• Ei tuloksia


5.2 Conclusions

5.2.3 Suggestions for future studies

In addition to Finland, research about women’s interest in starting as entrepreneurs in different cultures would be useful information for all countries that take immigrants. Based on this research, a deeper understanding of immigrants’ interest in starting as entrepreneurs could be beneficial when preparing supportive functions for them, especially Middle-Eastern and African women. A deeper analysis of the projected number of future immigrants, their country of origin, and the share of women compared to men can help in planning future actions to support the potential entrepreneurs among them. Despite the abundance of material on different cultures and their economic structures, deeper research on the factors supporting entrepreneurship in various cultures could be beneficial.

An interesting perspective for future study could also be to research how many immigrant entrepreneurs in Finland employ others and how the future looks for these companies. A greater understanding is also needed of the differences between immigrant communities and how they see the future, especially from female perspective. Are female immigrant

entrepreneurs aiming to return to their country of origin if circumstances turn out to be suitable for normal living, or are they willing to stay in in their new homeland and keep their immigrant status for the rest of their lives?


Taking this research to the next level, a different type of interview method could be useful to engage a larger number of female immigrants and to also reach ones who are not yet

entrepreneurs but may be interested in being one in the future. Cultures which are positive for female entrepreneurship should be defined and further researched to be able to create more specific supportive functions for those in need.



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