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6.5 Jatkotutkimuskohteita

Tälle tutkimukselle on helppo löytää useita jatkotutkimuskohteita. Tulevaisuudessa olisi tärkeä tutkia tarkemmin jokaista henkilöstöhallinnon osa-aluetta erikseen ja miettiä millaiset käytännöt näille alueille luodaan koko konserniin. Suorituksen, osaamisen ja tiedon johtamista tulisi tutkia syvemmin. Tämä tutkimus luo hyvän pohjan edellä mainitulle tutkimuskohteelle. Tässä tutkimuksessa on keskitytty laajasti eri henkilöstövoimavarojen johtamisen prosesseihin, selvitetty Lappset Group Oy:n henkilöstöhallinnon nykytila ja se, miten sitä tahdottaisiin lähteä kehittämään ja mitä asioita olisi tarkoituksenmukaista keskittää konsernitasolle. Jatkossa jokaista näistä keskitetyistä prosesseista tarvitsisi tutkia yksityiskohtaisemmin ja luoda prosesseihin yhtenäiset käytännöt.

Toisena tärkeänä jatkotutkimuskohteena voidaan nähdä sen tutkiminen, miten henkilöstöhallinnon prosessien keskittämisessä on onnistuttu. Muutaman vuoden päästä olisi hyvä tutkia sitä, miten keskittäminen on onnistunut ja mitä mieltä parhaiden käytäntöjen jakamisesta ja keskitettyjen prosessien hyödyllisyydestä ollaan. Aluksi keskittäminen ja uusien yhtenäisten prosessien suunnittelu tuottaa varmasti paljon töitä, mutta aikaa myöten synergiaetujen pitäisi alkaa näkyä. Tulevaisuudessa omat haasteensa luo yrityksen laajentuminen, jolloin tutkimuksen laajentaminen koskemaan myös Euroopan ulkopuolisia maita saattaa tulla ajankohtaiseksi.

Olisi myös mielenkiintoista tutkia onko halukkuus tiedon jakamiseen lisääntynyt ja onko kommunikointi henkilöstöhallinnon alueella kasvanut ja parantunut. Eräs jatkotutkimuskohde voisi olla pelkästään tiedon johtamisen eli tiedon luomisen, hankkimisen, varastoinnin, jakamisen ja soveltamisen johtaminen. Jatkossa tutkimuksen

voisi osoittaa koskemaan laajempaa kohderyhmää ja haastatella konsernin työntekijöitä tiedon johtamisesta ja tutkia mitä odotuksia heillä on keskitetyltä henkilöstöhallinnolta.

Oman tutkimuskohteensa muodostaa myös eri maiden lakien aiheuttamat rajoituksen henkilöstöhallinnon organisoimiseen. Nämä lakeihin liittyvät erilaisuudet maiden välillä olisi myös tutkimuksen arvoinen kohde.


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www.nifo-lappset.se www.piha-mantyranta.fi

http://www.tilastokeskus.fi/tup/suoluk/suoluk_yritykset.html (marraskuu 2005) http://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermeneutiikka


Haastattelu 23.1.2006, Jouko Pitkänen, Piha-Mäntyranta Haastattelu 23.1.2006 Ulrich Scheffler, Lappset Gmbh Haastattelu 23.1.2006 Sören Silén, Nifo-Lappset AB

Haastattelu 23.1.2006 Gareth Minor, Lappset UK (sähköpostitse) Haastattelu 30.1.2006 Miguel Carmona, Lappset España (sähköpostitse)

Haastattelu 18.2.2006. Osallistujat: Juhani Kangas (Lappset Group Oy:n toimitusjohtaja 1.6.2006 asti), Pertti Ura (Lappset Group Oy:n toimitusjohtaja 1.6.2006 lähtien), Satu Jokinen (Lappset Group Oy:n henkilöstöpäällikkö), Johanna Ikäheimo (Lappset Group Oy:n hallituksen puheenjohtaja ja Keski- ja Etelä-Euroopan myyntivastaava), Ulrich Scheffler (Lappset Gmbh:n toimitusjohtaja), Sören Silén (Nifo-Lappset AB:n toimitusjohtaja), Gareth Minor (Lappset UK:n toimitusjohtaja), Miguel Carmona (Lappset Españan toimitusjohtaja), Ben Admiral (Lappset Group Oy:n Hollanin myyntiedustaja)

