• Ei tuloksia


# trainmodel.py


# original code taken from:

# Garg, Yatharth (2018). Speech-Accent-Recognition [online].

# [cited 14 Nov. 2018].

# Available from World Wide Web:

# <URL: https://github.com/yatharth1908/Speech-Accent-Recognition>.

# modified by Stavros Grigoriadis


from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Flatten

from keras.layers.convolutional import MaxPooling2D, Conv2D from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping, TensorBoard import winsound

Converts list of languages into a binary class matrix

:param y (list): list of languages

:return (numpy array): binary class matrix '''

lang_dict = {}

for index,language in enumerate(set(y)):

lang_dict[language] = index

y = list(map(lambda x: lang_dict[x],y))

return utils.to_categorical(y, len(lang_dict))

def get_wav(language_num):


Load wav file from disk and down-samples to RATE :param language_num (list): list of file names :return (numpy array): Down-sampled wav file '''

y, sr = librosa.load('../audio/{}.wav'.format(language_num)) return(librosa.core.resample(y=y,orig_sr=sr,target_sr=RATE, scale=True))

def to_mfcc(wav):


Converts wav file to Mel Frequency Ceptral Coefficients :param wav (numpy array): Wav form

:return (2d numpy array: MFCC '''

return(librosa.feature.mfcc(y=wav, sr=RATE, n_mfcc=N_MFCC))

def remove_silence(wav, thresh=0.04, chunk=5000):


Searches wav form for segments of silence. If wav form values are lower than 'thresh' for 'chunk' samples, the values will be removed :param wav (np array): Wav array to be filtered

:return (np array): Wav array with silence removed '''

tf_list.extend((len(wav) - len(tf_list)) * [False]) return(wav[tf_list])

def normalize_mfcc(mfcc):


def make_segments(mfccs,labels):


Makes segments of mfccs and attaches them to the labels :param mfccs: list of mfccs

for mfcc,label in zip(mfccs,labels):

for start in range(0, int(mfcc.shape[1] / COL_SIZE)):

segments.append(mfcc[:, start * COL_SIZE:(start + 1) * COL_SIZE])

seg_labels.append(label) return(segments, seg_labels)

def segment_one(mfcc):


Creates segments from on mfcc image. If last segments is not long enough to be length of columns divided by COL_SIZE

:param mfcc (numpy array): MFCC array

:return (numpy array): Segmented MFCC array '''

segments = []

for start in range(0, int(mfcc.shape[1] / COL_SIZE)):

segments.append(mfcc[:, start * COL_SIZE:(start + 1) * COL_SIZE])


def create_segmented_mfccs(X_train):


Creates segmented MFCCs from X_train :param X_train: list of MFCCs

:return: segmented mfccs '''

segmented_mfccs = []

for mfcc in X_train:

segmented_mfccs.append(segment_one(mfcc)) return(segmented_mfccs)

def train_model(X_train,y_train,X_validation,y_validation, batch_size=128): #64


Trains 2D convolutional neural network :param X_train: Numpy array of mfccs

:param y_train: Binary matrix based on labels :return: Trained model


# Get row, column, and class sizes rows = X_train[0].shape[0]

cols = X_train[0].shape[1]

val_rows = X_validation[0].shape[0]

val_cols = X_validation[0].shape[1]

num_classes = len(y_train[0])

print('X_Train shape rows:',rows) print('X_train1 shape cols:', cols) print('num_classes:',num_classes)

# input image dimensions to feed into 2D ConvNet Input layer input_shape = (rows, cols, 1)

X_train = X_train.reshape(X_train.shape[0], rows, cols, 1 ) X_validation =


print('X_train shape:', X_train.shape) print(X_train.shape[0], 'training samples')

# Initializing the CNN model = Sequential()

# Add 1st Layer Convolution, input_shape = (13,30,1), MFCCs coming in 13x30x1

# input shape matches the data shape coming into the network # Output filter of dimension 32 in the convolution,

# Kernel size: 3x3, # Activation ReLU,

# Data_format = "channels_last" which means that the ordering of the dimensions

# in the inputs have the form of (batch, height, width, channels) model.add(Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3,3), activation='relu',

data_format="channels_last", input_shape=input_shape))

# Max pooling operation with a pool size of 2x2 is applied # to down scale the spatial dimension

model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

# Add 2nd convolutional layer,

# Output filter of dimension 64 in the convolution, # Kernel size: 3x3,

# Activation ReLU,

model.add(Conv2D(64,kernel_size=(3,3), activation='relu'))

#model.add(Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation='sigmoid'))

# Max pooling operation with a pool size of 2x2 is applied # to down scale the spatial dimension

model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

# Dropout operation with a rate of 0.25 to avoid overfitting model.add(Dropout(0.25))

# Flattening work in a single array, 1 dimension model.add(Flatten())

# Fully Connected

# A Regularly densely-connected layer is added with 128 units # Activation function of ReLU

model.add(Dense(128, activation='relu')) #model.add(Dense(128, activation='sigmoid'))

