• Ei tuloksia

Pediatric sleep disordered breathing : causes and consequences


Academic year: 2022

Jaa "Pediatric sleep disordered breathing : causes and consequences"







THE UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND Dissertations in Health Sciences

ISBN 978-952-61-2247-2 ISSN 1798-5706

Dissertations in Health Sciences




The aim of this doctoral thesis was to

investigate the risk factors, diagnostic method and consequences of pediatric sleep disordered breathing (SDB) in a population sample of children from the Physical Activity

and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) Study.

The results showed that dentofacial and pharyngeal morphology but not excess body

fat raises the risk for SDB among 7-year- olds. Certain morphological and functional

features at the age of 7 years may predict developing SDB at the age of 10 years. SDB associates with low psychological well-being

in boys aged 7-year.



Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing

– Causes and Consequences


Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing – Causes and Consequences

To be presented by permission of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland for public examination in Canthia Auditorium CA102, Kuopio, on Friday, October 14th 2016, at 12 noon

Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Health Sciences

Number 373

Department of Dentistry, Institute of Clinical Medicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland

Kuopio 2016


Professor Tomi Laitinen, M.D., Ph.D.

Institute of Clinical Medicine, Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences

Professor Hannele Turunen, Ph.D.

Department of Nursing Science Faculty of Health Sciences Professor Kai Kaarniranta, M.D., Ph.D.

Institute of Clinical Medicine, Ophthalmology Faculty of Health Sciences

Associate Professor (Tenure Track) Tarja Malm, Ph.D.

A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sciences Faculty of Health Sciences

Lecturer Veli-Pekka Ranta, Ph.D. (pharmacy) School of Pharmacy

Faculty of Health Sciences Distributor:

University of Eastern Finland Kuopio Campus Library

P.O.Box 1627 FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland http://www.uef.fi/kirjasto

ISBN (print): 978-952-61-2247-2 ISBN (pdf): 978-952-61-2248-9

ISSN (print): 1798-5706 ISSN (pdf): 1798-5714

ISSN-L: 1798-5706


Author’s address: Institute of Dentistry/School of Medicine University of Eastern Finland


Supervisors: Professor Riitta Pahkala, DDS, Ph.D.

Institute of Dentistry/School of Medicine University of Eastern Finland


Professor Timo Lakka, M.D., Ph.D.

Physiology/Institute of Biomedicine University of Eastern Finland KUOPIO


Docent Henri Tuomilehto, M.D., Ph.D.

Oivauni Sleep Clinic

Institute of Public Health and Clinical Nutrition University of Eastern Finland


Professor Matti Närhi, DDS, Ph.D.

Institute of Dentistry/School of Medicine University of Eastern Finland


Reviewers: Professor Pertti Pirttiniemi, DDS, Ph.D.

Department of Oral Development and Orthodontics/Institute of Dentistry University of Oulu


Outi Saarenpää-Heikkilä, M.D., Ph.D.

Unit of Child Neurology/Department of Pediatrics Tampere University Hospital


Opponent: Professor Timo Peltomäki, DDS, Ph.D.

School of Medicine University of Tampere Oral and Maxillofacial Unit Tampere University Hospital TAMPERE



Ikävalko, Tiina

Pediatric Sleep Disordered Breathing – Causes and Consequences University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Health Sciences

Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Health Sciences 373. 2016. 83 p.

ISBN (print): 978-952-61-2247-2 ISBN (pdf): 978-952-61-2248-9 ISSN (print): 1798-5706 ISSN (pdf): 1798-5714 ISSN-L: 1798-5706


Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is one of the most common sleep disturbances among children; it represents a continuum of symptoms from habitual snoring (HS) to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

The prevalence of OSA among children and adolescents has been reported to range between 0.1 and 13% and that of snoring between 2 and 34%. Children with SDB can suffer from diverse symptoms, such as hyperactivity, sometimes excess daytime sleepiness, restless sleep, nightmares, nocturnal enuresis and bruxism. Deviant craniofacial morphology and high body adiposity are known risks for childhood SDB and treatment modalities aim to influence these factors. When left untreated, SDB can reduce psychological well-being and quality of life, cause impairment in growth and cognition and both metabolic and cardiorespiratory morbidity.

The present study is based on the data of the Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) Study, which is an ongoing physical activity and dietary intervention study in a population sample of children from the city of Kuopio, Finland. The study population was 512 at the baseline when the children were 6–8 years of age, and 440 after 2.2-years´ follow-up when they were 9-11 years. The aim of the study was to investigate the risk factors for pediatric SDB, to evaluate the feasibility of the lateral view photograph of the face for recognizing the facial convexity in order to diagnose the condition, to assess the role of the SDB for psychological well-being of the children, and to estimate the possible predictors for developing SDB during follow-up.

The results showed that abnormal dentofacial and pharyngeal morphology, but not excess body fat, was associated with SDB in children 6-8 years of age. Children with tonsillar hypertrophy, cross bite and convex facial profile should always be examined as regards their sleeping habits, snoring and pauses in breathing during sleep. Facial convexity is typically determined by the orthodontist but it seemed to be difficult for other health care professionals. SDB was more prevalent in boys with low psychological well-being than in boys with normal psychological well-being. The association did not exist in girls. Furthermore, deviant dentofacial morphology, mouth breathing, body adiposity and male gender seemed to predict SDB in childhood. Orthodontic treatment also seemed to associate with SDB.

In conclusion, the study showed that the causes and consequences of pediatric SDB manifest themselves with the whole entity of SDB, including the milder forms of the condition. The findings of the study are useful in identifying children at increased risk for developing SDB. Children with these features could be candidates for early intervention to prevent the progression of SDB later in life. This can only happen via better understanding and earlier recognition of the underlying mechanisms for developing SDB and an intensive collaboration between different medical specialities.

National Library of Medicine Classification: WE 705, WF 143, WM 188, WU 140.5

Medical Subject Headings: Adipose Tissue; Bruxism; Child; Craniofacial Abnormalities; Early Medical Intervention; Finland; Mouth Breathing; Quality of Life; Risk Factors; Sleep; Sleep Apnea Syndromes; Sleep Apnea, Obstructive; Snoring


Ikävalko, Tiina

Lasten unenaikaiset hengityshäiriöt – syyt ja seuraukset Itä-Suomen yliopisto, terveystieteiden tiedekunta

Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Health Sciences 373. 2016. 83 s.

