• Ei tuloksia



Academic year: 2022







Abstract. In this paper we propose a new locking-free finite element scheme for Biot’s consolidation model in poroelasticity. The main advantage of our method is that uniform-in-time bounds of the pressure and the flux errors are obtained with an analytic proof. We show a priori error estimates of semidiscrete solutions and of fully discrete solutions with the backward Euler scheme.

1. Introduction

The Biot’s consolidation model describes deformation of saturated elastic porous media and viscous fluid flow inside, simultaneously MR0066874[2]. Since this model naturally arises from classical engineering applications such as geomechanics and petrolium engineering, the study of numerical solutions of it has been of great interest.

There is an extensive literature on numerical schemes for Biot’s consolidation model with finite element methods. In researches using continuous Galerkin (CG) finite elements, nonphysical pressure oscillations of numerical solutions were ob-

served in certain ranges of material parameters and time step sizes MR603175,NAG:NAG1610080304,NAG:NAG1610080106

[18, 15, 22], which is called poroelasticity locking. In studies of Biot’s model in incompressible porous media using mixed elements for Stokes equations MR1156589,MR1257948,MR1393902

[8, 9, 10], Murad et.al.

proved decay of numerical pressure oscillation in time.

In order to overcome the locking problem, various other numerical methods were suggested, for example, a least square method[5], a stabilized CG method (Wan),MR2177147 coupling mixed and CG mehtods MR2327964,MR2327966

[11, 12], discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methods (Liu), coupling mixed and DG methods [13]. Recently, coupling nonconformingMR2461315 and mixed methods NUM:NUM21775

[19], and a stabilized DG method MR3047799[3] are proposed. For more information of previous studies we refer NUM:NUM21775,MR3047799, lewis1998finite

[19, 3, 6] and the references therein.

According to the heuristic analysis in phillips-wheeler

[14] the locking phenomena occurs when the constrained specific storage coefficient, denoted by c0 ≥ 0, is very close to 0. It is somewhat surprising that many of the aforementioned methods do not provide complete analytic proof that they are locking-free but only show numerical evidences. More precisely, whenc0is not uniformly positive, a priori error estimates of pressure is obtained only inL2([0, T0];L2) norm, not inL([0, T0];L2) norm.

In this paper we aim to provide a new locking-free finite element scheme for Biot’s consolidation model. To the best of the author’s knowledge, our method gives the first analytic result on a priori error bound of pressure inL([0, T0];L2) norm, without any time weights and an assumption of uniformly positive c0. As in NUM:NUM21775

[19] a coupling of nonconforming and mixed finite elements is considered but we use more sophisticated nonconforming elements, say Mardal–Tai–Winther type



elements. These are nonconforming vector-valued H1 elements, originally devel-

oped for Brinkman (or Stokes–Darcy flow) problems MR1950614,MR2283095,MR2991835,MR2495068

[7, 17, 4, 21]. It turns out that they have nice features to give locking-free error numerical schemes for linear poroelasticity problems.

This paper is organized as follows. In section 2 we introduce notations andsec:prelimsec:prelim review preliminary knowledges to define our numerical scheme. We show a priori

error analysis of semidiscrete and fully discrete solutions in sectionssec:semidiscrete-analysissec:semidiscrete-analysis


4, respectively.

Finally, we give remarks for extension of the method to higher order and rectangular elements in section sec:extensionsec:extension


2. Preliminaries sec:prelim

2.1. Notations. Let Ω be a bounded polygonal domain inRnwithn= 2 or 3. For a nonnegative integerm,Hm(Ω),Hm(Ω;Rn) denote the standardRandRn-valued Sobolev spaces based onL2 norm.

For a Banach space X and 0 < T0 < ∞, C0([0, T0];X) denotes the set of functions f : [0, T0]→X which are continuous in t∈[0, T0]. For an integerm≥1 we define

Cm([0, T0];X) ={f|∂if /∂ti ∈C0([0, T0];X),0≤i≤m},

where∂f /∂t is the time derivative in the sense of the Fr´echet derivative inX (see e.g.,Yosida-book

[20]). For a functionf : [a, b]→X, we define the space-time norm kfkLp([a,b];X)=

 Rb


, 1≤p <∞, esssupt∈[a,b]kfkX, p=∞.

If the time interval is fixed as [0, T0], then we useLpX to denoteLp([0, T0];X) for simplicity. We define the space-time Sobolev spacesWk,p([0, T0];X) for nonnegative integerkand 1≤p≤ ∞as the closure ofCk([0, T0];X) with the normkukWk,pX= Pk

i=0k∂iu/∂tikLpX. We adopt a convention thatkf, gkX =kfkX+kgkX for the norm of a Banach space X. For simplicity of notations, ˙σ is used to denote the time derivative ofσ.

For a triangulation of Ω, Th is used to denote a shape-regular triangulation for which h is the maximum diameter of triangles (or tetrahedra) and Eh is the corresponding set of edges (faces), respectively. For E ∈ Eh and functionsf,g : Eh→Rn we define

hf,giE= Z


f·gds, hf,gi= X



For an integerk≥0, a set G⊂Rn, Pk(G) is the space of polynomials defined on Gof degree ≤k. We usePk(Th;X) to denote the space of piecewise polynomials adapted on Th of degree less ≤ k. For a vector space X, we use Pk(G;X) and Pk(Th;X) to denote the space ofX-valued polynomials with same conditions.

