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9th Annual Report 2000: UN ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "9th Annual Report 2000: UN ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems"




The Finnish Environment


Sirpa Kleemola and Martin Forsius (eds)

9ffi Ännual Report 2000

UN ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Äir Pollution

International Cooperative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Äir Pollution

Effects on Ecosystems

O O ( O



The Finnish Environment 427

Sirpa Kleemola and Martin Forsius (eds)

9ffi Ännual Report 2000

UN ECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Mr Pollution

International Cooperafive Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Ah Pollution

Effects on Ecosystems

W ge

Working Group on Effects of the Convention on Long-range TransboundaryAir Pollution






441 057

P4n1e4 mater

Please referto indMdual chapters in this report as shown in the following example:

Bringmark, L.: Progress report on heavy metal studies at ICP IM sftes.

In: Kleemola S., Forsius M. (eds), 9th Annual Report 2000. UN ECE ICP Integrated Monitoring.

The Finnish Environment 427:27-28.

Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland.

ISBN 952-1 1-0755-3 ISSN 1238-73 12

Cover photo: A view from the Vuoskojärvi IM site.

Photo: Katariina Mäkelä, Finnish Environment Institute Printing Edita

Helsinki 2000


Jhe Finnish Environment 427



Summary of ICP IM actwities :995-2000.5

1. ICP IM actwities,

monitoring sites and available data 11

1.1 Review oftheICP IM adfiviffes in 1999-2000 11

1.2 Acfivi%es andtasksprepared for 2000-2001 13

1.3 Published reports and arficles 1999/2000 14

1.4 Monitoring sites 18

1.5 Monitoring data 18

1.6 ICP IM National Focal Points (NfPs) and contacts for IM sites 22



report on

heavy metal studies at ICP

IM sites 27

2.1 Background 27

2.2 Content of technkal ICP IM report on concentrations 27

2.3 Time schedule 2$

3. Progress report

on the assessment and modelling of the

effects of

$ and N compounds at ICP IAI

sites 29

3.1 Background 29

3.2 Activffies 1999-2000 29

3.3Summary ofresults 30

3.4 Further work 30

4. Dynamic Modelling ofAcidification Processes- regional

api,Iicotion 3!

4.1 Assessment of Crfflcal Loads 31

4.2 The MAGIC Model 31

4.3 Mufflple Site application of MAGIC to Wales 32

4.4 Predictedfutureresponse 34

4.5 Site Specific Application of MAGIC to the Afon Haften (GBO2) 33

Acknowledgements 35

References 35

5. Soi! water fiux modelling with WATBAL 36

5.1 Introduction 36

5.2Progress to date 36

References 38

6. Reports on national ICP IM actwities


Reporton national ICP IM activffles in Austria 1999 39 Report on national IC? IM activitiesiiiFinland 1998-99 43 Report on national ICP IM acfivi%es in Germany 1999-2000 46 Report on naifonal ICP IM activities in Italy 1999-2000 49 Report on nafional ICP IM activities in Latvia 1999-2000 51 Report on nafional ICP IM ac%vities in the Neffierlands 53 Report on national ICP IM relevant activffles in Norway 1998 54 Report on nafional ICP IM acfivities in Sweden 1998 57

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Summary of ICP IM activities


Background and objectWes ofthe programme

Integrated monitoring of ecosystems means physical, chemical and biological measurements over time of dffferent ecosystem compartments simu1tareous1y at the same locafion. In practice, monitoringis dMdedintoanumber of compartmental subprogrammes which are linked by the use of the same parameters (cross-media flux approach) and/or same or close stations (cause-effect approach).

The International Cooperative Prograihme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems (ICP IM) ispartof the Effects Monitoring Strategy under the UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP). The main objectives of the ICP IM are:

O Monitor the biological, chemical and physical state of ecosystems

(catchments/plots) over time in order to provide an explanafion of changes in terms of causative environmental factors, induding natural changes, air pollution and chmate change, with the aim to provide a sdentific basis for emission control.

O Develop and validate modeis for the simulation of ecosystem responses and use them (a) to estimate responses to actual or predicted changes in

pollution stress, and (b) in concert with survey data to make regional assessments.

O Carry out biomonitoring to detect natural changes, in particular to assess effects of air pollutants and climate change.

The fuil impiementation of the ICP IM will allow ecological effects of heavy metais, persistent organic substances and tropospheric ozone to be determined. A primary concern is the provision of sdentific and stafistically reliable data that can be used in modelling and decisionmaking.

The ICP IM sites (mosily forested catchments) are located in undisffirbed areas, such as natural parks or comparable areas. The ICP IM network presently covers about 50 sites, wiffi ongoing data submission, in 22 countries. The international Programme Centre is located at the Finnish Environment Insfitute in Helsinki. The present status of the monitonng activities is described in detail in Section 1 of this report.

A manual detailing the protocols for monitoring each of the necessary physical, chemical and biological parameters is applied throughout the programme (Manual for Integrated Monitoring 1998).



