• Ei tuloksia

have brought them again out from among their enemies' lands, and am

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 63-66)

sanctified in them in the sight of many nations, then shall they know that I AM the Lord their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the heathen, but behold, now I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there among their enemies. [This last part of the prophecy, the final Aliyah or

ingathering of the Jewish people to Israel, shall be fulfilled *after* the coming Battle of Gog and Magog, when Russia and Iran attempt to destroy Israel, and in turn, God Himself destroys their invading armies instead. Only after that great miracle will nations such as Russia and Iran want all of their Jewish population to leave, and so shall God make good on His promises about every God-fearing Jew returning to Israel in those days, yet to come.]

Ezekiel 39:23-28; The Holy Bible

Then Jesus said unto the twelve: Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the Prophets concerning me shall be accomplished. For I shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, to be mocked, spitefully treated, spitted on, scourged, put to death, but on the third day I shall rise again. And they understood none of these things which He spoke.

Luke 18:31-34; The Holy Bible

[Newly Resurrected Christ speaking to His Disciples] This is what I meant before, that

all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses (the Torah), and in

the Prophets, and in the Psalms (all of the Old Testament) concerning Me. Then He

opened their understanding so that they finally understood the whole of the Jewish


Luke 24:44-45; The Holy Bible

[God speaking] My people are destroyed from a lack of [Biblical/Godly] knowledge.

Hosea 4:6; The Holy Bible

Jesus answered and said unto them [the Jews]: Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. [For if they understood the Scriptures given them, they would have known Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of David.]

Matthew 22:29; The Holy Bible

To understand more completely how the Jews STILL to this day have set their own imagination so far apart from God and His Son, their Messiah, one need only view the above video. Understand that every single point made in this video is easily refuted with the Truth against their maligned understanding of their own Scriptures. Clearly, as proven in their own history, the Jews have time and time again pushed God to such anger before because they keep themselves in error regarding the things of God and no where is this more true than in the case of their own Messiah! In fact, one of the greatest outpourings of God's anger upon His own people occurred precisely 40 years later (despite their saying it was only 38 years) to the day from when they had Christ killed. Forty being the Biblical number denoting a time of probation. Thus, God the Father saw to it that Israel and everyone in it paid a heavy price, not only by dying under their Roman swords, but they even lost their ancient homeland of Israel, as a result, for 1,850 years. In fact, the State of Israel only exists today because Christ is about to come again (to fulfill the "Sabbatical Week" where it was reserved unto man to have 7,000 years of human history, before God judged them, with Christ appearing at the beginning of that 6th Day) saving Israel in a literal rescue mission from the hands of the Antichrist, who just happens to be the same "Moshiach" whom they will actually chose to rule them, very soon.

1] Had the Jews accepted Jesus Christ as their one and only Messiah, there would have been a literal miracle worldwide, including that of a spiritual ingathering of Jews back to God the Father, as well as their eternal homeland. Not a single Jew would have been lost or displaced from any of Israel's past captivity's, not to mention the Jews would not have had their temple and nation destroyed by the Romans in 66-70AD, and then become dispersed completely into their enemies lands for 1,850 years, had they simply accepted Christ as their Messiah. So this grand point Jews make regarding that Christ hasn't done this or that, and therefore can't be the Messiah, is their most ironic. Ergo, Jesus would have "reigned as King" ever since, had the Jews accepted Him as such!

2] Jews do err regarding their interpretation of the Bible, i.e., the Temple will be rebuilt when Israel's chooses a Messiah, whom we know will be the Antichrist. Christ will sit in that same Temple after His Return, and upon its complete cleansing. As soon as Christ enters the Third Temple, and sits upon its new throne, then 1,000 years of universal/global peace shall begin.

3] Universal peace shall begin as soon as Jews recognize Christ as their only Messiah. What's really interesting here is that Israel, and indeed, the entire world, could have already been well into 2,000 years of peace already, had they accepted Christ while He yet walked among them. His death on the cross, while on the one hand was needed to blot out the sins of man, Israel being behind that same death on the other hand, has placed a curse of blindness upon them which has lasted to this very day, and will only be lifted completely at Christ's Return to them, ironically enough, after they come to the

knowledge that the "Moshiach" they have chosen was none other than Satan himself, in the guise of a Davidian King.