ISBN (nid):978-952-61-2247-2 ISBN (pdf):978-952-61-2248-9 ISSN (nid):1798-5706 ISSN (pdf):1798-5714 ISSN-L:1798-5706 TIIVISTELMÄ

Unenaikaiset hengityshäiriöt (sleep disordered breathing, SDB) ovat yksi yleisimmistä lasten unihäiriöistä. Käsitteellä tarkoitetaan oireiden kirjoa lievimmästä oireesta eli kuorsauksesta vaikeimpaan oireeseen eli obstruktiiviseen uniapneaan. Lapsilla ja nuorilla uniapnean esiintyvyys vaihtelee 0.1-13 %:n välillä ja kuorsauksen vastaavasti 2-34 %:n välillä. Unenaikaisista hengityshäiriöistä kärsivillä lapsilla on moninaisia oireita, esimerkiksi yliaktiivisuutta, joskus päiväaikaista väsymystä, levotonta unta, painajaisia, yökastelua ja bruksismia. Tyypillisiä unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden riskitekijöitä ovat poikkeamat hampaiston, kasvojen ja nielun alueen morfologiassa sekä kehon kohonnut rasvapitoisuus. Unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden hoito pyrkii vaikuttamaan edellä mainittuihin tekijöihin. Hoitamattomana tila voi heikentää lapsen psyykkistä hyvinvointia ja elämänlaatua, aiheuttaa oppimisvaikeuksia ja metabolista ja sydän- ja verisuonielimistön sairastuvuutta sekä hidastaa kasvua.

Tutkimus perustuu Lasten liikunta- ja ravitsemustutkimuksen (Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children (PANIC) Study) aineistoon. Kyseessä on interventiotutkimus, jossa oli lähtötilanteessa tutkittavana 512 6-8-vuotiasta lasta ja 2.2 vuoden seurannan jälkeen 440 9-11-vuotiasta lasta.

Tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli tutkia lapsuuden unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden riskitekijöitä, arvioida eri ammattiryhmien kykyä tunnistaa yhtä riskitekijää eli kuperaa kasvoprofiilia, tutkia unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden vaikutusta lapsen psykologiseen hyvinvointiin sekä arvioida unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden mahdollisia ennusmerkkejä.

Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että poikkeava kasvojen ja pään sekä nielun alueen morfologia oli yhteydessä unenaikaisiin hengityshäiriöihin 6-8-vuotiaiden lasten ikäryhmässä. Jos lapsella on suurentuneet tonsillat, ristipurenta ja kupera kasvoprofiili, tulisi selvittää myös nukkumistavat sekä mahdolliset kuorsaus ja hengityskatkokset. Kehon rasvapitoisuudella ei ollut vaikutusta riskiin.

Oikomishoidon erikoishammaslääkäri pystyi tunnistamaan kuperan kasvoprofiilin melko luotettavasti, mutta muille lasten kanssa työskenteleville terveydenhuollon ammattilaisille se oli vaikeaa. Unenaikaiset hengityshäiriöt olivat yleisempiä psyykkisesti huonommin voivilla pojilla.

Tytöillä tätä yhteyttä ei havaittu. Unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden esiintymistä ja ilmaantumista seuranta-aikana ennusti poikkeava hampaiston ja kasvojen alueen morfologia, suuhengitys, kehon rasvapitoisuus ja miessukupuoli. Myös oikomishoidolla näytti olevan yhteyttä unenaikaisiin hengityshäiriöihin.

Merkittävä johtopäätös oli, että lapsilla unenaikaisten hengityshäiriöiden riskit ja seuraukset ilmenevät väestötasolla silloinkin, kun mukana ovat sairauden lievimmät muodot. Tutkimustulokset ovat hyödyllisiä, kun halutaan jo nuorella iällä tunnistaa ne lapset, joilla on riski unenaikaisiin hengityshäiriöihin ja joita kannattaa jo aikaisessa vaiheessa ryhtyä hoitamaan moniammatillisesti.

Näin voidaan mahdollisesti estää tilan paheneminen myöhemmällä iällä.

Luokitus: WE 705, WF 143, WM 188, WU 140.5

Yleinen Suomalainen asiasanasto: ehkäisevä hammaslääketiede; hengitys; häiriöt; lapset; moniammatillisuus;

morfologia; riskitekijät; uni; uniapnea-oireyhtymä; unihäiriöt



This study was carried out at the Institutes of Biomedicine and Dentistry, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, during the years 2008–2016.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my principle supervisor, Professor Riitta Pahkala.

I sincerely admire your enthusiasm, vigor and efficiency in doing anything, and especially scientific work. Things are certainly not left around waiting on your table. The journey from the phone call I received from you in the blueberry forest to this day has been a long one, but your endless eagerness and warm encouragement have kept me going.

I owe my deep gratitude to the principal investigator of the PANIC study, Professor Timo Lakka. Your expertise and virtuosity in the academic world have in many ways increased my understanding of the area of research. I warmly thank Professor Matti Närhi for all the help and constructive comments during these years. Your long knowledge in research has been an important part of my work. I also owe my warmest thanks to docent Henri Tuomilehto. Despite your busy schedule and work world-wide, you have supported me and taught me much about clinical sleep medicine.

Likewise, I express my warm gratitude to the official reviewers of my thesis, Professor Pertti Pirttiniemi and Outi Saarenpää-Heikkilä, MD, PhD, for their constructive comments and valuable suggestions to improve the quality of my thesis. I also warmly thank Anna Vuolteenaho, MA, for her skillful revision of the language of my thesis.

I warmly and sincerely thank Riitta Myllykangas for all the possible and impossible help you have given me during these years. Not only your expertise in statistics but also your practical insight have been a sine qua non for my work. You have always had the time to listen and understand – regarding all areas of life, and I have really enjoyed working with you.

The unique PANIC group deserves my special thanks. The Medistudia nerve center has been a place where I have always felt welcome – if I needed any help or advice I got it from you.

The researcher group works hard for the best interests of children and I am proud to be a part of it.

I am grateful to all my co-authors for their contribution to this work. Especially the co- operation with Professor Soili Lehto has been extremely rewarding.

The whole staff of the Institute of Dentistry, University of Eastern Finland, and Oral and Maxillofacial Department, Kuopio University Hospital, is warmly acknowledged for their help, support and kind understanding. During the hectic years while building new dental education in Kuopio the atmosphere has always been one of empathy and open for constructive discussion, for which I am grateful.

I thank all the children and families participating the PANIC study for their time and patience and I hope the co-operation will continue in the coming years. Furthermore, I thank Kuopio Social and Health Center for providing the facilities and skillful, friendly assistants during the examinations.