Recent assessment actWities within the ICP IM

Assessment of data collected in the ICP IM framework is carried out at both national and international leveis. Key tasks of recent assessment ac%vffies regarding internationalICP IMdata have been:

O Input-output and proton budgets

O Trend analysis of bulk and throughfall deposifion and runoff water chemistry

O Assessment of biological data using multivariate gradient analysis

O Dynamic modeffing and assessment of the effects of different emission/

deposition scenarios

O Assessment of concentrations, pools and fluxes of heavy metais

Conclusions from recent international studies

Input-output and proton budgets

lon mass budgets have proved to be useful for evaluafing the importance of vanous biogeochemical processes that regulate the buffering properties in ecosystems.

Long-term monitoring of mass balances and ion ratios in catchments/plots can also serve as an early warrnng system to identify the ecological effects of different anthropogenically -derived pollutants, and to verify the effects of emission reductions.

The first results of input-output and proton budget calculations were presented m the 4th Annual Synopfic Report (ICP IM Programme Cenfre 1995) and the updated results regardmg the effects of N deposifion were presented m Forsius et aL (1996).

Data ftom seleded ICP IM sites were also included m a European study for evaluating soil organic honzon C:N ratio as an indicator of mtrate leaching (Dise et al. 1998).

The aim is also to present new results regarding the calculation of fluxes and trends of S and N compounds in a scientific paper prepared for the Acid Rain Conference, December 2000.

The budget calculations showed that there was a large difference between the sites regarding the relative importance of the various processes involved in the transfer of addity These differences reflected boffi the gradients in deposition inputs and the differences in site characteristics. The proton budget calculations showed a clear relationship between the net acidifying effect of nitrogen processes and the amount of N deposifion. When the deposifion increases also N processes become increasingly important as net sources of acidity.

A cri%cal deposition threshold of about 8-10 kg N ha’ a, indicated by several previous assessments, was confirmed by the input-output calculafions with the ICP IMdata. The output flux of nitrogen was strongly correlated with key ecosystem variables like N deposition, N concentrafion in organic matter and current year needies, and N flux in litterfall. Soil organic horizon C:N-rafio seems to give a reasonable estimate of the annual export flux of N for European forested sites receiving throughfall deposition of N up to about 30 kg N ha’ a1. Such statistical

The Finnish Environment 427


rela%onships from intensively studied sites could be effidently used in conjuga%on with regional monitoring data (e.g. ICPForests and ICP Waters data) in order to 1mk process level data with regional-scale questions.

The reduction in deposifion of S and N compounds at the ICP IM sites, caused by the new ‘Protocol to Abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-level Ozone’ of the CLRTAP (“multi-pollutant multi-effect protocol”), was esfimated for the year 2010 usingtransfer matrices and oifidal emissions. Impiementation of the new protocol wiII further decrease the deposifion of S and N at the ICP IM sites in western and norffiwestem parts of Europe, but in more eastem parts the decreases wffl be smaller.

Modeffing of soil water fluxes at ICP IM sites using the WATBAL model (Starr 1999) has recently started. This work is described in more detail in Section 5 of the present report. These results wiIl enable a more detailed assessment of plot-scale results, as well as calculations of detailed ecosystem budgets and trends of different chemicai compounds.

Trend analysis

Empirical evidence on the development of environmental effects is of central importance for the assessment of success of international emission reduction policy first results from a frend analysis of monthly ICP IM data on bulk and throughfali deposifion as well as runoff water chemistry were presented in Vuorenmaa (1997).

ICPIM data on water chemistry have aiso been used for a trend analysis carried out by theICPWaters and presented in the 9-years report of that programme (Liikewille etal 1997)

New calculations on the trends of N and 5 compounds, base cations and hydrogenions have been made for ICP IM sites with availabie data across Europe.

The site-spedfic ftends were calculated for deposifion and runoff water fiuxes using montffly data and non-parametric methods.

Statisfically significant downward trends of 504 and I-{ deposifion were observed at a majority of the ICP IM sites. Decreasing NH4 trends were more common than those of NO3. Sites with higher N deposifion and lower C/N-ratios dearly showed higher N oulput fluxes, and the results were consistent with previous observations from European forested ecosystems. Decreasing S04 NO3 base cation and H trends in output fluxes were observed at several sites in the Nordic countries.

The results partly conffrm the effective impiementation of emission reduction policy in Europe. However, dear responses were not observed at ali sites, showing that recovery at many sensifive sites can be slow and that the response at indMdual sites may vary greaily.

Assessment ofbiological data using multWariate gradient analysis

The effect of pollutant deposition on natural vegetafion, mncluding both trees and understorey vegetafion, is one of the cenfral concerns in the impact assessment and prediction. The first assessment of vegetation monitoring data atICP IMsites with regards to N and S deposifion was carried out by Liu (1996). Vegetation monitoring was found useful in reflecfing the effects of atmospheric deposition and soil water chemistry, espedaliy regarding sulphur and nitrogen. The results suggested that plants respond to N deposifion more directly than to 5 deposifion with respect to vegetation indices.

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De Zwart (1998) carried out an exploratory multivariate statistical gradient analysis of possible causes underlyingtheaspect of forest damage atICP IMsites.