2.2. The Biot’s consolidation model. In this section we review the Biot’s con- solidation model in poroelasticity. In an elastic porous medium, fluid flow and deformation of porous medium are intimately related when permeability of the medium is small, i.e., deformation of the medium and retardation of fluid flow occur simultaneously. Biot’s consolidation model describes this phenomena in saturated porous media.


Throughout this paper we restrict our interest on quasistatic consolidation prob- lems. In other words, we assume that consolidation process is slow and acceleration term is ignored. In our description of the model,u is the displacement of porous media,pis fluid pressure,f is the body force,gis the source/sink density function of fluid. The governing equations of Biot’s consolidation model are

−divC(u) +α∇p=f, eq:strong-eq1

eq:strong-eq1 (2.1)

c0p˙+αdiv ˙u−div(κ e

∇p) =g, eq:strong-eq2

eq:strong-eq2 (2.2)

where C is the elastic stiffness tensor, c0 ≥ 0 is the constrained specific storage coefficient, κ


is the hydraulic conductivity tensor, and α > 0 is the Biot–Willis constant which is close to 1.

In generalC is a rank 4 tensor giving a symmetric positive definite linear map onL2(Ω;Rn×nsym) into itself, whereRn×nsym is the space of symmetricn×nmatrices. In the rest of this paper, we assume that the elastic medium is homogeneous isotropic, so the elasticity tensorC has the form

Cτ e

= 2µτ e

+λtr(τ e

)I, τ


∈L2(Ω;Rn×nsym), eq:homog-elasticity

eq:homog-elasticity (2.3)

where the constants µ, λ >0 are Lam´e coefficients, I is the identity matrix. We assume that µ, λ are bounded above and below, in particular, λ does not tend to infinity. In (eq:strong-eq2eq:strong-eq2

2.2) the quantity c0p measures the amount of fluid that can be injected into a fixed material volume andc0≥0 is determined by the permeability of porous media and bulk moduli of solid and fluid. The hydraulic conductivity tensorκ


is defined by the permeability tensor of solid divided by fluid viscosity and it is positive definite. We assume that κ


is uniformly bounded above and below.

On details of deriving these equations from physical modelling, we refer standard porous media texts, e.g., anandarajah2010computational


In order to be a well-posed problem, the equations (eq:strong-eq1eq:strong-eq1


2.2) need appropriate boundary and initial conditions. We assume that there are partitions of∂Ω which are

∂Ω = Γp∪Γf, ∂Ω = Γd∪Γt, |Γd|>0.

We also assume that boundary conditions are given to be p(t) = 0 on Γp, −κ


∇p(t)·n= 0 on Γf, u(t) = 0 on Γd, σ e

(t)n= 0 on Γt, eq:bc

eq:bc (2.4)

for all t ∈ [0, T0] where n is the outward unit normal vector field on ∂Ω and σ


:=C(u)+αpI, the Cauchy stress tensor. Here we only consider the homogeneous boundary condition for simplicity but our method can be extended naturally to problems with nonhomogeneous boundary conditions. We also assume that given initial datap(0),u(0) andf(0) satisfy the compatibility condition (eq:strong-eq1eq:strong-eq1


Well-posedness of this problem and regularity of solutions were thoroughly stud- ied in[16]. When we claim a priori error estimates we assume that exact solutionsMR1790411 are sufficiently regular to obtain the error bounds. In the rest of this paper the parameters α,κ


are assumed to be 1 and the identity for simplicity. In contrast, c0 ≥0 is not necessarily uniformly positive because we are mainly concerned with robust error bounds for generalc0≥0. In previous studies it is observed that the poroelasticity locking occurs when thec0, the hydraulic conductivity, and time step are very small.


2.3. Variational formulation. Assumingα= 1,κ e

= identity, and introducing a new unknownz:=κ


∇pin (eq:strong-eq1eq:strong-eq1


2.2), we have a new system

−divC(u) +∇p=f, eq:new-strong-eq1

eq:new-strong-eq1 (2.5)

z− ∇p= 0, eq:new-strong-eq2

eq:new-strong-eq2 (2.6)

c0p˙+ div ˙u−divz=g.


eq:new-strong-eq3 (2.7) Let

Σ ={u∈H1(Ω;Rn)|u|Γd= 0}, V ={z∈H(div,Ω;Rn)|z·n|Γt = 0}, W =L2(Ω).

A variational formulation of (eq:new-strong-eq1eq:new-strong-eq1


2.7) is to seek (u,z, p)∈Σ×V ×W such that a(u,v)−(p,divv) = (f,v), v∈Σ,


eq:weak-eq1 (2.8)

(z,w) + (p,divw) = 0, w∈V, eq:weak-eq2

eq:weak-eq2 (2.9)

(c0p, q) + (div ˙˙ u, q)−(divz, q) = (g, q), q∈W, eq:weak-eq3

eq:weak-eq3 (2.10)

where, regarding (eq:homog-elasticityeq:homog-elasticity

2.3) and the integration by parts,

a(u,v) = (C(u), (v)) = 2µ((u), (v)) +λ(divu,divv), u,v∈Σ.


