• Ei tuloksia


In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 77-85)

I AM against thee, O Gog, the land of Magog!

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The Turkey, Russia, Iran Nexus


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Libyans Pledge Loyalty to ISIS Chief in Video

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Libya has Become the Latest ISIS Conquest


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Terrorist Cells in Sudan Looking to Unite with ISIS

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Sudanese Salafi Group Endorses ISIS' New Caliphate

And so here we are, at this point in history, with an emboldened Russia (Rosh [Gog/Magog]), who has made a clear ally with Iran (Persia), whilst Iran has a clear ally in Libya and Islamic Sudan (Cush/"Ethiopia"), just as sure as Turkey (Togarmah)

has made itself into an enemy of Israel in recent years, and amazingly, just as the terror group ISIS is taking over Libya, Turkey, and Sudan. In order to understand this coming prophesied battle that is so obviously brewing against Israel on every

side, it becomes no less equally important to understand the kind of post-world order in which the European Antichrist rises in. "Gog and Magog" are the original and ancient names of the peoples who settled in the region of modern day Russia. Both migration scholars and history experts identify 'Magog' as being associated with the ancient peoples known as the Scythians.

The name Scythian covered a number of nomadic tribes that originally arose out of Persia, ironically enough, and migrated north into the fertile area of the Ukraine, with the Scythians further extending themselves from the mid-Volga to the northern

Urals as far east as the Mongol border. In fact, Arab writers confirm that their own name for the Great Wall of China in the Arabic tongue was at one time called "The Wall of Al-Magog" because it was specifically built to keep out the "ruthless Scythian Magog armies of the north." Moreover, the place names of "Meshech and Tubal" further identifies Gog/Magog as

Russia, as Meshech was the ancient name give to the modern city of Moscow ['where Meshech settled'] and Tubal, respectively, was the ancient name of modern Tubalsk. Thus,

the prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 details an "end-time"

in which God lists the exact nations that will come against Israel, they being: Russia, Persia (Iran), Turkey, Libya and Sudan

. The most important question one could ask about this upcoming Battle of Gog and Magog is precisely what causes the Russians, and indeed most of the nations surrounding Israel, including Sudan and Libya, to go on such a unified attack against Israel in the first place. Perhaps better asked, what does Israel have that could ignite such a regional "Intifada" against the entire population of Jews within Israel? [Note: I wrote this section years ago, depicting an 'Arab

Spring' to "liberate" so-called Palestine, and that this would become the basis for the launching of the Battle of Magog.

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The Coming of a Palestinian Spring? Hamas Threatens a Third Intifada Against Israel

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ISIS Threatens the Destruction of Israel in an 'Arab Spring' Liberation of 'Palestine'

The answer is two-fold. First, Russia via its Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has recently revealed in a September 25th 2012 Charlie Rose interview that "the Palestinian issue" is at the very heart behind global terrorism and civil unrest, which as proven before by those who hold this view, shows a clear bias and even internal hatred against Israel, seeing it as the great

evil behind all other evils in the world, a view that Adolph Hitler and his Nazi's also held. Thus, might it be a coming Palestinian uprising, or touted Palestinian "Arab Spring" that places Israel in a tough position of having to crush the dissent,

something Russia and Iran will certainly want to involve themselves with. I predicted years ago this would be the exact scenario and pretext that then forces Iran and Russia to stand against Israel, while making themselves appear to be the defenders of an oppressed, "occupied," people. So, how has Obama himself prepared for such a scenario, knowing that it is

U.S. policy to defend Israel, especially in an era when Iran is wanting to go nuclear, and now that Iran is being actively defended by Russia? Of course another path to the above prophecy being fulfilled could easily occur if Israel finally decides

to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities, many of which are still being actively funded by Russia. Thus, as Russia has already warned in their media, any action coming against Iran or its nuclear sites will be met by a full retaliatory strike by Russia against that "hostile nation," which was a direct threat to both the United States and especially Israel, in no uncertain terms.