These results suggested that coniferous defoliation, discolouration and lifespan of needies in the diverse phenomena of forest damage are for respecfively 18%, 42%

and 55% explained by the combined action of ozone andacidifying sulphur and nitrogen compounds in aw

From the present and previous ordination exercises it was concluded that the applied stafistical techniques are capable of revealing underlying structure and possible cause-effect relationships in complex ecological data, provided that analysed gradients have an adequate range to be interpolated. Since the data obtamed was unexpectedly poor m the span of environmental gradients, the results of the presented statistical ordination only indicated correlative cause-effect relationships wfth a limited validity. The poor span of gradients could be atffibuted to the relative scardty of biological effect data and the occurrence of missing observafions both in the chemical and biological data sets. It was concluded, that the power of the vegetation monitoring in impact assessment would increase considerably with improvements in the ICP IM data reporting and inclusion of addffional sites.

A scienfific strategy to carry out further data assessment of cause-effect relafionships for biological data, particularly vegetafion, has been developed within the ICP IM. This work is lead by the National Focal Point of The Netherlands. The data collection procedure is currently m progress.

Dynamic modelling and assessment of the effects ofemissioni deposition scenarios

In a policy-oriented framework,dynamicmodeis are needed to explore the tempo ral aspect of ecosystem protec%on and recovery. The crifical Ioad concept, used for defimng the environmental protection leveis, does not reveal the time scales of recovery. Dynamic modeis have been developed and used for the emission’deposi tion scenario assessment at selected ICP IM sites (e.g. Forsius et at 1997, 1998a 1998b, Posch et al. 1997). These modeis are flexible and can be adjusted for the assessment of altemafive scenanos of policy importance.

These modefling studies have shown, that the recovery of soi! and waterquality of the ecosystems is determined by both the amount and thetimeof impiementafion of emission reducfions. According to the modeis, thetimingof emission reductions determines the state of recovery over a shorttimescale (up to 30 years). Thequicker the target level of reductions is achieved, the more rapidly the surface water and soi! status recover. For the long-term response (> 30 years), the magrntude of emission reducfions is more important ffian thefimingof the reduction. The model simulations also indicate that N emission controls are very important to enable the maximumrecovery m response to S emission reductions. Increased mtrogen leaching has the potential to not only offset the recovery predicted in response to S emission reductions but further to promote substantial detenoration m pH status of fteshwaters and other N pollution prob!ems in some areas of Europe.

At the l7th session of the UN/ECE Execufive Body in December 1999 the importance of the momtoringanddynamic modeffing of recovery was underlined.

The important resu!ts of the ICPs and the Task Force on Hea!th in implemenfing the Convention were a!so noted. This underlines the need to continue with the dynamic modelling work within the ICP IM. This topic is discussed in more detail in Secfions 3 and 4 of the present report.


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Pools and fiuxes of heavy metais

A scientific strategy to carry out further data assessment on stores and fluxes of heavy metais has been developed within the ICP IM. This work is lead by the National Focal Point of Sweden and started in 1999. The results will be used also for a joint report of the ICPs, to be prepared for the UN/ECE Working Group on Effects in 2001.

Future work

O Maintenance and development of a central ICP IM data base at the Programme Centre.

O Continued assessment of the Iong-term effects of S and N compounds to support the impiementation of emission reducfion protocols, including:

O assessment of trends;

O calculation of ecosystem budgets;

O dynamic modelling and scenario assessment.

O Cakulation of pools and fluxes ofheavymetais at selected sites (continuation of the work).

O Assessment of cause-effect rela%onships for biological data, par%cularly vegetation (continuation of the work)

O Coordinafion of work and cooperation with other ICPs, particularly regarding dynamic modeffing (ali ICPs), cause-effect relationships in terrestrial systems (ICP forests,ICPVegetation), and surface waters (ICP Waters).

O Cooperation with external organisafions and programmes with the aim to develop the capacity for assessing giobal change impacts (Giobal Terrestrial Observing System (FAO/UNEP), International Long Term Ecological Research Network (ILTER)).


Dise,N.B, Matznei, E.and ForsiusM. 1998. Evaluation of organic horizon C:N rafio as an indicator of mtrate Ieaching in conifer forests across Europe. Environmental Pollufion 102, 51: 453-456.

Forsius, M., Keemola, 5, and Vuorenmaa,J.1996.Assessment of mtrogen processesat ICP IM sites. In: Meemola 5., Forsius M. (eds), 5th Annual Report 1996. UN ECE IC? Integrated Monitoring. The Finnish Environment 27:25-38. Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 952-11-0045-1.

Forsius, M., Alveteg, M., Bak,J,,Guardans, R, Holmberg, M., Jenkins, A., Johansson, M., IGeemola,5.,Rankinen,K, Renshaw, M., Sverdrup,H. andSyri,5. 1997.Assessment of the Effects oftheEU Addification Strategy:Dynamicmodeffing on Integrated

Momtoring sites.FinnishEnvironment Institute, Helsinki.ISBN 952-11-0979-3. 40 pp.

Forsius, M., Alveteg, M., Jenkins, A., Johansson, M., F3eemola, 5., Lukewffle, A., Posch, M., Sverdrup, H. and Walse, C. 1998a. MAGIC, SAFE andSMARTmodel applications at Integrated Monitonng Sites: Effects of emission reducfion scenarios. Water, Air and Soil Pollufion 105:21-30,

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Forsius, M., Guardans, R., Jenldns, A., Lundin, L. and Nielsen, K.E. (eds) 1998b. Integrated Momtoring: Environmental assessment through model and empu-ical analysis-Fmal resuits from ari EU/LIFE-project. The Finnish Environment 218. Finnish Environment Insfitute, Helsinki. ISBN 952-11-0302-7. 172 pp.

