• Ei tuloksia


5.4 Suggestions for future research

This study provides several opportunities for future researches. This study took an overlook how vision is perceived in a medium-sized company. Thus, it would be interesting to commit a new research which focuses on how vision is perceived in a big multinational enterprise compared to a start-up firm that only has a couple of employees.

Does vision play a more crucial role in either one, how vision is perceived in those organizations and how different visions have been built in big enterprises compared to small firms? What kind of motivating aspects a vision has among personnel in these firms? Should vision setting be different depending on the company’s size and if yes, what would be those parts that should be designed differently?

Second suggestion theme is heavily linked to this study’s theme and would be a functional research opportunity to continue this study. A suggestion is to investigate how employees from different layers of organization can be engaged to vision planning and creating it. It would be interesting to study what are the most functional and engaging ways to involve personnel in creating a motivating vision.

Thirdly, the study emphasized individual and team-specific goal creation and breaking the vision down to more swallowable pieces. Thus, the study exhorts to examine how to create individual targets that are tied and aligned with the organizational level vision.

Moreover, how to align these goals with the bigger picture and which measurement tools and metrics or combinations of those are the most functional to measure individuals’



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