheer and idiotic hypocrisy among

liberals, of course, extends far beyond the bedroom, however, and into every other facet of our collective lives. In fact, it has just been recently announced on MSNBC, that you'll know how vital you are to the Democrat party line by how deep you've placed yourself into the seemingly mutually exclusive issues of abortion and gay marriage. Very telling, clearly, a day is soon

coming when Christians won't even have the right to speak from the Bible about either abortion or homosexuality, or if they do, they are to feel the full wrath of political pressure, job termination, and loss of free speech, from the left's growing brigade

of Anti-Christ media spin-masters.

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Liberalism Serves the Ancient Pagan God of Abortion, Homosexuality, and Witchcraft

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Hidden Luciferians Within American Culture, Politics, and Higher Academia

The liberal conscience has been so seared, so twisted, and so far removed from any Godly Truth that its most staunch proponents have no issue with murdering babies in and out of the womb to the point of wanting such open murder to be funded by taxes of all or supporting that spiritually-deprived and morally bankrupt, historically empire-killing agenda known as


, and equate it with Godly-ordained unions of man and woman, since Adam and Eve. Just yesterday, Hillary Clinton announced there is a "war on women" and that women's reproductive rights are in danger again from those infamous and increasingly hated American Conservatives (which are almost always traditional Christians, and Republican) when in fact, God would have us know that life is God-given and something precious, to be seen as not some random grouping of cells attaching themselves to a woman's uterus, on its way to becoming a child, but is of him/her self, a distinct life already having a very distinct, fully-formed soul that is very separate from his/her mother, a soul literally given at conception, and not

upon birth. As such, the real war, therefore, is the absolute slaughter of millions of defenseless humans, of both future women and men alike. Thus this insane view that there is a "war on women" never takes into account the daily murdering of

the most innocent of children, men and women alike, that would have lived had not God-playing, racist, politicians been so vain enough to dare think they could allow the slaughter of innocents all in the name of a just and more noble society, and leave that decision up to, often, children themselves, who cannot see past their own current standing in that Godless-leaning

society that does help keep them as a whole, well-placed in perpetual poverty, happily feeding off the government, with both Republicans and "limousine liberals" making all their rules. Perhaps even more insane is that the so-called "progressive liberals" (who always think they know what's best for us) are then the ones who place all their hateful blame, and resulting death sentence, on the child itself of those would-be parents who want to take zero responsibility for their own sexual activity that led to the child in the first place. Even more sickening is the fact that the American left-wing pushes an agenda filled with

false rhetoric and propaganda citing "the only moral right" any single women has when suddenly presented with her unwanted pregnancy, is to simply destroy the life of that eternal soul whose own distinct body is growing quite separate within her, without so much as a mention of the other life option that is always available to her. Thus, gullible teenagers by

the tens of thousands are never actively informed about adoption, or even are aware of the number of qualified, life-established, loving, would-be parents already in the adoption system, desperately waiting sometimes years, and who would

love nothing more than to see that child live, love, and grow in their care.

Thank God some Christian Republicans have established a much more sane process amidst all the insanity, toward allowing the mother to at least see and hear their own child's heartbeat before making such a final decision on whether or not that

child should live or be torn apart within her. That law, of itself, inspired by Christ, has saved many precious souls in our society whose mothers believed they could not be capable of motherhood, or love, at first, and yet fell in love with their own

child at first sight! Despite that law, abortions kill more Americans than were killed on 9/11, every single day. Every single year, in the United States, abortion in all its many forms kills more than a million children, which is about as many Americans

as have been killed in all of the wars in U.S. history, combined. If God heard the single voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), what is He hearing from the nearly 60,000,000 infants who've been butchered in America since 1973? To put it even more bluntly, with the way most (atheist) Democrats label most (Christian) Republicans,

you'd think it would be the Republicans who'd be the ones wanting all the lower-income, lower-education, minority, babies (who'd likely grow up to be Democrats anyway) gone, and Democrats being the ones who would be the staunchest of all

pro-lifers, but it's the exact other way around! The same moral fabric that once made America great, and a society that from its birth taught that all men are created equal by a higher God, is now the same society and nation that increasingly is falling away from their initial Faith and given over to the faithless. The same American society that once openly prayed to Jesus Christ, God's own innocent Son, now murders the most innocent of all among us, with the murderers no longer seeing themselves or their fellow human as an eternal spirit-being beloved of a higher power, but instead a common animal of questionable worth. In fact, much like the well-armed, deranged gunmen they so like to separate themselves from, it is these same supposedly "progressive" liberals who time and again have proven themselves to have very little regard whatsoever for

any innocent life that God has given. Of course, in their own sick minds, some of them actually believe they are 'saving' the children they kill from a lifetime of only pain to themselves and others, which is interesting, since that is the same kind of thinking that most deranged murderers feel about their intended victims just before they slaughter them. Of all people, on the

moral decline of American society, it was Normal Mailer who wrote: "The new [1960's] generation believed in technology more than any before it, but the generation also believed in LSD, in Witches, in tribal knowledge, in orgy, and revolution. W hy

do you think people loved Hitler in Germany? Because they all secretly wished to get hysterical and stomp on things and scream and shout and rip things up and kill–tear people apart. Hitler pretended to offer them that. If America gets as sick as

Germany was before Hitler came in, we’ll have our Hitler. One way or another, we’ll have our Hitler."

