• Ei tuloksia

Book Chapters, Articles and Working Papers

Albi, AnneliEurope Agreements in the Light of Sovereignty and Legitimacy: The Case of Estonia, inKellermann, Alfred E./Zwaan, Jaap W. de/Czuczai, Jenö (eds.):EU Enlargement: The Constitutional Impact at EU and National Level (2001) 195–214.

Allott, PhilipThe Theory of the British Constitution, inGross, Hyman/Harrison, Ross (eds.):Jurisprudence: Cambridge Essays (Clarendon: Oxford, 1992) 173–205.

—The Crisis of European Constitutionalism: Reflections on the Revolution in Europe,34(3)Common Market Law Review (1997) 439–490, also presented at the Université Libre de Bruxelles on 25 March 1996, Inaugural Lecture, Ganshof van der Meersch Chair.

Alston, Philip/Weiler, Joseph H. H. An ’Ever Closer Union’ in Need of a Hu-man Rights Policy: The European Union and HuHu-man Rights, inAlston, Philip/

Bustelo, Mara/Heenan, James (eds.):The EU and Human Rights (Oxford Uni-versity Press: Oxford, 1999) 3–66.

Alston, PhilipLinking Trade and Human Rights,23German Yearbook of Interna-tional Law (1980) 126–158.

—International Trade as an Instrument of Positive Human Rights Policy,Human Rights Quarterly (1982) 155–183.

—A Framework for the Comparative Analysis of Bills of Rights, in —(ed.): Pro-moting Human Rights Through Bills of Rights (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1999) 1–16.

Anghie, Antony Finding the Peripheries: Sovereignty and Colonialism in Nineteenth–Century International Law,40(1)Harvard International Law Journal (1999) 1–80.

—Time Present and Time Past: Globalization, International Financial Institutions, and the Third World,32New York University Journal of International Law and Polit-ics (2000) 243–290.

Arnull, AnthonyOpinion 2/94 and its Implications for the Future Constitution of the Union (The Human Rights Opinion of the ECJ and its Constitutional Im-plications), inCELS Occasional Paper (Centre for European Legal Studies: Cam-bridge, 1/1996).

Arts, Karin European Community development cooperation, human rights, democracy and good governance: at odds or at ease with each other? in Gin-ther, Konrad/Denters, Erik/Waart, Paul J. I. M. de (eds.): Sustainable develop-ment and good governance (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Dordrecht, Boston and London, 1995) 259–273.

—Implementing the Right to Development? An Analysis of European Com-munity Development and Human Rights Policies,Human Rights in Developing Countries Yearbook (1996) 37–71.

—Development Cooperation and Human Rights: Turbulent Times for EU Policy, inLister, Marjorie (ed.): New Perspectives on European Union Development Co-operation (Westview Press, 1999) 7–27.

—ACP–EU Relations in a New Era: The Cotonou Agreement,40(1)Common Mar-ket Law Review (2003) 95–116.

Baehr, Peter R.Human Rights: A Change in Performance, in Hill, Ronald J./

Zielonka, Jan (eds.):Restructuring Eastern Europe – Towards a New European Or-der (Edward Elgar: Aldershot, 1990) 185–202.

Bayefsky, Anne F. Cultural Sovereignty, Relativism and International Human Rights: New Excuses for Old Strategies,9(1)Ratio Juris (1996) 42–59.

Bergh, G. van Benthem van den The New Convention of Association with African States,1Common Market Law Review (1963–64) 156–182.

Besselink, Leonard F. M.Entrapped by the maximum standard: On fundamental rights, pluralism and subsidiarity in the European Union,35(3)Common Market Law Review (1998) 629–680.

—The Member States, the National Constitutions and the Scope of the Charter, 8(1)Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (2001) 68–80.

Bogdandy, Armin vonThe European Union as a Human Rights Organisation?

Human Rights and the Core of the European Union,37(6)Common Market Law Review (2000) 1307–1338.