ICP IMProgramme Centre 1995. Assessment of mtrogen processes on ICP IM sites. In: 4th Annual Synoptic Report1995, UN ECE ICPIntegrated Monitonng. Finnish

Environment Agenc3 Helsinki, Finland, pp.19-61.

Liu,Q.1996. Vegetation monitoring in the ICP IM programme: Evaluation of data with regard to effects of N and S deposifion. In: Keemola S., Forsius M. (eds), 5th Annual Report1996. UN ECE ICPIntegrated Monitonng. The Finnish Environment 27:55-79.

Finnish Environment Insfitute, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 952-11-0045-1.

Lukewffle, A., Jeffries, D., Johannessen, M., Raddum, G., Stoddard,1.and Traaen, 1 1997. The nine year report: Acidffication of surface water in Europe and North America.

Long-term developments (1980s and 1990s). Convenfion on Long-Range

TransboundaryAirPollution, International cooperafive programme on assessment and monitoring of acidffication of rivers and lakes. Programme Centre NIVA Oslo.

Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Oslo, Norway. NIVA Report 3637-97.

Løkke, H., Bak,J.,Robbink, R, Buil, K., Curtis, C., Falkengren-Grerup, U., forsius, M., Gundersen, P, Hornung, M., Skjelkvåle, B.L., Starr, M., and Tybirk, K. 2000. Cntical Loads Copenhagen 1999. 2lst-25th November 1999. Conference Report Prepared by Members of the Conference’s Secretariat, the Sdenfific Committee and Chairmen and Rapporteurs of its Workshops in Consultafion with the UNIECE Secretanat. Cntical Loads. National Environmental Research Insfitute, Denmark. 48pp.-Arbedsrapport fra DMU nt 121.

Manual for Integrated Monitoring 1998. Finnish Environment lnstitute, Helsinki, Finland.

WWW-version of the Manual:

Posch, M., Johansson, M. and Forsius, M. 1997. Crifical loads and dynamic models. In:

Meemola, S., Forsius M. (eds.),6thAnnual Report 1997. UN ECE IC? Integrated Monitoring. The Finnish Environment 116:13-23. Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 952-11-0587-9.

Starr, M. 1999. WATBAL: A model for estimating monthly water balance components, induding soil water fluxes. In: Kleemola S., Forsius M. (eds), sth Annual Report 1999.

UN ECE ICP Integrated Monitoring. The Finnish Environment 325: 31-35. finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland, ISBN 952-11-0521-6.

Stoddard, J.L., Jeffries, D.S., Lukewille, A., Clair, TA., Dillon, PJ., Driscofl C.T, Forsius, M., Johannessen, M., Kahi, J.S., Kellogg, J.H., Kemp, A., Mannio,J.,Monteiffi, D.T, Murdoch, ES,, Patrick, S. Rebsdorf, A., Skjelkvåle, B.L, Stainton, M.E, Traaen, 1, van Dam, H., Webster, K.E., Wieting,J.and Wilandes A. (1999). Regional trends in aquafic recovery from addffication in North America and Europe. Nature 401: 575- 578.

Vuorenmaa,J.1997. Trend assessment of bulk and throughfall deposifion and runoff water chemistry at ICP IM sites. In: Kleemola S., Forsius M. (eds), 6th Annual Report 1997.

UN ECE ICP Integrated Momtoring. The Finnish Environment 116:24-42. finnish Environment Insfitute, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 952-11-0587-9.

Working Group on Effects (1999). Trends in impacts of long-range transboundary air pollufion. Compiled by the International Cooperafive programmes of the UN/ECE Worldng Group on Effects. Centre for Ecology and Hydrolog UK. ISBN 1 870 393 52X.81p.

de Zwart, D. 1998. Mulfivanate gradient analysis applied to relate chemical and biological observations. In: Kleemola S., forsius M. (eds), 7th Annual Report 1998. UN ECE ICP Integrated Monitonng. The Finnish Environment 217:15-29. Finnish Environment Institute, Helsinki, Finland. ISBN 952-11-0301-9.

The Finnish Environment 427


ICP OM activities, monitorin

sdtes and available data

Sirpa Kleemola and Martin Forsius Finnish Environment Institute P0. Box 140,FIN-00251 Helsinki


e-mail: sirpa.kleemola@vyh.fi, martin.forsius@vyh.fi

1.1 Review of the ICP IM actWities in 1999-2000

O The eight meeting of the Programme Task Force on ICP Integrated Monitoring was held inVilnius,Liffiuania,4-6May, 2000. A one-day

workshop of the ICP Integrated Monitoring was held prior to the Task Force meeting on 4 May.

O After October lst 1999 the National Focal Points (NFPs) reported their 1996 results to the IM Programme Centre. The Programme Centre carried out standard check up of the results and incorporated them into the IM database.

O Parffdpants of the ICP IM Programme took part in the ‘Needle Leaf Intefiaboratory Comparison’ organized by ICP Forests.

O A representative of the Programme Centre (Martin forsius) partidpated in an evaluation project of the Integrated Monitorirtg programme carried out in the Baffic countries. The project has been funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, and the main aim was to assess the benefits of the investments of the Council in establishing Integrated Monitoring in these countries.

