• Ei tuloksia

The goal of this project was to develop methods to identify deprecated components or problem areas in the process. This was achieved by modeling the electricity consumption of drives and calculating the correlation between the anomaly score and tags.

The first step was to become familiar with electric drives (Chapter 2) and what affected their electricity consumption. The VII was introduced (Chapter 3), because it was utilized in both data acquisition and the creation of the application. Chapter 4 contained the literature review.

It contained four main sections: data preprocessing; ML models; model interpretation; and root cause analysis.

In Chapter 5, PoC was created, based on the theoretical framework. Tags affecting electricity consumption were limited by the SMEs. The selected tags were reduced using feature selection methods. Various ML models were built and compared, along with the physics-based physics-physics-based model. Gradient boosting was selected as the best method, physics-based on its accuracy with unseen data. The hyperparameters of the gradient boosting model were optimized using a grid search. The model was then interpreted using the SHAP method, which enables the interpretation of complex ML models.

Anomalous periods can be found by comparing the model output to the measured value.

Data-driven RCA was used to discover the root causes of anomalies. Data-driven RCA was performed by calculating the correlation during anomalous periods between the anomaly score and all the tag values collected from the PM. The anomaly score is the difference between model output and measured value. The root causes of anomalies may be identified from correlating tags. Cross-correlation (Chapter 4.4) may also be utilized to capture root causes.

Finally, an application built during the thesis was introduced in Chapter 6. The application uses AWS back-end, SF data storage, and Tableau dashboard to present the results.

Correlation between an anomaly score and all the tags from a PM can be calculated in the Tableau dashboard for a user-specified period. The application is created for SMEs who know the papermaking process and are capable of making conclusions based on tag data.

The application was used in the case study (Chapter 6.4). In the case study, the methods introduced in Chapter 5 were applied to another PM’s wire section. The model was built, and the anomalies were studied before known failures. The anomaly score increased before two of the failures. SMEs used the application to identify the possible root causes of the

anomalies. SMEs came up with a possible scenario for one of the anomalies, but it did not


explain the failures. The created scenario illustrates how the application can be used to identify the root causes of the data. Although the root causes were not identified, this does not mean the correlation should not be used in data-driven RCA.

For future research, methods other than correlation could be experimented with in data-driven RCA. Also, feature extraction could be included in the data pipeline to make

developers' life easier. The early warning threshold for anomalies could also be implemented in the application.



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