• Ei tuloksia

Study limitations and future research

7. Summary and conclusions

6.4. Study limitations and future research

This research can add some value and desirable insight for customer experience management after a big organizational change. And it can be used as a guideline to future mergers within the OP Financial Group and might be helpful in daily customer experience management within the Group. However, it is important to consider limitation in this study.

Firstly, the theoretical framework is drawn from several previous studies. It was used partly as a guideline for this study. The findings did not argue notably with the framework but its generalizability can be problematic. Therefore, it would be intriguing to find out how the customer experience is being managed in some other bank within the group?

Secondly, one needs to remember that this is case study which is only been conducted in one bank. All banks have different managerial protocols, and most importantly every merger process is unique. Therefore, this can be copied as such for future mergers, yet used as guideline. It would be interesting to find out can this research inspire larger merger or customer experience studies within the group?

Thirdly, as mentioned in the study there are differences between the views of the employees working in the bigger receiving bank and the ones working in the smaller banks. Therefore, in this study the interviewees were picked form different branches.

Another limitation was the number of interviewees, one might be able to get even more comprehensive findings if more employees were interviewed. Maybe in the future there could be a study about customer experience management after a merger and if it varies relating to the size or number of merging banks?

Another future research ideas that can be derived from this study is that how has the customers experienced the bank mergers within the Group. This could be conducted by using the NPS data and gather it before and after the merger. Another future research idea is to research the employee experience after a merger. This could be also beneficial for banks merging in the future.


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