Assuming that|Γd|>0, the coercivity ofa(·,·) on Σ is obtained by Korn’s inequal- ity.

2.4. finite element spaces. In our numerical scheme based on (eq:weak-eq1eq:weak-eq1


2.10) we need three finite element spaces Σh,Vh,Wh for unknownsu, z, p, respectively.

We chooseVh,Wh as the lowest order Raviart–Thomas and discontinuous finite element spaces

Vh:={w∈H(div,Ω)|w|T ∈(P0(T)n+~xP0(T)), ∀T ∈ Th, w·n|Γf = 0}, Wh:={q∈L2(Ω)|q|T ∈ P0(T)}.

Let Π0h be the canonical interpolation operator intoVh, andQh be the orthogonal L2 projection intoWh. It is well-known that

divVh=Wh, div Π0hw=Qhdivw, forw∈H1(Ω;Rn), eq:commute1

eq:commute1 (2.12)

kw−Π0hwk0.hkwk1, kq−Qhqk0.hkqk1. eq:approx1

eq:approx1 (2.13)

Furthermore, the following inf-sup condition hold.

06=q∈Winf h sup


(q,divw) kqk0kwkdiv

≥C >0.


eq:inf-sup1 (2.14)

For Σh we use vector-valued nonconformingH1 finite elements. Before we de- scribe necessary properties of Σh we need some notations. Let us define

|v|21,h= X


k∇vk20,T, kvk21,h:=|v|21,h+ X




for a piecewise polynomial functionv where JvKis the jump term on edges/faces.

LetRM(G) be the space of rigid body motions on a setG⊂Rn. LetT1, T2 ∈ Th

be any two adjacent triangles/tetrahedra and M := T1∪T2. We suppose that


there exists a finite element space Σh, with an interpolation Πh:H1(Ω;Rn)→Σh, satisfying

Σh⊂H(div,Ω), div Σh=Wh, div Πhv=Qhdivv, eq:sigma-property1

eq:sigma-property1 (2.15)

there existsC >0 such that inf

06=q∈Wh sup



kqk0kvk1,h ≥C >0, eq:sigma-property2

eq:sigma-property2 (2.16)

ifv∈Σhsatisfiesv|T1∈RM(T1),v|T2 ∈RM(T2), thenv|M ∈RM(M), eq:sigma-property3

eq:sigma-property3 (2.17) and

kv−Πhvk0.hkvk1, kΠhvk1,h.kvk1, kΠhv−vk1,h.hkvk2. eq:sigma-property4

eq:sigma-property4 (2.18)

There are some known elements satisfying the above conditions. For example, two and three dimensional triangular elements are constructed in [7] and inMR1950614 MR2283095[17], respectively. Rectangular elements are also constructed in [3]. InMR3047799MR2991835[4] some higher order triangular elements are developed.

From now on we assume an additional condition for Σh, which is that all DOFs associated to edges/faces in Γdare vanishing.


eq:sigma-property5 (2.19)

With this assumption, it is not difficult to see that k · k1,h is a norm on Σh due to the boundary condition on Γd and the jump terms. Furthermore, since JvK is mean-value zero on each interior edgeE∈ Eh from the definition of Σh, a standard scaling argument leads tok · k1,h∼ | · |1,hon Σh.

lemma:korn Lemma 2.1. The following inequality holds.

kvk1,h.kh(v)k0, v∈Σh, whereh is the element-wise symmetric gradient.

Proof. By the definition of ah, kh(v)k20 .ah(v,v) holds forv ∈Σh. Due to the equivalencek · k1,h∼ | · |1,hit is enough to prove

|v|1,h.kh(v)k0, v∈Σh.

Suppose that there is v∈Σh such that kh(v)k0= 0. Thenv is a piecewise rigid body motion on each triangle T ∈ Th. The interelement continuity of Σh implies thatJvKis vanishing on all edgesE in the interior of Ω. Thereforev is a rigid body motion on Ω, and we conclude that v = 0 due to the boundary condition on Γd. Since both of| · |1,hand kh(·)k0 are norms on a finite dimensional space Σh they are equivalent. Furthermore, these two norms have same scaling, so equivalence

constants do not depend onh. Proof is completed.

As a consequence, the following equivalence holds.

kvk1,h∼ |v|1,h∼ kh(v)k0, v∈Σh. 3. Error analysis of semidiscrete solutions sec:semidiscrete-analysis

In this section we discuss well-posedness of semidiscrete problems of (eq:new-strong-eq1eq:new-strong-eq1


2.7) and the a priori error analysis. In the rest of this paper Σh×Vh×Wh will always denote the finite element spaces introduced in the previous section.


