• Ei tuloksia


In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 37-40)

prediction has yet to come true, however, the very fact he is in the once "holy" Druid stronghold of Anglessey does point to at least Prince William becoming very familiar with the area itself, an area which shall yet play a pivotal role toward his

ascension of power. The Scriptures make clear that at some crucial point in the future, Antichrist will start his bright meteoric rise among a small number of people, which is another way of saying a small nation or land mass. Might it be therefore be, just as I've predicted so many years ago that one day, as King, William Arthur might return to Anglesey to learn the mystical teachings of his own spiritual ancestors, the Celtic Druids, who will then impart unto him their ancient-held magickal beliefs and heraldry of their Cainite lineage? In other words, while the rest of the world is going thru Cataclysm, William and Wales itself survives to become a spiritually reborn, phoenix-like King imbued with the power of his true father. Certainly this

interpretation is very specific, yet the fact Prince William is currently living on that "remote" island and will hence have a keen relationship with Angelsey itself, shows just how all of these very specific interpretations of mine increasingly fit piece by fated piece. The haunted place of ancient Druids will always have an undeniable effect, on anyone, yet moreso for him, and his being stationed there as a rescue pilot has not lost its irony on me either, for Satan himself is known as "

The Prince of the Power of the Air


When he would become King, William will be the first Monarch to descend from King Charles II since Queen Anne. His royal bloodline will be traced up not on the Windsors but on the Spencers because the Stuarts preceded the Hanovers. The

Hanovers, Queen Elizabeth II's direct bloodline, mounted the British throne when the last Stuart monarch, Queen Anne died without a direct successor. Prince William is now preparing his future role as King by training in all branches of the British military. As of 2008 he is with the Royal Air Force, training as a pilot where he is known there as Flying Officer William Wales.

William will have more "Kingly training" compared to Prince Charles and is already exposed more to charities than his father. By 2010, according to reports from

Buckingham Palace, William will join the Foreign Ministry office. After the death of his mother in 1997 and his great grandmother in 2002, he is now considered as the most beloved figure in the Kingdom and the most popular royal family member. His looks, that strongly resemble his mother, together with the Spencers [Stuart] gene add to his appeal and magic.


Revelation 13:2; Daniel 7:5, 24 The Beast I saw which arose from the sea was like unto a Leopard, its feet were as a Bear, the mouth of a Lion. And behold another beast, like unto a bear, it raised up itself on one side and had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth: and they said thus unto it, Arise, devour much flesh. And a (little horn) arises, he shall subdue three kings... This vision and prophecy of the Antichrist is given by the Angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel who cannot understand it, therefore the Angel interprets: The Angel then describes a Bear" who subdues "three ribs" (3 Kingdoms) suggests that the Antichrist arrives in either warlike fashion immediately putting down three kingdoms, or more peacefully, placing the three under his subjection or annexation. I believe it will be a peaceful annexation with the three to be Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, unified into a future Anglo-Celtic nation which comes together

in the future out of necessity and under the rule of a new King Arthur

(as Arthur lived at a time when these nations were still unified). Understand that many nations at that time will have been obliterated and their borders reduced after the cataclysm and 2012 pole shift. This would also explain why in the future there are only ten European nations from which the Revived Roman Empire arises with, as perhaps only ten nations of Western Europe will actually survive the coming cataclysm.

We are already seeing the Celtic nations feel the need to return to their common roots

as if beguiled to do so, as if heeding some unseen call to return in unity. A strongly united Celtic nation just may prompt other post-2012 nations to follow suit and band together along a shared or common ancestry, and as such, the ten of these post-collapse surviving nations shall be placed under the rule of the Beast.

Given the increasing lies and false archaeology of a linked ancestry through the ongoing Lost Tribes of Israel research

, as well as its own prophecies, it stands to reason and makes sense that these very regional nations would in fact unite under a common banner in a future which is appointed for destructions, both natural and man-made, who then join together and unite thru convenience or necessity, yet group together nonetheless into larger nations, a mere foreshadow of what is to come in that final Global Empire, divided by ten, later ruled by Ten Kings, yet all under Antichrist. If so, this means then that Antichrist first appears on the world scene almost immediately having three nations loyal to him (England, Scotland, and Wales yet could also include Ireland) and rally in unison behind him, declaring him as their Unified King, and with these three, he eventually rises in power to take in ten more loyal to his rule, for a total of thirteen (a number strongly connected with those involved with the Antichrist plan throughout the ages.) Notice that it is the Angel Gabriel who provides the interpretation of the vision to Daniel stating that the "Little Horn" [Antichrist] is also symbolized by a Bear.

Remember, the ancient Celtic word for Bear is Arth-ur

, and the name Arthur literally means Bear. The Book of Revelation provides a parallel yet expanded view of the nature of Antichrist which is hauntingly familiar of Daniel's vision, and perhaps adds something more. In it we see the Beast is a four-fold creature, being a Dragon, Bear, Leopard, and Lion, exactly the same creatures from Daniel's vision, however, in Revelation, we now see added features of the Wild Beast, who now takes on more detailed attributes of a Red Dragon. From these we can understand there is a mystery to solve in these, very different, amalgamated and merged [Lion/Leopard/Bear] Beasts which make up the totality of the future

post-apocalyptic Antichrist Beast-King.