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Satan and Homosexuality

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Homosexuality: What the Bible Says About it

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The Judeo-Christian Bible and Prayer in the History of America

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England Outlaws Crucifix in Response to Church's Stance on Gay Marriage

Despite his accuracy in a new kind of paganism taking root within what was a more moral upbringing of our nation, what Mailer failed to see, is that the destruction of America had begun long before the anti-Godly views of the 1960's ever took hold, and can be traced back into the secret meeting places of those most anti-Godly men who laid the blueprint for these United States, toward a time when Christian thought and a more secular America would forever part ways. Since Cain, it has

been their own secretive societies who have guided ignorant man along a path toward their own destruction, whose spiritual authority they've placed themselves under, once guided Adolph Hitler himself, and who shall yet control the man who shall

make Hitler seem merciful. It is they who have subtly orchestrated the anti-Christian push that was the tumultuous 1960's, that invariably led to where we stand today, on the brink where murder and mayhem, neighbor hating neighbor, and its resulting chaos, increasingly outweigh any traces of that former unshakable bond Americans once had for each other. Thus,

this notion that removing God, the Ten Commandments, and any and all traces of Biblical teaching, the very core teachings which built this nation, from the public square and school houses, only helps to push the new anti-Godly society they are

trying to build, into being more anti-Godly. In other words, what the Hell do secular (anti-Christian) politicians expect to happen to a society that they've made to be anti-Godly, suddenly acts anti-Godly? Why remove all traces of the greatest example of love toward mankind ever, in Christ, and then expect to fill that void with nothing to obtain a better result? It is only the morality that each person will be held accountable for their own sinful actions, literally, for eternity, and that there is a

day of ultimate Judgment coming for all, held in accordance to the Biblical Scriptures, only, despite Satan having the world believing that there are many more than just two paths, one leading to, and the other leading away from the Truth that Christ

alone is Lord, and His Father, is God. So, while Democrats, as the largest voting block of Anti-Christians, 50 years running, continue to push their eroding agendas toward creating a more perfect Godless union, they should be first to understand how

we got to the point America is at now. In fact, the Bible, before 1961, was used extensively in public classrooms and curriculum throughout the land, but after the Bible and open prayer was removed from the schools, scholastic aptitude test

scores dropped considerably, and violent crime nearly quadrupled between 1960 to its peak in 1991.

In the increasing vacuum of a society that has all but removed every last stronghold of that once great American moral fabric of the Christian upbringing, what in the Hell does this demoralized society expect the end result to be? They have taken it so far in the last fifty years, to the extreme point where, now, you cannot openly display any sign whatsoever of your Christian

Faith, or even utter the word "Christmas," while the same Democrats have created a virtual hedge of protection around Muslims, pagans, homosexuals, and yes, even Satanists, who loudly declare their "faiths," in every way imaginable. Is there

a conspiracy therefore being waged against America's moral fabric, and Christians in these latter days? Interestingly, it continues to be that same liberal Party which again and again places itself tirelessly at the forefront to erode, change, and ultimately, "progressively" destroy what was Christian America, yet what most of you don't understand, is that this has been prepared since the founding of the nation itself. It is by the same Masonic powers who were behind the liberation of America,

(seemingly) from the British Crown, that are fanning the flames of progressive liberalism today. Why? They know which of the two warring otherworldly entities that a Biblically illiterate, Scripture-condemning, Godless America would serve. When you understand that Freemasons, like their Occult Templar and Magical Druid forefathers before them, were and still are entirely Satanic pagan organizations, being men who literally worshipped Satan via his supposed 'creation' of this world, then you'll understand why they must destroy God's Word and Christianity. In truth, the success of any nation begins with

morally-stable, God-loving, peaceful children, but all the progressively liberal, ungodly, homosexual, pagan, atheistic, and/or Satanic

in American society have done since the 1960's, is purposefully create an environment that leaves God little choice but to view us as another once-great empire reducing itself into the ash-heap that was Sodom, or pagan Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc.

I reckon these words of mine might sound old, or old-fashioned, or severely outdated in your more liberal, politically correct mindset, but your Creator is an Ancient Being and Father, who, together with His Son, has set in motion His generational plan for all of us, based on His very specific principles regarding family, morality, mortality, sex, and the raising of children,

and all of that which He, as Creator, labels as sin.