So the stage is set, Ezekiel's prophecy will take place in our lifetime, which also means, therefore, that the Antichrist, who comes after these things, will also make his appearance in our lifetime, which, naturally also means, that Christ is returning,

in our lifetime and in this generation! So it is with great interest that we focus on the relationship between Russia and Iran, with Syria, today. In the prophecy, God speaks of Russia as standing as "a guard" unto Iran, which is a very intriguing part of

the prophecy, since that is exactly what Russia is doing, even to the point of threatening America (and Israel more subtly) against any potential attack on Iranian nuclear facilities (many of which were funded by Russia) would mean an act of war against Russia. Perhaps more interesting still, is that there is a build-up of Russian troops on the ground in Syria who are

manning the anti-aircraft guns, in order to explicitly guard Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

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Russia Hashing Out a Deal to Build Up to 8 Nuclear Reactors for Iran

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Iran Under Increasing Russian Protection, against Israel and the West


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Russia's Vladimir Putin warns against any attack on Iran

What we may very well see therefore, is American President Barack Obama falling into his own trap, whereby because he hasn't been a stronger ally toward Israel in recent years, that Israel will be forced to attack Iran alone, while a destructive Palestinian uprising rages at home in Israel. This scenario is most interesting, because immediately after devising it, I could also see how Obama, as weak as he is, would completely bow to all of the inevitable, mounting pressure to remove Israel as

an American ally once and for all, which is something that was likely in Obama's agenda anyway. This scenario of mine

perfectly fits into the Ezekiel 38 prophecy, even as it leaves the door open for God Himself to have to defend Israel against Russia, Iran, and all the others. Another question, as some have asked me, who is/was/will be again the empire of Persia?

Interestingly, the world can gauge Iran's increasing power by how far post-war Iraq is descending into chaos. For millennia, Iran has felt it has territorial rights in especially Shi'a-held central and southern Iraq, just as Iranian leadership seeks to become the sole superpower in the Mideast. Now that their enemy in Saddam Hussein has finally been executed, as well as

America having left Iraq to their own, Iran now sees an opportunity that they must seize. In ancient times, Iran was part of a much larger global power in 539 BC, called the Persian Empire, with its conquering armies cutting through southern Iraq, all the way to the Mediterranean Sea, including Israel. The Islamic religious notions behind Levant would have them conquering

Jerusalem and all of Israel, not to mention killing every last Jew, which obviously does play an important factor answering further why they come, with Russia, against God's true people. Ancient Persia's inclusion of the ancient city of Babylon itself was vital, then, and would be even more vitally strategic today, if Iran, like Russia, seeks to regain their former world empire based around the idea of bringing into the world their so-called Islamic Messiah, aforementioned. Every sign, word, and deed

coming out of Tehran indicates their covert push into Iraq has behind it the Mullah's more secret aspirations of taking over the still forming Iraqi government completely, in order to create an Islamic Shi'a empire and/or superstate from which they could more easily dominate the entire Middle East. Thus, Iraq is merely the first stepping stone that brings them the power

they seek from which to bring the Islamic Messiah into the world.

I believe, with this firmly in the Iranian Mullah's twisted minds, they have found the perfect vehicle to give them Iraq, in ISIS.

More than any other nation in the region, Iran knows how to play various Machiavellian roles in their sectarian 'good cop, bad cop' routine until ancient Babylon is theirs, and just in time for their supposed Islamic Messiah to arrive. In fact, they may see resurrecting their ancient Persian Empire to be absolutely necessary in order to finally receive their Allah-given Messiah of

Terror. Thus, despite everything the media claims about Sunni and Shi'ite differences between Iran and ISIS, the connections are already there. Clearly, Iran wants Iraq, specifically Baghdad, in order to complete the Islamic Caliphate and

resurrect Persia. Just as Russia attempted to do in Ukraine, by placing their own troops undercover as "Ukrainian Rebels"

and mixed them into the Ukrainian population to stir "home grown dissention" against the government of Ukraine, so too is Iran placing its own well-funded, elite Republican Guard troops to play their deadly sectarian games, Iraq is theirs. However,

there is one nation that stands in their way of a complete conquest and that is the modern State of Israel, which is precisely why Iran needs nuclear weapons and why the President of Iran is already threatening Israel even now, stating that Israel and

the Jews must be erased from the region and that their destruction will finally unite the world under a so-called eternal Islamic peace, before the arrival of their Islamic Messiah, the 12th Imam, who they believe will bring the entire world under