Michael Starr (Finland) was the project leader and Sven Bråkenhielm (Sweden) was the third member of the evaluation team. The evaluation report wffl be available in autumn 2000.

O A representative of the Programme Centre (Martin Forsius) acted as a rapporteur at the UN/ECE workshop ‘Critical Loads Copenhagen 1999’, 21- 25 November, 1999. The aim of the workshop was to discuss and develop new concepts for calculating crffical loads for ecosystems. The conference report was published in February 2000.

O A representative of the Programme Centre partidpated in the UN/ECE Workshop on heavy metal effects in Schwerin, Germany, October 1999.

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O A representafive of the Programme Centre partidpated in the Task force meetings of ICP Waters and ICP Modelling and Mapping, as weIl as in the annual meeting of the 4 Combined NFC/SAG meefing 1999 of the EU/ICP forests Level II programme.

O Programme Centre developed new software for the reporting of 1999 data according to the new IM Manual.

O Programme Centre continued its parficipafion in the EUproject

‘Networking of Long-term Integrated Monitoring in Terrestrial Systems (NoLIMITS)’, contributed to the building of a piot meta-database of sites, and was represented in the NoLIMITS Task Force. NoLIMITS ended in January 2000. As a direct follow-up to NoLIMITS, the Programme Centre is partidpatingin a new project proposal to the5thftamework programme of the EU ‘Towards Integrated Monitoring in Europe for the Giobal Terrestrial Observing System (TIMEforGTOS)’. If the proposal is successful,ICP IM would lie represented in the Task Force of the project (Martin forsius).

O ICP IM(Martin Forsius and Sven Bråkenhielm) was represented in a

workshop on biodiversity momtonng orgamzedbyEuropean Environment Agency (EFA)in Copenhagen,Denmark, 14 January 2000.TheEEA is invesfigating the possibifity of seffing up a biodiversity momtoring network.

O The Programme Centre finalized the ICP IM contribution to the joint report of the Working Group on Effects Bureau and other ICPs on temporal trends:

‘Trends h Impacts of Long-Range TransboundaryAirPollution’.

O IM Programme Centre contnbuted to the sdentific article ‘Regional trends in aquafic recovery from acidification in North America and Europe’. The article published in Nature was based on data also from the ICP IM sites (main responsibffity by ICP Waters).

O A new ICP IM brochure was compiled by the Programme Centre.

O Scientific work regarding four prionty topics has continued:

(i) Calculafion of pools and fluxes of heavy metais at selected sites (led by the NFP of Sweden)

IM Programme Centre has assisted m compiling the heavy metal data from the ICP IM database. As part of the project the data needed for calculation of soil water fluxes using a water balance model (WATBAL) have been compiled from the IM database. Soilwater fluxes for several ICP IM sites have been calculated. Addffional data have been requested ftom the NFPs for this work. A techmcal report wffl he prepared for the ICP IM Task Force meeting 2001.

(ii) Assessment of cause-effects relafionships for biological data, particularly vegetafion (led by the NFP of The Netherlands).

Data compilafion from theNFPsis proceeding. The possibilifies for a joint evaluation of ICP IM and ICP forests Level II data are currently explored.

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(iii) Calculafion of fluxes and trends of S and N compounds, base cations and H (led by the Programme Centre).

ICP IM has produced an official summary report on the results of this assessment for the WGE meefing, August 2000. A scienfific paper for presenta%on at the Add Rain Conference (December 2000, Tsukuba, Japan) is under preparation.

(iv) Dynamic modeffing (led by the NFP of the UK in cooperation with the Programme Centre).

Data compilafion from the NFPs is proceeding. ICP IM wffl participate in a joint coordinated exerdse on dynamic modeffing together with other ICPs.

A technical meeting for discussing the scientific methodology wffl be held in Sweden dunng autumn 2000. Priority in the ICP IM work wffl be given to site-spedflc modeffing acfivffies. Earlier model applicafions at the ICP IM sites give a good basis for this work.

ICP IM will produce the following reports to the Working Group on Effects, August 2000:

O Annual Report

O Summary report on the fluxes and trends of 5 and N compounds

O The ICPs will produce a 2000 Joint Report for the WGE meeting. The report will contain a short general introduction as well as a review of the activffies during the past year. The ICP IM conffibution wffl be prepared by the IM Programme Centre.

1.2 ActWities and tasks prepared for 2000-2001

Activifies/tasks related to the programme’s present objectives

O Maintenance and development of a central ICP IM data base at the Programme Centre.

O Partidpation in inter laboratory comparisons organized by other ICPs.

O Inclusion of quality controlled national data for 1999 in the new IM database.

O Processing of additional information (background info/site descriptions) for detailed assessments (e.g. dynamic modelling).

O Continuation of sdenfific work in the following four areas according to agreed scientific strategies:

O Cakulation of concentrations, pools and fiuxes of heavy metais at selected sites.

O Assessment of cause-effect relaffonships for biological data (particularly vegetation).

O Assessment of pools, fluxes and trends of 5 and N compounds, base cafions and H.

O Site-specific dynamic modeffing and impact scenario assessment.

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Activities/tasks aimed at further development of the programme

O Partidpaffonin the activffies of externalorganisations (Giobal Terrestrial Observing System, TIMEforGTOS project, International Long Term EcologicalResearch Network (ILTER), European Environment Agency).

