• Ei tuloksia

Biofuel type Conversion

Conventional Biofuel Technologies (1st Generation) Bioethanol Biochemical


14] bunches [1, p.

waste oil [1, p. 7] Glycerine, fatty

acids [18, p. 7] 4.85-5.88 [3, p.

Advanced Biofuel Technologies (2nd, 3rd Generation) Cellulosic


non-food grade

optimization of

9] possible limit on

R&D - Demo for gasification with reforming [1, p. 12; 2, p. 12]

methanol and ethanol [1, p. 12;

2, p. 12]

- steam reforming of bioethanol or methanol. [61, p.

13064; 51, p. 7418;

60, p. 12; 50, p. 3]

[60, p. 12]

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