Allah's rule, their supreme God. Moreover, it is therefore certain that these "many bands with thee" also cited in Ezekiel, could be none other than all of Iran's many proxy armies in the region, including whatever becomes of Iraq's own Al-Qaedian

splinter group of ISIS. Of course, all of Iran's vast network of evil only plays right into the hands of their ultimate goal, to take Iraqi land and resurrect the Persian Empire, from whence they believe will see the arrival of their supposed Islamic Messiah, of whom will bring about their version of Armageddon followed by a global worship of Allah, a grandiose plan that would only serve Satan himself, and his own far more ancient plan of bringing his Western King, the Antichrist into the world to deceive


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State Dept Warned Iran was Aiding Iraq Militia ISIS

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Here’s Why The Iraq Crisis Plays Right Into Iran’s Hand

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Iran Behind ISIS to Segment Iraq

The situation in Crimea and Ukraine notwithstanding, it is still Israel's hostile neighbor of Syria (an Iranian-Russian backed proxy state of state-sponsored terror) that is going to play a key role in bringing Russia and Iran, and eventually Turkey, into

a war stance against Israel. How easy it would be for these invaders fighting in Syria, which just happen to be the exact same armies listed in Ezekiel 38, to maneuver around the Golan Heights using Highway 92, and cross over the Israeli border.

In looking closer at a three-dimensional relief map of the Golan Heights

, and matching that with the

prophetic words of God in precisely where He will slay the Russian/Islamic invasion (read Ezekiel 39: 4, 5, and 11) something amazing appears. From the map, we can easily make out the exact route the invaders will take, and where they shall be stopped by the Hand of God. Since no modern mechanized army can travel over such high, steep mountains as the Golan, they must therefore travel around its most northern mountain, and then onto Israel's Highway 92, in effect, they would then be perfectly set between "the east of the Sea [of Galilee]" and the "Mountains of Israel" on the west. Ezekiel 39 plainly

tells us exactly that, they will fall "on the east side of the sea" and "on the Mountains of Israel," on "an open field," which could only be the Golan Heights, and that sea could only then be, the Sea of Galilee. Thus, factoring in these three locations

given us, God is obviously referring to Highway 92, which runs north to south in north-eastern Israel, very close to its border with Syria. This once again proves that it is none other than Ukraine and Syria, both giant failures of the Obama presidency, as well as his failure to act in Iran in 2009, when Iranian citizens were rising up in large numbers against their leaders, or as it

could even be argued, his action in Libya and arming Al-Qaeda there (which help lead to the Benghazi terror), or even his great show of weakness in defense of Israel, that is now playing a most pivotal role in the Biblical Battle of Gog and Magog to be fulfilled in our time. In this specific prophecy, God details how a land to the north that He calls "Gog/Magog: The Prince

of Rosh" will lead the same aforementioned nations to battle with Israel, thus, Biblical scholars and prophecy watchers for decades have been waiting for such an alliance to be made between Russia and Iran, but it wasn't until Vladamir Putin came

to power in the year 2000, and was quick to make his alliances with Libya, Iran, Syria and Turkey. Prophecy watchers, including myself, knew the initial stages of Ezekiel's prophecy were perfectly falling into place. While the world still marvels at Russia's sudden aggression against its neighbors, some of us, including the Bible-reading President Ronald Reagan, always

knew Russia would become an "evil empire."

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Putin's Russian 'Anti-Terror Troops' Arrive in Syria

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Russian Military Build-up in Syria Poses Added Threat

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Iran Sends 4,000 Iranian Troops to Help Assad's War in Syria

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Israeli Warplanes Strike Syrian Military Positions in Golan Heights

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Israeli Air Force Attacks Russian-Made Weapons on the Ground Inside Syria

