• Ei tuloksia

The problem of water scarcity has a global recognition, due to its severe impacts on the environment, human activities and health. Nowadays, growing water demand triggers the lack of available water resources, resulting in need for modernization of water management strategies. One of the most promising solutions is the water reuse in the field of agriculture. Irrigation with treated wastewater could mitigate water shortage, support agriculture sector and protect groundwater sources. Treatment of municipal wastewater with a membrane bioreactor (MBR) is recognized as a suitable option for production of reclaimed water (RW) with high quality.

The thesis was conducted under the patronage of the Institute for Mediterranean and Subtropical Horticulture "La Mayora" in Malaga, Spain. It is part of the research project RichWater, that is focused on introduction of the MBR treatment method for municipal wastewater reuse in the agricultural irrigation. The main aims of the work are: to determine the composition of treated wastewater (RW) and to evaluate its suitability for irrigation by identifying potential risks on crops, local environment and human health.

Overall, the pilot MBR showed good treatment efficiency of municipal wastewater. The goal to preserving essential nutrient content in the reclaimed water (RW) had resulted to a higher level of their presence in the effluent opposite to recommendations of the international guidelines. The nutrients are reused as fertilizers during the irrigation.

Reclaimed water does not have microbiological contamination for its water type 2.3 (RD 1620/2007). Both fresh (LW) and reclaimed water types for irrigation contained high concentration of magnesium, due to the magnesium-rich rock types in Algarrobo area.

But magnesium should not cause severe direct impacts on environment and human health.

Chloride content in LW and RW was mostly out of the range recommended by the WHO Guidelines, thereby there is a potential toxicity for growth of mango and avocado trees.

Copper is the only heavy metal, that was constantly out of the limit range. Leaching of copper to the groundwater and water basins may be toxic for aquatic organisms, although its toxicity for humans is relatively low. According to a statistical assessment, the performance of the MBR plant might depend on changes in ambient temperature and in precipitation rates. Further investigation could confirm these correlations or identify new rules, based on more extensive data.


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Water quality parameters and their limit values based on the reviewed legislations and guidelines

Table A1.1 Water quality for irrigation (Author, 2018)

Parameters Units Quality type

Table A1.2 Water quality for irrigation: trace elements and heavy metals (Author, 2018) Parameters Units Quality type

2.3* Legislation

VI) Trace Elements

Boron B mg/L 0,5 RD 1620*

Boron B mg/L 3 WHO*

Arsenic As mg/L 0,1 RD 1620

VII) Heavy Metals

Iron Fe mg/L 5 WHO, FAO 29*

Manganese Mn mg/L 0,2 RD 1620, WHO, FAO 29

Lead Pb mg/L 5 WHO, FAO 29

Chromium Cr mg/L 0,1 RD 1620, WHO, FAO 29

Nickel Ni mg/L 0,2 RD 1620, WHO, FAO 29

Cadmium Cd mg/L 0,01 RD 1620, WHO, FAO 29

Zinc Zn mg/L 2 WHO, FAO 29

Copper Cu mg/L 0,2 RD 1620, WHO, FAO 29

Molybdenum Mo mg/L 0,01 RD 1620, WHO, FAO 29


RD 1620 Royal Decree 1620/2007: Spanish legislation about reuse of treated wastewater, Annex II

FAO 29 FAO irrigation and drainage paper 29 (1095): Guidelines focused on water quality for agricultural irrigation

WHO WHO Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater: wastewater use in agriculture, Annex I (2006, volume 2) EU 91/271/EEC Directive: The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive, Annex I


Calculation sheet

Table A2.1 Conversion of units from meq/L to mg/L for threshold values (Author, 2018) Inorganic matter

Factor* Limit values (meq/L) Limit values (mg/L)

Calcium (Ca2+) 20,04 20 20 x 20,04 = 400,8

Table A2.2 Calculation of sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) (Author, 2018)

* Source (Baena, 2008b)

** Data is taken from the week 1 (20/07/2017)

Chemicals mg/L -> meq/L Calculation of SAR* (meq/L)

Ca2+ m (mg/L)/ 20,04