I warmly thank my dear friends and their families for the support and presence they have given me during all these years. Despite long silent times I have known in my heart that you are there. I owe you my thanks and love for keeping me in touch with life.

I owe my deep thanks to my beloved parents who have supported me in all the stages of my life, unconditionally and lovingly. Likewise, I owe my warm gratitude to my dear parents- in-law. Especially the times spent in your paradise, the cottage at Konnevesi, have constantly


all the joyful moments I have spent with you.

I owe my special loving thanks to my dear children. Vertti, my beloved firstborn, you have challenged me with your intellect and given me inspiration and new fresh views of life.

Miina, the middle one, your empathy and sensitive presence warm my heart, not to mention your delicious sweet creations that gave me pleasure and (sometimes even too much) energy during hard times. Kerttu, my dear youngest one, your bounce and rationality is something I can only admire – you are a woman who stands on her own two feet. I am proud and privileged to be the mom of each of you and give my endless love to you.

Finally, I cannot express enough gratitude to my dear husband, Harri. The journey of my research has been long, but it is nothing compared to our journey of almost 32 years of marriage. These years have been filled with work and rest, ordinariness and celebration, going and staying. Altogether, our journey has been filled with love. Thank you for your endless support and belief in me – not to mention practical love in terms of delicious suppers in late evenings when I came home from work hungry and tired. During all our years together – you have made my day!

In appreciation of their financial support for this work, I thank the Institute of Biomedicine, University of Eastern Finland, the Finnish Dental Society Apollonia, the Northern Savo Dental Society and the Research Foundation of Respiratory Diseases.

Kuopio, October 2016 Tiina Ikävalko


List of the original publications

This dissertation is based on the following original publications:

I Ikävalko T, Tuomilehto H, Pahkala R, Tompuri T, Laitinen T, Myllykangas R, Vierola A, Lindi V, Närhi M, Lakka TA. Craniofacial morphology but not excess body fat is associated with risk of having sleep-disordered breathing –

the PANIC study (a questionnaire-based inquiry in 6-8-year-olds). European Journal of Pediatrics 171: 1747-1752, 2012.

II Ikävalko T, Närhi M, Lakka T, Myllykangas R, Tuomilehto H, Vierola A, Pahkala R. Lateral facial profile may reveal the risk for sleep disordered breathing in children - the PANIC-study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 73: 550-555, 2015.

III Ikävalko T, Lehto S, Lintu N, Väistö J, Eloranta A-M, Haapala EA, Vierola A, Myllykangas R, Tuomilehto H, Brage S, Pahkala R, Närhi M, Lakka TA. Health- related correlates of psychological well-being among girls and boys 6-8 years of age - the PANIC study. Submitted.

IV Ikävalko T, Närhi M, Eloranta A-M, Lintu N, Myllykangas R, Vierola A, Tuomilehto H, Lakka T, Pahkala R. Predictors of sleep disordered breathing in children – the PANIC study. Submitted.

The publications were adapted with the permission of the copyright owners.





2.1 Normal sleep of the children ... 3

2.1.1 The functions of sleeping ... 3

2.1.2 Quantity of sleep ... 3

2.1.3 Cycles of sleep ... 4

2.1.4 Respiratory patterns of sleep ... 5

2.2 Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) – general aspects ... 6

2.2.1 Historical aspects ... 6

2.2.2 Definition and classification ... 6

2.2.3 Epidemiology – prevalence of OSA in adults ... 7

2.3 SDB in children ... 8

2.3.1 Prevalence ... 8

2.3.2 Symptoms ... 12

2.3.3 Risk factors ... 12

2.3.4 Pathophysiology ... 15

2.3.5 Consequences ... 16

2.3.6 Diagnostics ... 18

2.3.7 Treatment of pediatric SDB ... 19

2.3.8 Other orthodontic aspects ... 20

2.3.9 Childhood SDB associations to adult SDB ... 20



4.1 Ethical considerations ... 25

4.2 Design of the physical activity and nutrition in children (PANIC) study ... 25

4.3 Participants ... 27

5 METHODS ... 29

5.1 Assessments ... 29

5.1.1 Dentofacial and pharyngeal morphology ... 29

5.1.2 Sleep ... 29

5.1.3 Body composition and fitness ... 30

5.1.4 Photograph ... 30

5.1.5 Well-being measurements ... 32

5.1.6 Physical activity and inactivity ... 32

5.1.7 Dietary assessments ... 32

5.1.8 Socioeconomic background and characteristics of the parents ... 33

5.2 Reliability of the measures ... 33

5.3 Statistical methods ... 33

6 RESULTS ... 35

6.1 Basic characteristics ... 35


and 9-11- years (Study I, IV) ... 39

6.3 Predictors of sleep disordered breathing in children (Study IV) ... 41

6.4 Recognizing convexity and vertical proportions of the lateral facial profile (Study II)... 43

6.5 Correlates of psychological well-being among girls and boys 6-8 years of age – the role of sleep disordered breathing (Study III) ... 44


7.1 Dentofacial and pharyngeal morphology with and risk for sleep disordered breathing ... 51

7.2 Prediction of SDB ... 52

7.3 The psychological consequences of SDB ... 54

7.4 Strengths and limitations... 55






ADHD Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder AHI Apnea/hypopnea index

ATE Adenotonsillectomy

ATH Adenotonsillar hypertrophy BMI Body mass index

BMI-SDS Body mass index standard deviation score CI Confidence interval

CP Cerebral palsy CRP C - reactive protein

DASH Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension DXA Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry EEG Electro-encephalography

EMG Electro-myography EOG Electro-oculography G´ Soft tissue Glabella h/day Hours/day

HILMO Care register for health care (hoitoilmoitusjärjestelmä) HS Habitual snoring

ICC Intra-class correlation coefficient IgA, G, M Immunoglobulin A, G, M IOTF International Obesity Task Force

kg Kilogram

m Meter

Me` Soft tissue Menton MetS Metabolic syndrome min/day Minutes/day

mmHg Mercury millimeter


N Non-REM sleep Na` Soft tissue Nasion NHP Natural head position OR Odds ratio

OSA Obstructive sleep apnea

p Probability of rejecting the null hypothesis PANIC Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children PCO2 Carbon dioxide pressure

Pg` Soft tissue Pogonion PS Primary snoring PSG Polysomnography PSWB Psychological well-being R, REM Rapid eye movement

