• Ei tuloksia

5.3.! Distribution pattern of epiphytic Iichens on tree stems and in responses to sulphur and nitrogen deposition

5.4.2 Suggestions to data reporting and storage

Based on the present work, some suggestions could he made for the future operation of the IM programme, subprogramme selection, data collection and reporting.

1. The sampling procedures and analytical methods should he more strictly standardised in order to make comparison possible. Especially the data validity between biological and chemical subprogrammes must be considered.

The Fnneh Envronment 27


2. The subprogrammes in biomonitoring; Aigae (AL), Epiphytic Lichens (EP) and Vegetation (VG) should report their data in a more easily accessible format than the present one prescribed in the Manual. In order to maintain some essential information, the biological data need not necessarily to have the same format as chemical data.

3. For ali the three subprogrammes AL, EP and VG, the within area variation must be reported, otherwise these data can not be tested by statistical methods. AL and EP data should he reported on free level, VG data on subplot fe.g. ilm x ilm) level.

4. It is mandatory that dependent subprogrammes are always combined into packages with those on which they depend, for instance DC/TF-SW, DC/TF-SW-RW, DC/TF-EP, DC/TF-AL, DC/TF-VG-SW Apparently, in a programme where air poliution is the factor in focus, nowhere shouid any monitoring be performed without DC/TF monitoring. Depending on economic situation and capacit each IM country should be free to select packages but not their constituent subprograms.

5. The depth of iysimeters varied among the countries which made them difficult to compare. For exampie DE01 has depth leveis 0, 40, 70, 100 cm.

since the iower threshold was set at 25 cm and the 0 level was omitted, this being most relevant for rooted piants, no data from Germany remained for calculation. It will be better not only to note the depth but also the soil horizon.

6. SW, SC and VG must be sampied at nearby stations for meaningful correlation.Atieast they shouid he sampled in the same type of vegetation.

7. The identification of stations caused troubles in separating them. A better system would prevent confusion.


This work is financed by the ICP IM Programme Centre in Helsinki, Finland and the Swedish Envjronmental Protection Institute. 1 thank Dr. Sven Bråkenhielm for his constructive suggestions and linguistic correction on the report.


Bråkenhielm, 5. and Liu Qinghong 1995. Spatial and temporal variability of algae and lichen epiphytes on trees in relation to pollutant deposition in Sweden. Water, Air and Soil pollution 79:61-74.

Ellenberg, H., Weber, H. E., DLiH, R. Wirth, V., Werner, W. & Paulissen, IX 1991. Zeigerwerte von Pflanzen in Mitteleuropa. Scripta Geobotanica 18.

Hultengren, 5., Martinsson, P.-O. and Stenström,J. 1991. Lavar och luftföroreningar.

Känslighetsklassning och indexberäkning av epifytiska lavar, Rapport 3967. (Lichens and air pollution. Sensitivity classification and index calculation of epiphytic lichens, Rapport 3967.). Swedish Environ. Protection Agency, Soina. (in Swedish with English summary).

Kleemola, S. and Söderman, G. 1993. Manual for Integrated Monitoring. Programme Phase 1993-1996. Environment Data Centre, National Board of Waters and the

Environment, Helsinki.


Finneh Environment 27

ter Braak, C.J.fJ988. CANOCO a fORTRAN program for canonical community ordination by [partialJ [detrendedj [canonicalJ correspondence analysis and redundancy analysis (version 2.1). Agricultural Mathematical Group, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

The Fnnsh Environment 27


Dcumentain pa3e



Sirpa Kleemola and Martin forsius (eds)


5th Annual Report 1996.

UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundaiy Air Pollufion.

International Co-operative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems

Parts ofpublication/

other project

p0flS__ - -__


The Integrated Monitoring Programme (ICP IM) is part of the EffectsMonitoring Sfrategyunder the UN ECF Convenfion on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution. The main aim of ICP IM is to provide a framework to observe and understand the cornplex changes occuring in the external environment. The monilonng and predicfion of complex ecosystern effects on undisturbed refer ence areas require a continuos effort to improve the collection and assessment of data on the international scale.