LIITE 1 Lähetekirjelmä Dear Mr. Xxx,

My name is Anni Laasonen and I am an MBA student from Finland. I am currently doing my master’s thesis for Lappset Group Oy and this is why I am contacting You. The human resource manager Mrs. Satu Jokinen has probably already written to you and explaned the purpose of this research, which is to find out what Your expectations from the centralized human resource management would be and in what ares of human resource management synergies could be obtained by having common practices. Your answers will be a guideline when developing the corporate human resource management.

All international firms feel the pressure to ensure the global integration of the firm and yet at the same time they have to accommodate cultural, institutional and structural differences within the corporation. Designing and implementing human resource management practices to fit both the global and the local context is one of the most critical issues that organizations face during the age of globalization. The global integration ensures synergy benefits, but on the other hand one must adapt the management practices to fit the local environment and local values. Finding the best possible balance between these two approaches in Lappset’s case is the goal of this research. The added value created by standardizing and unifying the human resource practices enables a greater return than what could be achieved by every entity’s individual contribution and therefore integration can be seen as a potential source of enhanced efficiency.

During this fall I have familiarized myself with the HRM practices in Lappset’s headquarters and the next step in the research would be to get to know the human resource management pracises in all of the subsidiaries as well. I would highly appreciate if You could take the time and read through the questions attached to this mail concerning the HRM practices in Your firm.

After you have read the questions, I could call You in the beginning of next week (for example Monday or Tuesday) and we could go throught the questions on telephone. This way answering them will be faster than by e-mail. Therefore could you please e-mail me as soon as possible to set up a time of the telephone interview. However, if You prefer to answer the questions by e-mail, that is alright as well. You are also welcome to answer the questions in parts if you would like to. The questions are numbered and therefore easy to refer to. Also, should your firm have any written manuals or guidelines about the HRM practices (such as pay or reward plans, plans for human resource development etc.), it would be good if You could send a copy of them to me by either e-mail or regular mail.

This would help me greatly in the research.

After getting to know the current human resource management in Lappset, the research would continue with a workshop in February, when the International Sales Meeting in Rovaniemi takes place. Before the workshop I will send You a resume of the results of the telephone interviews and also some preliminary interview questions, so that You can be better prepared to the workshop. The actual workshop will take about one and a half hour and there we have a chance to discuss about the ares of human resource management where it would be beneficial to design common practices and guidelines.

The chief executive officer Mr. Juhani Kangas and Mrs. Satu Jokinen from human resources will be participating to the workshop as well.

Thank you already in advance for Your time and Your answers. Should You have any further questions about the research, please, do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to seeing you in person in February.

Sincerely yours, xx

LIITE 2 Puhelin- ja sähköpostihaastatteluiden kysymyslomake Background questions:

1. Your name and profession?

2. The name of your firm?

3. When was it founded?

4. How many employees are there in your firm?

5. How long have you been in the firm?

General questions about human resource management:

6. How is the human resource management organized in your firm at the moment?

a. Who is responsible for human resource issues, such as recruitment, pay, rewarding?

7. Is there an official human resource strategy in your firm? By this I mean are there explicit philosophies, policies and practices that concern the management of the employees in the firm?

8. Is the workforce highly unionized (i.e. do they belong to some labour union and is the labour unions’ influence to the employment practices strong or week in your country)?

9. What are the most critical areas of human resource management in your firm in your mind? What areas need to be developped and why?

10. How much of your time do you think you use in human resource management issues per week? Do you see it as a small or a big part of your job?

11. How often are you in touch with the headquarters about human resource management issues?

12. Are there some areas of human resource management that you would like to get more advice/guidelines/help from the headquarters?