RDI Respiration disturbance index

S Stage

SD Standard deviation

SDB Sleep disordered breathing

Sn Subnasale

SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences UARS Upper airway resistance syndrome w/kg Watt/kilogram


Sleep disordered breathing (SDB) is one of the most common sleep disturbances among children; it represents a spectrum of symptoms from simple habitual snoring (HS) to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The prevalence of OSA among pediatric population has been reported to range between 0.1 and 13% and that of snoring between 2 and 34%. The most common risk factor for pediatric SDB is adenotonsillar hypertrophy (ATH) (Arens et al. 2003, Dayyat et al. 2007). Excess body adiposity is a well-recognized risk factor for SDB in adults (Leinum et al. 2009), but it has also been suggested to be a significant risk factor for pediatric SDB (Marcus et al. 1996, Ng et al. 2004, Verhulst et al. 2008). Further, children with deviant craniofacial morphology, such as a retrusive and vertically growing mandible, narrow maxilla, distal molar occlusion and lateral cross bite are at risk for developing SDB (Löfstrand-Tideström et al. 1999, Flores-Mir et al. 2013).

The early detection of SDB in children must be highlighted, because there is a growing body of evidence which associates the disadvantageous health consequences of SDB with other health problems, such as day-time hyperactivity, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) type manifestations and other behavioural and cognitional difficulties, night-time enuresis, systemic low-grade inflammation, metabolic disturbances and altered somatic growth and development (Gozal 2001, Marcus et al. 2012).

It would be beneficial if children with SDB – the whole spectrum of it – could be recognized early in childhood so that they could be candidates for early intervention and treatment to prevent the progression of SDB later on. The objective of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the risk factors and consequences of pediatric SDB in a population sample of Finnish children.


2 Review of the literature

2.1 NORMAL SLEEP OF THE CHILDREN 2.1.1 The functions of sleeping

Sleep is defined as a physiological and behavioral state characterized by partial isolation from the environment. It is a period of reduced activity and associated with a typical posture, such as lying down with eyes closed in humans. Sleep results in a decreased responsiveness to external stimuli and is a state that is relatively easy to reverse, which distinguishes sleep from other states of reduced consciousness, such as hibernation and coma (Siegel 2011). Today it is generally accepted that sleep associates with mental and physical health issues – in both adults and children. The functions of sleeping are multifold: fatigue reversal, biochemical refreshment, immune function, memory improvement and psychological well-being (Lavigne et al. 2009). Altogether, sleep is an essential part of our lives and a critical determinant of health. For children, maturational changes contribute to the unique features of childhood sleep.

2.1.2 Quantity of sleep

A caregiver´s 24-hour cycle concerning the sleep-wake system is a target for newborn children. They consolidate their sleep/wake patterns during the first months of life, at the same time learning to sleep through the night. A study of Henderson shows, that at the age of 5 months more than half of infants are sleeping simultaneously with their parents (Henderson et al. 2010). The period of sleep children need daily decreases by age – 12–16 hours when they are four to twelve months old, 11–14 hours when they are one to two years old, 10–13 hours when they are three to five years old, and 9–12 hours at the age of 6-12 years.

Compared with adults, teenagers still require more sleep – approximately 8–10 hours (Paruthi et al. 2016). Elderly people tend to go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, and their sleep is often light and fragmented (Floyd et al. 2000). Their night time sleep is usually shorter, and they usually need to take naps in the daytime (Foley et al. 2007). From birth to death, the total amount of sleep required daily declines steadily (Figure 1).


Figure 1. Change of sleep and activity patterns in the course life

It is characteristic of the modern 24/7 society that it may be challenging for both adults and children to get enough rest and sleep. In fact, an inadequate amount of sleep seems to be a consequence of the modern life-style, associated with the technology of our time (Jenni and O'Connor 2005). A brief history of sleep recommendations for children concludes, that children never get enough sleep according to current recommendations (Matricciani et al.

2012). However, it is universally acknowledged that there is a lack of scientific evidence for sleep recommendations for children. In general, the recommended amount of sleep for infants and toddlers is 12–15 hours, for school-aged children 10–11 hours and for teens 8–9.5 hours (Matricciani et al. 2013).

2.1.3 Cycles of sleep

A typical daily cycle for humans is approximately 16 hours of wakefulness and activity and 8 hours of sleep and resting, in parallel with the rhythm by which society functions. The propensity to fall asleep depends on the duration of the preceding wakefulness episode.

When the duration of being awake increases, sleep pressure accumulates and reaches a critical point, when sleep onset is reached. The process is called the homeostatic process and runs parallel with the daily 24-hour rhythm (Borbèly 2009). Twice a day (4 PM and 4 AM) there is a strong sleep pressure, and at certain point after sleep deprivation the pressure is so powerful that an individual will fall asleep regardless of any strategy to fight against sleeping (Lavigne et al. 2009). Light helps humans to control their sleep-wake cycle by sending a retinal signal to the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus, which is a network of brain cells and genetic control acting as a pacemaker to the circadian timing system and promoting a sleep-wake rhythm in adaptation to the environment (Moore 2013).

Within the 24-hour sleep-wake system there is a separate system that governs sleep onset and maintenance, known as the ultradian rhythm, by which sleep can be divided into four recurrent periods. One period consists of non-rapid eye movement (non-REM, N) sleep and rapid eye movement (REM, R) sleep (Iber et al. 2007), which are characterized by typical electro-myographic (EMG), electro-oculographic (EOG) and electro-encephalographic (EEG) features.

Onset of sleep is usually through N sleep. N1 (stage 1, S1) is a transitional stage between wakefulness and sleep. It is the lightest sleep, which can easily be discontinued, and in which the arousal threshold is at its lowest. EMG shows a gradual diminution of muscle tonus and EOG slow, possibly asynchronous eye movements. Typical EEG patterns show rhythmic


alpha waves changing into a relatively low-voltage asynchronous slow activity pattern. In adults N1 lasts few minutes in one period and constitutes approximately 2-5% of total sleep.

N2 (S2) still can be described as light sleep. EMG patterns show further decline in muscle activity. Heart rate and reactions to stimuli from the outside diminish. EEG is characterized by the development of high-voltage waves with K-complex and sleep spindles. N2 lasts 15–

30 min/period in adults and may constitute half of the total sleep time.

N3 (S3 and S4) sleep is the deepest sleep, the one in which EEG slow delta waves dominate and neuronal activity is at its lowest. The temperature of the brain is also at a minimum and the activation of ventilation and the cardiorespiratory system reduces. N3 constitutes 15-20%

of total sleep time, lasting 30-40 minutes/period in adults.