# Dropout operation with a rate of 0.5 to avoid overfitting

model.add(Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax'))

# Compiling the CNN

# optimizer is reverse propagation # readjusting the weights

# loss how to computer the error

model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adadelta',


# Stops training if accuracy does not change at least 0.005 over 10 epochs

es = EarlyStopping(monitor='acc', min_delta=.005, patience=10, verbose=1, mode='auto')

# Creates log file for graphical interpretation using TensorBoard tb = TensorBoard(log_dir='../logs', histogram_freq=0,

batch_size=32, write_graph=True, write_grads=True,

write_images=True, embeddings_freq=0, embed-dings_layer_names=None,


# Image shifting

datagen = ImageDataGenerator(width_shift_range=0.05)

# Fit model using ImageDataGenerator # Training the CNN

model.fit_generator(datagen.flow(X_train, y_train, batch_size=batch_size), :param model_filename: Filename

:return: None '''

model.save('../models/{}.h5'.format(model_filename)) # creates a HDF5 file 'my_model.h5'

if __name__ == '__main__':


Console command example:

python trainmodel.py data_info2L.csv model2l10_9010_relu '''

# Filter metadata to retrieve only files desired filtered_df = getsplit.filter_df(df)

# Train test split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = gets-plit.split_people(filtered_df)

# Get statistics

train_count = Counter(y_train) test_count = Counter(y_test) print("Entering main")

acc_to_beat = test_count.most_common(1)[0][1] / float(np.sum(list(test_count.values())))

# To categorical

y_train = to_categorical(y_train) y_test = to_categorical(y_test)

# Get resampled wav files using multiprocessing if DEBUG:

print('Loading wav files....')

pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count())

start_loading_wavs = time.time() X_train = pool.map(get_wav, X_train) X_test = pool.map(get_wav, X_test) end_loading_wavs = time.time()

print("\nTotal time needed for Loading wav files: ",

datetime.timedelta(seconds=(end_loading_wavs - start_loading_wavs)))

# Convert to MFCC if DEBUG:

print('Converting to MFCC....')

start_converting_mfcc = time.time() X_train = pool.map(to_mfcc, X_train) X_test = pool.map(to_mfcc, X_test)

# Create segments from MFCCs

X_train, y_train = make_segments(X_train, y_train)

X_validation, y_validation = make_segments(X_test, y_test)

# Randomize training segments

X_train, _, y_train, _ = train_test_split(X_train, y_train, test_size=0)

end_converting_mfcc = time.time()

print("\nTotal time needed for Converting to MFCC: ", datetime.timedelta(seconds=(end_converting_mfcc -


start_training_model = time.time()

# Train model

model = train_model(np.array(X_train), np.array(y_train), np.array(X_validation),np.array(y_validation))

# Make predictions on full X_test MFCCs y_predicted =

accu-racy.predict_class_all(create_segmented_mfccs(X_test), model)

end_training_model = time.time()

print("\nTotal time needed for Training Model: ", datetime.timedelta(seconds=(end_training_model - start_training_model)))

# Print statistics

print('Training samples:', train_count) print('Testing samples:', test_count) print('Accuracy to beat:', acc_to_beat)

print('Confusion matrix of total samples:\n',

np.sum(accuracy.confusion_matrix(y_predicted, y_test),axis=1))

print('Confusion matrix:\n',accuracy.confusion_matrix(y_predicted, y_test))

print('Accuracy:', accuracy.get_accuracy(y_predicted,y_test))

# Save model

save_model(model, model_filename) end = time.time()

print("\nTotal time needed: ", datetime.timedelta(seconds=(end - start)))

winsound.PlaySound("Success", winsound.SND_FILENAME)


# getsplit.py


# original code taken from:

# Garg, Yatharth (2018). Speech-Accent-Recognition [online].

# [cited 14 Nov. 2018].

# Available from World Wide Web:

# <URL: https://github.com/yatharth1908/Speech-Accent-Recognition>.

Function to filter audio files based on df columns df column options:


eng-lish_residence,length_of_english_residence,native_language,other_langu ages,sex]

:param df (DataFrame): Full unfiltered DataFrame :return (DataFrame): Filtered DataFrame


chinese = df[df.native_language == 'chinese']

spanish = df[df.native_language == 'spanish']

english = df[df.native_language == 'english']

arabic = df[df.native_language == 'arabic']

#chinese = chinese[chinese.length_of_english_residence < 10]

#spanish = spanish[spanish.length_of_english_residence < 10]

#arabic = arabic[arabic.length_of_english_residence < 10]

df = df.append(chinese)

:param df (DataFrame): Pandas DataFrame of audio files to be split :param test_size (float): Percentage of total files to be split into test

