• Ei tuloksia

Resolutions Adopted by the United Nation General Assembly

183rd plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly, Continuation of the discus-sion on the draft universal declaration of human rights: A report of the Third Committee, 10 December 1948, A/777.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Adopted and proclaimed by General As-sembly resolution 217 A (III) of 10 December 1948, UN DOC A/810 at 71.

United Nations General Assembly resolution on "Strengthening of United Na-tions action in the human rights field through the promotion of international co-operation and the strict observance of the principle of non-intervention", ad-opted on 18 December 1990, A/RES/45/163.

United Nations General Assembly resolution on "Strengthening of United Na-tions action in the human rights field through the promotion of international co-operation and the strict observance of the principle of non-intervention", ad-opted on 17 December 1991, A/RES/46/129.

United Nations General Assembly resolution on "Strengthening of United Na-tions action in the human rights field through the promotion of international co-operation and the strict observance of the principle of non-intervention", ad-opted on 18 December 1992, A/RES/47/131.

United Nations General Assembly resolution on "Strengthening of United Na-tions action in the human rights field through the promotion of international co-operation and the strict observance of the principle of non-intervention", ad-opted on 15 February 2000, A/RES/54/174.

United Nations General Assembly Resolution on "Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations", adopted on 21 November 2001, A/RES/56/6.

United Nations General Assembly resolution on "Strengthening of United Na-tions action in the human rights field through the promotion of international co-operation and the strict observance of the principle of non-intervention", ad-opted on 13 February 2002, A/RES/56/153.

UN General Assembly resolution on the right to development, adopted on 4 December 2002, A/RES/57/223.

United Nations General Assembly resolution on "Strengthening of United Na-tions action in the human rights field through the promotion of international co-operation and the strict observance of the principle of non-intervention", ad-opted on 4 March 2004, A/RES/58/168.

Documents by the Human Rights Commission

"Question of the realization in all countries of the economic, social and cultural rights contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the In-ternational Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and study of special problems which the developing countries face in their efforts to achieve these human rights", UN Human Rights Commission, resolution 5 (XXXV) 1979, report on the Thirty–Fifth Session,Economic and Social Council Official Re-cords1979, Supplement 6.

UN Commission on Human Rights resolution 2002/69 on the right to develop-ment, adopted on 25 April 2002.

Other UN Documents

Adress by the Secretary-General of the United Nations at the Opening of the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 14 June 1993, UN Doc. A/Conf.


The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, adopted by the World Confer-ence on Human Rights on 25 June 1993, A/Conf. 157/23.


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Alston, Philip/Crawford, James (eds.) The Future of UN Human Rights Treaty Monitoring(Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2000).

Alston, Philip (ed.) The United Nations and Human Rights. A Critical Appraisal (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1992).

Arendt, HannahThe Origins of Totaliarianism (Harcourt Brace & Company: San Diego, New York and London, 1973).

Arnull, Anthony/Wincott, P. Daniel (eds.) Accountability and Legitimacy in the European Union(Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2002).

Arnull, AnthonyThe European Union and its Court of Justice(Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1999).

Arts, KarinIntegrating Human Rights into Development Cooperation: The Case of the Lomé Convention(Kluwer Law International: The Hague, London and Boston, 2000).

Baehr, Peter R.Human Rights. Universality in Practice2nd edition. (Palgrave Mac-millan: London and Basingstoke, 2001).

Baehr, Peter/Flinterman, Cees/Senders, Mignon (eds.) Innovation and Inspira-tion: Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(Koninklijke Neder-landse Akademie van Wetenschappen: Amsterdam, 1999).

Barber, Benjamin R.Strong Democracy. Participatory Politics for a New Age 20th anniversary edition (University of California Press: Berkley, Los Angeles and London, 1984/2003).


Baxi, Upendra The Future of Human Rights (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 2002).

Beatty, David M. (ed.)Human Rights and Judicial Review – A Comparative Perspective (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Dordrecht, 1994).

Björklund, MartinEU:n pakotepolitiikka, The Erik Castrén Institute Research Re-ports (11/2000).

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Donnelly, JackUniversal Human Rights in Theory and Practice(Cornell University Press: Ithaca and London, 1989).

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Kennedy, DavidThe Dark Sides of Virtue. Reassessing International Humanitarianism (Princeton University Press: Princeton and Oxford, 2004).

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