3.1. Semidiscrete problem. We consider a semidiscrete problem of (eq:weak-eq1eq:weak-eq1


2.10), which is seeking (uh,zh, ph) : [0, T0]→Σh×Vh×Whsuch that

ah(uh,v)−(ph,divv) = (f,v), v∈Σh, eq:weak-eq1-disc

eq:weak-eq1-disc (3.1)

−1zh,w) + (ph,divw) = 0, w∈Vh, eq:weak-eq2-disc

eq:weak-eq2-disc (3.2)

(c0h, q) + (div ˙uh, q)−(divzh, q) = (g, q), q∈Wh, eq:weak-eq3-disc

eq:weak-eq3-disc (3.3) with

ah(u,v) := 2µ(h(u), h(v)) +λ(divu,divv), u,v∈Σh. eq:ah

eq:ah (3.4)

Note thath(u) =(u) ifu∈H1(Ω;Rn).

3.2. Well-posedness of semidiscrete problem. In this section we discuss exis- tence and uniqueness of semidiscrete solutions. We first point out that the system (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc


3.3) is not a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) but a differential algebraic equation (DAE), so a theory of ODE is not directly applicable. In gen- eral proof of existence and uniqueness of DAE solutions, is not a consequence of a standard DAE theory if the system is large.

To explain a difficulty of applying standard DAE theory, here we discuss more on well-posedness of linear DAE problems. LetCbe the complex field andmbe a positive integer. ForE0, E1∈Cm×m,F∈C0([0,∞);Cm),X0∈Cm, a linear DAE is to seekX ∈C1([0,∞),Cm) such that

E0X˙ +E1X=F, X(0) =X0.

Note thatE0 is not necessarily nonsingular. In a standard DAE theory, this DAE is called awell-posed DAEif the matrix pencil (E0, E1) is regular, i.e., there exists λ∈Csuch thatE0+λE1is nonsingular. However, this definition is easy to mislead because it does not guarantee existence of solutions for arbitrary initial data. In fact, it is known that a well-posed DAE has a unique solution only when initial data is compatible, i.e., the initial dataX0satisfies some intrinsic algebraic equations of the DAE. Furthermore, to recognize those intrinsic algebraic equations from a DAE, one needs to compute Jordan canonical forms of the augmented matrix [E0E1] in general, and it is certainly not practical for large systems. Therefore, instead of adopting a standard theory of DAEs, we clarify compatible initial data of (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc


3.3), and prove existence and uniqueness of solutions directly.

Definition 3.1. A triple(v0,w0, q0)∈Σh×Vh×Wh is called a compatible initial data of (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc


3.3) if

ah(v0,v)−(q0,divv) = (f(0),v), v ∈Σh, eq:ic-comp1

eq:ic-comp1 (3.5)

(w0,w) + (q0,divw) = 0, w∈Vh, eq:ic-comp2

eq:ic-comp2 (3.6) hold.

The following lemma allows us to find a compatible initial data for numerical schemes.

lemma:ic-comp Lemma 3.2. For any givenq0 ∈Wh one can find a unique pair(v0,w0)∈Σh×Vh

such that (v0,w0, q0)is a compatible initial data of (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc



Proof. Suppose that q0 ∈ Wh is given. Since the bilinear form ah is symmetric positive definite by its definition in (eq:aheq:ah3.4) and Lemma2.1. Hence (lemma:kornlemma:korn eq:ic-comp1eq:ic-comp1

3.5) has a unique


solution v0 ∈ Σh. It is obvious that (eq:ic-comp2eq:ic-comp2

3.6) has a unique solution w0 ∈ Vh. By definition (v0,w0, q0) is a compatible initial data of (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc



Theorem 3.3. For given initial dataph(0)∈Wh andf ∈C1([0, T0];L2(Ω;Rn)), g∈C0([0, T0];L2(Ω)) there exists a unique solution(uh,zh, ph)∈C1([0, T0]; Σh× Vh×Wh)of(eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc



Proof. We will show that (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc


3.3) is equivalent to an ODE system and check well- posedness of the ODE system. In order for that we rewrite (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc


3.3) as a matrix equation using bases of finite element spaces.

Let {φi}, {ψi}, {χi} be bases of Σh, Vh, andWh, respectively. We use Auu, Azz,App,Bup,Bzp to denote the matrices whose (i, j)-entries are

ahj, φi), (ψj, ψi), (c0χj, χi), (χi,divφj), (χi,divψj), respectively. We write uh = P

iαiφi, zh = P

iβiψi, ph = P

iγiχi, Phf = ζiψi,

Qhg=ξiχi with (time-dependent) coefficient vectorsα,β,γ,ζ,ξ. Then (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc


3.3) can be written as a matrix equation, which is

0 0 0

0 0 0

BTup 0 App

˙ α β˙

˙ γ


Auu 0 −Bup

0 Azz Bzp

0 −BTzp 0

 α β γ


 ζ 0 ξ

. eq:matrix-eq

eq:matrix-eq (3.7)

It is obvious thatAzzis symmetric positive definite andApp is symmetric positive semidefinite due toc0≥0. By Lemma2.1,lemma:kornlemma:kornAuu is also symmetric positive definite.