R sleep is characterized by intermixed low-voltage cerebral activity, showing sawtooth waves and typically no K-complex. EMG shows substantially reduced muscle tone, even atonia. Hallmarks of R sleep are phasic eye movements, which can be registered by EOG. In general, R sleep can be characterized as an activated brain in a paralyzed body. 20-25%

(approximately 30 min/period) of total sleep time is R sleep.

Age modifies the pattern of sleep stages. The length of one cycle of an adult is 90-100 minutes on average and that of the newborn only 50-60 min. Typically, the proportion of R sleep decreases by age. A newborn baby has R sleep more than a half of her/his sleeping time, while toddlers have R sleep approximately 20% of total sleep time. N3 is dominating in young children, being approximately 25% of total sleep time (Montgomery-Downs et al.

2006). (Culebras 2002, Carskadon and Dement 2011) 2.1.4 Respiratory patterns of sleep

Respiratory patterns of sleep go through multiple maturational changes from infancy to adulthood. A visible sign of change is a decrease of the breathing frequency during sleep: a newborn baby breaths approximately 40 times per minute, an infant 30 times, a preschool child 20 times, a school-aged child and an adolescent 18 times per minute. The rates are not in relation to body weight and boys seem to have higher breathing rates than girls (Ross and Rosen 2014). Furthermore, respiration frequency is decreased during sleep compared with daytime activity and varies in parallel to sleep states. In N sleep minute ventilation decreases and upper airway resistance increases. During R sleep respiration is irregular in terms of both frequency and volume (Ross and Rosen 2014).

Short central respiratory pauses are a common finding in healthy children during R sleep.

The frequency of the central pauses expressed with apnea episodes per hour of total sleep time decrease from 2.4 in 1-year-old children to 0.5 in 12-year-olds (Scholle et al. 2011). In general, overnight polysomnographic (PSG) records of healthy children undergo developmental changes during childhood, most of the differences occurring when children are approximately 5-6 years old. For example, average obstructive apnea index shows slight increase and in line with the study of Scholle, central apnea index shows slight decrease.

Further, the older children sleep a greater amount of sleep time in supine position (Montgomery-Downs et al. 2006).

Generally, the respiratory process is conducted by metabolic and physiologic factors.

Carotic and aortic chemoreceptors sense the arterial concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide being responsible for most ventilator responses to variations in concentrations. It is noteworthy, that in newborns peripheral chemoreceptors adopt a greater role in controlling the ventilation process compared with adults. During development peripheral


and Rosen 2014).


Fat boy Joe, a comically drawn figure in a book by Charles Dickens published in 1837, was a chubby, rubicund, perpetually hungry servant boy, who fell asleep snoring loudly in the middle of his tasks at any time of the day. This was the first time the obvious obesity- hypoventilation syndrome and perhaps also sleep apnea were described in the literature.

Later on, the association between obesity and sleeping problems has come to be a target of interest, and in the medical literature the condition was described as obesity-hypoventilation syndrome in 1955 (Auchinloss et al. 1955) and as Pickwickian syndrome in 1956 (Bickelmann et al. 1956). Since the 1980`s, medical research and knowledge of the associations of sleep, breathing and obesity and also other risk factors have increased enormously among health professionals as well as among the general public.

2.2.2 Definition and classification

SDB is a continuum of medical disorders that encompasses the conditions snoring (primary and habitual), upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS) and OSA (Figure 2). The mildest symptom and often a hallmark of OSA is snoring. There is no generally accepted, unambiguous definition for snoring. In American English the condition is defined as “to breathe during sleep with harsh, snorting noises caused by vibration of the soft palate”

(American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language 2016). In practice, the human conception of the typical sound is the golden standard. It is generated at the level of the upper airway, the typical features being a noisy sound when the soft palate vibrates and restricts the passage of air to and from the lungs. Primary snoring (PS) means snoring without any pathologies, e.g. daytime sleepiness, sleep disturbances, apnea, hypoventilation, hypoxemia and hypercarbia (Ng et al. 2006). Habitual snoring (HS) refers to snoring more than three nights per week (Li et al. 2015).

UARS is characterized by inspiratory flow limitation, increased upper airway resistance and frequent cortical arousals, but without apneas, hypopneas or desaturation (Guilleminault et al. 1993). In the literature there are some considerations for UARS to be a distinct entity separately to OSA, because there are some differences in the clinical presentation (Stoohs et al. 2008). Further, the progression from UARS to OSA is questionable, and there is no scientific evidence to demonstrate the evolution of this condition. However, currently the International Classification of Sleep Disorders does not define UARS as a specific entity; it is described as a subgroup of OSA (Iber et al. 2007).

OSA, which is the most serious symptom of the condition, is defined as a disorder of breathing during sleep characterized by prolonged partial upper airway obstruction, intermittent complete or partial obstruction (obstructive apnea or hypopnea) or both and prolonged and intermittent obstruction that disrupts normal ventilation during sleep (American Academy of Sleep Medicine 2014). In adult OSA patients these events occur throughout the sleep. In children, obstructive apneas occur mostly during R sleep (Goh et al.


2000). The severity of OSA is assessed by the number of apneas and hypopneas per slept hour and expressed by the apnea/hypopnea-index (AHI). OSA is a chronic progressive disease, the progress of the condition mainly depending on weight gain and, to a lesser degree, time (Berger et al. 2009).

Sleep apnea can also be generated at the level of the central nervous system (central sleep apnea), neurophysiologically being due to a temporary failure in the pontomedullary pacemaker that generates the breathing rhythm. Central apneas (in addition to obstructive apneas) usually associate with different syndromes (e.g. Prader Willi and Down syndrome) and further, central apneas can be seen with congestive heart failure or chronic opioid use (Javaheri and Dempsey 2013). The present dissertation focuses on the obstructive manifestation of the condition.

Figure 2. The spectrum of SDB from primary snoring to severe sleep apnea

2.2.3 Epidemiology – prevalence of OSA in adults

Generally, the most recent estimates of the prevalence of OSA vary between 15–20% among the adult population (Peromaa-Haavisto et al. 2015). The prevalence of the condition is increased in the presence of a certain risk factor; i.e., obesity, increasing age, male gender, family history, craniofacial disorders, tobacco smoking and alcohol consumption. According to Finnish population studies and the register of hospital treatment periods (HILMO) of the Finnish National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (Stakes), approximately 150,000 Finnish adult patients suffered from OSA more than ten years ago (Laitinen et al. 2003), the prevalence being 2.8%. In parallel with the global obesity epidemic, the prevalence of OSA has increased. Furthermore, the condition is still roughly underdiagnosed. Globally, the estimates for the prevalence of OSA vary surprisingly little, suggesting that the prevalence is equal in Western societies and developing countries (Kapur 2010).



