• Ei tuloksia


The main findings of the present study are summarized as follows:

1. In patients eligible for PD, treatment costs may be slightly lower than costs on HD:

Costs were somewhat lower in patients selected primarily to PD compared with costs in HD patients. Treatment costs in HD patients were 8–27% higher than they were in PD patients and differences between the groups were largely attributable to differences in the cost for transport and, to a lesser extent, to higher costs for medication in HD patients. In both modalities, approximately half of the total expenditures were caused by the dialysis therapy itself. Costs for hospitalization and medication were the second and third largest items. Together, costs for dialysis therapy, hospitalization and medication explained 79–88% of total costs.

2. The high initial costs for TX are balanced during the following months, after which TX induces considerably less costs than dialysis therapies: Due to high costs of the transplantation procedure and subsequent close monitoring, costs (US$) for the months 0–6 were higher (38 265) in TX patients compared with patients in HD and PD (32 566 and 25 504, respectively). After that, costs lowered markedly in TX patients whereas they were rather stable in HD and PD. Annual costs in TX recipients in years 2 and 3 were in between 9240–11 446 comprising only 17–31%

of costs in dialysis therapies. Of costs in TX patients, expenses for medication were the largest item causing 59–67% of total costs and rest of costs were divided rather evenly between hospitalization, outpatient control visits, laboratory tests and transport.

3. Compared with HD, PD may be a cost-effective treatment in eligible patients: Cost-effectiveness of dialysis therapies were evaluated by determining four alternative cut-points of follow-up. PD was found to dominate over HD in three strategies (intention-to-treat, time on dialysis and time on primary modality). When considering technique failure as death (death of modality -approach), more life-years were gained with HD but the ICER was over 444 000 US$/QALY. Results of a subanalysis including 68 matched HD–PD patient pairs were comparable with the whole population. CERs for three years varied from some 313 000 to 471 000 in HD and from 200 000 to 320 000 in PD.

4. Achieving targeted PTH levels may be associated with lower costs in dialysis patients and a positive correlation between CRP and costs and an inverse correlation between albumin and costs were found: In patients with constantly low

PTH (below K/DOQI target), the average daily costs (US$) were statistically significantly higher than in patients with at least one measurement between targeted limits (170 vs. 148, respectively). In subjects with PTH constantly over target costs were 172, statistically significant difference compared with the in-target group was not reached. In patients with near-optimal (as was defined in K/DOQI recommendations) mineral metabolism levels the average daily costs were 145 compared with 165 in subjects with non-optimal levels. The difference was statistically insignificant. Statistically significant positive correlation was found between costs and CRP whereas costs and albumin were inversely correlated.

5. An outpatient PDCI is safe and it causes less cost than an inpatient PDCI: No difference in rate of complications or outcomes was found when results of inpatient and outpatient PDCIs were evaluated. Twenty-two percent of patients experienced a catheter-related complication within 30 days after the procedure. The incidence rates of technique failure and peritonitis were 1 per 41 months per patient and 1 per 18 months per patient, respectively. Overall one-year catheter survival was 72%. Total average costs of the PDCI were statistically significantly lower in outpatients (EUR 1346) compared with inpatients (EUR 2320).


This study was carried out at the Department of Internal Medicine, Tampere University Hospital, and at the School of Medicine, University of Tampere, Finland.

My warmest and most sincere thanks belong to my two supervisors, Docent Heikki Oksa and Docent Heikki Saha. I deeply appreciate their guidance, encouragement and patience during these decades. Without their skilful support this dissertation would not have been possible.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude and respect to emeritus Professor Amos Pasternack for his significant contribution to the planning of this study.

I am very grateful to emeritus Professor Jukka Mustonen, Professor Ilkka Pörsti, Docent Kari Pietilä, Docent Jaakko Antonen and Docent Jorma Lahtela for providing the facilities to conduct this study and for their encouraging attitude. I also warmly thank Professor Katri Kaukinen for her support.

I sincerely thank my co-authors Tuomo Reina M. D., Professor Harri Sintonen, Juha Piirto, M. Sc. and Professor Pekka Rissanen. I appreciate their valuable contribution to the planning and conducting the statistical analyses of this study.

This dissertation was officially reviewed by Docent Patrik Finne and Docent Pauli Karhapää. I express my deepest gratitude for their thorough and prompt job.

Their valuable comments greatly improved the quality of this thesis.

Sincere thanks go to Mr. Anthony Black, for his self-denying work in the language revision of the text.

I truly apprediate the friendly working atmosphere created by my colleagues and coworkers at Tampere University Hospital and at the School of Medicine.

Especially, the staff of the Internal Medicine Outpatient Clinic is heartily thanked for their support. I also warmly thank the staff of the nephrology ward and the dialysis unit.

Thanks to all my friends from the stony fields of Vesilahti and from the Lempäälä Upper Secondary School. I also salute all my old band mates. Some day Popsika will rise again.

The invaluable support from the members of the Senile Club is deeply acknowledged. For you, there may be a palindrome somewhere between the pages 12 and 136.

Thanks to Lipukka, Pepponen and Sakarias for cheery attitude.

My parents in law, Leena and Antti Mäkelä, have helped and supported me in multiple ways during these years. Thank you.

My late mother Alli Salonen, my late father Erkki Salonen and my late brother Heikki Salonen could not see this work completed. I would like to express my deepest gratitude for their love, support and exemplary humanism.

Finally, I thank my family. Kalle and Akseli, you are brilliant and lovely sons and I am proud to be your father. Now, this work has been finished and I promise to start working hard to improve the quality of my jokes. You deserve it. And Tarja, we have experienced a lot together and you have shown what courage and fortitude really are. In human life, there fortunately are entities which cannot be measured by monetary units. Thank you for being here.

This work was financially supported by grants from the Finnish Kidney Foundation.

Tampere, November 2015 Tapani Salonen


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