The first and second rows of (eq:matrix-eqeq:matrix-eq

3.7) give

α=A−1uuBupγ+A−1uuζ, β=−A−1zzBzpγ.


eq:uz-replace (3.8)

The third row of (eq:matrix-eqeq:matrix-eq

3.7) gives BTupα˙ +Appγ˙ −BTzpβ =ξ. Substituting α and β in this equation using (eq:uz-replaceeq:uz-replace

3.8) one obtains

(BTupA−1uuBup+App) ˙γ+BTzpA−1zzBzpγ=−BTupA−1uuζ˙ +ξ, which is an ODE system ofγ. The inf-sup condition (eq:sigma-property2eq:sigma-property2

2.16) implies that the matrix Bup is injective. SinceBTupA−1uuBup is positive definite andApp is positive semidef- inite, their sum is positive definite. Thus the above system has a unique solution γ for given initial data γ(0) by a standard ODE theory. Furthermore, the invert- ibility of BTupA−1uuBup+App is stable as App ≈0, so this well-posedness is robust for c0 ≈0. Note that α, β are uniquely determined by (eq:uz-replaceeq:uz-replace

3.8). Now the assertion follows by considering equivalence of (eq:matrix-eqeq:matrix-eq

3.7) and (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc



3.3. Error analysis. We state and prove main results of semidiscrete error anal- ysis. We denote the discreteH1space byHh1 with the normk · k1,h.

thm:semidiscrete-error Theorem 3.4. Suppose that u, p∈W1,1([0, T];H2)and(uh,zh, ph)is a solution of (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc


3.3) with a compatible initial data such thatph(0) =Qhp(0). Then ku−uhkLH1h+kp−phkLL2≤ch(kukW1,1H2+kpkW1,1H1),

holds withcindependent ofh. Furthermore, if we assume thatu, p∈W2,1([0, T];H2), then

kz−zhkLL2 ≤ch(kukW2,1H2+kpkW2,1H1).

For the proof of it we need some preliminary results.


lemma:consistency-err-bound Lemma 3.5. Forτ e

∈H1(Ω;Rn×n) andv∈Σh define Eh


,v) := X


hτ e


Then the following inequality holds.

|Eh(τ e

,v)|.hkτ e


Proof. Let E ∈ Eh be an interior edge/face in Ω and T+, T be two distinct triangles/tetrahedra sharing E as the common boundary. The shape regularity of meshes yieldshT∼hT+∼hE.

SinceJvKis perpendicular to constants inL2(E;Rn), hτ


nE,JvKiE=hτ e

nE−c,JvKiE≤ inf

c∈Rnkτ e


By a standard scaling argument and shape regularity of meshes one can see that kJvKk0,E .hE12k∇vk0,T+∪T,


kτ e

nE−ck0,E .h

1 2


For an edgeE on boundary and the triangleT ∈ ThcontainingEin the boundary, a similar argument gives

kJvKk0,E .hE12k∇vk0,T,


kτ e

nE−ck0,E .h

1 2


By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the results obtained above, we have Eh


,v).hkτ e


as desired.

The following simple lemma will be useful in our error analysis.

lemma:basic-ineq Lemma 3.6. Suppose that A, B, C, D >0 satisfy A2+B2≤CA+D.

Then either A+B≤4C orA+B ≤2√

D holds.

Proof. Since eitherCA≤D orCA≥D one of the following inequalities holds.

A2+B2≤2D, A2+B2≤2CA.


eq:two-ineq (3.9)

If the first inequality in (eq:two-ineqeq:two-ineq

3.9) holds, then

(A+B)2≤2(A2+B2)≤4D, which impliesA+B≤2√


Suppose that the second inequality in (eq:two-ineqeq:two-ineq

3.9) holds. IfB ≥A, then dividing the inequality byAgives

A+B ≤(A2+B2)/A≤2C.

If B ≤A, then dividing the second inequality in (eq:two-ineqeq:two-ineq

3.9) by A gives A ≤ 2C, and

therefore we haveA+B≤2A≤4C as desired.

Now we have all preliminaries to prove Theorem thm:semidiscrete-errorthm:semidiscrete-error



Proof of Theorem thm:semidiscrete-errorthm:semidiscrete-error

3.4. The proof consists of three parts: estimates ofku−uhkLHh1, kz−zhkL2L2, andkp−phkLL2.

Estimate of ku−uhkLH1h : We denote the error terms with eu=u−uh, ez=z−zh, ep=p−ph. From the left-hand side of (eq:new-strong-eq1eq:new-strong-eq1

2.5) we can obtain

−(divC(u) +∇p,v) = (C(u), h(v))−(p,divv) +Eh(σ e

,v), eq:consistency-form

eq:consistency-form (3.10)

forv∈Σh, by the integration by parts. The difference of this and (eq:weak-eq1-disceq:weak-eq1-disc

3.1) gives ah(eu,v)−(ep,divv) =−Eh


,v), v∈Σh. eq:err-eq1

eq:err-eq1 (3.11)

In addition, the differences of (eq:weak-eq2eq:weak-eq2


2.10) and (eq:weak-eq2-disceq:weak-eq2-disc


3.3) yield

(ez,w) + (ep,divw) = 0, w∈Vh, eq:err-eq2

eq:err-eq2 (3.12)

(c0p, q) + (div ˙eu, q)−(divez, q) = 0, q∈Wh. eq:err-eq3

eq:err-eq3 (3.13)

In order for the error analysis we define splitting of error terms as in (eq:err-split1eq:err-split1


