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In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 51-54)

Grimoire of Luciferian Witchcraft


DEATHWALKING WITH DIANA -by Dr. Maureen B. Roberts PhD -a must read PRINCESS DIANA: THE MATRIX OF THE MONARCHY -authors unknown



The news that Kate Middleton is to marry Prince William has ended years of speculation. But does she really know what she is letting herself in for? The royal family does have a knack of taking women who are either independent, or on the brink of independence, and bringing them very low. Ominously, as the coverage of Middleton's upcoming marriage to William has unfolded, much of it has harked back to that ultimate Royal Wedding 30 years ago.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/nov/17/kate-middleton-prince-william-wedding Aleister Crowley in his book "777" stated the number itself stands for the Qlippoth.

Whereas 666 is the destructive nature of the Sun, 777 means the ascension of the 666, into Godhood. In addition to these examples, and there are many, the Almighty has blessed each seventh portion of time, i.e., the 7th Jewish Holy month of each 7th year at the 7th hour. On this date, the Marriage Feast between the Messiah and His Bride begins. 777 is the "Child of Midnight" and a symbol of reincarnation. "This is the secret of...that Angelic Beast." [Note: The Jewish Year of 5777 begins on October 3, 2016.]

Nemo Pendragon

I was given this official list of 777 names; dignitaries, governors, all sorts of people, and not one person I knew. I rang up my Grandmother [whose handlers created the Official Invite list] and she told me to bin that list and start over.

Prince William on September 26th, 2011

Kate, who I understand wishes to be called Catherine now (more appropriate to a Princess or Queen), will likely be a phenomenon alongside her Solstice King. If the Solstice King and his Queen reflect the chivalry of King Arthur (his ancient ancestry) along with the love of the people’s well-being as the foremost goal of the monarchy (as her Cancer Moon would wish), might their role become something much more appropriate to our times – true leadership figures representing fierce protection of all life and culture? This beautiful couple has much to do with our ancient past and our amazing future. Let’s all look on in wonder as we watch the stars!

Predictive Astrology by Bernadette Brady


It was precisely seven lunar months after the Jewish New Year (5771), and 77 hours, that Prince William wed Catherine Middleton at Westminster Abbey in London. It has been estimated that 3-billion people worlwide viewed the Royal Wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, carried live via satellite, to the rest of the world, with a total of 23-million viewers residing in the United States. The remarkable interest and viewership rivals the totals of the 1981 Royal Marriage, between

William's own parents. Thus, we are that generation still witnessing the ascendant rise of a young, wealthy, and charismatic Merovingian Prince as he

increasingly acquires the humanitarian roles of charitable duty paved by his


and groomed toward a much larger global responsibility like no other Royal before him. He appears to not only be a man of great reserve, but he also innately displays the noble traits of Masonic chivalry, evoking the medieval knight that adheres to a strict code of conduct, unlike his brother, whom the Royal Family made sure to place him back at war in

Afghanistan. It should also be no shock to anyone that while the Royal Family (and their Masonic handlers) had not arranged this Royal Marriage, that the Occult completely overshadows this union just the same. Amazingly,

William and Kate are both descended from a very evil Tudor known for his wicked heritage

. Of course, this fact and so many others were completely overlooked by the global media. In fact, despite the 'Golden Age of Information' that is the Internet, this generation is apparently so naive, so ignorant, and blinded by so much deception that it never even considers the darker realities which hold sway in this world. Anyone who knows even a limited amount of world history should have picked up on the Royals Marriage date of April 29th is infamously renown already, as the same date Adolph Hitler got married to Eva Braun. They killed themselves less than 40 hours later inside der Führerbunker underneath the streets of Berlin.