Booss, Dierk/Forman, JohnEnlargement: Legal and Procedural Aspects,32 Com-mon Market Law Review (1995) 95–130.

Bradley, Kieran St. C. Reflections on the Human Rights Role of the European Parliament, inAlston, Philip/Bustelo, Mara/Heenan, James (eds.): The EU and Human Rights (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1999) 839–858.

Brandtner, Barbara/Rosas, AllanHuman Rights and the External Relations of the European Community: An Analysis of Doctrine and Practice,9 European Journal of International Law (1998) 468–490.

Brown, ChrisUniversal human rights: a critique, inDunne, Tim/Wheeler, Nich-olas J. (eds.): Human Rights in Global Politics (Cambridge University Press:

Cambridge, 1999) 103–127.

Bulterman, MielleEuropean Union,18(2)Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (2000) 270–273.

—III European Union,18(1)Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (2000) 102–103.

—III European Union,18(3)Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (2000) 412–413.

Búrca, Gráinne deFundamental Human Rights and the Reach of EC Law,13(3) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies (1993) 284–319.

—The Language of Rights and European Integration, inShaw, Jo/More, Gillian (eds.): New Legal Dynamics of the European Union (Clarendon: Oxford, 1995) 29–54.

—The Quest for Legitimacy in the European Union, 59(3) Modern Law Review (1996) 349–376.

Búrca, Gráinne deDifferentiation within the Core: The Case of the Common Mar-ket, inBúrca, Gráinne de/Scott, Joanne (eds.): Constitutional Change in the EU.

From Uniformity to Flexibility? (Hart Publishing: Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2000) 133–171.

—The drafting of the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights, 26(2) European Law Review (2001) 126–138.

Burchill, RichardThe Promotion and Protection of Democracy by Regional Or-ganizations in Europe: The Case of Austria,7(1) European Public Law (2001) 79–102.

Burghardt, G./Cameron, F. The Next Enlargement of the European Union, 2European Foreign Affairs Review (1997) 7–21.

Butler, Judith Competing Universalities, in Butler, Judith/Laclau, Ernersto/

Žižek, Slavoj (eds.): Contingency, Hegemony, Universality. Contemporary Dia-logues on the Left (Verso: London and New York, 2000) 136–181.

—Dynamic Conclusions, inButler, Judith/Laclau, Ernersto/Žižek, Slavoj (eds.):

Contingency, Hegemony, Universality. Contemporary Dialogues on the Left (Verso:

London and New York, 2000) 263–280.

—Restaging the Universal: Hegemony and the Limits of Formalism, in Butler, Judith/Laclau, Ernersto/Žižek, Slavoj (eds.): Contingency, Hegemony, Univer-sality. Contemporary Dialogues on the Left (Verso: London and New York, 2000) 11–43.

Cameron, Iain EU-stadgan om de grundläggande rättigheterna – för vem, och varför?4(2)Europarättslig tidskrift (2001) 143–150.

Cannizzaro, EnzoThe Scope of EU Foreign Power. Is the EC Competent to Con-clude Agreements with Third States Including Human Rights Clauses? in Can-nizaro, Enzo (ed.): The European Union as an Actor in International Relations (Kluwer Law International: The Hague, 2002) 297–319.

Canor, IrisPrimus inter pares. Who is the ultimate guardian of fundamental rights in Europe?25(1)European Law Review (2000) 3–21.

Cappelletti, Mauro/Seccombe, Monica/Weiler, Joseph H. H. Integration Through Law: Europe and the American Federal Experience. A General Intro-duction, inIntegration Through Law. Europe and the American Federal Experience, Vol. 1 "Methods, Tools and Institutions", Book 1, "A Political, Legal and Eco-nomic Overview" (Walter de Gruyter: Berlin and New York, 1986) 3–68.