In children, the most severe manifestation of SDB, obstructive sleep apnea, was first described by Guilleminault in 1976 (Guilleminault et al. 1976). In their work they reported the cases of eight children, 5 to 14 years, who suffered from excessive daytime sleepiness, decrease in school performance, abnormal daytime behavior, nocturnal enuresis, morning headache, abnormal weight and progressive development of hypertension. The symptoms were associated with loud snoring and breathing pauses while sleeping and the condition was diagnosed by nocturnal polygraphic monitoring. Since then, the diagnostics and criteria for pediatric SDB have been under refining. Especially in children, SDB is believed to be unrecognized and underdiagnosed (Alkhalil and Lockey 2011), thus obviously, the diagnostics of pediatric SDB is still a matter of discussion.

2.3.1 Prevalence

Sleep disturbances are currently a public health concern throughout the world. They influence millions of people and their prevalence is increasing both in adults and in children.

The frequencies of pediatric SDB and its different manifestations are outlined in Table 1. The large variation in the prevalencies of SDB and its different manifestations is somewhat confusing. It seems that the condition is difficult to assess because of the disparity of the definition and diagnostic methods.

Snoring, which can be defined as the mildest form of SDB or on the other hand the hallmark of SDB, is very common. Almost every child snores when suffering from an upper airway infection or allergic rhinitis. On the other hand some children snore every night – without any co-existing medical condition. The prevalence of childhood snoring has been reported to be between 2 and 34%, varying by definition. For comparison, the study using the definition of “snoring sometimes or often” the prevalence is 29.0% (Sanchez-Armengol et al.

2001) while definition “snoring loudly frequently or almost always” shows the prevalence 10.5% (Goodwin et al. 2003). According to a meta-analysis the global prevalence of snoring in children as observed by the parents by any definition is 7.45% (Lumeng and Chervin 2008).

The meta-analysis of population based studies shows that the prevalence of parental- reported apnea in the children usually varies between 0.2 and 4.0%. The same study reports a wide variation of prevalence of OSA diagnosed with polysomnography, the ranges being from 0.1 to 13.0%, even though most studies agree on ranges from 1 to 4%. The prevalence of UARS is seldom reported in the literature (Lumeng and Chervin 2008).

The prevalence of the whole entity, – SDB, encompassing all the above-mentioned symptoms and reported by the parents, has mostly been estimated to vary between the ranges 4 and 11% (Lumeng and Chervin 2008, Bixler et al. 2009). The condition is suggested to be most common among pre-school children, at which age the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx is large in relation to the pharyngeal airway (Linder-Aronson and Leighton 1983).

Some studies suggest that in that group, SDB affects up to one third of the children (Castronovo et al. 2003, Bonuck et al. 2011).

Generally, sleep disorders are suggested to be more prevalent in boys (Paavonen et al.

2000) and like in adults, boys to have more SDB compared with girls (Gill et al. 2012). There are also studies to show no gender difference in the prevalence of SDB (Goodwin et al. 2003,


Liukkonen et al. 2008). It must be highlighted, that the epidemiologic data on this issue is controversial because of variations in definition and diagnostics, sampling methods, racial aspects and also the effect of age. More effort is definitely needed to harmonize the issue in terms of diagnostic criteria and epidemiology.


Table 1. The reported prevalences of children with symptoms of SDB according to location, age, severity and diagnostics Author(s)LocationnAge (yrs)Snoring %SDB %UARS PSG %OSA PSG % Anuntaseree et al. (2001)Thailand11426-138.5habitual snoringa0.69AHI1 Sanchez-Armengol et al. (2001)Spain10112-1629.0sometimes or often3d Kara et al. (2002)Turkey12116-132.4 habitual snoringb Castronovo et al. (2003)Italy6042-834.5 always and often 12.0 pathologic snoring/PSGc13ODI5 Goodwin et al. (2003)USA14944-1110.5 loudly frequently or almost always Rosen et al. (2003)USA8508-112.2/PSGi Chng et al. (2004)Singapore102794-728.1 snoringd 6.0 habitual snoringe Gottlieb et al. (2004)USA205512.13 nights/week29.8 /PSGj 24.2parent-reportedj Zhang et al. (2004)Australia9964-1224.9 habitualf and infrequent snoringg 15.2 habitual snoring Jonhson & Roth (2006)USA101413-166.0 every or nearly every night6.0weekly, parent- reportedk Liukkonen et al. (2008)Finland10711-618.7 2nights/week Table 1. Continues


Table 1. Continues Urschitz et al. (2010)Germany11447-121.9AHI1 Brockmann et al. (2012)Germany11147-126.1 primary snoring/PSGh 1n1AHI1 Fadzil Abdullah et al. (2012)Malaysia5056-10 14.9 parent-reportedd Alabi et al. (2012)Nigeria9093-1634.2 often or always Sauer et al. 2012Germany43185.53.3 parent-reportedd 0.21AHI1 Vaher et al. (2013)Estonia7068-916.5 parent-reportedl Anuntaseree et al. (2014)Thailand983 5 8.5 13 snoring most nights 10.9 snoring most nights Gudnadottir et al. (2016)Sweden731 total

181 161 0-11 6-8 9-11

4.8 parent-reportedm 6.1 parent reportedm 3.7 parent-reportedm Gupta et al. (2016)India8319urban 10.2d rural 13.5d asnoring on most nights bsnoring every night csnoring present more than 30% of the total sleep time dnot defined e snoring frequently or constantly (i.e. >3 nights per week) fsnoring > 4 times per week ginfrequent snoring < 4 times per week hsnoring, AHI<1, RDI<1 and ODI<4 iAHI5 and parent-reported snoring and falling asleep watching television or in school jfrequent snoring, loud or noisy breathing during sleep or witnessed apnea k loud snoring, gasping/choking, snorting, awakening with gasping or choking or momentary periods of stopped or abnormal breathing l heavy or loud breathing, snoring, disruption of breathing during sleep m frequent snoring, apnea or choking during sleep n AHI<1 and RDI1


2.3.2 Symptoms

Children with SDB have diverse symptoms that differ from those in adult population.

Especially in children there is much individual variation in the symptoms which makes it difficult to make a diagnosis based on the symptoms.