So, why has Russia aligned itself with the same enemies (Mujahadeen/Al-Qaeda, Chechen rebels, etc.), which they themselves have fought against before, in Afghanistan, Chechnya, and more recently, in Syria itself? That answer would also

have to include that Russia has always had a mixed interest with its Islamic neighbors, for while they fought against radical Islam on the one hand, they also make and secure contracts with them on the other, and more recently, side with what is the

largest sponsor of radical Islam today, that being Iran. Thus, like Iran, we should also expect to see Russia also putting its backing behind whoever comes out on top in the Syrian civil war, as well, which makes sense for them, since Russia still has

a large, strategic naval and military port on Syria's coastline, in Tartus, a port they want to keep at all costs. To this end, every time the West begins to speak about invading Iran, it is none other than Russian generals who go on television and

make some interesting threats as to why the West or Israel should never even think to attack Iran, implying their direct involvement against such an attack. Throwing the dangerous entanglement that is Syria, the ally of both Russia and Iran, into

the mix, and even a complete atheist could see how easy it would be for Ezekiel 38-39 could come to pass, exactly as written. Moreover, judging Russia's own actions in the past, for example, arming their Syrian allies before, in the 1967 and

1973 wars against Israel, and it can be safely assumed that they really have never cared for Jews, let alone the State of Israel anyway. When you compound that with the fact they see Israel as causing global instability, and not to mention the fact, they wouldn't mind at all being able to tap into the Holy Land's rich resources, it then can be easily determined that the

Russian government's stake in this upcoming attempted destruction of Israel, will be one of sheer financial gain, as well as some skewed vision of bringing peace to the region, at the cost of the Jewish Homeland, and of Jews themselves, of course.

So the Russians will attach themselves to the Islamic invasion to 1) make absolutely sure it will succeed by arming and protecting the invasion itself and 2) Reap any gain via Israel's vast precious mineral and yet to be revealed oil deposits found just off their coast. I'd also suspect that much like Russia placed a key military base within Syria, they certainly would want to

place a similar strategic base within what would be (the former Jewish State of Israel) as "New Palestine" on the Mediterranean coast.

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RT Broadcast Shows the British Royal Family Connections with Adolph Hitler

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Prince Charles’s Comparison of Putin with Adolph Hitler Outrages Russians

Despite the Russian Bear and Persian Lion rising, God comforts us all to know that Russia, Iran, and their allies, ultimately will not be able to hurt Israel at all, despite Israel's population being vastly outnumbered, by the invading forces. This will be

because, just as they are rising, God Himself will also arise to defend Israel, and with greater fury. As the Scriptures make known in Ezekiel 38-39, immediately after God destroys 85% of the combined Russian and Islamic invading forces ("leaving

only a sixth part of thee" alive), God will then send "a fire upon Magog, and all those who dwell carelessly among the

nations." Russia certainly will be punished. Amazingly, 2013 had just begun when a great apocalyptic sign appeared in the daytime skies over Russia, when a very

unexpected meteor ripped thru the Russian skies and struck the countryside

, wounding hundreds of Russians with injuries sustained from bits of flying metal and glass shrapnel flying from

nearby buildings. God did tell us that he would give us strange signs in the skies of impending events before they happened, and what a sign that was. God has already forewarned Russia, in a dramatic way. Because of that, might God also have placed another kind of attention-getting sign from above on the lead-up as well as the very day which Israel will be attacked?

It would make sense. There have been only seven Blood Moon Tetrads since Jesus Christ, and every time it has been proven that there was a significant event which impacted the Jewish people within the same month, day, or year of the first or last eclipse of any one Tetrad. Between 2014 and 2015 will come the Tetrad known as the "Four Blood Moons," in which there are two so-called 'Blood-moons' (or 'blood omens'). The first Blood Moon arrives on April 15th. Interestingly, exactly one week before it, the world was already entreated to a rare Sun-Mars-Earth alignment that took place on April 8th 2014.

Such an alignment, with Mars and the Sun aligned, could only spell 'war' on our planet. It could also be interpreted to mean, Satan [Mars] is taking his place as the Solar King [Sun/666] over the world of mankind.

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Tetrads of 1949/1967 Spelled Major Wars for Israel Thus 2014-2015 = WAR

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Netanyahu Orders IDF to Prepare for Possible Strike on Iran During 2014-2015

