• Ei tuloksia


7.6 Summary of the findings

The research study and interview questions aimed at giving an overview of the current reality of school leadership faced by these principals, working with a passion for social justice, and focus on their training and support needs. Since elaborate, this

final subsection aims to summarize the findings from the study before moving on to the next section Discussion.

The initial section explored the first research question, “How do school principals understand the role and responsibilities of their job?”. Different features of the role of a school principal were explored in the principal’s answers, which were then clubbed into seven different functions. As a leader, the principal is to practice organizational leadership by setting vision and goals and inspire his2 team to take the school to greater heights. As a manager, the principal is responsible for the operations and logistics required to run a school effectively and includes responsibilities like setting the timetable, managing teacher and student attendance, etc. As a teacher, the principal empowers instructional leadership in his teachers and supports strong curriculum and pedagogy within and outside the classrooms. As a supporter, the principal plays the role of a coach, helping the staff members to identify their strengths and areas of development and therefore, ensuring everyone feels empowered to grow into better educators. As a relationship builder, a principal practices collaborative leadership and brings the network and resources together for the benefit of the school.

This also includes sharing the responsibility and building leadership potential in his team. As a reflector, the principal shows equal commitment to his own development and growth and must reflect on his own and school’s strengths, weaknesses and goals.

He must be a role model for his teachers and students by showing the importance of learning and developing. Finally, as an activist, the principal fights for equal opportunities and educational equity for all the students in the school, irrespective of their income, caste, religion, gender or any other demographic.

While playing these varied roles and responsibilities, the school principals face many challenges and opportunities that has been described next to answer the second research question, “What are the challenges faced by school principals and how do they motivate themselves despite these trials?”. The challenges ranged from personal to

2 The pronoun ‘his’ is used in the section to describe the school principal. However, the author doesn’t intend to show preference to any one gender when it comes to strong school leadership.

professional ones. Unawareness and misunderstanding about the role of a school principal, lack of knowledge and skills, lack of confidence as well as feeling lonely at the job were some of the personal challenges shared by the school principals. The principals further brought focus to structural challenges that included questions on whose responsibility is the provision of education in schools, a general lack of access to high quality education, and a more specific lack of funds and resources for schools supporting students from hard backgrounds. They further explored the dearth of high quality teachers and other infrastructural challenges like lack of space, electricity, etc.

The final challenges within the role were closely connected with the selection and training needs of a school principal. The principals mentioned a lack of respect and appreciation in the job, ineffective and repetitive trainings, random selection criteria for the role as well as a lack of individual and clear support plan for a principal in the later years of her career.

The study naturally then focuses on how the principals continue to motivate themselves, despite the tough challenges and lack of a supportive environment. These school principals are seen to possess certain underlying mind sets, which helps motivate them in their daily work. These include personal values like grit, ownership, problem solving attitude, possessing a growth mindset, etc. which helps these principals building justifiable spaces and be a role model for their teachers and students. The principals were also seen to be motivated by their prior experiences of work within schools and classrooms, as well as outside the school boundaries. They were inspired by stories of success heard in their professional network which further motivated them to get better and become informed practitioners. The need to help teachers and students is yet another motivation that encouraged school principals as they were disgruntled with the educational provisions in their schools, wanted to challenge the purpose of education and were against the standardization of schooling.

On a positive front, another motivation of these principals is to help the society and country move forward. These principals want to play a part in nation building, redefine the national workforce, alter the culture and values of the citizens and promote social justice.

With such huge ambitions, the school principals further go on to talk about the opportunities available for and to them in their space. As most of the school principals were supported by the partner NGOs or educational start-ups, the principals talked about a variety of external opportunities like global visits, conferences, communities of practice, etc. These external platforms include the national and state led opportunities as well to visit good schools and receive training on important educational reforms. The principals further mention self-made and opportunities made within the school walls. These include peer learning support groups, online MOOCs, personal reading and learning habits, among others.

The study finally explores what would make the school principals feel more successful in their roles. This section along with complimenting information from previous sections, helped answer the last research question, “What are the training and support needs of school principals and how can they be better supported and developed?”.

The interviewed school principals talk about a variety of needs and ways to reach those needs, ranging from personalised support plans, regular trainings, access to materials and resources, etc. When asked about designing an ideal school leadership training program for Indian school principals, the interviewed participants agreed on some common features while introducing some unique features relevant to their situations. The common features included setting vision and goals for the school with a clear understanding of how the school wanted to achieve these goals. Another common need that came out of the conversations was the need to be trained in team or people management as well as the art of coaching. The principals further wanted to include a module on operations as most of the role of a school principal still is about managing logistics and ensuring the school runs smoothly. Most of the principals also agreed to include a module on parent and stakeholder management, as more and more individuals and groups are getting involved in the working of schools and therefore, managing relationships is becoming a crucial part of the school leadership role. One of the unique features as mentioned by one of the principals was to include a module of self-management, since the school leadership role was unanimously agreed to be lonely and difficult. One of the principals also recommended a module of sociology or social instruction for principals to be aware of the reality of current

societies and be ready to help students get ready for the future to come. She additionally insisted on a six-month internship with a successful school leader for a new principal to get inspired and get the clarity for the role, before having to start his own career as a school principal.

The study therefore grounds the exploration of the training and support needs of these school principals in their current reality as well as their personal understanding of the role, responsibilities and motivations that influence how successful these principals feel in their career. The next section uses the Capability Approach to further understand and expand this positioning of the school principals.