• Ei tuloksia


9.1 Interview material

9.1.3 Analysis of the material Genetically modified animals (GMA) and

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Figure 18. Concept map of thematic analysis for interview material: GMA

Note. t.u. = text units

Interview and focus group 183 Figure 18 provides a concept map of activists´ representations of GMA as they emerged from the interviews. Some participants declared openly their ignorance about the issue. They did not read about GMA on newspapers nor they followed the development of the research activity.

One of them also expressed doubts about reliability of media divulgation of science. People felt somehow lost among the many contradictory voices dealing with the issue.

Question: Media have reported about GMA, do you know the issue?

What do you think about it?

7MINT1 I haven’t heard about this, I don’t know about it, I can´t, I am here all day so

7MINT1 io non ho sentito questa cosa non sono al corrente e quindi non posso sono limitato qua hai capito? puoi piu´ fare se non sei del settore hai capito?

Whereas disgust was the prevailing feeling among activists, themes such as usefulness and uselessness were of great concern to the interviewees. On one hand, activists acknowledged the role animal biotechnology plays in advancing scientific inquiry and possibly providing organs for transplantation. Animal welfare was taken into consideration when reasoning about GMA.

Question: Media have reported about GMA, do you know the issue? What do you think about it?

9FINT2 to me, this is horrible for them, it is horrible for me, it is horrible for dogs, yes, if one do it for a purpose in the sense that for the a research but it [the animal]

is treated as an animal, not e: it makes me sick but then I tell to myself then I help a person, I treat

9FINT2 per me è un orrore

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it as a person, it makes me sick but I can understand that one needs the research I understand that they need animals for everything, since for instance the chimpanzees are almost like us

poi anche la persona però dopo io lo tratto come persona mi fa schifo però posso comprendere che tu hai bisogno della ricerca progressive sanitary purpose such as swine for transplantations, in front of such a blind country for the issue of transplantations, even if there is the assent-silence and tema trapianti nonostante ci sia il silenzio assenso e quant’altro c’è una carenza enorme allora a quel punto purtroppo c’è anche da dire allora forse quello ci può stare,

On the other hand, some activists sow animal biotechnology as useless and even dangerous for human health. When discussing their positions, interviewees mentioned vivisection as a metaphor for animal engineering. As vivisection turned out to be misleading and unreliable, in the future animal biotechnology will turn out to be scientifically mistaken and untrustworthy.

Question: Media have reported about GMA, do you know the issue? What do you think about it?

8FINT2 this is an absurdity that goes nowhere, I am sure that as we discovered during the years that then they don’t want to understand it yet that vivisection, animal experimentation goes convintissima che come abbiamo scoperto con gli anni che poi ancora non lo vogliono capire che la vivisezione la sperimentazione animale non porta a niente, che la vera sperimentazione è quella fatta su su cellule

Interview and focus group 185 A moral concern is expressed about biotechnology. One interviewee thinks that genetic engineer is inappropriate tampering with nature. This applies both to crops and animals. In addition, research activity is perceived as moved forwards by people´ wish to live at all costs. In this vein, therapeutic fury drives the scientific inquiry to the manipulation of nature.

Question: Media have reported about GMA, do you know the issue? What do you think about it?

8FINT2 speaking my mind, della natura cioè secondo me sono assurde certe cose sia quello che magari può succedere sul frumento sia sugli esseri viventi

13FINT2 then knowing (.) I’m against it in all sense, not mentioning the therapeutic fury on people and animals, including utilizzate la vivisezione sono contrarissima

In addition, one participant expressed disgust at animal biotechnology and openly avoided information on the issue.

Question: Media have reported about GMA, do you know the issue?

What do you think about it?

11FINT2 unfortunatly I tried not to go deep into the issue at all assolutamente su questo aspetto quindi quando vedo gli articoli sui giornali così proprio

11FINT2 , in order not to feel 11FINT2 proprio per non

Natural and Unnatural

Table 27. Content analysis themes for the interview material: GMA

Note. t.u. = text unit

Table 27 summarised the frequency, the extension and the evaluation of the themes as emerging from the content analysis of the interview material about GMA. While many interviewees reported they had little knowledge about GMA, feeling of disgust characterised the activists´

view, which was organized according to a useful-useless dichotomy.

Scientific progress together with the respect of animal welfare was a central concern for those seeing animal engineering as useful. A positive evaluation on GMA prevailed among holders of this view. On the other hand, little faith in science and suspicion seemed to characterise those perceiving animal biotechnology as useless and dangerous. These interviewees judged animal biotechnology negatively. A general attitude
