• Ei tuloksia


In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 113-122)


When this celestial Round Table manifests on earth, it will be chaired by a

Merovingian descendant of King Arthur who was the fabled Guardian of the Grail during his particular era of history. Another New Age book titled 'The Light Shall Set You Free' recalling 'King Arthur's olde mandate' at Glastonbury Avalon confirms that England will be the future center for world Transformation. It will be through 'the Grail in England' that the energies of transformation and ascension will be channeled, which eventually will bring the Earth into the 7th Golden Age.


You cannot escape destiny. You cannot escape change. Join the future in unity. And look for him to come as well, for he will come. He will show the way. The voice of Albion, Let it be. The King Stag [Cernunnos/Satan] will appear as Guardian, the Great Bear at his heels, then will the Golden Age be upon us. Resist and your world will be destroyed. Resist and I shall destroy you myself.

Arthur, Dragon-Son come to life, will you walk once again by my side?

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 15-16, 282

To save the Earth [from destruction]

One is brought back into modern times To recover and teach an Ancient Magic

The world is then forced to a New [World] Order

The Quatrains speak of an individual being 'born of Arthur' to lead the Druidic re-construction. He is 'the One' from the 20 + 1 on whose head success or failure seems to lie. He also appears to be the same 'One' who is charged with joining the Three Lost Books in One, in accord with [a much] older prophecy.

The Lost Books of Merlyn p. 402, 400

This book figures around the retelling and clarification of an obscure and scattered

series of Welsh tales concerning the boyhood of King Arthur, collected from a

variety of sources including the National Museum of Wales, local populace, rare manuscripts both published & obscure (some housed in private collections in

Wales/England and the public and University libraries at Cardiff, Oxford, London &

Dublin. All accounts deal with the apprenticeship of the boy-King Arthur, under the mentorship of Merlyn, the last of the Druids, who represents the culmination of Britain's mystic past.

The 21 Lessons of Merlyn p. 1

Merlin permeates most Western magical traditions, Aleister Crowley being no exception, thus we have a wide field to explore. We have in Merlin the

exemplification of shamanism. Merlin also offers an additional perspective into the

"Enochian Visions." Merlin does not die, Merlin is not just an obscure figure of legend and history, but a very real force to be embraced.

Temple of Set: The Order of Merlin

I believe that the Chalice is destined to become the symbol for the New Age dawning, and it is my hope that Chalice Well may once more fulfill the inspiring mission of acting as a gateway through which revelation for coming times may flow, radiating from there [Avalon] across Britain and the world. It is my conviction that the people of our island [England] will be given the opportunity once more to lead humanity out of the present darkness into 'the Light.'

This statement appeared in the afterword to Men Among Mankind (1962) by Brinsley le Poer Trench (1911-1995). The same book carries a foreword by Leslie Orley, editor of [the UFO publication] Orbit, and the two contributions nearly frame Trench's interests. In between is a curious and sometimes breathless mixture of historical speculation, British patriotism, Avalonian ideals, and Atlantean lore.

Atlantis and the Cycles of Time

This book is a necessary initiatory construct that is designed to trigger the psychic synapses and so enable the reader to soar into the glittering realms of another

reality... I welcome Robert Coon to the ranks of the ageless esoteric Brotherhood, the

"Company of Avalon"; he joins an august Order that stretches from Atlantis to Aquarius and beyond.

Voyage to Avalon: An Immortalist's Introduction to the Magick of Glastonbury: Forward by Anthony Roberts


More than any other in recent years, the following three relatively recent printed books stand firm as even further source material which go at some length connecting King Arthur with strong elements of Occult and Satanic areas of research, covering such familiar topics as: Atlantis, "the truth behind the myth of the Garden of Eden and the Fall," Fallen Angel Magick and Demonic Conjuring, Freemasonry, Witchcraft, Magdalene, Grail Mysteries, Occult Bloodlines, the Knights Templar, Kabbala, the Tarot, etc., making them both required reading if you are truly interested in not only my research, yet the truth of how this world really works just beneath the blackened veil. Click each book cover above to learn more of their individual contents, and I would strongly encourage you to read what others have said of these very revealing tomes which connect Freemasonry, King Arthur, the Occult, Demonology, Atlantis, and Magick - Clinton A. Ortiz 9/9/09