While awake, children with SDB are often mouth breathers (Ali et al. 1993, Kawashima et al. 1999, Xu et al. 2006). Furthermore, hyponasal speech, nasal congestion, swallowing difficulties, poor appetite and prolonged duration of meals (Ahlqvist-Rastad et al. 1988, Kawasihima et al. 1999, Sakellaropoulou et al. 2012) are reported to be the symptoms of childhood SDB. Also morning headache and daytime naps are typical to the children with SDB (Xu et al. 2006, Zarowski et al. 2007).

The most common and recognized symptom of childhood SDB while asleep is snoring (Lumeng and Chervin 2008). Nocturnal oral breathing is also typical symptom of SDB (Bonuck et al. 2011). The children with more serious manifestations of SDB have breathing pauses observed by the caregivers (Bonuck et al. 2011). Restless sleep and body movements with odd sleeping positions, nightmares, excessive vocalization and sweating are typical night-time symptoms (Ersu et al. 2004). Furthermore, some studies suggest nocturnal enuresis to associate with childhood SDB (Ersu et al. 2004, Alexopoulos et al. 2014). There may also be difficulties in breathing with an inward movement of the upper chest during inspiration (Wang et al. 1998). The downward motion of the diaphragm causes the abdomen to move outward when negative intrathoracic pressure manifests as paradox inward movement of the rib cage (Bower and Gungor 2000). This confusing motion of the chest often frightens parents and leads them to consult a doctor.

It is suggested that the main symptoms in children might change with age (Sinha and Guilleminault 2010). Infants, among whom the prevalence of snoring is 9%, (Piteo et al. 2011) are described as having “noisy breathing” and poor suck. Toddlers snore loudly and sleep restlessly, moving around the bed. With pre-school children enuresis and problems with waking up may become an issue. In children of school-age, diversity of the symptoms increases. Long-term sequelae of the condition are apparent in this age group, and behavioral and cognitional consequences start to appear. In adolescence, psychological problems, such as depression become more apparent (Sinha and Guilleminault 2010).

Furthermore, studies show that there is an association between childhood SDB and sleep bruxism (Kawashima et al. 1999, Ohayon et al. 2001). Interestingly, high and moderate exposure to second-hand smoke (which is also shown to be a risk factor for childhood SDB) is associated with sleep bruxism in children (Montaldo et al. 2012, Jara et al. 2015).

2.3.3 Risk factors

Lymphoid tissue of the pharynx

Pharyngeal lymphoid tissue consists of adenoid (pharyngeal tonsil), tonsils (palatine tonsils) and lingual tonsils and together they form an entity called Waldeyer´s ring. The major function of this tissue is to participate in the generation of antigen-specific immune responses with formation of immunoglobulin (IgA, IgG and IgM) -producing plasma-cells. This active immunologic cascade leads to physiologic proliferation of the lymphoid tissue in childhood (Gross and Harrison 2000). Adenotonsillar hypertrophy (ATH) is the most common risk factor for pediatric SDB (Arens et al. 2003, Dayyat et al. 2007). The volume of the adenoid and


tonsils increases from birth up to the age of twelve years, the peak of the proportional size related to the skeletal structures occuring around 5-6 years of age (Dayyat et al. 2007). During the first eight years of life, pharyngeal lymphoid tissue is likely to be exposed to stimuli that promote cellular proliferation (Papaioannou et al. 2013). For this reason, childhood SDB is most common during pre-school and early school years (Corbo et al. 2001). Even though nasal resistance decreases from 9 to 13 years of age, there is a transient prepubertal increase in the resistance, a phenomenon suggested to result from hormonal changes (Crouse et al.


Many environmental and medical factors may irritate and cause proliferation of the lymphoid tissue, e.g. passive smoking (Zhu et al. 2013), seasonal variability (Walter et al.

2013), atopy and allergic rhinitis (Ishman et al. 2012) and asthma (Malakasioti et al. 2011). In addition, infection by respiratory syncytial virus, sinus problems and recurrent upper airway infections may predispose children to ATH (Redline et al. 1999, Goldbart et al. 2007, Tsaoussoglou et al. 2014).

Lingual tonsil hypertrophy may be found in SDB children in with and without medical conditions such as obesity and several craniofacial anomalies. Obesity and 21-trisomy have been shown to be risk factors for adenotonsillectomy (ATE) failure, the reason being undiagnosed lingual tonsil hypertrophy as a possible reason for failure (Kuo and Parikh 2014).

Craniofacial morphology

According to recent studies, dental malocclusion and craniofacial characteristics of children with SDB seems to differ from those of children without it. A Swedish study examined a cohort of 4-year-old children. Children with SDB had smaller cranial base angle and lower ratio of posterior/anterior total face height. They also had a narrow maxilla, a deep palatal height, a short lower dental arch and more lateral cross bite than the controls. The treatment of obstruction (ATE) seemed to diminish the mandibular inclination but the tendency for a narrower maxilla persisted (Löfstrand-Tideström et al. 1999, Löfstrand-Tideström and Hultcrantz 2007, Hultcrantz and Löfstrand-Tideström 2009, Löfstrand-Tideström and Hultcrantz 2010). An Italian study with untreated 4.5-year-old children with apneas showed characteristics of skeletal Class II sagittal relation with retrognathic mandible and increased skeletal discrepancy (Marino et al. 2009). A study in Finnish children with SDB showed deviations in the dental occlusion compared with non-SDB children, the typical characteristics being increased overjet, a reduced overbite and narrow upper and short lower dental arches (Pirilä-Parkkinen et al. 2009). Cephalometrically, the same children had a retrusive and vertically growing mandible, long and thick soft palate, low positioned hyoid bone, large craniocervical angle, narrow airway diameter at the level of naso- and oropharynx and large diameter at the tongue level compared with children without SDB (Pirilä-Parkkinen et al. 2010). In summary, a recent systematic review and meta-analysis by Flores-Mir and colleagues suggested retrusive chin, steep mandibular plane, vertical direction of growth and a tendency toward Class II malocclusion to be the typical characteristics of SDB children (Flores-Mir et al. 2013). Altogether, these features may cause an abnormal breathing pattern, and lead to further alterations to the oral and facial muscular balance. It is likely that skeletal and occlusal development in children is further affected by this association, possibly resulting in risk of SDB (Peltomäki 2007).


