Uutisten vaikutus Bitcoinin arvoon
EFFECTS OF TERRORISM IN TOURISM INDUSTRY : A Case Study of 9/11 Terrorist Attacks in World Trade Center
“Authentically” Maintaining Populism in Hungary : Visual Analysis of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Instagram
Öljyn markkinahintaan vaikuttavat tekijät (1971-2015)
Julkisten hankintojen näkyvyys uutismedioissa
Multiculturalism in education and political philosophy
Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon integraation rakentuminen vuoden 2022 aluevaaliohjelmissa
Introduction: Roman Emperors and the Divine: Shifts and Downshifts
Employment, Poverty and Rights in India
Kingdom of Nokia : how a nation served the needs of one company
Transition towards zero energy buildings: Insights on emerging business ecosystems, new business models and energy efficiency policy in Finland
Exploring the re-emergence of industrial policy: Perceptions regarding low-carbon energy transitions in Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark
Networks at the science-policy-interface: Challenges, opportunities and the viability of the ‘network-of-networks’ approach
Knowledge brokerage context factors - What matters in knowledge exchange in impact assessment?
Vargens röst : rovdjursdiskursen i finsk, finlandssvensk och svensk press från 1990-talet till 2010-talet
From a silly virus to an avalanche : the Covid-19 discourses in The Guardian's online news articles during the early epidemic
Immanuel Kant poliittisena teoreetikkona ja intellektuellina
Good Patriot : The Concept of Citizenship in the Russian State Programs of Patriotic Education in the years 2001–2020
Välähdyksiä demokratian tilasta
Kirja-arvio teoksesta Ylä-Anttila, Tuomas: Politiikan paluu.
Valehtelu politiikassa
Tarvitaanko päätöksenteossa tieteellistä tietoa?
Mobile media, gender, and power in rural India
American Parties’ Policies towards Europe in the Post-Cold War Era : A Comparative Analysis of the Democratic and Republican Party Platforms