1717: The year when an Occult British society of Druid priests united

in a

venture to create a Masonic Grand Lodge on Primrose Hill

, London, where they would meet to discuss global affairs forming something called the Druid Circle of the Universal Bond. Not coincidentally, 1717 was also the same year that an Order of Freemasons in Great Britain opened their own Grand Lodge also in London, where the

dual-caste societies (or 'circles') of Masonic Druidism remains intact to this day

. London's Druid-inspired Masonic movement became the leading Occult society of those who secretly held the Luciferian ideal which would further the Great Work by way of a great social alchemy which was to culminate in a changed world that would have been readied for Lucifer to rule as its only God. Many of these men involved in the Satanic Druid inner-caste of Freemasonry had already achieved, or were placed into the most prominent positions of power from where they could guide society into 'Luciferic initiation' using various educational, social, and political campaigns.

Freemasons were included into membership of British Parliament, the House of Lords, MI-6, attaches to the Royal Family, and certain members of the Royal Family themselves over the last 300 years have became powerful Freemasons of the Satanic inner-caste and out of these, some became

renown world leaders affecting global policy, such as Winston Churchill

(a close relative of the later Princess Diana), who arose to lead Great Britain and governed

international affairs during its 'greatest hour' in World War II, and for a time after the war.

The British Royal aristocracy themselves have been linked to Freemasonry directly

or through one of its parallel groups such as


Templis Orientis


the Order of the Thistle or Garter, or any one of other Knightly Orders

. British

Freemasonry traditionally provided three degrees of initiation, which is remarkably similar to Wicca/Witchcraft which offers the same three degree system. The Cords of Initiation were used to indicate the level of experience in many traditions of Witchcraft with knots indicating first, second, of third degree attainment. Some believe that using cords to indicate degrees originated in the 19th century while others believe the practice originated in more ancient times when cords were used to bind the Slain God/Divine King in the European mystery tradition.

The red cord symbolized the Royal Blood [of Cain] and identified the initiate as a follower

in league with the inheritors of the ancient mystery tradition. Today, such cords are more often worn by those who study Kabbala.

Many of the insidious Cainite elite in Scotland, including its Stuart Royal Family had developed strong connections within the Masonic Neo-Druid inner-caste which arose from remnant factions of the Scottish Knights Templar, as they all shared the same goal. The politically-exiled Scottish House of Stuart had become even more involved in the idea of placing one of their own line on the Throne of England. Toward this effort was the creation of Scottish Rite Freemasonry which sought to replace traditonal British Freemasonry by introducing higher degrees than those offered by other Masonic systems at the time. It promised initiation into greater and more profound ancient mysteries preserved and handed down by Knights Templar. It established more direct connections between Freemasonry and those already involved with Alchemy, Cabalism and Hermetic thought (collectively regarded as 'Rosecrucian').

Scottish Rite Freemasonry elaborated not only on the antiquity but also on the illustrious pedigree of the Craft

. In time, Scottish Rite Freemasonry evolved into the main organization behind the true thrust of the Great Work. One evidence of this is seen in the way Scottish Rite Freemasons display their seemingly benign servitude to the current House of Windsor by

referring to Queen Elizabeth II of

England as "The Queen of Babylon

," Babylon being the allegorical reference from Revelation denoting the united ten-nation confederacy under the future Antichrist. However, her seeming veneration is misleading, as it is not her they worship but the office she holds, morever, the British Throne itself, who according to them is the Throne of Cain, of which one day will see a King's coronation. The obliviously, benighted Freemasons of the outer-caste were never allowed to know the fullest extent of the workings within the inner-caste, which holds even more true today within Freemasonry. It is believed that the Masonic neophyte must achieve "Degrees of Ascension" toward the elevated 33rd degree which would make him ready to know and accept the secret behind Freemasonry itself.

