• Ei tuloksia

Recommendations for maternity care services

1. In maternity care, the issues related to later childbearing should be included in the content of women’s routine visits to public health nurses, general practitioners (GP) and gynaecologists more systematically, for example, via a pap-screening programme, for which women from 30 years of age upwards are invited.

2. Developing maternity care services further should include developing the care during pregnancy by targeting the visits more towards risk-groups, and by assessing the potential risks systematically in the beginning of pregnancy, which would later determine the need for care.

3. More education on age-related pregnancy risks and complications should be organized, especially for those public health nurses and GPs who work at smaller maternity care clinics with fewer pregnant (AMA) women under their care to ensure that their professional development and skills stay at a sufficient level.


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Advanced maternal age (AMA) is a phenomenon that has increased in Western countries as well as in Finland during the last decades.

AMA has been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and complications. In this study pregnancy outcomes of AMA

women in four different risk groups (preeclampsia, overweight and obesity, smoking and gestational diabetes) were compared to younger women by using register-based data of nearly 700 000 women. The study demonstrated that these four groups of AMA women are distinct high-risk groups, who should be identified early in maternity care clinics.

Reeta Lamminpää Advanced Maternal Age,

Pregnancy and Birth

Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Health Sciences

isbn 978-952-61-1710-2

Publications of the University of Eastern Finland Dissertations in Health Sciences

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| 270 | Reeta Lamminä | Advanced Maternal Age, Pregnancy and Birth

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| 270 | Reeta Lamminä | Advanced Maternal Age, Pregnancy and Birth