Children with many developmental craniofacial anomalies are at increased risk for SDB (Moraleda-Cibrian et al. 2014). Structural and functional changes present in the upper airway of infants with cleft lip and/or palate confer an increased risk of SDB (Smith et al. 2014). In older children with cleft lip and/or palate dysfunction of the palatal structures controlling the soft tissue and morphological abnormalities of the maxilla and mandible producing a small nasopharyngeal lumen result in high risk for SDB. The risk is compounded by surgical operations to correct the structural anomalies which further decrease the airway dimensions (MacLean et al. 2009).

In children with trisomy 21 the risks for SDB are associating generalized hypotonia and pharyngeal collapsibility, independent of age, gender, and body mass index (BMI) (Fung et al. 2012) and macroglossia. The high prevalence of SDB in children with Beckwith Wiedermann syndrome is multifactorial and not solely the result of a large tongue (Follmar et al. 2014). Young patients with achondroplasia may suffer from obstructed airways (Reid et al. 1987). Furthermore, syndromes associated with midface hypoplasia (Treacher Collins, Crouzon, Apert and Pfeiffer syndrome) and mandibular micrognathia (Pierre Robin and Marfan syndrome) predisposes to SDB (Spier et al. 1986, Hoeve et al. 2003, Sinha and Guilleminault 2010).

Other risk factors

Multiple medical conditions may increase the risk for SDB. Children with asthma have twice as much SDB than those without it. The association between asthma and SDB seems to be evident from a physiological context, an inflammatory pathway of the airway being the link between the conditions (Brockmann et al. 2014). Often the obstruction to the upper airway exists at the level of the nose. Common causes of nasal obstruction include allergic rhinitis, septal deviation, chronic sinusitis and nasopharyngeal stenosis; all raising the risk for SDB (Li and Lee 2009). Infants and toddlers with gastroesophageal reflux may have an increased risk for SDB (Koivusalo et al. 2011). In neuromuscular diseases, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy and congenital myopathy, inspiratory muscle weakness may lead to alveolar hypoventilation and reduced pulmonary gas exchange and further, to SDB (Anderson et al.

2012). Children with cerebral palsy (CP) have a more than three-fold higher risk of SDB compared with normally developing children. Interestingly, sleep problems among children with CP include insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness more often compared to normally developing children (Sandella et al. 2011). Laryngomalacia in young children also raises the risk for SDB (Li and Lee 2009). Furthermore, history of prematurity (Manuel et al.

2013) associates with the SDB.

The recent systemic review showed a significant association between childhood SDB and secondhand smoke (i.e. parental smoking) and recommended smoking cessation to caregivers (Jara et al. 2015). Furthermore, a parental history of SDB raises the risk for the condition. This familial clustering suggests that genetic factors may constitute a risk factor for OSA and SDB (Friberg et al. 2009).



It is disquieting that overweight and obesity are becoming more common in children and adolescents in many developed countries (Kipping et al. 2008). In Finland, 10% of children and 26% of adolescents are overweight (Vuorela et al. 2009). Furthermore, the same researcher group showed that in the last decades the prevalence of overweight and obesity has even increased among adolescents, especially in boys (Vuorela et al. 2011). Excess body adiposity is a well-recognized risk factor for SDB in adults (Leinum et al. 2009), but it has also been suggested to be an important risk factor for pediatric SDB (Marcus et al. 1996, Ng et al.

2004, Verhulst et al. 2008). The mechanism by which obesity predisposes to SDB may be the mass loading of the upper airway and respiratory muscles causing modification to morphology and function, reduction of chest compliance, changes in respiratory drive and impairment of functional residual capacity, all increasing the risk of upper airway obstruction (Kohler and van den Heuvel 2008). Age and ethnicity modify the impact of obesity on SDB. In older children there are more associations between body adiposity and SDB compared with younger ones, and in terms of ethnicity, the same association appears to be more prevalent among African American and Asian children (Kohler and van den Heuvel 2008). A large neck circumference of the children is also associated with SDB (Redline et al.


It is suggested that two types of SDB exist, one associated with ATH among normal weighted children and the other associating primarily with obesity without ATH (Dayyat et al. 2007). Interestingly, it has recently been demonstrated that deviations in craniofacial morphology are much more common in normal weight than overweight adult patients with OSA, implying that there may be two different phenotypes of adult SDB; one related to excess adipose tissue and the other to craniofacial abnormalities (Pahkala et al. 2011).

2.3.4 Pathophysiology

The upper airway is a complex structure that is usually divided into four anatomical subsegments: nasopharynx (between the nares and hard palate), velopharynx (between the hard palate and soft palate), oropharynx (from the soft palate to the epiglottis) and hypopharynx (from the base of the tongue to the larynx) (Ayappa and Rapoport 2003). This structure is surrounded by more than 20 muscles that actively modify the airway lumen (Fouke et al. 1986). There is also lymphoid tissue, i.e., adenoid, tonsils and lingual tonsils.

The main bony structures that determine the area of the airway lumen are the hyoid bone and the mandible. The transition from wake to sleep relaxes the muscles of the upper airway, resulting in collapsibility of the airway structures and an increased resistance to airflow. In healthy subjects this increase may be 3-5 mmHg in PCO2 (Horner 2008a).

Upper airway obstruction takes place during inspiration in parallel with an increase of the pressure surrounding the structures, and there are three elements that contribute to this:

morphological narrowing, abnormal neuromuscular control and inflammation (Sinha and Guilleminault 2010). The airway is narrowest at the level of the oropharynx behind the soft palate. When the upper airways are morphologically narrow, the relaxation during sleep of pharyngeal muscle tonus may predispose to clinically significant diminutions in inspiratory airflow and limitation of it (snoring and hypopneas) and even pause of airflow because of total airway closure (obstructive apneas). A major contributor to this cascade is posterior movement of the tongue (Horner 2008a).

The neuromuscular control cascades responsible for the tonic sleep-state-dependent inputs



The tool is mainly based on scanning  the targets and is not able to actively  monitor the logs. It could be possible 

Peterson, Menopausal status and sleep- disordered breathing in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 167, 1181–1185 2003....

Differences in the duration of individual respiratory events, total apnea and hypopnea times, and the percentage of disturbed breathing from total sleep time (AHT%) were

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Myös sekä metsätähde- että ruokohelpipohjaisen F-T-dieselin tuotanto ja hyödyntä- minen on ilmastolle edullisempaa kuin fossiilisen dieselin hyödyntäminen.. Pitkän aikavä-

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Differences in the duration of individual respiratory events, total apnea and hypopnea times, and the percentage of disturbed breathing from total sleep time (AHT%) were