Cartabia, MartaThe Italian Constitutional Court and the Relationship between the Italian legal system and the European Union, inSlaughter, Anne-Marie/

Sweet, Alec Stone/Weiler, Joseph H. H. (eds.):The European Court and National Courts – Doctrine and Jurisprudence – Legal Change in its Social Context (Hart Pub-lishing: Oxford, 1998) 133–146.

Cassese, Antonio The General Assembly: Historical Perspective 1945–1990, in Alston, Philip (ed.): The United Nations and Human Rights. A Critical Appraisal (Clarendon Press: Oxford, 1992) 25–54.

Cass, DeborahNavigating the Newstream: Recent Critical Legal Scholarship in International Law,65(3–4)Nordic Journal of International Law (1996) 341–383.

Chinkin, Christine A Mirage in the Sand? Distinguishing Binding and Non-Binding Relations Between States,10(2)Leiden Journal of International Law (1997) 223–247.

Cichowski, Rachel A.Choosing Democracy: Citizen Attitudes and the Eastern Enlargement of the European Union,RSC 2000/12EUI Working Papers(2000).

Clapham, AndrewA Human Rights Policy for the European Community,10 Year-book of European Law (1990) 310–366.

—Where is the EU’s Common Foreign Policy, and How is it Manifested in Multi-lateral Fora? inAlston, Philip/Bustelo, Mara/Heenan, James (eds.): The EU and Human Rights (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1999) 627–683.

Cooper, Jonathan/Williams, Adrian MarshallHate Speech, Holocaust Denial and International Human Rights Law, European Human Rights Law Review (6/1999) 593–613.

Coppel, Jason/O’Neill, AidanThe European Court of Justice: Taking Rights Ser-iously?29Common Market Law Review (1992) 669–692.

Craig, Paul Constitutions, Constitutionalism, and the European Union, 7(2) European Law Journal (2001) 125–150.

Crawford, G.Human Rights and Democracy in EU Development Co–operation:

Towards Fair and Equal Treatment, in Lister, Marjorie (ed.): European Union Development Policy (Macmillan: London, 1998) 131–178.

Cremona, Marise Human Rights and Democracy Clauses in the EC’s Trade Agreements, inEmiliou, Nicholas/O’Keeffe, David (eds.):The European Union and World Trade Law. After the Uruguay Round (John Wiley & Sons: Chichester, New York, Brisbane, Toronto and Singapore, 1996) 62–77.

—The New Associations: Substantive Issues of the Europe Agreements with the Central and East European States, inKonstadinidis, Stratos V. (ed.): The Legal Regulation of the European Community’s External Relations after the Completion of the Internal Market EC - International Law Forum I (Dartmouth Press, 1996) 141–166.

—The EU and the External Dimension of Human Rights Policy, in — (ed.): A People’s Europe. Turning a Concenpt into ContentEC - International Law Forum III (Dartmouth Press, 1998) 155–181.

Cremona, MariseExternal Relations and External Competence: The Emergence of an Integrated Policy, inCraig, Paul/Búrca, Gráinne de (eds.): The Evolution of EU Law (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1999) 137–175.

—External Policy and the European Economic Constitution, in Búrca, Gráinne de/Scott, Joanne (eds.): Constitutional Change in the EU. From Uni-formity to Flexibility? (Hart Publishing: Oxford and Portland Oregon, 2000) 59–94.

—Variable Geometry and Setting Membership Conditionalities: A Vi-able Strategy? in Clapham, Christopher/Mills, Greg/Morner, Anna/

Sidiropoulos, Elizabeth (eds.): Regional Integration in Southern Africa: Compar-ative International Perspectives (South African Institute of International Affairs, 2000) 193–222.

—Regional Integration and the Rule of Law: Some Issues and Options, inDevlin, Robert/Estevadeordal, Antoni (eds.): Bridges for Development. Policies and In-stitutions for Trade and Integration (Inter-American Development Bank, 2001) 137–160, also presented at the Conference on Regional Integration and Trade in the Development Agenda, 31 May - 1 June 2001, organised by Integration and Regional Programs Department, Inter-American Development Bank.

