Johtajuuden diskurssit varhaiskasvatuksessa - valta ja vastuu johtajuuden jäsentäjinä
Introducing ficto-feminism: a non-fiction, fictitious conversation with Hallie Flanagan, director of the Federal Theatre Project (1935-1939)
Factors associated with staying or leaving a dentist leader's position - a qualitative study
Common controls driven conceptual leadership framework
Naisyrittäjyys : hyvinvointia ja johtamista
“Balancing and Leveraging Management, Leadership and Technology and Fostering Innovation in Changing European High Technology Sector” : Reconstruction of High Technology Organisation
Background Study for Operation Development : Case Kuljetus Eklöf Oy
Alueyrityksen johtaminen : puunkorjuuyrittäjän uusi haaste
Attracting Generation Z to apply to job vacancies in Lappeenranta
Athlete leadership behavior : how it relates to perceived team cohesion and players' satisfaction in elite sport teams
Leadership and student learning in higher education
Leadership roles of teacher trainees in the Gambia primary school : a case study of two primary schools
School leadership challenges in the implementation of technical and vocational education curriculum in Ghana
Social contagion of autonomous motivation among professional educators : as a resource of leadership in schools
An enabling environment for female leadership in Finnish comprehensive school
The discursive construction of leader identity: Tim Cook in a broadcast interview
By accident or by design? : social enterprise leaders' stories of their career choice
Development of student leadership skills and identity : a case study at a Finnish university
Hyvä johtajuus ammatillisen toimijuuden tukijana IT-alan organisaatioissa
Dynamic capabilities in times of educational change : the viewpoint of school leadership
Enhancing CRM strategy : the role of data, leadership and organizational culture
Assessing enablers and barriers to sharing knowledge and information : case study: a knowledge intensive case company in Finland
Applying Human Resource Tools to Promote the Effectiveness Management of Project-Based Organizations : A Case Study of Development Agency of Valkeakoski Region, Ltd.
Applying Continuous Improvement in Order to Reach Operational Excellence