Consider the way that children of liberal parents who actually do make it past the butchering abortion doctors, grow up only to be placed in an education system where they are then taught that the God of the Bible doesn't exist, or that Christ has no place in schools, while at the same time, they are systematically brainwashed to invoke, evoke, pray to, or where visible symbols of: Muhammad, Buddah, Gaia, pagan Diana, Witchcraft, even Satan, while the [Biblical] Christ is to be marginalized or stamped out completely, from everything. This is taking place at every level of society, from early to adult education, to the modern office, and now being made into the order of the land via government sanction, and later, law. The Godless are to be praised, while anything resembling Christ, or the Bible is to be greatly discouraged, and yet anything else can take its place, so long as it's not related to Jesus Christ, or the Bible. avowed 'Salem Witch' and author, Laurie Cabot, has gone on record

and admitted in her "Power of the Witch" that a great many pagan Witches of every sort already have and will continue to assume educational positions in the coming years in great numbers, to place every student on a path of "tolerance" and acceptance of Occult paganism, homosexuality, and Witchcraft, to recruit them. She then went further admitted Witches are

already filling library positions, and anywhere else "where children gather" such as after-school programs and New Age art/healing centers. Not a chapter later she references both Atlantis and King Arthur and how she believes she's been reincarnated to help bring back a lost "Golden Age." None of this was overtly going on when I was a youth in school in the

1970's, but today, children are being absolutely bombarded with atheism, Occultism, eastern religious and/or New Age teachings in order to mold them into becoming model citizens and soldiers of that New World Order yet coming.

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The Millennials: America's Secular Future

Interestingly, the Scriptures paint a picture of the coming Antichrist as being someone that liberals of every stripe would absolutely swoon over in the future. He already is a great humanitarian (like his mother), "green-living" and environmentally conscious (like his father), and exactly the kind of person today's children are themselves being groomed to adore, with their

"new wave of education" steeped in environmentalism, humanitarianism, magical thinking, even Occult ideals, as well as a heavy dose of anti-Christianity, anti-Creationism (anti-God as Creator), and anti-Biblical morals, all the while boasting complete acceptance of every other religion and/or religious tenant out there. Of course, this is even made more black and white on liberal college campuses, where abortion is deemed as a necessity for sexually active kids, and even "healthy" for the American modern family. What a world we're in, and what an age we're still coming into. Just as America's youth were so

inspired by Kennedy's own era a generation ago, so too will King William V's own "Camelot" inspire an entire planet of so-called 'Millennials,' of whom the media today are so fascinated with. Although, if you ask me, I'd tell you that today's kids might be well prepared for such a leader to arise, because of their vast ignorance and stupidity of any true wisdom or intelligence by which they could remove that coming noose from around their necks. While the media makes much to do over

this upcoming generation, in their attempt to give them a collective, self-inflated ego, we know for what purpose it's being done. Fattening up the spring-lambs, as lambs for the slaughter. Naturally, the latest Illuminati puppet in the White House is helping to lay the foundation for that newer age coming, eroding any and all traces of America's older, established, and more

traditional (Christian) values in favor of something more akin to Antichrist's coming Kingdom. In time, Satan's Antichrist will have so twisted the minds of that future "Utopian society," many of its New Age citizens that once expoused tolerance and peace will eventually give in to the Nazi-like ideas about a "cleansing of society." Instead of gays, the sick, communists, and

Jews being rounded up, initially it will be only one category to be exterminated, Christian believers in Christ. Christ Himself prophesied of this, that they shall hate us who bear His name, as Christ-ians, delivering us up to the magistrates, for not

being so easily herded into the New World System. As such, for today, don't be deceived by what this world is now promoting as "globally green," "morally good" and/or seemingly "Godly." As mentioned, God is the same yesterday, today,

and forever, therefore no matter how society wants to restructure God in their own image, to include all those who are still condemned, it is still He, as the ultimate Judge, who has already spoken in that same Word that they still refuse to read, let

alone, believe.

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Modern Public Schools Becoming Pagan Religion Indoctrination Centers

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The Arthurian "Grail DNA Lineage" and Today's Generation of Indigo Children

Because people today have rejected God's Word, is precisely why the Antichrist shall find an entire generation so easy to overpower and deceive in the first place. Reader, think for a moment, what part of what is coming in the future hasn't already

played out in history before? Why would you think God, for whatever reason would now suddenly accept literally everyone into his Holy eternal Kingdom, if He never has before? What is it about this generation today that fools itself into thinking that

they are somehow to be given the most special treatment, by God Himself, when they are about to be deceived by the greatest worldly deception of them all? Again, notice, as we approach each day closer and closer to the Antichrist's

"progressively-tuned," "gender-neutral," Witchcraft-laden, pagan god worshipping, globalist-thinking, counterfeit Utopia, how at the same time, there is such increasing acceptance of Witchcraft, gender-bending, and globalism. Certainly, Christians can't be the only ones seeing how perfect of a Satanic set-up this world is now priming itself with! There must be one of you,

even as a complete atheist, who can see the potential human disaster that would exist, if the prophetic Scriptures have in fact been correct all along. Do not be deceived, therefore. Moreover, ask yourselves this, why has it taken mankind thousands of years, since the days of Babylon's Tower, to get to this point of so-called global citizenship, that is today being built according to the exact same ancient pagan beliefs of many gods (and resulting immoral lifestyles) all the while this world

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 160-164)