Activities/tasks to be carried out in close collabora%on wiffi other ICPs

O Coordination of work and cooperation with other ICPs, parhcularly regarding dynamic modeffing (ail ICPs), cause-effed re1tionships in terrestrial systems (ICP Forests, ICP Vegetafion), and surface waters (ICP Waters).

O The possibffities to carry out a joint assessment of ICP IM andICPforests Level II vegetation data are currently explored. The ICP IM work is led by theNFPof the Netherlands. Progress inthisfield wffl be reported at the ICP IM Task Force meeting 2001.

O Compilation of a report on cause-effect relafionships in forest ecosystems, based on published information (main responsibiity byICPForests).

Progress inthisfield will be reported at theICP IMTask Forcemeeting2001.

1.3 Published reports and articles 1999/2000

Evaluations of international ICP IM data

Stoddard, J.L., Jeffries,D.S.,Lukewille,A., Clah, TA.,Difion, PJ., Driscoll, C.T, forsius, M., Johannessen, M., Kaifi,J.S.,Kellogg, J.H., Kemp, A., Mannio,1..Monteith, D.T, Murdoch, PS., Patrick, 8., Rebsdorf, A., Skjelkvåie, 5.L., Stainton, M.P, Traaen, 1, Van Dam, H., Webster, K.E., Wiefing,1.and Wilander, A. 1999. Regional trends in aquafic recovery from addfficahon in North America and Europe. Nature 401: 575-578 (main responsibffity by ICP Waters),

Working Group on Effects 1999. Trends in Impacts of Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. Compiled by the International Cooperafive Programmes of the Working Group on Effects, UN/ECE Convenfion on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollufion.

Centre for Ecologyand Hydrolog3 UK. ISBN1 870 393 52X, 81 p.

Other contributions by representatives of the Programme Centre

Løkke,H., Bak, J.,Robbink,R., Buil, K.,Curtis, C., Falkengren-Grerup, U., forsius, M., Gundersen, P, Hornung, M., SkjelkvMe, B.L., Starr, M., and Tybfrk, K2000.Crfflcal Loads Copenhagen 1999. 2lst-25th November1999. Conference Report Prepared by Members ofthe Conference’s Secretariat,theSdentific Conmiittee andChafrmen and Rapporteurs of its Workshops in Consultafion with theUN/ECE Secretariat. Crffical Loads. Nafional Environmental Research Institute, Denmark. 48pp.-Arbedsrapport fra DMU nr 121.

Evaluations of National ICP IM data and publicafions of ICP IM representatives

AamIid 0.,1rseth,K, Venn. K., Stuanes, A.O., Solberg, S. Hylen, G.,Christophersen, N., Framstad, E 2000. Changes of forest health inNorwegianboreal forests dudng 15 years. Forest Ecology and Management 127:103-118.

Ahonen, J. and Rankinen, K. 1999. Model application to study the effects of emission reducfion scenarios on a forested catchment in Finland. Physics and Chemisfry of the Earth Vol. 24, No. 7(1999): 861- 867.

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Allavena, S., Isopi, R., Petriccione, B. and Pompei, E. 1999. Programma Nazionale Integrato per ii Controllo degli Ecosistemi forestali. Pnmo rapporto. 1999. Mimstero per le Politiche Agricole, Roma.

Allavena, S., ?etriccione, 3. and Pompei, E. 1999. Ii momtoraggio degli ecosistemi forestali italiani. Ii Programma CON.ECO.FOR. In: Basset A. and fedele L. (eds). Ecologia.

Ediziom del Gnfo, Lecce.

Amoriello, 1 and Costantim, A. 1999. Monitoraggio cimatico di aree boschive nell’ambito del progetto CON.ECO,fOR. Agricoltura Ricerca, Catanzaro, 182.

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Bringmark, L. 1999. Review of available databases and possible mput from Integrated Monitoring. Workshop on Effect-Based Approaches for Heavy Metals. Schwerin, Germany 12-15 Oct, 1999. Umweltbundesamt. Texte 87/99,1p.

Bussotfi, E, Cenni, E., Cozzi, A. and Ferretti, M. 1999. Valutazione delle condizioni degli aiberi nel Programma CON.ECO.FOR. In: Basset A. and Fedele L. (eds). Ecologia. Edizioni del Grifo, Lecce.

Canullo, R. and Allegnni, M.C. 1999. Procedure per la qualit per il monitoraggio del comparto vegetale nei sistemi forestali della Rete CON.ECO.FOR. In: Basset A. and fedele L. (eds). Ecologia. Edizioni del Grifo, Lecce.

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ferm M. and H. Hultberg (1999). Dry deposifion and internal circulation of nitrogen, sulphur and base cafions in a coniferous forest. Atmospheric Environment 33, 4421-4430.

ferretti, M., Bussotti, E, Giordano, E, Mazzali, C. and Nibbi, R. 1999. Integrated and combined (I&C) evalutafion of the data generated by the CON.ECO.FOR Program. In: Basset A.

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Eitminavidute, 1. 1999. Diversity and degradation of soil zoocenosys. Biodiversity of

Lithuania (state, structure, protecfion). Vilnius, Vilnius Pedagogical University p. 22-23.

