• Ei tuloksia


7.2 Recommendations

For future research it would be interesting to know how the artificial intelligence will affect the marketing in future and what will be the marketing tactics that it will enable. Another important future research topic in digital marketing would be how GDPR and E-privacy has affected in organizations marketing and what effects there will most likely be in future.

Recommendation for future marketing actions in the Case Firm is to familiarize with all the different marketing automation systems, survey these platforms advantages and disad-vantages and compare which marketing automation system would best meet the needs of the organization and which one will be possible to connect to the existing CRM system.

Another recommendation is to increase the knowledge on their main customer segments, gather data from the key performance indicators and utilize this information to better serve and reach the right audience. With the new website it would also be recommendable to

monitor the user experience, how the webpages convert and possibly utilize A/B testing with the pages.

If the Case Firms marketing budget increases according to the digital marketing strategy they could also consider utilizing paid advertisement example in LinkedIn, where it is pos-sible to target the marketing messages to enterprises management layer. It could be a good way to increase online visibility and reach the right audience in their market.



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Appendix 1: Questionnaire in English Back ground questions:

 How long have you worked with (digital) marketing?

 What is your education?

 What is your profession (title)?


 Will you give permission to mention your name in the thesis?


 What is currently the most effective marketing method in digital marketing? (exam-ple text, video, image etc)?

 And in the future?

 How does digital B-to-B marketing differ from B-to-C (business-to-customer) mar-keting?

 What digital marketing channels are valuable in B-to-B (business-to-business) marketing?

 What kind of content is most effective in digital B-to-B marketing?

 What are the best tools for digital B-to-B marketing?

 What digital marketing tools would you recommend to small and medium sized growth searching enterprises?

 What practical recommendations there are for organization that wishes to develop their digital B-to-B marketing?

 Where do you search/ find up-to-date information on digital marketing and its de-velopment?

 What are at the moment the new trends in digital B-to-B marketing?

 What are the weak signals in digital marketing now?

 How will digital marketing develop during the next three years?

 What kind of effect will this have?

 How would you utilize this?

 What kind of digital marketing will be the most effective in future? And why?

 What will decrease/ diminish from digital marketing in the future?

 Who or which sectors are the pioneers in digital marketing in your home country?

 What about internationally?

 How can automation be utilized in marketing?

 Can B-to-B marketing utilize Big Data?

 What resources there are?

 How effective do you find marketing that is based on Big Data?

 What are the advantages of Big Data and marketing automation?

 What are disadvantages of Bid Data and marketing automation?

 What are risks/ challenges in digital marketing?

 Who marketing professional would you recommend to interview next?

Appendix 2: Questionnaire in Finnish Taustakysymykset:

 Miten pitkään olet työskennellyt (digitaalisen) markkinoinnin parissa?

 Mikä olet koulutukseltasi?

 Ammatti (titteli)?


 Saako tarvittaessa nimesi ja tittelisi mainita YAMK -opinnäytetyössä?


 Mikä on tehokkain markkinointiviestinnän muoto digitaalisessa markkinoinnissa nyt (esim. teksti, video, kuva jne.)?

 Entä tulevaisuudessa?

 Miten digitaalinen B-to-B markkinointi eroaa B-to-C (Business-to-Customer) mark-kinoinnista?

 Mitkä digitaaliset kanavat ovat hyödyllisiä B-to-B (Business-to-Business) markki-noinnissa?

 Millainen sisältö on tehokkainta digitaalisessa B-to-B –markkinoinnissa?

 Mitkä ovat parhaimpia työkaluja digitaalisessa B-to-B markkinoinnissa?

 Mitä digitaalisia markkinoinnin työkaluja suosittelisit pienille ja keskisuurille kasvu-haluisille yrityksille?

 Millaisia käytännön vinkkejä antaisit digitaalista B-to-B –markkinointia kehittävälle yritykselle?

 Mistä etsit/ löydät ajantasaista tietoa digitaalisesta markkinoinnista ja sen kehityk-sestä?

 Mitkä ovat tämän hetken uudet trendit digitaalisessa B-to-B markkinoinnissa?

 Mitä heikkoja signaaleja digitaalisessa markkinoinnissa on havaittavissa?

 Miten digitaalinen markkinointi tulee muuttumaan seuraavan kolmen vuoden si-sään?

 Millaisia vaikutuksia luulet tällä olevan?

 Miten hyödyntäisit tätä?

 Millaisen digitaalisen markkinoinnin ajattelet olevan tehokkainta tulevaisuudessa?

ja miksi?

 Mikä digitaalisessa markkinoinnissa tulee vähenemään/ häviämään tulevaisuu-dessa?