What could the rest of the current Tetrad timeline reveal to us in the coming months? I believe the Tetrad will highlight a myriad of events, with each eclipse to be taken as a kind of sign post, marked by a destruction or sign of doom toward the Jewish people, ultimately leading toward the time when the Russian Invasion into Israel, i.e., the fulfillment of "The Battle of Gog and Magog," possibly takes place. Thus, as we approach the middle of the Tetrad, marked by a Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th 2015, and/or its latter eclipses extending into September, look for Israel to attack Iran, and as a result, the build-up of the Russian-led invading forces into Israel, to occur on or around those same key dates. It has been well documented that the Soviet-era Russians, especially, were hostile toward the State of Israel by allowing proxy wars to fester against it, most notably in the 1967 and 1973 wars, whereby Russia was both funding, and even arming Israel's many Arab enemies, against them. Russia provided support for Egypt, Syria, Jordon, and Lebanon, all of whom who wanted to destroy the Jewish

people by driving them into the sea, and what has changed since? As mentioned, Putin's own Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, has recently revealed in a 2012 interview that because of 'Israel's ineffective way' of dealing with "the Palestinian issue" is the very reason why there is so much trouble in the world regarding terrorism and global civil unrest. In other words,

like Hitler's Germany, Putin's Russia blames the Jews for all the world's ills. The fact that Jews in Ukraine, since the advent of the first 'Blood-Moon Eclipse' on April 15th, have the next day been decreed to "register or face expulsion," should alert us

all of Russia's true, underlying, intentions for the Jewish people, not to mention this one event now proves that God is, in fact, going to be using the rest of the eclipses as direct warnings for first, Israel and the Jewish people, as well as to Christians alike. In fact, as we approach the Tribulation Age of Antichrist, you will begin to notice God always warning the world in some way, before another chapter unfolds that leads us closer to the revealing that the coming Jewish "Moshiach,"

the King whom they choose to lead them into the Tribulation, is none other than

Armilus, the false Messiah


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April 16 2014: Jews in East Ukraine Are Facing 'Expulsion' Via Russian Decree

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During the Tetrad of 1492, Jews Were Expelled from Spain on Orders of the King

In the coming year, therefore, you will also begin to notice how the fulfillments of the coming signs from above will increasingly involve both the Jewish and Christians, as God will be bringing us closer to them, and them to us, as we approach the Age of Christ and His Millennium. Because these Blood-Red Moons are a kind of posted 'mile marker' from above, a way for God to highlight, as it were, the events which lead up to Israel's invasion. While the Tetrad eclipses might seem to be a fulfillment of the "7 Seals" breaking, mentioned in Revelation, they can't be, as the "Seven Seals" which Christ

Himself breaks open, one by one in Heaven, directly connect themselves to very specific, dire events upon the earth, whilst the coming Tetrad with its six eclipses (one is partial) is going to prove a more direct connection with the Jewish people themselves. Thus, I'd more connect the six eclipses with the six (Gregorian calendar) years of the Tribulation under the Antichrist. Jews being told to register, therefore, becomes even more interesting. It should be also mentioned that any one of

those key eclipse dates [seen above] could also be fulfilled in anything that, seemingly, is completely unrelated to Israel or Jews. For example, one of them might coincide with a great earthquake that renders America to be completely preoccupied

with its own attempts at search, rescue, and rebuilding, which, as a result, then renders Israel vulnerable for attack by their hostile neighbors. In other words, the eclipses might be Omens of doom with events that seemingly don't involve Israel,

directly, but in effect, do have a direct result upon her ultimately. Amazingly, one of the Blood-Moon dates lands on September 13th, 2015. If you remember, that was the date in 1993, when President Clinton seemingly made peace between

Arafat's Palestinians, and Israel, under Yitzhak Rabin, only for it to ultimately fail miserably, that led directly to a wave of Palestinian suicide bombers who brazenly murdered Jews in buses and cafe's. Cause and effect, so it will be very interesting

to what transpires on September 13th, 2015. Might it be another ill-fated attempt at an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal?

Certainly, the Tetrad is warning us also about the ill-fated year of 2015 itself, the same year Prince William turns age 33, the same age Christ was when crowned as "King of the Jews." Therefore, might we see the British coronation of King William

(Arthur) V at some point in 2015?

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THE FIRST SEAL: The Rider on the White Horse is the Antichrist

Since the crisis in Ukraine is potentially on the verge of spilling over into a wider regional war, with Russian forces increasingly beating the drums of war, we should also be paying careful attention to what is also happening in Israel. As Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu is coming under increasing pressure by Obama to make another trumped up "peace deal"

In document The Secret of the Number 666 (sivua 77-85)