3.16) and In order for the error analysis we split the errors into

eu=eIu+eAu := (u−Π˜hu) + ( ˜Πhu−uh), eq:err-split1

eq:err-split1 (3.14)

ez=eIz+eAz := (z−Π0hz) + (Π0hz−zh), eq:err-split2

eq:err-split2 (3.15)

ep=eIp+eAp := (p−Qhp) + (Qhp−ph).


eq:err-split3 (3.16)

The definitions ofeIu,eIz,eIp and properties in (eq:commute1eq:commute1

2.12), yield div ˙eIu⊥Wh, diveIz⊥Wh, eIp⊥div Σh. eq:err-cancel2

eq:err-cancel2 (3.17)

Rewriting (3.11–eq:err-eq1eq:err-eq13.13) using (eq:err-eq3eq:err-eq3 eq:err-split1eq:err-split1


3.16) in consideration of the orthogonalities in (eq:err-cancel1eq:err-cancel1

??), (eq:err-cancel2eq:err-cancel2

3.17), we have

ah(eAu,v)−(eAp,divv) =−ah(eIu,v)−Eh(σ e

,v), v∈Σh, eq:new-err-eq1

eq:new-err-eq1 (3.18)

(eAz,w) + (eAp,divw) =−(eIz,w), w∈Vh, eq:new-err-eq2

eq:new-err-eq2 (3.19)

(c0Ap, q) + (div ˙eAu, q)−(diveAz, q) =−(c0Ip, q) q∈Wh. eq:new-err-eq3

eq:new-err-eq3 (3.20)

LetX(t), Y(t) be defined by

X2(t) =ah(eAu(t), eAu(t)) +keAp(t)k2c0, Y2(t) = Z t



If we takev = ˙eAu,w=eAz,q=eAp in (eq:new-err-eq1eq:new-err-eq1


3.20), and add those equations, then 1

2 d

dt(X(t))2+keAz(t)k20=−ah(eIu,e˙Au)−Eh(σ e

,e˙Au)−(eIz, eAz)−(c0Ip, eAp).

Integration of this from 0 tot in time, gives (X(t))2+ 2(Y(t))2


eq:interm-err-eq1 (3.21)

= (X(0))2+ 2 Z t


−ah(eIu,e˙Au)−Eh(σ e

,e˙Au)−(eIz, eAz)−(c0Ip, eAp) ds,

=: (X(0))2+ Φ1(t) + Φ2(t) + Φ3(t) + Φ4(t).

Defining ¯tby

X(¯t) = sup


X(t), eq:tmax-def

eq:tmax-def (3.22)


it suffices to estimateX(¯t). Moreover, since one of the followings is always true, Φ1(¯t) + Φ2(¯t) + Φ4(¯t)≤Φ3(¯t) or Φ1(¯t) + Φ2(¯t) + Φ4(¯t)≥Φ3(¯t), we always have

either (X(¯t))2+ 2(Y(¯t))2≤(X(0))2+ 2Φ3(¯t), eq:estm-case1

eq:estm-case1 (3.23)

or (X(¯t))2+ 2(Y(¯t))2≤(X(0))2+ 2(Φ1(¯t) + Φ2(¯t) + Φ4(¯t)).


eq:estm-case2 (3.24)

Thus it is enough to prove estimates ofX(¯t) for these two cases separately.

As a preliminary result, we show an estimate ofX(0). Note first thateAp(0) = 0, so X(0)2=keAu(0)k2a,h. To estimatekeAu(0)k2a,h, takev=eAu(0) in (eq:new-err-eq1eq:new-err-eq1

3.18) att= 0, and have

keAu(0)k2a,h=−ah(eIu(0), eAu(0))−Eh(σ e

(0), eAu(0))

=−2µ(h(eIu(0)), h(eAu(0)))−Eh(σ e

(0), eAu(0)), (∵diveIu(0)⊥Wh) By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, Lemmalemma:kornlemma:korn2.1 and Lemma lemma:consistency-err-boundlemma:consistency-err-bound

3.5, X(0) =keAu(0)ka,h.h(ku(0))k2+kσ

e (0)k1).


eq:X0-estm (3.25)

Now we show estimates ofX(¯t) for the cases (eq:estm-case1eq:estm-case1

3.23) and (eq:estm-case2eq:estm-case2


Case I: Suppose that (eq:estm-case1eq:estm-case1

3.23) is true. Note that 2Φ2(¯t) =−4

Z ¯t 0

(eIz, eAz)ds≤4 Z ¯t


keIzk20ds+ (Y(¯t))2, eq:young-ineq1

eq:young-ineq1 (3.26)

by Young’s inequality and the definition ofY(¯t). Combining it with (eq:estm-case1eq:estm-case1

3.23) gives X2(¯t) +Y2(¯t)≤X2(0) + 4

Z ¯t 0

keIzk20ds eq:semi-xy-ineq1

eq:semi-xy-ineq1 (3.27)

≤X(0)2+ 4keIzk2L2L2

≤X(0)2+ch2kzk2L2H1. (Bramble–Hilbert lemma) Case II: Suppose that (eq:estm-case2eq:estm-case2

3.24) is true.