*Read Article

Freemasonry's Initiation Ritual Revealed as a Veiled Mockery of Christ's Death

Satan has deceived them well, for these same workers of iniquity only hasten the time when Antichrist himself sits in a future Masonic-built Temple in Jerusalem as the Resitiutor Orbis, Adam Kadmon, Rex Mundi Alchemical-Christ; the result of countless men in league with the Devil since the time when man first conversed with a Serpent-being, wise of evil

knowledge. As Overlords of this

Great Work, they will stop at nothing less than Satan's final goal achieved, the ancient destiny accomplished

. Even the Scriptures spoke of it, that subtle alchemical work of the Mystery of Iniquity which never ceases until Lucifer is seated upon a throne and seeks to destroy all those that placed him there, for Satan ultimately does not share power. Therefore, how can these helpers of man's own demise even say they are innocent of any charge against them, as they meet with others of their kind in such societies who uphold God's rebellious Son? Verily, Luciferian intent can even be seen in the very names from which they choose to brand their societies with: The Golden Dawn, Order of the Morning Star, Eastern Star, Silver Star, White Light Order, Order of the Sun, Black Sun, Sol Invictus, The Solar Temple, and most infamous of them all, the Illuminati, whose God can be none other than the Light-Bearer himself, as they do subtly admit. The inner-caste of Freemasonry uses the outer as a type of hedge of protection from the outside world and this was admitted more than once by the renown Masonic Masters

Albert Pike


Manly P. Hall

. Not only is their own admission of two completely separate levels of awareness within Freemasonry made apparent in their writing, yet they also exultantly confess who the God of Freemasonry truly is...

*Read Article

THE SATANIC HOLY GRAIL: Secret of the Knights Templars and Freemasons -THOTH !

In 1233, Pope Gregory IX presented the definitive Roman Catholic view of the heresy of the Cathars, who believed God had erred in casting Lucifer out of Heaven.

As such, they fully expected Lucifer to return in triumph.

Templars and the Assassins: Masonic Reading Room Lecture

Oh Horned One of ancient fame, I invoke You by Your secret name that echoes down through history, hidden in the Mystery of life and death. As Sun touches Earth and moving sea touches shore, we see You in the ancient lore as Lover of the Holy Mother, [you are] our co-Creator and Father. Transform my soul that through You I may see the whole of vision great that is your plan to transform all the souls of man.

Wicca: The Complete Craft p. 262

Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange mysterious name to give the Spirit of Darkness!

Lucifer is the Son of the Morning! MORNING STAR! Is it he who bears the Light!

Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry p. 321

The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explanation is reserved for the Adepts, the [true] Princes of Masonry.

Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma; Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, p. 819

Satan is referred to by occultists and Masons as the Morning Star, that is, Venus,

“because it is his light that heralds for man the dawn of a greater consciousness…”

and Masons themselves (and others) tell us that Lucifer is the Light bearer and the Morning Star. Blavatsky writes about the Druids, Magi, Zoroastrians, and others all greeting the Morning Star, the beautiful Venus-Lucifer.


Druid traditions were also preserved with Freemasonry, which is thought to have evolved from the Druids or at least alongside of them. This connection is addressed in Gould's History of Freemasonry. The three part structure of the Masons is identical to the three offices of Druidic priesthood: Ovates, Bards, and Druids. Also, the secret teachings embodied therein are practically the same as the mysteries concealed under the allegories of Blue Lodge Masonry.


Contrary to the German-Nazi concepts, secondary assessments of the Order's ritualistic [Satanic] rites are interpreted as paganism, specifically, the Druids or Wiccans. The Satanic Occult theme draws historical memoirs with Scots and Celts.


