Developing a Web Service : Databases, Security and Access Control
Developing a Reclaim Information System : Case: Lemminkäinen Betonituote
Developing a pricing tool for Flander Oy
Does Citec have enough resources to implement software localization service
Designing And Developing a Mobile CRM Application: a Company Case
Cloud-based Indoor Positioning Platform for Context-adaptivity in GNSS-denied Scenarios
Value of internal tool development to software delivery projects
Vaatimuslista kehitettävälle ohjelmistolle
Comparison of 3D modeling software
The effects of trends in technology on the hotel industry: a case study of Scandic Hotel Simonkenttä and Hilton Hotel Kalastajatorppa
ClearSCADA-valvomojärjestelmän dokumentointi
Choosing sales channels to scale growth in a SaaS organization : a look at an enterprise mobility management software sales company in growth mode
Customization and application of a software project management process in a small and medium-sized enterprise
Issues in Information Systems Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 91-97, 2020
Ydinvoimalaitoksen sekundääripiirin lämpöteknisen kunnonvalvonnan uudistaminen
ARVI in English
Keskeiset SaaS-ohjelmiston valintaan vaikuttavat tekijät yksityisellä sektorilla : asiakkaan näkökulma
Automated Workplace of Cargo Consignor: New : Development of the Promotion Strategy for a Software Product
Software tools in medical genetics : a systematic mapping study
Aspire model online development solution
Asiakkuudenhallintaohjelmiston käyttöönotto ja vaikutus pk-yrityksen toiminnassa : case FirstView Digital Signage
Applications of COMSOL Multiphysics Software to Heat Transfer Processes
Android-sovelluksen kehitys
Android Application, Ours