• Ei tuloksia

Suggestions for nursing practice, education and future research

This study emphasized recommendations for promoting older clients’ living at home through comprehensive home care services. This strengthens the knowledge of practitioners, managers, educators and policy-makers by contributing information to older clients’ home care services, nursing practice and education.

Suggestions for nursing practice:

1. In order to promote older home care clients’ living at home for as long as possible, home care professionals need to be able to recognize older clients’ individual needs.

In order to be able to recognize older clients’ needs and resources, there is a need for a regular use of assessment tools in identifying clients’ individual resources based on a comprehensive approach.

2. Older clients’ resources have to be assessed from the client’s point of view, and their own perspectives must be taken into account when planning care and services.

3. The development of nursing documentation as a whole requires home care professionals to be able to design clients’ care and services individually. More comprehensive electronic documentation systems must be developed so that clients’

individual needs and resources can be faithfully documented.

4. In order to be able to promote clients’ living at home, home care services need to be provided as individually designed care which takes into account clients’ resources and perspectives of meaningful and inspirational activities as well as social relationships.

5. In daily care, working with a ‘doing things with clients’ rather than a ‘doing things on behalf of clients’ philosophy is needed.

6. There is a need for dialogue at the organisational level in collaboration with clients and professionals, including discussion on aspects of developing home care services to answer to clients’ needs and resources.

Suggestions for education:

1. Teaching approaches should be based on the phenomenon of older people as active participants of the society living healthy lives.

2. Home care professionals need more ongoing education on how to recognize and to put into use many different potential resources of their clients.

3. There needs to be continuous collaboration between educators and home care professionals in order to develop education to interweave knowledge and skills. In this collaboration, the preconditions, roles and responsibilities of all participants have to be clarified. The collaboration should be strengthened by offering shared further education to all participants.

4. The education should develop educational methods which strengthen the skills of social and healthcare students and home care professionals in real-life contexts so that they are able to recognize and promote clients’ living at home while taking into account individual resources.

Suggestions for further research:

1. Further research is needed to develop assessments tools to clarify older clients’

resources. This information is crucial to developing methods that allow for early interventions to slow down the decline of these resources.

2. There is a need for evaluating the impacts of interventions targeted at clients’

resource-based daily care to create a model for delivering client-driven home care services based on clients’ resources.

3. It is worth conducting further research on the production of resource-based home care services for older clients from diverse perspectives of participants, including managers and management as well as advocates of society.

4. Future research should focus on developing clearer documentation and component terminology based on clients’ individual needs and resources.

5. In order to obtain more generalized information about current older clients’ home care, it is significant to study older clients’ home care services more widely on the national level.

6. There is a need to study both older home care clients and family members, such as caregivers, together. Understanding on caregivers’ views of clients’ resources is needed to allocate home care services as comprehensively as possible.


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