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2.6 Gene set enrichment methods

2.6.3 Supervised vs. unsupervised learning methods

The idea between unsupervised and supervised learning methods is fundamentally different.

Whereas unsupervised learning searches for unknown biological relevances, supervised learning aims to predict sample classes.

Unsupervised methods are unbiased and allow identification of complex datasets without any prior assumptions. Supervised learning methods, on the other hand, aim is often to build a classifier or a predictor from training data. In supervised methods, samples are labeled to belong to a class whereas in unsupervised method, the differences are looked into without labeling.

Naturally, distinction between different sample groups, such as treated and untreated, is often of interest, but this is achieved without labeling. Supervised method could be used, for example, to predict if Pgc-1α is over-expressed in the gene set or not. The same way, it could be used to predict whether hypertrophy is physiological or pathological.

As mentioned, supervised methods need prior information about which samples or genes are grouped together. In terms of prediction of hypertrophy, this would mean variety of samples of both states with knowledge of corresponding hypertrophy states. These samples are used as a training set to build a classifier and therefore it is important to have “correct” classification for at least some of the samples. Due to this, the accuracy of supervised learning method depends heavily on the quality of the training set. Once the classifier has been built, it must be tested with independent test set, such as datasets with known physiological and pathological hypertrophy samples to estimate classification error and later to predict classes in other samples67,68. Overview of the method is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Schematic overview of supervised training method. With learning algorithm, training set with “correct” classification is used to build a classifier. Independent test set is used to test the classifier. Once classifier has been trained, it can be used to predict classes in other sets.

Supervised learning methods have applications in variety of bioinformatics fields. For example in genomics they are used in prediction of splice sites along with identification of motifs and protein coding regions.

Other fields of application include proteomics (prediction of function and secondary structure proteins), systems biology (inference of gene networks and metabolic pathways), microarrays (pre-processing, analysis), evolution studies (phylogenetic trees construction) and primer design69.

The typical problem in supervised classification is overfitting of the data. This occurs when the model is too complex and has, for example, too many parameters compared to the sample size.

In this case the model fits the training data, from which it has been developed, well. It is, however, unable to fit to the test set, resulting in poor predictive power. This problem is

common in gene expression data which traditionally suffers from small sample sizes relative to number of genes. With too many parameters, the model ends up trying to find gene expression levels instead of wanted patterns. This problem can be avoided with dimensionality reduction and cross-validation with test set67,70.

Whereas unsupervised methods are good starting point of the analysis, supervised methods aim to answer more specific questions (“Are there enriched pathways in my hypertrophy dataset?”

vs. “Is the state of hypertrophy in this sample physiological or pathological?”). Generating the classifier also is more demanding and time-consuming than basic gene set enrichment analysis, but on the other hand, it is capable of answering to specific question of interest. Naturally, generation of a working classifier also requires more data than unsupervised gene set enrichment. In the end, both supervised and unsupervised methods have their pros and cons, and in order to achieve meaningful results, the choice of the method should always be based on the research question and hypothesis.


There are three main questions this thesis aims to answer to:

1) Is the effect of Pgc-1α overexpression on gene expression the same in cardiomyocytes and skeletal muscle?

2) Does Pgc-1α overexpression resemble more physiological than pathological hypertrophy based on gene set enrichment analysis?

3) Could Pgc-1α overexpression be used in treating cardiac hypertrophy?

3.1) What is the effect on key pathways that are regulated in disease?

3.2) Are there side effect causing pathways?

The first aim arises from previous studies. It has been indicated that overexpression of Pgc-1α has similar effect in both heart and skeletal muscle12,71. Moreover, it has been indicated that the targets of Pgc-1α are the same in both tissues5,7,11. According to our hypothesis, this is not the case.

The second and third aim, latter of which is the core of this thesis, are heavily linked together.

Should Pgc-1α overexpression resemble pathological rather than physiological hypertrophy and therefore drive for pathological state of cardiomyocyte, it would be dangerous and potentially lethal for the organism. In this case, Pgc-1α overexpression should not be used in treating cardiac hypertrophy. Our hypothesis is that the state caused by Pgc-1α overexpression resembles more physiological than pathological hypertrophy and in that sense, it could be used as a potential treatment.

Upon analyzing the pathways affected by Pgc-1α overexpression, circadian rhythm arose unexpectedly. This significant effect piqued our interest because, as explained in the literature review, circadian rhythm is essential to health and body functions, so heavy disruption of this system could make Pgc-1α overexpression a poor treatment. Thus more datasets were included and further studies were concluded.