• Ei tuloksia

The outcomes of this study could be used in diverse levels in educational and other in-stitutions. This study offers insight into the leaders’ work and the relationship behavior with subordinates. In view of the outcomes of the study, perhaps it might be good to revisit or focus the research on the leadership role and the policies governing schools, since much was not covered in this study. Sergiovanni (2006, p. 5) contends that “when policies and practices are bases on the managerial mystique, there is a tendency to focus knowledge, attention and skills so narrowly that principals and teachers become incapa-ble of thinking and acting beyond their prescribed roles”. In such cases thinking is dis-sociated from feelings and emotions, thereby creating a gap between the mind and the heart, and between logic and common sense (Zaleznik, 1989, p. 2).

This study also recommends further discussion or strengthening of the key areas such as the decision-making process, teacher participation, support and involvement in the schools since features might have a significant influence on performance. Mulford addresses that it is critical for school organizations to recognize the significance of the connivance of members in the leadership process to enrich change and transformation (2006, p. 7).

In conclusion, this study recommends a closer look into the importance of human connections in schools, especially where teachers seem to be losing interest in sharing

95 ideas and contributing to discussion or staff meetings that might be helpful for the school community. Study calls school principals to develop and sustain a positive rela-tionship with teachers to maximize the potential for student outcome (Walsh 2005, p. 2).

Again, other studies have also revealed that leadership is not a one-man business; it is rather a relationship, multiple engagement and collaborative efforts that promote capaci-ty building, mutual interaction and that also influence mutual respect, trust, confidence that overcomes adversities and leaves a legacy of importance within an organization. It has never happened in any organization for a leader to single-handedly achieve any ex-traordinary performances alone without the support and involvement of others. It in-volves collaborative relationships that lead to collective action. (Levin & Fullan, 2008, pp. 294-295; Kouzes & Posner, 2007, pp. 25, 223.)


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Appendix 1 Letter of acknowledgement

109 Appendix 2 Research permit request

Appendix 3 permission to conduct research in selected JHS in the Sekyere South District

111 Appendix 4 Interview questions

Interview questions for headmasters/teachers Topic: PRINCIPAL-TEACHER RELATIONSHIP

1. How do headmasters/teachers see leadership role?

a) From your experience in the school, how would you describe the kind of leadership exercised in the school?

b) Could you tell me your roles as a headmaster/teacher in the school?

2. What kind of professional relationship exists between headmaster and teach-ers in schools?

a) Having worked with your headmaster/teachers for some time, could you tell me more about your relationship with them?

b) How do you build a good relationship with your headmaster/teachers?

3. How is teacher leadership role deemed?

3. How is teacher leadership role deemed?