4] All the Jewish people will return to the God of their forefathers only after they witness the great miracle of divine protection upon Israel during the Battle of Gog and Magog, when God shall supernaturally destroy the armies of Russia, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, and Turkey. Immediately after this battle, shall they then rebuild the Temple, and only then, shall they begin to cry out for a Messianic King to lead them. Enter Antichrist.

5] As mentioned, when Christ is finally seated in the Temple, is recognized and thus anointed as the King of the Jews, upon His defeating of the Antichrist at Armageddon, only then will the rest of the planet understand that Christ is indeed, the King and Lord over all the earth. For 1,000 years there shall be a universal understanding of their Creator God and His Son, among all the tribes of the earth. This shall finally fulfill the Scripture regarding "through Abraham's seed, shall all nations be blessed."

6] Jesus is not only a direct descendant of King David, as I prove, He is King David's literal Son. Now, Jews love to limit God's power, just as Christ said that they do, but those of us who know better of God, know all too well how easy it is for Him to remove from King David, his seed/DNA and hold it until it was used to impregnate Mary, insomuch as this very same Holy Being who created the expansion of the Universe, could easily cause such an undertaking, upon Mary. Gabriel alluded to this miracle by letting Mary know that "nothing is impossible with God" after she asked the Angel how could it be possible that she, a virgin, could ever conceive. In fact, the New Testament itself opens with these obviously important words: "This is

the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, who is the son of David..." Regardless of this Rabbi in the video placing this as his final point to make, as to why Jesus supposedly could never be their Messiah, this same point of theirs is usually their first and most prominent reason why Jews, collectively, have such rampant disbelief in Christ. More intelligent minds, however, can see right thru all of this, and can easily conclude that by the same reason why Jews reject Christ today, will be the very same reason why they will accept Antichrist tomorrow. For the Antichrist will have ready-made "proofs" made for him, as to why he is a strong candidate for their consideration of a Messiah King, and as predicted, they shall fall for it. Indeed, some of these future proofs have already been 'proven.' In fact, the Antichrist figure that future Jews will accept as their Messiah will be able to have his genealogy traced back directly to King David. Ever wonder why there has been such great buzz surrounding the

"Holy Grail Bloodline" of late, put forth by those Anglo-societies among us who once kept such things secret?

So, despite their heavy loyalty to readership, and aside from the Prophets who wrote under direction of the Holy Spirit, the Jews have NEVER understood their own Scriptures, exactly as Jesus proved, exactly as God stated in their same Bible, neither do they understand them today. God revealed Himself to the Old (and New) Testament Prophets who wrote down what the Holy Spirit commanded them to write, thus, they as individuals understood the fullest meaning of the Scriptures they were writing on behalf of the Holy Spirit, whilst every Jew that came along after and read the same words of the same

Prophet, understood not, because their heart is too puffed up, proud, and blinded by Judaism itself, and therefore the Holy Spirit will not, and moreover, cannot, reveal Himself to such. This has been the Jewish dilemma all along, since Moses came down from Sinai and found his people worshipping a golden calf. Verily, as Jews never understood the things of God, they have understood even less about Satan, their greatest enemy of all. In so doing, they have unwittingly allowed Satan to enter closer among them, and his only desire for them is to complete his ancient plan of genocide of the entire House of Israel (which are collectively called "Jews" today) and their descendants.

Today, Jews don't have to literally worship a red heifer to be blinded, as their skewed Judaism has become a golden calf all its own. Why? Because their religion gets in the way of God's plan of Salvation for them, via His Son, Yeshua Ha-Moshiach, Jesus the Christ. So when they say that the Second Coming of Christ is "proof" that Jesus is not the Messiah, it should be understood that Christ returns BECAUSE the Jews have as yet not accepted Him as their Messiah. Ironically, Jesus returns to save Israel, literally, from a future genocide at the hands of the very "Moshiach" they will choose. Try telling Jews any of the above today, and I have, you'll be met with their quick anger, and overwhelming ignorance by which they have allowed Satan to have completely blinded them so. Case in point, I give you the following video, by a Rabbi named Yair Davidy, who preaches that modern England (and therefore its Royals) are a "Lost Tribe of Israel," as well as literal descendants of King David, which again, is a total set-up for the coming Anglo-Christ, by which Satan will achieve an almost complete genocide once again upon the Jewish people!


In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 63-66)
