• Ei tuloksia

Q6. “Why did you not consider television/netpaper/newspaper?

(Please mark all the relevant reasons for not considering):

I am not used to that media

It did not come to mind/ I did not remember It was not appropriate for my need

I did not like some feature

I do not want to belong to the user group I was not in the mood

I did not have time I had no energy It was too expensive It was not available

Other reason, please specify

Q23. “How was your mood when you used the media?”

Good Bad

Neutral/not in any specific mood.

Q24: “Did your mood change in consequence of media usage?”

I got into a better mood No effect/ I cannot say I got into a worse mood

Q26. Why did you read the paper or use media last time?

(A 3-point scale was used: 1= Not relevant/no effect, 2= Had some effect, 3

= Had great effect):

To get the latest news

To gain information on a specific matter or topic To spend time pleasantly

To get something to do To gain a better mood

To reward myself from something

To gain information on how others think and live To use the same media my friends/acquaintances do

To know what people are talking about

To provide a better picture of myself in conversations To get something else to think about

To avoid feeling lonely To avoid doing anything To comfort myself

Q27: How would you describe your relationship with the paper you read of media you used?

(A Likert scale was used: 1= strongly disagree, 2= somewhat disagree, 3= do not agree or disagree, 4= somewhat agree, 5=strongly agree):

The paper is like an apart of myself The paper reminds me of nice things

The paper symbolizes my connection to a certain group or area I want to belong to the readers of this paper

The paper symbolizes my future aims

Reading the paper signals my values and style

Reading the paper connects me to the other people in the area I use this product because someone has acquired it for me The paper is my secret vice, which I will tell no-one about I am entirely dependant from this paper; I could not do without it

Q28. “How did you experience the time while you used your chosen media last time?”

(A Likert scale was used: 1= strongly disagree, 2= somewhat disagree, 3= do not agree or disagree, 4= somewhat agree, 5=strongly agree):

I made the media choice in a big hurry

This media choice was especially important to me Making media choice was easy (disagree)

I had a lot of time

I felt it was easy to concentrate I felt energetic

Q29. How satisfied were you with your media choice?

It was above expectations It was as expected

It was below expectations, but tolerable It was way below expectations

Q30. How habitual was this choice for you?

I have a habit of reading this paper/using this media I read quite often this paper/using this media This was a rather random choice

I have a habit of reading another paper/using this media I have never been in this situation before

Q32. How correct are the following statements according to your media habits?

(A Likert scale was used: 1= strongly disagree, 2= somewhat disagree, 3= do not agree or disagree, 4= somewhat agree, 5=strongly agree):

It would require effort to not read the paper Reading the paper is very typical of me I have been reading this paper for a long time

Sometimes I start to read this paper without any conscious decision I would find it hard to let go of the habit of reading this paper I do not want to change my habit

I am satisfied with this habit

Q33. How big were the following harms of this media usage event for you personally?

(A 3-point scale was used: 0= Not at all, 1= some harm, 2= a lot of harm):

It takes a lot of time to read the paper It requires effort to read the paper

It requires concentration to read the paper The ads/ commercials in the paper irritate me It was expensive to acquire the paper

Reading the paper caused bad feelings It was uncomfortable to read the paper Reading the paper embarrasses me

Reading the paper takes time from other activities

Q34. Which of the following things did you consider important when you made the choice?

(Please mark all the alternatives, you considered important):

I wanted to decide fast

I was prepared to use a lot of time in decision making I tried to minimize the risk of regret

I attempted to minimize the agony of decision making I tried to decide with as less effort as possible

I made sure that I can justify my decision afterward I tried to choose the best of all possible alternatives I can’t say/none of the above/ I did not precisely decide

Q35. Which of the following decision-making styles do you use at least occasionally?

(Please mark all styles you use):

Careful deliberation system: I deliberated all the alternatives carefully and compared their properties

Recognition system: I chose the only option I recognized

Good enough system: I chose the first suitable option that came to my mind Best characteristics system: I chose according to one superior feature

Elimination system: First I eliminated all the options that did not meet my criteria Cup system: I compared options pairwise and deleted the inferior one

Plusses and minuses system: I counted plusses and minuses and chose the best one School grade system: I gave alternatives grades and chose best

Intuitive system: I trusted my instincts and chose the alternative that felt best without deliberation

Habitual system: I chose the same option I am used to without much deliberation Q36. Which of the decision-making systems did you use when making this media choice?

(Choose one):

Careful deliberation system: I deliberated all the alternatives carefully and compared their properties

Recognition system: I chose the only option I recognized

Good enough system: I chose the first suitable option that came to my mind Best characteristics system: I chose according to one superior feature

Elimination system: First I eliminated all the options that did not meet my criteria Cup system: I compared options pairwise and deleted the inferior one

Plusses and minuses system: I counted plusses and minuses and chose the best one School grade system: I gave alternatives grades and chose best

Intuitive system: I trusted my instincts and chose the alternative that felt best without deliberation

Habitual system: I chose the same option I am used to without much deliberation