Eitminaviciute, 1. 1999. Formafion of microarffiropods complexes under the different antrophogenical impact. Problems of the soil zoology. Moscow, p. 314-315.

Eitminavidute, 1., Bagdonavidene, Z. and Strazdiene, V. 1999. Pedobiological esilmafion of soil m natural and agroecosystems. Ecological sustainabifity of Uthuania m historical perspecfive. V’ilnius, Lithuanian Sdence Academy, p. 207-212.

Gaigalis, K., Kitra, G. and Rackauskaite, A.1999. Effecfiveness of the Tree and Bush Vegetation Bufer Strip. Proceedmgs of International Conference. 8-9/09/1999, Kedainiai.

Girgzdiene, R and Girgzdys, A. 1999. Changes in ozone level at two stations m Liffiuania.

Annual Report TOR -2 (In press).

Gulbmas, Z. 1999. Integrated monitoring of ecosystems as giobal background monitonng.

Geoindicators. Abstracts of Workshop. Vilnius, 15 p.

Guibinas, Z. and Samuila, M. 1999. Chemical structure of soils and water. Lithuania’s forests state and determinative factors. Kaunas, Lithuanian forest Research Insfitute, p. 182- 185.

The Rnneh Environment 427



Guibinas, Z. and Samuila, M. 1999. Soil, soil water, groundwater and runoff chemistry. In:

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Holmberg, M., Ranicinen K., Johansson M., forsius, M., Meemola, 5. Ahonen,J.and Syri, S.

1999. Relafive importance of nutrient uptake and acid deposition scenanos on soil effecfive base saturafion: a case study based on dynamic modeffing. (In review) Jasinevidene, D. and opauskiene, D. 1999. Time trends of suifate concentrafion m

atmosphenc precipitation in Lithuania. Environmental engineering, Vilnius, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

Juknys, R 1999. Objecfives and tasks of the integrated monitonng of forest ecosystems. In:

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(eds). Momtoring of forest Ecosystems in Lithuama. Kaunas, Lithuaman Forest Research Institute, p.l6947O.

Juknys, R. and Augustaifis, A. 1999. Parameters of the survey. Stations of the mtegrated forest momtoring. In: Ozolinaus, R, Armolaffis, K., Augustaifis, A., Kairiukfis, L., Stakenas, V.

and Vaicys, M. (eds) Momtoring of Forest Ecosystems m Lithuama. Kaunas, Lithuanian Forest Research Institute, p.170-l80.

Kaujaliene, V, Mosbek, H., Ceburnis, D. and opauskiene, D. 1999. Use of bark of Scots pme for bio-momtoring of airbome pollutant deposition. Environmental and Chemical Physics, volume 21, number 1, 1999. Vilmus, Insfitute of Physics.

Karemen, T, Ilvesmemi, H., Nissinen, A., Starr, M., Ukonmaanaho, L., Lindroos, A.-J. and Sievänen, R. 1999. Water and element fluxes at the Hietajärvi momtonng site; an application of the ACIDIC model. In: Raino, H. and Kilponen, 1 (eds) 1999, Forest Condifion Moniroring in Finland. National report 1998. Finnish Forest Research Insfitute, Research Papers 743: 97-108.

Kliudus, A. 1999. Lichen species diversity and abudance. Iii: Ozolinicius, R, Armolaifis, K., Augustaitis, A., Kairiuktis, L., Stakenas, V. and Vaicys, M. (eds). Momtonng of Forest Ecosystems in Liffiuama., Kaunas, Uthuaman Forest Research Institute, p. 200-201.

Krasilnikov, P and Starr, M. 1999. Quantitafive evaluaflon of complexity and contrast of soil cover in eastern fennoscandia. In: Biological basis of the study, management and protection of fiora, fauna and the soil cover in eastern Fennoscandia. International Conference and Sdentific Session of the Department of General Biology of Russian Academy of Science, Petrozavodsk, Russia, 6-10 Sept, 1999. The Book of Abstracts.pp.


Krasilnikov, P, Starr, M. and Tuominen, 5. Diversity of soil and vegetation in small forested catchments in Fennoscandia. Am.J.Soil Sd. (submitted).

Kurka, A.-M., Stari, M, Heikinheimo, M. and Sa&inoja-Salonen, M, 1999. Decomposition of cellulose strips in relation to climate, litterfall nitrogen, phosphorus and C/N ratio in natural boreal forests. Plant and Soil. (In press).

Lekevidus, R, Morkunas, V, MierauskieneJ.,Sabaliumene, 1. 1999. Genefical impact of antrophogemcal pollufion for fauna and human. Ecological sustainability of Lithuania in histoncal perspecfive. Vilnius, Lithuaman Sdence Academy, p. 544-570.

Löfgren, S. (ed) 1999. Integrated monitoring of the environmental status in Swedish forest ecosystems-IM Annual report 1997. Naturvårdsverket report 5031, 27p. In Swedish with English summary.

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Mosello, R., Marchetto, A., Brizzio, M.C. and Leyendeker, W. 1999. La chimica delle deposizioni atmosferiche nelle staziom del Programma Nazionale Integrato per il Controllo degli Ecosistemi Forestali (CON.ECO.fOR.). In: Basset A. and Fedele L.