Ezekiel 28:17 is perhaps the most telling Scripture linking Lucifer with Satan, for in it the prophet describes the mighty and rebellious fallen Angel "as lifted up because of his beauty, a being which corrupted his own Wisdom by reason of his brightness" that also defied God, an act which clearly displays the extent of his great vainity. Notwithstanding, Lucifer's followers actually believe the Satanic party line that Lucifer only wanted to "free the Angels from God's tyranny, and forced worship" albeit never mentioning that every Angel had their own free will and were never slaves, as such, but willingly followed their Creator whom they loved as a Father. Interesting it is then how Freemasons, and those within similar societies are so quick to inform their sponge-like neophytes to become completely enamored with "Luciferian wisdom," to seek it out admidst all of the darkness in the world, and to find it by looking within using the specific Biblical allegory of Lucifer's Light, as their only guide for spiritual enlightenment. As such,

the highest degrees of inner-circle Freemasonry know very well who they are worshipping

in their maintaining such a Luciferian-brand of Light as their God. In this same way, have they knowingly blasphemed God in Heaven, in every way possible, even branding and adorning upon themselves a number relating to such heights of power and knowledge not of God but of Lucifer, for it was he who deceived 1/3 of the Angels of God, thus they adopt the number 33(%) Degrees. Another key and historical evidence linking elder Luciferian Solar Cults with Templarian Freemasonry, and its Satanic worship, is found in one of its most enduring symbols: the Baphomet.

The ancient Mystery Schools first, then the Knights Templar and their own spiritual offspring in the Freemasons, as well as every occult society and lone magickian which followed have used the demonic-looking symbol of Baphomet and its later Mendes-inspired five-pointed pentagram sigil to represent the many Occult factions to this day,

from Wicca to Satanism

. Baphomet itself has been compared with several cultural gods, mostly Celtic such as Cernunnos, Herne, as well as the Greek god Pan, all images of gods strangely akin with the classical image of Satan. Perhaps even more telling as to the true dual-nature of Baphomet is its image being used by some Satanists to depict the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist, itself depicted as a combination of animal attributes fused with human similarities. Further examinations of Baphomet clearly display several archetypal and mysterious symbols throughout its devilish appearance.

For example, it carries the sign

of the Pentagram

on its forehead,

the mark of this Beast where above it is seen a Solar torch

, of which Eliphas Levi commented saying that the flame of intelligence shining between his horns is as the magical light of Lucifer himself. Examining further still, one notices one arm is female, the other male like those of the Divine Androgyne, its hands forming the sign of Hermetism, one pointing up to the white moon of Chesed, the other pointing down to the black one of Geburah (As above, so below). Medieval Astrologers saw within

Baphomet the conjunction of the Moon and Venus, or the Sun and Moon united in tantric eclipse

, while Alchemists saw Sun and Moon in union of transmutation, ethereal with material, while common pagans believed it to be their Sun-God merging with their Moon Goddess.

Satanists both past and present believe it to be Satan and his Whore of Babylon, the woman riding the Beast.

. Clearly there is an alchemical union of powerful cosmic duality represented, a union which brings forth something else entirely:

The Child of Ascension


*Read Article


*Read Article

The Temple of Diana -Lucifer and Cain mentioned

*Read Article

Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page: “Lucifer Rising” and the Stairway to Hell

*Listen Song

And She [Diana]'s Buying a Stairway to Heaven; The Piper [Lucifer]'s Calling You to Join Him

However, in the middle ages, the Baphomet was believed to be an idol represented by a human skull, of keen importance to the crusading Knights Templar, who were thought to worship the demonic effigy as the source of fertility and wealth. Later admissions by neophyte Templars attested that they had been instructed by elder Templars to worship the idol as their only god and savior, the elders anointing the image of the Beast with the fat of murdered children. In 1307 King Phillip IV of France accused the

Knights Templar order of Satanic heresy, lewd immorality, demonic ceremonial magic and ritualistic rites

in which they practiced spitting on the Crucifix, sodomy, blood sacrifice, etc. Concrete evidence of Baphomet-like creatures were found in many Templar cathedrals spanning Europe, every one akin to hermaphroditic devils.

