• Ei tuloksia


6.2. Suggestions for further work

Unfortunately, the time limits of the work made the economic estimation of the LVDC microgrid with the energy storage systems and distributed generators impossible. Thus, further detailed research, which considers distributed energy resources should be carried out.

Furthermore, the actual data for a specific case should be considered and more detailed calculations should be made to obtain accurate results.

Since the lack of regulation and standardization is observed, the improvement of current regulatory framework should be done with respect to the implementation of LVDC distribution and microgrids. Although, there is the set of standards, related to the use of RES

and LVDC microgrids in rural distribution networks, there are still some unclear moments, such as utilization of energy storage systems in utility distribution.

Another topic for further research is the LVDC microgrid as the electricity market party.

Possibility of the sales of electricity, generated by means of distributed generation within the microgrid, on the retail market should be analyzed in more depth, in order to investigate the applicability of the LVDC microgrid solution within the energy systems with centralized electricity distribution.


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Appendix A (Source: kolchkck.ru)

Overhead line cross-section Price, rub/km СИП-2

Appendix B (Source: eng.metz.by)

Appendix C (Source: enetra.ru)

Type and rated power of the transformer Price, rub

ТМГ-16/10 61 050

ТМГ-25/10 67 950

ТМГ-40/10 76 950

ТМГ-63/10 90 550

ТМГ11-100/10 109 700

ТМГ11-160/10 134 400

ТМГ11-250/10 180 750

ТМГ11-400/10 228 850