Recruitment and Selection:

13. Who is responsible for recruiting and selecting new people to the firm?

14. What methods of recruitment do you use?

a) Do you prefer internal recruitment (=inviting applications from candidates that are already working in the firm before looking to the external labour markets for new staff) to external recruitment?

b) Which of these practices do you use when you are recruiting new staff:

• Advertising in local press, specialist journals or trade press

• Advertising in the corporate website

• Recruitment agencies

• National newspaper advertisements

• Word of mouth

• Radio / TV

• Apprentices / work placement

• Promotional events / career fairs

• Something else?

15. Is selection of a new person based more on “hard criteria” (i.e. job-related knowledge, competencies, technical skills) than on “soft criteria” (e.g. social and interpersonal skills, age, personality)

16. Do you use standardized selection tools in your recruitment process (e.g. ability and problem solving tests, personality inventories etc.) or do you rely more on face-to-face interaction?

Questions concerning pay:

17. Is the pay divided into separate parts such as basic salary, individual payment, plussages (=payment for special working conditions, employees’ capabilities, payment for special skills or time spent in the firm) and bonuses?

18. What are the criteria for pay in your firm? Is the pay decided on the basis of the job, on the basis of the results or individual’s skills or something else?

19. Is the pay regulated by specific laws in your country? Are there minimum wages for jobs?

20. Do labour unions have a big influence in pay issues in your country?

Questions concerning rewarding:

21. Are monetary rewards used in your firm?

a) If so, what kind of monetary rewards do you use? Do you use cash incentives, perks (=privileges such as company car, company telephone etc) , profit distribution (=sharing the surplus made by the company to the employees)?

22. Do you also use non-monetary rewards, such as feedback, time off, “honor awards” or certificates of appreciation?

23. “Who” is being rewarded?

a) For example individuals vs. teams?

24. Are rewards based on evaluation of a certain job or are they based on the evaluation of an individual or are they based on seniority?

25. Who makes the decisions concerning rewards?

Questions concerning human resource development:

26. Is there a human resource development plan in your firm at the moment?

27. Have you defined the future education and training needs of your employees?

And the needs of the firm?

28. Do you use performance review (meaning annual discussions with the employees about their performance, goals and hopes) as a tool for developping the staff?

29. Do you use regular performance appraisal (= an evaluation of the performance of an employee, the results of the appraisal may be used to deciding the employee’s pay, career prospects, training needs etc.)?

a) Is it based on more task-related competencies and outcomes than on interpersonal competencies (teamwork facilitation, respect, loyalty, positive attitude) and on effort and motivation?

b) If you do use performance appraisal, how do you communicate the feedback of the appraisal to the employees? Is the feedback given individually or to a group of people?

30. Whan kind of training and development do you offer to your employees? Is it more group-focused or individual-focused?

31. How are the training and developing needs determined? Are they based on for example performance outcomes?

32. Does the firm support education and training of the employees that happens on their own freetime?

Health, safety and welfare

33. Is industrial medicine provided for all of the employees working in the firm?

(=industrial medicine is the health care provided by employer for the employees and it usually covers at least first aid and nursing care. Main aims however are the prevention of accidents by providing adequate guards for machinery and the prevention of work-related diseases or stress.)

34. Are regular health check-ups provided to the employees in order to monitor the health of the staff?

35. Are there specific laws in your country that regulate health, safety and welfare issues at workplace?

Absence and attendance + vacation practices

36. What kind of vacation policy is there in your firm?

37. On what basis are the vacations granted to the employees?

38. How many weeks of vacation are the employees entitled to?

39. Have you specified your absence notification procedures?

Induction training/job orientation

40. What kind of job orientation is offered to the new employees when they start their job?

41. Have you written out the job descriptions for each job? Are the descriptions specific, detailed and fixed for long term or are jobs defined in rather broad terms?

42. Are the requirements and responsibilities defined for each individual or for a group of people?

43. Do the new employees get somekind of written material about Lappset Group Oy and about the corporation as whole?

LIITE 3 Ryhmähaastattelun runko eli ehdotuksia henkilöstöhallinnon prosessien keskittämiseen

1. Creating material about Lappset Group Oy to be given to the new employees in the beginning of the induction

2. Job de scriptions for all the jobs in the corporation 3. Common basis for rewarding

4. Common guidelines for performance reviews 5. Common guidelines for absence notification