To estimate Φ1(¯t), we use the integration by parts in time, which gives Φ1(¯t) =−2

Z ¯t 0

ah(eIu,e˙Au)ds (∵diveIu⊥Wh), eq:semi-Phi1-estm

eq:semi-Phi1-estm (3.28)

= 2ah(eIu(¯t), eAu(¯t))−2ah(eIu(0), eAu(0)) + 2 Z t¯


ah( ˙eIu, eAu)ds

≤2 keIu(¯t)ka,h+keIu(0)ka,h+ Z t¯



! X(¯t)




Φ2(¯t) =−2 Z ¯t


Eh(σ e

,e˙Au)ds eq:semi-Phi2-estm

eq:semi-Phi2-estm (3.29)

= 2

−Eh(σ e

(¯t), eAu(¯t)) +Eh(σ e

(0), eAu(0)) + 2

Z ¯t 0

Eh( ˙σ e

, eAu)ds

≤ch kσ e

(¯t)k1+kσ e

(0)k1+ Z t¯


kσ˙ e


! X(¯t)

≤chkσ e


For Φ4(¯t),

Φ4(¯t) =−2 Z ¯t


( ˙eIp, eAp)c0ds≤2 Z ¯t




eq:semi-Phi4-estm (3.30)

Combining (eq:estm-case2eq:estm-case2

3.24), (eq:semi-Phi1-estmeq:semi-Phi1-estm

3.28), (eq:semi-Phi2-estmeq:semi-Phi2-estm

3.29), and (eq:semi-Phi4-estmeq:semi-Phi4-estm

3.30), we have an inequality of the form in Lemma lemma:basic-ineqlemma:basic-ineq

3.6 withA=X(¯t),B =√

2Y(¯t),D=X(0), and C=ch(kσ


, pkW1,1H1+kukW1,1H2).

By Lemma (lemma:basic-ineqlemma:basic-ineq


X(¯t)≤2X(0).h(ku(0)k2+kσ e

k1), eq:semi-xy-ineq2

eq:semi-xy-ineq2 (3.31)

or X(¯t)≤4C.h(kσ e

, pkW1,1H1+kukW1,1H2).

Note thatkpkL2H2 ∼ kzkL2H1 by the definition ofz. Then for any 0≤t≤T0, by the triangle inequality, (eq:semi-xy-ineq1eq:semi-xy-ineq1

3.27), and (eq:semi-xy-ineq2eq:semi-xy-ineq2

3.31), ku(t)−uh(t)kH1

h ≤ keIu(t)kH1


eq:semi-u-estm h

eq:semi-u-estm (3.32)


h+X(¯t) (3.33)

.hmax{kukW1,1H2+kσ e

, pkW1,1H1,kpkL2H2}, (3.34)

which completes the estimation ofku−uhkLHh1.

Estimate of kp−phkLL2 : Note that the estimate ofX(t) is enough to give an estimate ofkp−phkLL2 whenc0is uniformly greater than a positive constant.

We aim to show that anLL2 estimate ofp−ph can be obtained and the error bound constants do not grow unboundedly asc0tends to 0 andλtends to infinity.

By the triangle inequality it suffices to estimateeAp(t). By the inf-sup condition (eq:inf-sup1eq:inf-sup1

2.14), for any 06=q∈Wh, there existsv∈Σh such that

(divv, q0) = (q, q0), ∀q0∈Wh, kvk1,h≤ckqk0. If we use thisv to (eq:new-err-eq1eq:new-err-eq1

3.18) withq=eAp(t), then keAp(t)k20=ah(u(t)−uh(t),v) +Eh

e (t),v) .(ku(t)−uh(t)k1,h+hkσ



.hmax{kukW1,1H2+kσ e

, pkW1,1H1,kpkL2H2}keAp(t)k0. By the triangle inequality, the above estimate, and the Bramble–Hilbert lemma,

kp−phkLL2 .hmax{kukW1,1H2+kσ e

, pkW1,1H1,kpkL2H2}.


Estimate ofkz−zhkLL2: If we take time derivative of the equations (eq:new-err-eq1eq:new-err-eq1


3.20) and repeat similar argument in the estimates ofku−uhkLHh1 andkp−phkLL2, then we have

ku˙ −u˙hkLHh1+kp˙−p˙hkLL2 .h(kukW2,1H2+kpkW2,1H1).

To estimate kz −zhkLL2, by the triangle inequality, it is enough to estimate keAzkLL2. To do it, takew =eAz in (eq:new-err-eq2eq:new-err-eq2

3.19), q=eAp in (eq:new-err-eq3eq:new-err-eq3

3.20), and add these two equations. Then we get

keAzk20=−(eIz, eAz)−(c0p, eAp)−(div ˙eAu, eAp).