:return X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test (tuple): Xs are list of df['language_num'] and Ys are df['native_language']

test_size = 10% train_size = 90%



train_test_split(df['language_num'],df['native_language'],test_size=te st_size,random_state=1234)

if __name__ == '__main__':


Console command example:

python bio_data.csv '''

csv_file = sys.argv[1]

df = pd.read_csv(csv_file) filtered_df = filter_df(df) print(split_people(filtered_df))


# accuracy.py


# original code taken from:

# Garg, Yatharth (2018). Speech-Accent-Recognition [online].

# [cited 14 Nov. 2018].

# Available from World Wide Web:

# <URL: https://github.com/yatharth1908/Speech-Accent-Recognition>.

:return: Predicted class of MFCC segment group '''


MFCCs.reshape(MFCCs.shape[0],MFCCs.shape[1],MFCCs.shape[2],1) y_predicted = model.predict_classes(MFCCs,verbose=0) return(Counter(list(y_predicted)).most_common(1)[0][0])

def predict_prob_class_audio(MFCCs, model):


Predict class based on MFCC samples' probabilities :param MFCCs: Numpy array of MFCCs

:param model: Trained model

:return: Predicted class of MFCC segment group '''


MFCCs.reshape(MFCCs.shape[0],MFCCs.shape[1],MFCCs.shape[2],1) y_predicted = model.predict_proba(MFCCs,verbose=0)


def predict_class_all(X_train, model):

predictions.append(predict_class_audio(mfcc, model))

#predictions.append(predict_prob_class_audio(mfcc, model)) return predictions

def confusion_matrix(y_predicted,y_test):


Create confusion matrix

:param y_predicted: list of predictions

:param y_test: numpy array of shape (len(y_test), number of classes). 1.'s at index of actual, otherwise 0.

:return: numpy array. confusion matrix '''

confusion_matrix =

np.zeros((len(y_test[0]),len(y_test[0])),dtype=int ) for index, predicted in enumerate(y_predicted):

confusion_matrix[np.argmax(y_test[index])][predicted] += 1 return(confusion_matrix)

def get_accuracy(y_predicted,y_test):


Get accuracy

:param y_predicted: numpy array of predictions :param y_test: numpy array of actual

:return: accuracy '''

c_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_predicted,y_test)

return( np.sum(c_matrix.diagonal()) / float(np.sum(c_matrix))) if __name__ == '__main__':



# predict.py


# original code taken from:

# Garg, Yatharth (2018). Speech-Accent-Recognition [online].

# [cited 14 Nov. 2018].

# Available from World Wide Web:

# <URL: https://github.com/yatharth1908/Speech-Accent-Recognition>.

# modified by Stavros Grigoriadis

#--- :param language_num (list): list of file names :return (numpy array): Down-sampled wav file '''

y, sr =

li-brosa.load('../Prediction_File/{}.wav'.format(language_num)) return(librosa.core.resample(y=y,orig_sr=sr,target_sr=RATE, scale=True))

def create_segmented_mfccs(X_train):


Creates segmented MFCCs from X_train :param X_train: list of MFCCs

:return: segmented mfccs '''

segmented_mfccs = []

for mfcc in X_train:

segmented_mfccs.append(segment_one(mfcc)) return(segmented_mfccs)

def to_mfcc(wav):


Converts wav file to Mel Frequency Ceptral Coefficients

:param wav (numpy array): Wav form :return (2d numpy array: MFCC '''

return(librosa.feature.mfcc(y=wav, sr=RATE, n_mfcc=N_MFCC))

def segment_one(mfcc):


Creates segments from on mfcc image. If last segments is not long enough to be length of columns divided by COL_SIZE

:param mfcc (numpy array): MFCC array

:return (numpy array): Segmented MFCC array '''

segments = []

for start in range(0, int(mfcc.shape[1] / COL_SIZE)):

segments.append(mfcc[:, start * COL_SIZE:(start + 1) * COL_SIZE])


def create_segmented_mfccs(X_train):


Creates segmented MFCCs from X_train :param X_train: list of MFCCs

:return: segmented mfccs '''

segmented_mfccs = []

for mfcc in X_train:

segmented_mfccs.append(segment_one(mfcc)) return(segmented_mfccs)

# Load Model

# Filter metadata to retrieve only files desired filtered_df = getsplit.filter_df(df)

# Train test split

X_predict, X_test, y_train, y_test = gets-plit.split_people(filtered_df)

X_predict = map(get_pred_wav, X_predict)

X_predict = map(to_mfcc, X_predict) y_predicted =

accu-racy.predict_class_all(create_segmented_mfccs(X_predict), new_model)

if y_predicted == [0]:

print ("Chinese Accent Found") if y_predicted == [1]:

print ("Spanish Accent Found") if y_predicted == [2]:

print ("English Accent Found") if y_predicted == [3]:

print ("Arabic Accent Found")