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Digital Image Processing Examination 1 16.10.2006


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "Digital Image Processing Examination 1 16.10.2006"




q 3 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 0 2 4 1 0 2 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 1 2 1 p

Digital Image Processing Examination 1


1. Let’s consider an 8-bit, 256x256 size digital image.

a) What is the number of bits needed to store the image ? (1 p) b) What is the number of bytes needed to store the image ? (1 p) c) A common measure of transimission is the baud rate, defined as the

number of bits transmitted per second. Generally, transmission is

accomplished in packets containing a start bit, a byte and a stop bit. How long would it take to transmit this image via a phone line using a 56K baud modem ? (2 p)

2. Explain briefly the following concepts:

a) Image negative (1 p) b) Binary image (1 p) c) Gray-level slicing (1 p) d) Bit-plane slicing (1 p) e) Log transformation (1 p) f) Power law transformation

3. What is the

a) Euclidean distance (1p) b) D4-distance (1 p) c) D8-distance (1 p) d) Dm-distance (1 p)

between pixels p and q, when V={0,1} ?

Continues on next page !!


4. You see here four images with different settings.

a) What is the general shape of the image histogram in each case (1 – 4) ? (2 p)

b) Which one of these images has the lowest contrast ? Which one has the highest contrast ? (2 p)

c) Explain briefly two methods that can be used to improve contrast in the low contrast image. (2 p)


1 2 3 4

Write the answers to a separate paper. The maximum number of

examination points in this test is 20. The total number of points will be 40.

You will need at least 14 points to pass this course.



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