THE ANTICHRIST'S SYMBOLIC DEPICTION AS A LION/LEOPARD IN BIBLE PROPHECY First, it speaks with great authority, as a roaring Lion, as a King. The Lion therefore represents the symbol of the nation

from which this King will arise from, the Leopard speaks to his strength and youth, the Dragon denotes his true power, while the Bear reveals his kingly name. And so England is well known to be represented by its national heraldic symbol of a Lion, the Dragon represents his power and coronation base, as in the Red Dragon which is the national symbol of Wales. The Leopard can be interpreted as his heritage, even denoting his connection to the young Alexander the Great (who was himself represented by the Leopard because of his quick conquering of Asia Minor/Europe) of which William shares both his youth and the name of Philip given him in respect to William's "Greek" grandfather, Prince Philip. The Bear as already seen reveals the name of Arthur. More interesting is that when a New Royal is coronated, they can then choose what they shall be called from among their many given names. As such, William could choose to give himself the Royal name, King Arthur, using his middle name. Amazingly, the Jews themselves are not completely without an Antichrist figure in their religious tradition, for there exists a very old Jewish belief that in the Last Days,

a false Messiah will arise whose name shall be AR-milus

. Could their AR-milus be our AR-thur? Regardless of the similar sounding name, we know that

the Jews are destined to be deceived completely by the Antichrist

, so much so that they will actually anoint him as their long-awaited Messiah. In this research, I am finding it entirely fascinating how God is everywhere leaving us warning signs, not only of the Antichrist's name, yet where he will hail from, what is name is, who is parents are, where he will travel, and what he is to do in his epic journey that spans across time and place, and toward his ill-fated destiny to fulfill that fate which awaits him, and us. For just one example, God is using 6's, 66's, and 666's as well as Hellish fires [i.e. London in 1666] to announce quite loudly to mankind to sit up and take notice of this Babylonian-like, Roman-born city of London, its usurped aristocracy of purported 'blue-bloods,' as well as its future heir to the

so-called British Throne of King David

, aka Anglo-Israelism. Moreover, Ezekiel Chapter 38 informs us that at a time when Israel is to be attacked by Russia and Iran, in the Last Days, the "Young Lion[s]" shall rise up and ask why it is attacking Israel.

This of itself becomes intriguing only when you understand that Prince William's Royal Crest has recently been revealed to be a powerful, young lion, with the body of a leopard, feet of a bear.

Regarding the use of the number 6, 66, and 666, God has allowed the ancient Jewish Temples, both the Temple of Solomon and the Temple of Herod, to be burned and

destroyed upon the same day, the 9th of Av, albeit 656 years apart

, which in itself relates to 2012 and London, as that is the very day the entire world's attention will be

placed on London in

2012, for the "XXX Olympics

. Going back to 606 BC, God provided Daniel the prophecy (see Daniel 9:26-27) detailing

the destruction of the Second Temple which was burnt to the ground and leveled by the Romans in 66 AD, by Titus, a

"Prince" archetypal of the coming Antichrist. As a side note, 64 AD, saw the infamous burning of Rome, in which many believe was by caused the hand of Neron Ceasar, Nero, the ancient Roman archetype of the coming Antichrist. Add to this, the historical fact that ancient Rome literally created London, shortly after Christ's crucifixion, and an entirely new thought process is achieved regarding where the future Beast can arise, not to mention

we are given another clue in the year 666 AD, as new settlements began to take root around Rome's London

. Then, in 1066 came the infamous Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror conquered London and was coronated King at Westminster Abbey on Christmas (Mithras) Day. Ironically enough,

the first Jewish communities of significant size came to England with William the Conqueror

in 1066.

Then we have the year 1666, when the City of London burned

. Coincidence? As the eldest son of the current Prince of Wales, Prince William is expected to ascend to the respective thrones of the United Kingdom and 15 other Realms of the British Commonwealth. Were William to decide to use his first name as his regal name, he would be known as King William V. However, William is free to use any one of his Christian names as a regal name, as per Edward VII and George VI have done in calling themselves 'Prince Albert.' Were William to decide on any of the three names given him: Arthur, Philip, or Louis, their usage would be the first for a regal name in usual reckoning. Although Philip II of Spain was a King consort of England, and Louis VIII of France was proclaimed King of England in London in 1216. Hence, should Prince William decide to take the name of the semi-mythical King Arthur, he would certainly add to the legitimacy of both the legend and historical relevance to the one notoriously dubbed The Once and Future King. Finally, there is the symbol of the Leopard. History informs us that it was none other than

Alexander the Great

whose own attributes of tactical prowess, charismatic youth, and battlefield swiftness, that bestowed upon him the nick-name of "The Leopard." In fact, He conquered much of the known world before the age of 25, making youth a certain attribute of the future Antichrist, yet his other attributes may contain within them something more than just what has been formerly interpreted on face value, as the entire symbology of the amalgamated Beast of Daniel and Revelation may in fact be a code for the Beast's names...


- The Conqueror (The King of England) = Lion / Mouth / Speaking / Charismatic Leader


- King Arthur Pendragon (Celtic Tribe) = Bear / Feet / Strength / Ressurrection-Spirit


- Alexander (aka Philip) the Great (Greece) = Leopard / Body / Conquering / Youth


- (married into Stuart line) Unicorn = Little Horn / Human Eyes / Man


- (Welsh/Druids) Celtic Prince = Red Dragon / Satanic / Possession


As the boy becomes a man, father's minions pave the way. Set in motion now, Armageddon, final conflict, end of days. When the Jews return to Zion and a Comet rips through the sky; Holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die.


According to the Illuminati, the Antichrist King Arthur will draw around him the bravest and noblest Knights in the realm. They and their Monarch will comprise the Circle of the Round Table. In Great Britain today, certain members of the Illuminati including Prince Charles and Prince Philip, take part in rituals and symbols of an odd secret society called the Order of the Garter. This Order with its ceremonial magic, is thought to be a precursor to the coming establishment of the Round Table. So

demented are the leaders of the Illuminati that they fancy themselves to be the modern-day inheritors of the Arthurian legend.


In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 37-40)