The date of April 29th also has yet another interesting connection within the British Royal family of Windsor itself, as that was the date in 1986 when

Wallis Simpson

, the thrice-divorced wife of Hitler-sympathizing King Edward VIII [abdicated], finally died, making this date have yet another connection to marriage, and Hitler, in that Simpson and the would-be British King became infamous friends of Adolph Hitler, to the point where, at a face-to-face meeting at Hitler's lavish mountain home in Salzburg, the abdicated King told Hitler that "

...the Germans and the British races are one, they should always be one. They are of Hun origin

." It is believed Hitler might have allowed them the Throne of a Nazi England, had Germany faired better in the war. Since World War II was soon underway after the time of their scandal, Britain could not trust either Edward nor his bride to not becoming spies for Nazi Germany, so England finally banished them into the

Caribbean, where their every move was closely monitored by British security forces until their deaths. The date of the Royal Honeymoon of Prince William and Kate Middleton starting on April 30th and carried into May 1 is not any less evil, in that it's a well-known Germanic,

pagan and Satanic holiday called Walpurgisnacht


the Windsor family are of Germanic lineage

), culminating in Beltane in the Celtic tradition, or as we call it, May Day. According to one very illuminating pagan Withcraft website: "In our tradition Beltane is one of the two times of year when we pay homage to Tubal Cain. This is


in his fiery aspect, rising in the east. He is the Morning Star, the bringer of light and enlightenment to mankind."

Beltane is named after the pagan demon-god Belinos (or as some believe, Baal or Belial) the fearsome divinity of the ancient world to whom children were sacrificed in great numbers, being passed thru large, roaring fires. Animals too were often sacrificed and cooked, and divination practiced by cracking their bones on the flames, from where we get the word

“bon[e]fire.” Legend holds that on Walpurgisnacht, witches and evildoers come from all over central Europe to Brocken, also called the Blocksberg, a tall mountain in the Harz range for the Hexensabbat, a celebration of unholy Satanic rituals

dedicated to both Belinos, the Sun-God, and interestingly enough, Satan himself. Like other bald-top mountains throughout Europe, Brocken is considered unlucky and evil because such similar mountains for many centuries have served as

locations for Satanic rituals. The Lysa Hora motif is where we get the legendarily Occult-derived musical piece “Night on Bald Mountain,” composed by Mussorgsky and arranged by Rimsky-Korsakov. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe cemented

Walpurgisnacht in popular culture when he wrote a scene of his Magnum Opus Faust, wherein Faust and Mephistopheles witness a Satanic Black Mass at Brocken on Walpurgisnacht. Bram Stoker wrote a short story about Dracula that takes place on Walpurgisnacht. HP Lovecraft and even the modern children's author, JK Rowling, use the Walpurgisnacht theme as well.

Infamously, Walpurgisnacht is also depicted in the classic Disney film "Fantasia" in which the Slavic pagan dark god Chernobog, once described by Walt Disney as “Satan himself,” summons spirits and skeletons from their graves to do his bidding during the night, before being banished by Church bells at dawn. In the Celtic Irish tradition, May Day bonfire rituals of sacrifice were an essential aspect of the pagan holiday.

*Read Article

April 29th Any Year: Our Favorite Satanic/Occult Holiday

Covens often met in the night leading up to May 1st to honor rituals in keeping with the time, which meant a time of unabashed sexuality, intercourse, and promiscuity where marriages to last only a year and a day could be undertaken.

Young couples could spend the entire "Honeymoon night" in the woods taking place in paganized Sex Magick rituals until the Sun came up in which they then danced feverishly around the large phallic Maypole the next morning (a tall, erect

Serpentine standing pole, like later Obelisks of Egypt, that represented the virile fertility of the Sun-God. May Day is the time at the very end of April to the beginning of May, with Beltane being the ancient pagan holiday in which "the veils between the Celtic Otherworld and our own are at their thinnest," much like on the

Druidic Hallowe'en

. Pagan holidays such as Beltane or Samhain, have strange rituals all their own, as well, depending on the nature of the specific Coven holding the ritual, that is also dependent whether an animal or an innocent child, i.e., a human girl of virgin status, is sacrificed to the Dark Lord of the Wood, Cerunnos (Satan), with her virgin blood sprinkled across a stone altar in a sacred nemeton or Druid grove, shielded from outside view by tall hedgerows. Some who joined the later-held May Day ritual were even allowed to remove their wedding rings for this one night, representing Eve's dishonoring of Adam and her subsequent falling willingly under Satan's own seduction, that spawned that very first Sex Magick ritual that resulted in the first so-called "magickal Child," Cain, the ancient forerunner (and patriarch) of the future Antichrist.

