• Ei tuloksia

The study produced information on the promotion of occupational well-being among school staff. In the future, it is justified to continue the identification of internal resources within working communities and the study of operating methods used to promote occupational well-being. Research knowledge on occupational well-being should be reinforced further, and practical tools (e.g. action plans and models) to promote occupational well-being needs to be developed.

The implementation of long-term interventions and the practical realisation of health promotion will still face challenges in the future, and action research can be one of the means of responding to these. In the future, occupational well-being should be studied as an even more extensive entity, not separating the well-being of staff from that of the students. This more extensive study of well-being in a school community requires additional research and, for example, further development of the WYWI Questionnaire to take occupational health care, students and parents into account.

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