Experience of Ubiquitous Computing Technology Driven Mobile Commerce in Africa: Impact of Usability, Privacy, Trust, and Reputation Concern
Pathogenic viruses in Finnish waters : occurrence, fate and control
BEEP! YOU'VE CHECKED IN : Technological Development and its Impact on the Air Transportation Industry
Aging and Society: A Literature Review with an Illustrative Empirical Study on Values and Aging Among Finnish and American Heart Rate Monitor Users
Automation, job market and future skills : How will automation affect the future job market and what are key skills in the future?
Automation in cyber security
Identity formation of the modern lifestyle entrepreneur
Assistive technology implementation in the mainstream classroom for students with learning difficulties
Apuvälineet ja teknologia osana fysioterapian ja fysioterapeutin ydinosaamista
The effects of intelligent technology assisted exercise intervention on functional capacity in older community-dwelling women and men
A framework for agility in technology roadmapping in EA and IT portfolio management
Communication strategies and verbal resources in technology-mediated BELF meetings
What are the barriers to teaching computational thinking?
Achieving the Experience of Immersion in Virtual Reality
Assessing enablers and barriers to sharing knowledge and information : case study: a knowledge intensive case company in Finland
Aspects to Responsible Artificial Intelligence : ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Guidelines in SHAPES Project
Artificially Recruited?
Artificial intelligence in marketing. How AI is Revolutionizing Digital Marketing
Artificial intelligence for the sales procedure : requirements, benefits and challenges for startup and start again companies
Anticipation of Technology as an Entrepreneurial Skill
Horizontal disruption forces in the vertically integrated electric power industry
Hoivatyöntekijöiden työn kuormittavuus ja teknologian käyttö vanhustyössä
Towards a smart city concept in small cities
Strategic variables of commercialization of renewable energy technologies