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Suggestions for Future Research

It remains for future research to verify if there are some special characteristics in the eco-friendly items and to look for other variations that could be better described by some other statements than the standard statements created on the basis of the BBX model. Also the theoretical background could be revised and upgraded to a more precise theoretical framework that could help to develop further the extended BBX scale with the eco-friendliness dimension. More exploratory research needs to be done in the future to answer the following questions: Is the perceived eco-friendliness a consequence of brand experience(s)? Is brand eco-friendliness relevant in the high-tech sector? And is brand eco-friendliness affected by ownership and Nokia being a local brand? As eco-friendliness is a dimension that applies to numerous product categories, not only high-tech products, the further development of the brand experience measurement scale would still require that more brands and product categories would be researched to come up with a better fitting model.

As for other suggestions for future research, more studies are needed to replicate the extended BBX measurement construct with multiple sets of data to verify if the five-factor BBX scale with an eco-friendliness dimension can be generalized (Madden et al., 1995, Evanschitzky and Armstrong, 2013, Uncles and Kwok, 2013). It would be beneficial to study whether the results could be generalized to other product categories, and that they do not apply only in association with high-tech brands. As the data in this research consisted of three global brands, it would also be worthwhile to verify whether the conclusions are mainly relevant to global brands, or does the same apply for local brands.

There is a need to do cross-national research still to ensure the validity and reliability of the extended five-factor scale more widely. More data needs to be collected from other countries to make a contribution to international consumer research and compare the results across several countries to see whether the results are generalizable. As this study did not examine with detail the differences between consumer groups based on demographics, it would still worthwhile to investigate what kind of socio-demographic differences there may be in the cultural context and compare different demographic groups in different countries. Due to the increasing globalization of business, marketing professionals have a permanent need for cross-national measures and constructs that are reliable, valid and can be applied in several countries to assist in the positioning and launching of products.

The high correlation between the intellectual and sensory variables in this study compared to the original BBX model would need to be examined more closely by analyzing more data. Also the items within these factors could be reviewed again to check if there are any overlaps. This is not a correlation that was specifically related to the eco-friendliness dimension that was added in this study, as it also appeared in Model

1 where only the original BBX items were included. This could also be a unique property for high-tech brands, which would need to be verified by comparing to data on other brands. The research of Brakus et al. (2009) also included such brands as, for example, Lego, Starbucks, Disney, Toys”R”Us, Ben & Jerry’s, L’Oreal, and Prada that have products and stimuli that can be highly appealing to the different senses in contrary to very technical brands where the main dimension on which consumers would experience the products and brands would be on the intellectual dimension. It may be that on the sensory dimension there are very small differences in the physical aspects of high-tech branded products as, for example, in the case of mobile phone brands included in the present study (e.g. they have a similar size, with a similar looking display) and even on the brand level they are associated more to cognitive technical solutions which are not necessarily highly appealing to the senses. In the case of high-tech brands, it could also be tested what the results would be like if the sensory variable was left out of the analysis.

In addition, to better understand consumer behavior and change it towards more sustainable consumption, research needs to focus more on analyzing how the publicization of companies’ ESR development activities could have a positive effect on the companies’ brands and increase consumers’ eco-friendly brand experiences. Could green marketing messages and branding stories, in addition to easily understandable and truthful product information, be used more to influence consumers, so that in the actual purchasing situation an eco-innovative high-tech product or brand is selected by the consumer? Following the thinking of Brakus et al. (2009), if the expectation is that experiences lead to pleasurable outcomes, it is also expected that consumers want to repeat these experiences, also in the case of positive eco-friendly brand experiences, the positive brand experiences with regard to friendliness would be reflected in the eco-friendly product selections consumers make.

There is still a need to develop more frameworks, measurement tools, and empirical methods to analyze and implement ESR on the individual level (Orlitzky et al., 2011).

The brand experience scale with the extended environmental dimension could be tested with more high-tech brands and products to see how useful it is for the high-tech companies in tracking consumers’ perceptions of eco-friendliness in their brand experiences as a part of a wider brand experience in the constantly changing market place of the high-tech industry.


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