—Accession to the European Union: Membership Conditionality and Accession Criteria,25Polish Yearbook of International Law (2002) 219–240.

Curtin, DeidreThe Constitutional Structure of the Union: A Europe of Bits and Pieces,30Common Market Law Review (1993) 17–69.

—Column,18(4)Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (2000) 467–469.

Darbishire, Helen Hate Speech: New European Perspectives, 4 Roma Rights (1999) 24–26.

Dashwood, AlanCommentary (The Human Rights Opinion of the ECJ and its Constitutional Implications), inCELS Occasional Paper (Centre for European Legal Studies: Cambridge, 1/1996) 26–27.

—The Limits of European Community Powers,21(2)European Law Review (1996) 113–128.

—Implied External Competence of the EC, inKoskenniemi, Martti (ed.): Interna-tional Law Aspects of the European Union (Kluwer Law International: The Hague, 1998) 113–123.

—The Attribution of External Relations Competence, in Dashwood, Alan/

Hillion, Christophe (eds.): The General Law of EC External Relations (Centre for European Legal Studies, Sweet & Maxwell: London, 2000) 115–138.

Davis, Roy W. Public access to community documents: a fundamental human right? 3(8) EioP (1999) hURL: http://eiop.or.at/eiop/texte/1999-008a.htmi, last visited 9 March 2005.

Delcourt, Christine TheAcquis Communautaire: Has the Concept Had Its Day?

38(4)Common Market Law Review (2001) 829–870.

Donnelly, JackCultural Relativism and Universal Human Rights,6Human Rights Quarterly (1984) 400–419.

—The Social Construction of International Human Rights, in Dunne, Tim/

Wheeler, Nicholas J. (eds.): Human Rights in Global Politics (Cambridge Uni-versity Press: Cambridge, 1999) 71–102.

Duquette, Elizabeth Shaver Human Rights in the European Union: Internal Versus External Objectives,34Cornell International Law Journal (2001) 363–395.

Editorial Comments: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights still under discus-sion,38(1)Common Market Law Review (2001) 1–6.

—Towards accession,38(6)Common Market Law Review (2001) 1329–1336.

Elgström, OleLomé and Post–Lomé: Asymmetric Negotiations and the Impact of Norms,5(2)European Foreign Affairs Review (2000) 175–195.

Elsuwege, Peter vanThe Baltic States on the Road to EU Accession: Opportunities and Challenges,7(2)European Foreign Affairs Review (2002) 171–192.

Emiliou, NicholasThe Death of Exclusive Competence? 21(4)European Law Re-view (1996) 294–311.

Engel, Christoph The European Charter of Fundamental Rights – A Changed Political Opportunity Structure and its Normative Consequences,7(2)European Law Journal (2001) 151–170.

Eriksson, Lars D. Legitimiteetti, in Encyclopaedia Iuridica Fennica Volume 30, (Gummerus: Jyväskylä, 1999) 438–443.

Evans, AndrewVoluntary Harmonisation in Integration between the European Community and Eastern Europe,22(3)European Law Review (1997) 201–220.

Ewing, K. D.Social Rights and Human Rights: Britain and the Social Charter – The Conservative Legacy,European Human Rights Law Review (2/2000) 91–112.

Fierro, ElenaLegal Basis and Scope of the Human Rights Clauses in EC Bilateral Agreements: Any Room for Positive Interpretation? 7(1)European Law Journal (2001) 41–68.

Flynn, Gregory/Farrell, Henry Piecing Together the Democratic Peace: The CSCE, Norms, and the ’Construction’ of Security in Post-Cold War Europe, 53(3)International Organisation (1999) 505–535.

Fouwels, MartineThe European Union’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and Human Rights,15(3)Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (1997) 291–324.

Franck, Thomas M.Legitimacy in the International System,82(4)American Journal of International Law (1988) 705–759.

