• Ei tuloksia

Validity, Reliability & Suggestions for Future Research

To summarize the research findings, it has been noted that fulfilling the basic requirements of procurement, such as focusing on core actions, managing strategically, sharing information and using digital tools, as presented in chapter 2.2, is simply not enough in order to success in rapidly changing competitive environment. The novelty of this thesis is based on findings that strongly encourages to increase amount of value creation in terms of integrating supply chains from end customer to supplier, enhancing relationships' attraction from supplier perspective and thus add collaboration. Attempts to high-quality exchange of data, information and knowledge in terms of collaborative relationship management and thus joint value adding ac-tivities will, according to the theoretical and empirical research findings, lead towards efficient and profitable relationships between buying and supplying firms.

In addition to the sample size, also the data collection method used is a reliable procedure since all the techniques used were somewhat similar to one another. Interviews and the data collected was analyzed in a same way. Data was analyzed in a matter that did not modify the gained insights. Raw data was handled in a transparent way by transcribing the interviews and by an-alyzing the interviews in detail during the study. The data collection methods, data collection itself and analysis phase was also described in detail in beginning of empirical part of this study, which increases transparency of the research and thus contributes to the reliability of the re-search.

However, it needs to be noted that the empirical part of the study only focused in a single company in a certain industry, and thus the findings could vary between companies and indus-tries. Emphasis was to examine indirect procurement actions: direct procurement is not being assessed in this research. Although, both empirical findings and academic journals indicated similar findings and thus the belief is that the results would remain quite similar even though other departments' or companies' representatives would be interviewed. Another challenge of this research is that the researcher is herself working as a project manager o supplier manage-ment implemanage-mentation and thus, observations are subjective to some extent.

An interesting viewpoint for future research could be to study suppliers’ point of view in the supplier management processes in order to map their preferred communication platforms and forums and opinions of perceivable benefits of the actions. It would be also important to inves-tigate, how much the suppliers activity in the collaboration meetings possible benefits for the buyer company and how the activity can be increased. Another practical suggestion for future research is to test the framework in figure 19 and guideline in 29 either in another case company or industry, or alternatively empirically from suppliers' perspective. As last but not least, it would be extremely interesting to longitudinally research, whether the paradigm of supplier management remains the same for 30 years from now. It has been doing so: situation has not been varying a lot since 1983 when Krajlic presented the legendary argument of need for pro-curement to become supply management.


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