Thus, within the Satanic pagan tradition, May Day was the time that has long since celebrated Eve, the original May Queen who became pregnant by Satan, with Cain. As a result, Eve became the Mother, Witch, or Whore, depending on the need, from which countless later myths spawned of a virgin, princess, or witch, who met a lustfully divine, albeit forbidden, fallen

god of knowledge and wisdom, by which Satan has well hid himself for millennia, into the culture and characters of

Prometheus, Apollo, Mithras, Zoroaster, Tammuz, Merlin, and so many others down thru the ages. By the time of the Dark Ages, Eve's shadow had already worked her way into the ancient Celtic and Druid tradition as the pagan Goddess Diana, the 'May Queen' who was sacrificed unto the Sun-God, giving even more credence to the inescapable Diana-Lucifer[a]

connection by the time Aradia was later authored, as well as adding yet another aspect to why the Occult elite so

purposefully murdered Princess Diana. By 1644, May Day came under a fierce attack by the Puritans who banned it by an Act of Parliament, only for it to later return with the restoration of Charles II in 1660, but it didn’t have the same openly robust force, as before. Thus, Satanic and Pagan revelry was, by then, pushed further underground and held in secret in the form of the Black Mass, while the common folk kept but a shadow of the old traditions alive in their so-called "holiday merry-making."

As if I even had to add to the death overtones of the coming Royal Wedding, it has been reported that Prince

William invited Kate to the gravesite of Diana one week before the marriage

, which must have been a strangely macabre, emotional time for Kate, if not an altogether decimating experience.

Despite refusing to wear a ring himself, William has placed symbolic significance

on the engagement ring given to Kate. Prince William, wanting a symbol of his mother, Princess Diana, to be an integral part of the upcoming Royal Marriage, has chosen his mother's doomed engagement ring to place on the finger of his fiancé, Kate Middleton. The ring is the stunning 18-carat blue sapphire and diamond ring his father, the Prince of Wales, gave his mother in February of 1981.

In an interview with CNN, Diana’s former butler Paul Burrell said "The Ring" will be introduced to a new generation through Kate Middleton, thus taking Diana well into the 21st century. Now pregnant, on what should have been the happiest moment of her life, Princess Kate is finding out what it really means to be brought into the Royal Circle, namely freak accidents, despair, strange people lurking just behind the scenes, sicknesses, and untimely deaths. Kate, now pregnant, has contracted a rather rare form of pregnancy sickness known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum,' which is the worst form of the much more common 'morning sickness.' Moreover, while staying in hospital, Jacintha Saldanha released private information about the Princess' condition, believing she was speaking to the Royal Family members, instead of two Australian DJ's who were obviously pranking her. The nurse later hung herself, leaving two children and a husband in complete disbelief that his wife would ever take her own life. Furthermore, the two DJ's received a number of very evil death threats, and needed to move to safe houses, in Australia, guarded by private security. Such dark news involving mysterious deaths in near proximity to the Royals is not an isolated incident. For example, on New Years Day 2012, found near the British Royal Family's Sandringham estate was

the murdered body of a missing woman that immediately became a cold case

. It was determined that the the Royals were actually at the estate for their Christmas holiday while the woman's corpse was dumped there. The media was quick to not make much of this, despite the still unsolved mystery surrounding the young woman's untimely demise.

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 51-54)