This report presents results from assessment acfivffies carried out by theICP IM Prograrnme Centre and collaborating institutes dunngtheprogramme year 1995/96induding:

-a sununary of the present monitonng acivffies and the content of the ICP IM database.

-results ofthecalibration of three dynamic modeis (MAGIC, SAFE, SMART) to data frorn 5 selected Integrated Monitonng sites. The main aini was to assess the dynarnic response of different deposifion scenanos, mduding the Second sulphur protocol, andtwoscenanos for NO emissions.

-an update of an earlier assessment of the effects of N-deposifion on Integrated Monitoring sites.

-results from the tesfing of EDACS deposifion model using Integrated Momtonng and other data.

-an assessment of vegetafion monitonng data with regard to effects of N and S deposition.

Keywords .

Integrated Momtonng, ecosystems, small catchments, dynamic modelhng,airpofiuhon

Publication series -—

and number The Finnish Environment27


-International co-operafion Projectnameand

number, ifany International Co-operative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollufion Effects on Ecosyaterns

Financier/ . . . .

commissioner Nordic Council ofMinisters, Swedish Environmental Protechon Agency, Mmastryof the Environment,_Finland


The Annish Envronment 2?

Finnish Environment Institute


______ ___

julkaisija julkaisualka

Suomen ympäristökeskus Kesäkuu 1996

Tekijä(t •,

Sirpa Kleemola ja Martrn Forsius (toim.)

5th Annual Report 1996.

UN ECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.

International Co-operafive Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Ecosystems.

julkaisun osat!

muut saman projektin 1 tuottamat julkaisut

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Yhdennetyn seurannan ohjelma (ICP IM) kuuluu YK:n Euroopan talouskomission(ECE)seuranta 1 ohjelmiin. Yhdennetyn seurannan ohjelmassa selvitetään kaukokulkeutuvien saasteiden ja muiden ympäristömuutosten vaikutuksia elinympäristöömme. Muutosten seurantaa ja ennusteita muutos tenlaajuudestaja nopeudesta tehdäänyleensä pienifiä metsäisifiä valuma-alueifia, mutta verkostoon kuuluu myös muita alueita, Ympäristövaikutusten seurannan ja ympäristövaikutusten ennustarni sen kehittäminen vaatii jatkuvaa pyrkimystä parantaa tiedon keruuta sekä olemassa olevan datan arviointia.

Tässä raportissa esitetään sekä ohjelmakeskuksen että yhteistyölaitosten tekemien arviointien tuloksia ohjelinavuodelta 95/96. Raportti sisältää:

-koosten seurantaverkon ja ICP IM datapanldn sisällöstä.

-tuloksia kolmen dynaamisen maffin (MAGIC, SMART, SAfE) kalibromnista viidelle yhdennetyn seurannan alueelle. Projektin päätavoitteena oli eri laskeumaskenaarioiden vaikutusten arviointi.

-tarkennuksen vuosiraportissa4esitetystä arvioinnista N-laskeuman vaikutuksista ICP IM alueilla.

-tuloksia EDACS laskeumamallin testauksesta käyttäen IM datan lisäksi myös muuta dataa.

4yuusdatanarviomiun,Jossaselv;tetbm erityisesti typpi ja nkkilaskeuman vaikutuksia Yhdennettyympäristön seuranta, ekosysteemit, pienet valuma-alueet, dynaaminen mallintaminen, ilmansaasteet

julkaisusarjan nimi


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ja numero SuomenYmpäristö 27

1238-7312 952-11-0045-1

The Fnneh Environment 27


julkaisun nimi


Kansainvälinen yhteistyö

International Co-operative Programme on Integrated Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on


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Pohjoismaiden ministerineuvosto, Naturvårdsverket, Ruotsi, Ympäristöministeriö julkaisun teema

Oy Edita Ab, 1996