—The Emerging Right to Democratic Governance,86American Journal of Interna-tional Law (1992) 46–91.

Frazier, SarahLiberty of Expression in Ireland and the Need for a Constitutional Law of Deflamation,32(2)Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law (1999) 391–434.

Fritz, VerenaNew Divisions in Europe? East-Eastern Divergence and the Case of Ukraine,RSC 2000/63EUI Working Papers(2000).

Frowein, Jochen Abr./Schulhofer, Stephen/Shapiro, MartinThe Protection of Fundamental Human Rights as a Vehicle of Integration, inCappelletti, Mauro/

Seccombe, Monica/Weiler, Joseph H. H. (eds.):Integration Through Law. Europe and the American Federal Experience, Vol. 1 "Methods, Tools and Institutions", Book 3, "Forces and Potential for a European Identity" (Walter de Gruyter: Ber-lin and New York, 1986) 231–344.

Gaja, GiorgioCase annotation of Opinion 2/94,33Common Market Law Review (1996) 973–989.

Galtung, Johan On the Effects of International Economic Sanctions. With Ex-amples from the Case of Rhodesia,19(3)World Politics (1967) 378–416.

Garnick, Laura/Twitchett, Carol CosgroveHuman Rights and a Successor to the Lome Convention,International Relations (May 1979) 540–557.

Gellner, Ernest Relativism and Universals, in Hollis, Martin/Lukes, Steven (eds.):Rationality and Relativism (Blackwell, 1982/1988) 181–200.

Gerven, Walter vanBridging the Gap between Community and National Laws:

Towards a Principle of Homogeneity in the Field of Legal Remedies? 32 Com-mon Market Law Review (1995) 679–702.

Grabbe, HeatherA Partnership for Accession? The Implications of EU Condition-ality for the Central and East European Applicants,RSC 1999/12EUI Working Papers(1999).

Grementieri, V. Comparative Law and Human Rights in Europe, in Rabello, A. M. (ed.): European Legal Traditions and Israel (Nevo Publishing: Jerusalem, 1994) 369–376.

Griller, StefanJudicial enforceability of WTO law in the European Union. An-notation to Case C-149/96,Portugal V. Council,3(3)Journal of International Eco-nomic Law (2000) 441–472.

Grimm, Dieter Human Rights and Judicial Review in Germany, in Beatty, David M. (ed.): Human Rights and Judicial Review – A Comparative Perspective (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers: Dordrecht, 1994) 267–295.

Grote, R. Die Inkorporierung der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention in das britische Recht durch den Human-Rights Act, 58(2) Zeitschrift für aus-ländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (1998) 309–352.

Günther, KlausThe Legacies of Injustice and Fear: A European Approach to Hu-man Rights and their Effects on Political Culture, inAlston, Philip/Bustelo, Mara/Heenan, James (eds.): The EU and Human Rights (Oxford University Press: Oxford, 1999) 117–144.

Habermas, Jürgen Remarks on Dieter Grimm’s ’Does Europe Need a Constitu-tion?’,1(3)European Law Journal (1995) 303–307.

—Kant’s Idea of Perpetual Peace, with the Benefit of Two Hundred Years’ Hind-sight, inBohman, James/Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias (eds.):Perpetual Peace. Es-says on Kant’s Cosmopolitan Ideal (MIT Press, 1997) 113–153.

—Remarks on Legitimation through Human Rights. Translated, edited, and with an introduction by Max Pensky, in Habermas, Jürgen (ed.): The postnational constellation: political essays (MIT Press, 2001) 113–129.

Hainsworth, PeterFrom Joan of Arc to Bardot: Immigration, Nationalism, Rights and theFront National, inHancock, Linda/O’Brien, Carolyn (eds.): Rewriting Rights in Europe (Ashgate: Aldershot, 2000) 53–67.