By the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality keIzk0keAzk0≤(keIzk20+keAzk20)/2, we have

keAzk20.keIzk20+ke˙pk0keApk0+ke˙AukakeApk0 .h2(kzk2LH1+

4. Error analysis of fully discrete solutions sec:fullydiscrete-analysis

In this section we consider error analysis of fully discrete solutions with the back- ward Euler scheme for time discretization. As in our error analysis for semidiscrete solutions we do not use Gronwall’s inequality, so the error bound does not contain exponentially growing factors. An additional technical difficulty arises from time discretization error terms which vanish in semidiscrete case because we want error bounds which are robust forc0≥0. (kpkc0 does not boundkpk0)

4.1. Well-posedness of fully-discrete problem. Let ∆t > 0 such that T0 = N∆tfor an integerN, andtj=j∆tforj= 0,1,· · ·, N. For a continuous function f defined on [0, T0], we definefj =f(tj) andfj+1/2=f(tj+∆t/2). For a sequence {fj}j≥0, we define

∂¯tfj+1= fj+1−fj

∆t , time-quotient

time-quotient (4.1)

Note that forf defined on [0, T0], ˆfj+1/26=fj+1/2in general.

Suppose that (U0,Z0, P0) is a compatible initial data defined in Lemma lemma:ic-complemma:ic-comp


In the backward Euler scheme, (Uj+1,Zj+1, Pj+1), the numerical solution at time tj+1 is defined inductively by

ah(Uj+1,v)−(Pj+1,divv) = (fj+1,v), eq:fulldisc1

eq:fulldisc1 (4.2)

(Zj+1,w) + (Pj+1,divw) = 0, eq:fulldisc2

eq:fulldisc2 (4.3)

(c0∂¯tPj+1, q) + (div( ¯∂tUj+1), q)−(divZj+1, q) = (gj+1, q), eq:fulldisc3

eq:fulldisc3 (4.4)

for (v,w, q)∈Σh×Vh×Whand j≥0.


4.2. Well-definedness. First of all, we show that the fully discrete solution is well-defined. We need to check that (Uj+1,Zj+1, Pj+1) is uniquely determined by the linear system (eq:fulldisc1eq:fulldisc1


4.4) whenUj, Pj,fj+1, gj+1 are given. Rewriting (eq:fulldisc1eq:fulldisc1


4.4), ah(Uj+1,v)−(Pj+1,divv) = (fj+1,v),

(Zj+1,w) + (Pj+1,divw) = 0,

(c0Pj+1, q) + (divUj+1, q)−∆t(divZj+1, q) = (c0Pj, q) + (divUj, q) + ∆t(gj+1, q),

for (v,w, q)∈Σh×Vh×Wh. RegardingUj+1,Zj+1, Pj+1as unknowns, the above is a system of linear equations with same number of equations and unknowns. In order to show that it is well-defined, we assumeUj =Zj=Pj=fj+1=gj+1= 0 and will show thatUj+1 =Zj+1 =Pj+1 = 0. If we takev =Uj+1, w =Zj+1, q=Pj+1 and add all equations, then we have

0≤ah(Uj+1,Uj+1) + (Zj+1,Zj+1) + (c0Pj+1, Pj+1) = 0, which impliesUj+1=Zj+1= 0. Note that (eq:fulldisc1eq:fulldisc1

4.2) is now given as (Pj+1,divv) = 0 for anyv ∈Σh. ThenPj+1= 0 follows since div Σh=Wh. Hence the fully discrete solution is well-defined by induction.

Note that the backward Euler scheme enforces numerical solutions satisfy the compatibility conditions at every time step, so it does not need numerical initial data satisfying the compatibility conditions. However, initial data satisfying the compatibility conditions can be essential when one wants to use other numerical schemes, for instance, the Crank–Nicolson scheme. add reference of counterexam- ple.

4.3. Convergence. Let us denote the error (uj−Uj,zj−Zj, pj−Pj) by Euj =uj−Uj = (uj−Πhuj) + (Πhuj−uj) =:eI,juju, eq:err-decomp1

eq:err-decomp1 (4.5)

Ezj =zj−Zj = (zj−Π0hzj) + (Π0hzj−Zj) =:eI,jzzj, eq:err-decomp2

eq:err-decomp2 (4.6)

Epj=pj−Pj= (pj−Qhpj) + (Qhpj−Pj) =:eI,jpjp. eq:err-decomp3

eq:err-decomp3 (4.7)

In the semidiscrete error analysis of the previous section, we already obtained error bounds ofkeI,ju ka andkeI,jp k0. By the triangle inequality, we only need to consider the a priori estimates ofkθujka andkθpjk0.

Lemma 4.1. Forθjujp defined in (eq:err-decomp1eq:err-decomp1

4.5)and (eq:err-decomp3eq:err-decomp3

4.7), kθpjk0.kθjuka+keI,ju ka+hkσ


jk1. eq:thetap-estm1

eq:thetap-estm1 (4.8)

Proof. From (eq:consistency-formeq:consistency-form

3.10) att=tj we have ah(uj,v)−(pj,divv) +Eh


j,v) = (fj,v), v∈Σh. The difference between this and the equation (eq:fulldisc1eq:fulldisc1

4.2) at the (j−1)-st time step, gives ah(Euj,v)−(Epj,divv) +Eh


j,v) = 0.

Rewriting it using (eq:err-decomp1eq:err-decomp1


4.7) and the orthogonalityeI,jp ⊥divv forv∈Vh, we have (θjp,divv) =ahju+eI,ju ,v) +Eh




eq:thetap-estm2 (4.9)



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