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Mozgeris, G. and Augustaitis, A. 1999. Using GIS techmques to obtain a confinuous surface of tree crown defoliafion. Balhc Forestry 1999, Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 69-74.

MuntheJ.,Hultberg H. and Iverfellt,Å. 1999. forest soil mobifity of mercury and methyl mercury 5 catchment output after 7 years of decreased input. In:Mercury as a Giobal Pollutant-5thInternational Conference, Brazil (plenary presentafion and abstract).


The Finnish Enwonment 427


Mötrh C.M., Torssander P, Kusakabe M. and H. Hultberg 1999. Sulphur isotope values in a forested catchment over four years: Evidence for oxidafion and reduction processes.

Biogeochemistry 44, 51-71.

Niinioja, R. 1999. Watercourses and their state within North Karelia Biosphere Reserve in the early 1990s. In: Eisto, 1., Hokkanen, TJ., Öhman, M. and Repola, A. (eds), Local involvment and economic dimensions in biosphere reserve acfivffies. Proceedings of the 3rd Euromab, Biosphere Reserve Coordinators’ Meeting m Ilomantsi and Nagu, Finland, August 31-September 5, 1998. Edita, Helsinki. ?ubl. of the Academy of Finland 9/99: 291-294.

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(coordinator), Andersen, D.O,, Clarke, N., Gadmar, 1, Gjessing, E., & Muider,J.;

Sweden: Bishop, K., van Hees, E, Laudon, H. & Lundstrøm, U.; Finland: Kitunen, V, Starr, M., & Tervahauta, A.). 1999. Fractiona6on and charactensafion of NOM in the Nordic countries. In: Characterisation of Natural Dissolved Organic Material (NOM) in the Nordic Countries. 1. Intercalibration of NOM using high temperature combustion technique 2. fractionation and charactensafion of NOM in the Nordic countries. pp.

21 +Appendides 1-4.

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Raomavicius, V. 1999. Ground vegetation. In: Ozolinaus, R, Armolaifis, K., Augustaitis, A., Kairiuktis, L., Stakenas, V and Vaicys, M. (eds). Monitoring of Forest Ecosystems in Lithuania, Kaunas, Lithuanian forest Research Institute, p. 197-199.

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Starr, M. and Ukonmaanaho, L. 1999. Trace metal budgets for a small forested catchment in eastern Finland. In: Wenzel, WW, Adriano, D.C., Alloway, 3., Doner, H.E., Keller, C., Lepp, N.W, Mench, M., Naidu, R. & Pierzynski, G.M. (eds.). Sth International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, July 11-15, 1999, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of extended abstracts. Vol. 2. p. 680-681.

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The Fnnish Environment 427



Starr, M., Lindroos, A.-J., Ukonmaanaho, L, Tarvainen, 1 and Tanskanen, H. 1999. Forest soil heavy metal weathering rates for a catchment in eastern Finland: some preliminary results. In:CrificalLoads Copenhagen 21-25 November 1999. p. 145-148.

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1.4 Monitoring sites

The Integrated monitoring network covers the following twenty-two countries:

Austria, Belarus, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Neffierlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. These countries have eiffier on-going data submission from at least one monitoring site or the data submission is just starting. Switzerland wili carry out the IM programme on a lower level and a new dedsion on the extent of IM activi%es wffl be made in 2002. Netherlands has disconfinued monitoringbut wili stifi report data from the year 1999.

Location of the IM monitoring sites wiffi on-going data delivery are presented in Figure 1.1 (i.e. data from year 1995 received orcontinuationof the site confirmed).

I .5 Monitoring data

Ali in total, integrated monitoring data are at present available from 70 mostly European sites. An overview of the data reported internafionally to the ICP IM Programme Centre and presently held in the IM database is given in Table 1.1. This means that data are also available ftom additional sites outside ffiose presented in Figure 1.1. with on-going data submission. The addifional sites have either been suspended or taken out of the IM network and used for regional monitoring. The number of siteswithon-going data submission is about 50.

The Finneh Enronment 427


Figure 1. 1 Geographical location of ICP IM sites.

The Finnish Enronent 427


O Site wfth on-going data submission

Q Site with data submisaion to be started





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Figure 10. Watershed area where forest stands and plant communities are mapped along line transects. Special plots for intensive monitoring of soil and vegetation have been

The uncertainty in atmospheric deposition estimated from throughfall, stemflow and precipitation measurements is estimated to be 30% for suiphur and 40% for nitrogen and base

Also, an attempt was made to integrate results from IM catchments and data from control piots from 11 sites in the EC ecosystem manipulation projects M TREX and EXMAN (Forest

For the British catchment Afon Hafren a consider able amount of data was not avaiiable in the data base, inciuding soil chemistry data, throughfall data and nitrogen measurements

Data from are quite the same, but the intra-annual variation in Forellenbach (DE01) indicate that levels are higher the Swiss Alps are very high; once again probably in

Ion balance calculations can be used for quality assurance purposes: sums of positive and negative ions in paq/I should be equal if all major ions in precipitation have

(3) If the original (primary data) time-series contains missing values, the sum obtained must be divided with the true number of data before calculating the mean value, i.e. the

The Integrated Monitoring Programme will include measurements of air sampies and precipitation, terrestrial and aquatic biota, soil/ground water and surface water to be carried out