Hallberg, PekkaPerusoikeusjärjestelmä, inHallberg, Pekka/Karapuu, Heikki/

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Happold, M.Fourteen against One: The EU Member States’ Response to Freedom Party Participation in the Austrian Government,49International and Comparative Law Quarterly (2000) 953–963.

Harden, IanThe Constitution of the European Union,Public Law (1994) 609–624.

Harlow, Carol Book Review of Hesse, J.J. and Johnson N. (eds.), Constitutional Policy and Change in Europe,2(3)European Public Law (1996) 477–479.

Harmsen, RobertNational Responsibility for European Community Acts Under the European Convention on Human Rights: Recasting the Accession Debate, 7(4)European Public Law (2001) 625–649.

Henkin, LouisIntroduction, inHenkin, Louis (ed.):The International Bill of Rights – The Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (Columbia University Press: New York, 1981) 1–31.

Higgins, RosalynThe Continuing Universality of the Universal Declaration, in Baehr, Peter/Flinterman, Cees/Senders, Mignon (eds.):Innovation and Inspir-ation: Fifty Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Koninklijke Neder-landse Akademie van Wetenschappen: Amsterdam, 1999) 17–26.

Hillion, Christophe Partnership and Cooperation Agreements between the European Union and the New Independent States of the ex–Soviet Union,3(3) European Foreign Affairs Review (1998) 399–420.

—Institutional Aspects of the Partnership between the European Union and the Newly Independent States of the Former Soviet Union: Case Studies of Russia and Ukraine,37(5)Common Market Law Review (2000) 1211–1235.

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Hilpold, Peter EU Development Cooperation at a Crossroads: The Cotonou Agreement of 23 June 2000 and the Principle of Good Governance,7(1)European Foreign Affairs Review (2002) 53–72.

Hodgkinson, PeterThe United Kingdom and the European Union, in Hodgkin-son, Peter/Rutherford, Andrew (eds.): Capital Punishment – Global Issues and Prospects (Waterside Press: Winchester, 1996) 193–213.

Hofstötter, Michael Suspension of Rights by International Organisations: The European Union, the European Communities and other International Organisa-tions, inKronenberger, Vincent (ed.): The EU and the International Legal Order:

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Holland, MartinResisting Reform or Risking Revival? Renegotiating the Lomé Convention, inCowles, Maria Green/Smith, Michael (eds.): The State of the European Union. Risks, Reform, Resistance, and RevivalVolume 5, (Oxford Univer-sity Press: Oxford, 2000) 390–410.

Horovitz, DanEC-Central/East European Relations: New Principles for a New Era,Common Market Law Review (1990) 259–284.

Howse, Robert L.India’s WTO Challenge to Drug Enforcement Conditions in the European Community Generalized System of Preferences: A Little Known Case with Major Repercussions for ’Political’ Conditionality in US Trade Policy,4(2) Chicago Journal of International Law (2003) 385–405.

Ibhawoh, Bonny Cultural Relativism and Human Rights: Reconsidering the Africanist Discourse,19(1)Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights (2001) 43–62.

Ilveskivi, Paula Perusoikeusuudistus paradigmanmuutoksena, in Länsineva, Pekka/Viljanen, Veli-Pekka (eds.): Perusoikeuspuheenvuoroja (Turun Yliopis-to: Turku, 1998) 33–50.

Inglis, Kirstyn The Europe Agreements Compared in Light of Their Pre-Accession Reorientation,37(5)Common Market Law Review (2000) 1173–1210.

Jacobs, Francis G.Human rights in the European Union: the role of the Court of Justice,26(4)European Law Review (2001) 331–341.

Jyränki, Antero Fundamental Rights and Community Law: Concern for the Rights of Man or Power Game of Institutions, 3(1) Turku Law Journal (2001) 59–70.

Kahn, Paul W. American Hegemony and International Law. Speaking Law to Power: Popular Sovereignty, Human Rights, and the New International Order, 1Chicago Journal of International Law (Spring 2000) 1–18.

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