• Ei tuloksia

As this study includes coaches working with athletes at various stages in their development, when considering Côté & Gilbert’s (2009) proposition of coaching effectiveness, there could be more studies examining how transformational leaders’ behaviors may influence their

athletes as a result of their specific developmental stage. For example, leadership behaviors could be examined as to the most effective actions concerning athletes at a given stage within the Developmental Model of Sport Participation (Côté, 1999). In addition, as the youth sport season is so short in reality (i.e. less than one year), more longitudinal studies are needed to support the evolving trends and fickle changes that are salient within the youth sport setting.

Thus, more studies conducted over a longer range of time are needed, which could provide greater knowledge on how the coach-to-athlete interpersonal relationship evolves through time.

Moreover, a worthwhile avenue for empirical studies could entail the prominent use of questionnaires to measure TFL theory applied to sport. For example, a mixed method approach could utilize questionnaires that could corroborate or show discrepancies between coaches’

and/or athletes’ perceptions in various leadership behaviors, in addition to interviews. These could be done pre, and post workshop and/or season. This would also strengthen the veracity, as the athlete’s themselves would be giving their anonymous feedback of their coach. Also, effective assessing measures in coaches’ behavior-change need to be implemented with greater diligence. At times this was difficult for the lead facilitator because how to define what was transformational or not became a very subjective question.

Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that behavior change theories be incorporated to firmly guide, select, and operationalize appropriate behaviors to be focused on relative to intervention based studies (e.g. Michie et al., 2014). Lastly, to help the efficacy of exploratory CDPs it is strongly recommended that more collaboration between research, communal (youth sport clubs), and national level (sport governing organizations) be conducted to help achieve higher quality between the coach-and-athlete relationship. One interesting framework which could help to operationalize an exploratory design with all three levels of orientation in mind is the RE-AIM (reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation, and maintenance; Glasgow et al., 1999).

Ultimately, this would help the coach, researcher, and club to identify and target any problems that athletes are facing within their communities, and then commit resources to help rectify it through collaboration.


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Appendix 1: Consent Form

University of Jyväskylä Faculty of Sport and Health Sciences

Social Sciences of Sport

A Leadership Discovery — Enhancing Finnish Youth Football Coaches’

Effectiveness through the Transformer Research Project

Researcher: Thesis Advisor:

Garry Lewis Anna-Katriina Salmikangas garryleelewis@gmail.com anna-katriina.salmikangas@jyu.fi ______________________________________________________________________

I, Garry Lewis, study in the master’s degree program of Social Sciences of Sport at the University of Jyväskylä. My thesis aims to promote a good quality coaching workshop that will improve volunteer youth soccer coaches’ leadership skills. During the research, coaching participants are asked to adapt, implement, and execute transformational coaching behaviors within their coaching ‘practices’. What the researcher asks is that you commit to two rounds of interviews, one coaching workshop, one feedback session, and allow the lead facilitator to observe your training sessions. Your participation in this research however, does not coerce you into making coaching decisions that are not of your own free will. For example, although you are asked to employ these strategies, nonetheless, what behaviors or styles of leadership you decide to embark upon are completely up to you. All the information pertaining to you will remain confidential. Only the lead facilitator (researcher of this study), and the thesis advisor listed above have access to the collected material. If, at any moment in time throughout this research project, you wish to terminate your participation that is completely your right. You can do so without providing any explanation, whatsoever.


I am aware that my participation in this research study is voluntary, and that the collected research material is strictly confidential. I agree, upon signing this consent form, that I have read the report above, and that I will actively participate in two interviews, and one coaching workshop, the feedback session, and allow the lead facilitator to observe my training sessions. At any point in time, I can conclude my participation in this research without providing any sort of explanation. Lastly, I give my permission for the researcher to use the collected information in this master’s thesis.


Print name: _________________________ Signature: __________________________

Appendix 2: First Rounds Interviews Background Information

What is your name, and please describe your background of playing and coaching football.

Ideal Influence

1. In what ways are you a role model for your players, and how would you describe yourself as a role model?

2. What values do you live by, and do you discuss these with your team?

2. What values do you live by, and do you discuss these with your team?