• Ei tuloksia

6.2 Towards successful ELL

6.2.3 Suggestions for future research

To continue research on ELL it would be important to widen the current perspective in for example conducting a quantitative study on teachers’ competence to teach early languages. This

would help to generalize the results and to provide an overview of the language teaching quality in primary schools, as the reality is that in most schools class teachers will be taking over early English classes, since recruiting competent language teachers might not be possible in light of resources in most of the schools. Moreover, this type of study could provide foundations for future funding and would ultimately lead also to re-examining teacher education and whether or not it answers to the reality of primary school teachers.

An important theme that appeared from the current data was teachers’ language competence. It would be beneficial to study the factors affecting this competence in class teacher education to be able to better meet the needs of these teachers when developing class teacher training and designing adequate in-service training. Additionally, the class teacher trainees and their readiness to teach early languages in increasingly multilingual schools would be interesting to examine, as it would most probably provide straight indications to teacher training and how to improve it to meet the needs of the globalized schools.

Important features in ELL was an essential theme in the study which would be studied further to provide insights on how teachers in for example different parts of Finland teach early languages. This would provide immediate ideas for in-service training. The “how” strongly relates to the teachers’ competence to teach early languages, as it reveals their practices in action. This would be beneficial to study further to improve the overall quality of primary school language teaching in Finland.

Additional studies could be conducted drawing on the implications of this study, thus benefiting early language learning and teaching in the future. An intervention could be designed to enhance multiprofessional cooperation, which was one of the major findings and implications of this study. With help of interventions and multiprofessional projects the benefit of this type of cooperation could be tested in reality. This would also provide a common ground for class teachers and subject teachers to continue cooperation from.


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