Perhaps the best-known representation of Baphomet is the drawing by the 19th century French magician, Eliphas Levi, whose Baphomet has a goat's head, human trunk with rounded, female breasts, a caduceus in the midriff, human arms and hands, cloven feet, demonic wings with a pentagram placed in the center of its forehead and a torch on top of the skull between its horns. Levi combined elements of the Tarot Devil card (where a naked man and woman are bound in chains to Satan) and the goat worshipped in antiquity in Mendes, Egypt, which was said to fornicate with its women followers, as the the Devil was reputed to do with witches, which only strengthens the point that Baphomet and its torch is actually the representation of Satanic carnal knowledge (and Bloodline), just as the pagan fires of Beltane to this day have their connection to the celebration of carnal wisdom, the Knowledge of Good and Evil as it was called in Genesis.


Witchcraft historian Montague Summers suggested that Baphomet was a combination

of the Greek Baphe and Metis, meaning "absorption of knowledge." The midriff also lends a clue toward the overall nature and identity of the Baphomet, as it is covered in reptilian scales.

In The Garden of Aton, compiled by Nora Boyles in 1993, a spirit guide by the name of Ceres-Hatonn is reported of accusing the Freemasons of unspecified black magickal practices and ritual Druidic-Masonic rites. The center of these accusations was found to be within their Satanic worship and involvement in the Gothic Templar-styled Black Mass. According to Ceres, Freemasons and other occultists utilize the symbol of Baphomet rendered by Eliphas Levi for the same horrible purposes as their Templarian forefathers before them, in which all manner of evil practices were carried out in the name of Satan, whilst employing the image of Baphomet. In describing the Baphomet illustration, Boyles wrote: the lower abdomen clearly shows the Caduceus in the form of a stylized phallus, strengthening the new theory that Baphomet is in fact an encoded fertility symbol for the explicit purposes of Satanic pro-creation. Furthermore, using the Masonic Atbash Cipher in decoding the name Baphomet, we are given 'Sophia,' the

Goddess of wisdom who is also equated with the Moon Goddess Diana, whose male consort is Satan Lucifer

. Therefore, taking all of these attributes into account, it is my conclusion that the image of the Baphomet, revered so vehemently among pagans of every kind, namely Satanists, is nothing more than the secret of the Satanic/human hybrid bloodline, a Royal Satanic lineage

which ultimately produces the Antichrist.

Secret societies therefore utilized this kind of Occult symbology

, specifically the enigmatic

Baphomet effigy as idol worship steeped in deep esoteric mysticism to keep their Great Work a well-guarded secret

only imparted to trusted members, while those who are actually born into such knowledge are aware of the Baphomet's true personage, DIANA-LUCIFERA. Despite what Occultists say to the uninitiated, the frightening depiction of the Satanic/Diana idol was

ultimately to convey the birth of the Alchemical Satan, the Antichrist Golden Child

, a figure

represented in the past by the Egyptian God Horus.

The Egyptian God Horus and his symbol of the All-Seeing Eye above the Pyramid (a symbol whose roots are traced back to Atlantis) is most often seen today on the back of the American Dollar bill. The Eagle depicted on the right side was originally going to be a Phoenix, to symbolize the new secular Aquarian Order that the Freemasons were attempting to bring forth and rise from the destruction of the old Pisean age. However, it was ultimately decided that the American Eagle should best represent the new nation while also denoting the Egyptian connection of the Eagle which was used to portray the Sun God, Amen-Ra. On the left is seen the All-Seeing-Eye over the unfinished pyramid represents the furthering of the Great Work of the Occult, while yet unfinished, is eventually to be made complete when the golden Solar King Horus, Son of the

Underworld's Osiris, is born among us and is seated on the world throne as Rex Mundi (King of the world) to complete the Masonic vision of Novus Ordo Seclorum; the New Secular Order of the Ages. The usage of Egypt's deities has always represented the Masonic plan behind the Great Work, the plan that brings Antichrist. Thus,

Horus is the son of the

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 113-122)
