• Ei tuloksia

Although the aim of this study was not to make comparisons between the two countries, but rather find out what kinds of similarities there are and whether there is something that we can learn from each other, the findings of this study brought forward that the policies for supporting pupils with additional languages have different emphasis in the two contexts. As pointed out earlier, while the policies in England concentrate on integrating pupils within the mainstream but do not take into account the learning needs of pupils with an additional language, the policies in Finland provide support for pupils with an


additional language, however the support is mostly organised in separate setting. Thus, it would be worth considering ways that would enable pupils to study with their peers in the mainstream classes, yet providing these pupils the support they need for learning. Therefore, it is suggested that further research is needed to explore what kinds of changes could be made within the school policies and what kinds of resources need to be provided in order to make this happen.

As has been pointed out throughout the study, translanguaging practices are undoubtedly a beneficial way to implement a more inclusive, yet supportive instruction. It is thus worth considering whether these practices could be more linked to the curriculum. For instance, there could be a translanguaging aspect included within each subject. Perhaps acknowledging these in the curriculum would encourage teachers to systematically use these practices as part of every-day learning situations. The findings of this study also showed that more information and practical examples are needed in order for teachers to be able to realise translanguaging strategies in practice. Therefore, it is suggested that there is a need for providing in-service trainings for teachers, as well as for educating the future teachers to use translanguaging strategies as part of every-day classroom practices.

This study also touched on pupils’ perspectives on the use of their languages in school contexts, and brought up some interesting notions of their varied language usage in school contexts. However, it was explored only from the teachers’ points of views, and thus it would be interesting to study the issue in more detail by focusing on pupils’ own perspectives. The findings of this study implicate that many pupils are experiencing a language shift during their primary school years. It would thus be interesting to study whether the systematic use of translanguaging practices in schools would not only affect positively on the school achievement of these pupils but also increase their valuing towards their languages and decrease the extent of language shift in the long term.



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Appendix 1 Permission to record the interview and use recorded material University of Jyväskylä

Faculty of Education

Permission to record the interview and use recorded material

Dear participant,

In my master’s thesis I am researching the ways multilingual students use both of their languages and the possibilities in supporting their L1’s and L2’s in schools. As a data collection method I use interviews in which I interview primary school teachers who have taught multilingual students. I ask for your permission to record the interview and use recorded material for the research purpose.

The data for this research will be handled in a way that the identity of the participant will not be revealed. The data will be kept in the researcher’s computer and it can be archived or destroyed once the research is done.

The University of Jyväskylä will have, without compensation, the rights to use the data in

- scientific researches and publifications - scientific presentations

- teaching- and educational situations.

I have read the conditions above. I accept the recording and using of the data in terms introduced above.

___________________ ____________________ ________________________

Place and date signature clarification of the signature