• Ei tuloksia


6.4 Further research proposals

Since the importance of environmental sustainability is still growing, and green consumer behaviour is increasing, it is significant as well as interesting to study further the green behaviour of forest owners. Such as discussed in previous sections, forest owners' greenness could be better and more widely measured and make individual factors more confident by adding questions around the matter. In addition to that, TPB could be better utilized; for example, in the green sales behaviour of forest owners since the measurement of intention was not completely successful in this research. Behaviour was also not measured, and therefore it could be estimated in further studies and investigated how, for example, the intention to sell to an environmentally friendly forest company influences the behaviour itself. TBP’s context-specific metrics should be similarly added more to guarantee that the theory is appropriately tested. It would also be a good idea to get more young, future forest owners, involved in the sample in order to better explore their attitudes and behaviours as well as predict prospects.

It has been said that research conducted with quantitative approaches and methods tend to have little or no connection with the people and that variables can also be randomly defined. Thus, as quantitative methods take so-called snapshots of phenomenon, those are not in-depth, and respondents’ experiences and meaning about the matter can be forgotten. This might limit the opportunities of learning certain characteristics of these phenomena. (Silverman 2006, 43-44) In light of this, a qualitative method could also be used to investigate the forest owners' greenness further. It could open up more of their thinking and attitudes about green values, consumer behaviour, and how they genuinely fulfil their ideology into practice. On the other hand, an interview situation could create pressure to respond according to expectations or social pressures, for example, in this situation to answer more green behaviour than it certainly is.


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